

时间:2024-08-23 10:20:33 志华 道歉信 我要投稿




  英语投诉信 1

Dear Sir or Madam,

  I bought an electronic dictionary from your online store on January 1st,but I found it has some problems after using it for a short period of time.

  To begin with,the battery needs recharging after a mere 2 hours of use.This means that I need to carry my charger with me when I go out for a day.In addition,the buttons on the electronic dictionary are so small that it is nearly impossible to type anything with them.Personally,I find this to be completely unacceptable.

  Therefore,I would like to either change the electronic dictionary for another model that works well or a full refund.Your help is greatly appreciated.

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua

  英语投诉信 2

Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am writing to make a complaint against your bad delivery service.

  I’m afraid that the enclosed CD player doesn’t work.It is the third one I’ve got to return this month.

  Other than the three I’ve had to return recently,I’ve always found your products to be excellent.I would be grateful if you could send a replacement and refund my postage.

  I look forward to your reply and proper resolution of my problem,and will until the end of this week before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau.Please contact me by the address on the envelope or by phone at 6668888.

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua

  英语投诉信 3

Dear Sir/Madm:

  Thanks for your letter, from which we understand the situation. We are so sorry for our imperfect service,hope you could kindly forgive us. We look forward to serving you again.

  with more satisfied service. Again please accept our sincere invitation and we will be waiting for your soon arrival.

  with all our best regards and wishes!

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua

  英语投诉信 4

Dear Sir/Madam

  This is Melissa from Jiangsu. I bought 10 pairs of shoes from your online store on the 29th of April ,they are 99Yuan in all.and I got them on the 1st of May. Five pairs of pink shoes are good. But five pairs of apricot shoes with quality issues.they lose colour and we can not wear them. So I suggest you can improve the production process and change them for us and you should bear the freight.

  Looking forward to your reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua

  英语投诉信 5

Dear manager:

  June 10th, I bought a TV set in your store adn it was broken in a week.I made a phone call to the service centre in your store. They said that they would make contact to the manufacturer of the TV set and they would come and fix it as soon as possible. But a week passed,no one come to fix the TV. Due to the bad service, I want to return the TV and get my money back.

  I hope I can get an answer from you soon.

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua

  英语投诉信 6

Dear Sir/ Madam:

  We fully understand the situation, and we admit its our mistake, please accept our sincere apology to you. Here is the solution… if you disagree please do let us know and we.

  will do our best to find the best solution for you. We thank you for your kind concern and letter with which we can promote ourselves,with which we can approach to the perfect.

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua

  英语投诉信 7

Dear Sir:

  With reference to our order No. W98, the 120 com*r sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday, but we regret that 20 sets were badly damaged.The packages containing the com*r sets appeared to be in good condition and we accepted and signed for them without question. We unpacked the com*r sets with care and can only assume that damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to packing.

  We shall be glad if you will replace all 20 sets as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we have put the damaged com*r sets aside in case you need them to support a claim on your suppliers for compensation.

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua

  英语投诉信 8

Dear Mr. Manager:

  Im writing to complain about the poor quality of shoes in your store. One month ago I bought a pair of shoes from your store. It wears well as I like.However, it was broken in less than a month. It disappointed me much.

  I choose to complain to you because Im sure you will be able to take back the shoes and pay an indemnity.

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua

  英语投诉信 9

Dear Sir or Madam:

  I used to be a faithful customer of your shopping center for the past years and most of the time i enjoy my experiences of shopping here。However,today i wae irritated by one of your salesman。

  Today,i was trying to choose some T—shirts suitable for me,but the first several T—shirts i tried were not my style。Therefore,i ask him if there are more ones that can be recommended by him。Unexpectedly,he was so impatient and said rudely,"How do i know what you like"。I was hurt。

  With this letter,i hope i can draw your attention to the flaws in your sales service,which should be improved immediately。

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua

  英语投诉信 10

Dear mr. russell:

  I just bought the book great expectations from a major foreign website. However, I discovered some problems about this book when I received it. Theres something wrong with the books binding.

  The pages are not in order and its easy to be scattered. I would like for you to change it to a good one and be responsible for it. I also hope that similar situations will not occur again.

  Please reply me as soon as posible.

  Yours sincerely,

  Xiao Hua









