
Art typesetting CVs

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Art typesetting CVs

Name: College Students Resume Nationality: Chinese
Current location: Guangzhou National: Han
Exit and Entry: Guangdong Province is: 158 cm ? 55 kg
Marital Status: Single Age: 26 years old
Training Certification: integrity badge:
Job search intention and work experience
Personnel types: ordinary job ?
Position: Design / ad categories: graphic design, layout artists, the Chief Commissioner / Assistant: Clerk / with a single,导购员:
Work Experience: 3 Title: No Title
Job type: Full-time arrived to date: at any time
Monthly requirements: 2000 - 3500 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou
Personal experience: Company Name: Guangzhou Paper Co., Ltd. Cheng record beginning and ending date :2008-06 ~ 2009-07
Company nature: private-owned industries: paper, printing, packaging
Positions: Graphic Design
Job description: answer the phone, with a single, and customer communication, pricing and design of catalogs, pamphlets,手挽袋, packing boxes and so on.
Causes of separation: the development prospects of small
Company Name: Zun-an Auto Club beginning and ending date :2007-08 ~ 2008-05
Company nature: the private sector by sector: finance, insurance
Positions: Phone Sales
Job description: playing to answer the phone, send and receive e-mail, fax, quote, such as a single
Reasons to leave: There are no prospects for development
Company Name: Shenzhen odd beginning and ending years of Ceramic 100 :2006-11 ~ 2007-06
Company nature: the private sector in their respective professions:
Positions: Graphic Design and clerks
Job description: to answer the phone, send and receive e-mail, fax, quote, a single ship to fight, to fight a single audit, the company business cards, catalogs, publicity columns, ceramic exhibition design, brochures, label design and printing
Leaving reasons: students
Educational background
Graduate institutions: Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
Highest level of education: college graduation date: 2007-07-01
Studies by one: the Science Graphic Design II:
By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number
2004-09 2007-07 Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University Computer Graphic Design Certificate
Language ability
Foreign Languages: English well
Mandarin level: the level of ordinary Chinese: General
The ability to work and other expertise
  Have a variety of professional skills, for example: poster design, packaging design, album design, web page design. Planning in the field of advertising, have a solid theoretical basis and practical experience, have a stronger field of practice and analysis.
Detailed personal autobiography
  I am cheerful character of the work of a conscientious and responsible, self-motivated. At school during the school actively participated in various activities, which has won many awards in school athletic meets. Mission has served as branch secretary classes and actively organize extracurricular activities; being sincere, character, cheerful, strong-minded, creative, positive, optimistic, progressive, responsible, self-learning ability, there is a strong team spirit. Individual works: http://xueerroom.blog.sohu.com/
Personal Contact

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