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  布达拉宫英语导游词 篇1

  Hi, everybody! Im the tour guide, my name is ye, and you call me leaf guide. Please follow the order and get on the train. The journey of the potala palace is about to begin.

  (in the car) please be quiet and let me tell you a story about the potala palace before you come into contact with the potala palace. The potala palace stands on the red mountain in the northwest of the Tibetan capital, Lhasa. It is a large palace complex. It was said that songtsen was built to marry princess wencheng, but it was destroyed by the flames of war until the 17th century, and then it became what we see today.

  The beautiful castle built on the mountain is the potala palace. It is a monument in the history of architecture. The palace wall in the potala palace is amazing, and the wall of the wall of the temple is sharp, and the west wall is smooth and soft.

  (entering the potala palace) come and buy a ticket with me. Lets touch the wall. Is it special? In the potala palace, there are white horse grass wall, grass wall and cow dung wall. The walls are filled with iron, and they are the strongest steel guardians of the palace, which can keep the palace intact for 1,300 years.

  Everyone is looking forward to the visit to the Canon. Dont worry, please follow my steps, and take a look at the true shape of the book. The room was left only a building of the 7th century, is said to be the princess wencheng married sontzen gampo marriage room, the room holds the statue of princess wencheng, although only more than a foot high, but the carver is meticulous, beautiful. Canon and bamboo is by far the most ancient house, also because of this, it is especially precious, ok, you carefully appreciate this precious house more than 1300 years ago, remember cant take pictures!

  (30 minutes later) after seeing the oldest house, how about we go to the most precious pagoda? As everyone has already guessed, the place we are going to is the lingta. Where is the lingta precious? The tower is said to be worth as much as 110,000 gold, with more than 150,000 diamonds embedded in the tower. Each tower is worth a million dollars. Potala palace, a total of eight lamas spirit, the tower body with all kinds of preserved their precious medicine method, if you are afraid of so many precious things have the thief to patronize, then I can tell you is unnecessary, because there are a lot of the potala palace guards.

  The potala palace is not only a masterpiece of architectural history, but also a treasure house of knowledge. It is not only a treasure trove of Indian books, but also a collection of gold books, gold seals and jade books of the qing dynasty, which record the collection of human wisdom, each of which is priceless.

  Well, thats the end of the commentary. Heres the free time. Lets go play on your own. In the process of play, we should pay attention to safety, be a civilized little tourist, can not throw rubbish, can not daub graffiti. Meet at the gate at 3:30 p.m.

  布达拉宫英语导游词 篇2

  Hello, tourists! Im your tour guide. My name is CAI yi. You can call me xiao CAI. Today Im going to take you through the world heritage site, the potala palace.

  The potala palace is located in the red mountains in the center of Lhasa in southwest Chinas Tibet autonomous region. The main building includes the White House and the red palace. Let me introduce you to the following.

  The White House is a place of political and religious administration for the lamas. The red palace is located in the central part of the potala palace. The complex, with the red palace as the main body, was completed in 1694, with a total of 6 floors. Now, you can walk into the red palace, the White House, and take a photo as a souvenir.

  Next, Ill take you to the jokhang temple. Standing in the courtyard, we can see the main building of the jokhang temple is the hall of the hall. The main hall is 4 stories high, the building component is han style, the column head and the eaves are typical Tibetan style. Lets walk into the hall. The hall is divided into four tiers. There is a Buddha statue of the Buddha who brought princess wencheng to Tibet. On the second floor, there are statues of songtsung, princess wencheng and princess red. The third floor is a patio, the first roof and skylight. Lets go up to the last level. () it has four gold tops in the middle. The hall inside and outside of the hall is full of painted murals with an area of about 2,600 square meters. You can take a closer look at the murals, the themes of Buddhism, historical relics and stories.

  Dont worry, theres more to it! Come with me, and Ill take you on a tour of roblinka. Maybe youre not familiar with that, so Ill tell you what. Robrinka is located about 2 kilometers west of the Lhasa river. "Lobulinka" means "baby garden" in Tibetan. You must think there are many valuable plants in it. Yes, it is. Norbulingka has more than 100 kinds of plants, not only has the common flowers and trees in the Lhasa area, and there are taken from the Himalayan region south of the flower rare wood, and the rare flower, introduced from abroad a highland botanic garden. Lobulinka is a group of themed buildings with golden chapters, located in the west. Because it was surrounded by the Banks of the river Lhasa, you could sit in the pavilions beside the river and see the scenery. Im sure you cant wait to go sightseeing. Please notice that you cant walk without seeing the sights.

  The potala palace has maintained the original status of the history, known as "the pearl of the roof of the world ", please do not litter the paper scraps to harm, destroy her, wish you a happy swimming, enjoy the fun!

  布达拉宫英语导游词 篇3

  Hello, tourists! Im luo yuchu. Today, we are going to visit the potala palace. I hope you will be happy during the visit. Please pay attention to safety and protect the environment when you play.

  The potala palace is located in the center of the Lhasa cloth on the mountain, because of rock and soil, some moment mountain like red, so the Chinese call it hong shan, it covers an area of 360000 square meters, construction area of 130000 square meters, 119 meters high, a total of 13 layer, the size of the room 2000, 34 big figure of Buddha, the red palace and the White House is an important part of it.

  Visitors, now we have come to the potala palace, we first multinational flat cuo lang the threshold of the gate, you can see the porch of the west side of "the four heavenly Kings (four major Kings) to protect the" giant murals, they respectively are: the east with the heavenly Kings, wearing a white dress, holding a pipa; Southern growth king, dressed in blue, holding a sword; The king of the west, dressed in red, holding a rope; In the north, the king of heaven, dressed in green, holds a pagoda. Each picture is about 6 meters high and 2.5 meters wide. There are two pictures of the goddess on both sides of the inner door. It used to be a bolt from the trunk of a tree, and many people were astonished at it, but now its gone.

  Now we go through the narrow corridor, there is no window, only a few deep hole in the wall, you can see several meters thick wall, the wall is made of stone push system, stone edge, it is worth mentioning in the construction process is very rare in 1300 years ago. Now appears in front of us is from the ground area of 1600 square meters, 60 meters wide square, which is exclusively for lama, the Tibetan opera performance with ornamental TiaoShen, during the festival, TiaoShen is mostly about the content of the dharma of lama legend as well.

  Did you have a good time at the end of the trip? If you are happy, please remember the beautiful scenery here.

  布达拉宫英语导游词 篇4

  Dear tourists!

  Hello everyone! Today, Ill show you around the world famous Potala Palace.My family name is Qi You can just call me Qi tour guide. If you haveanything to tell me during the visit, I will try my best to help you.

  We stood at the foot of the magnificent Potala Palace and looked up. ThePotala Palace, which is more than 110 meters high, was built against themountain. Everyone was very excited and rushed up the steep and smooth stonesteps. First of all, we are welcomed by a wide rectangular platform in front ofthe palace. This platform can be used for rest, and then we enter the palace.There are many murals in the palace. The contents of these murals are rich andcolorful. There are also golden Bodhisattvas in the palace. They have differentpostures and expressions. No two of them are the same. Of course, the mosteye-catching one is the statue of Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty. A waveof respect arises spontaneously. It is that she has built a bridge of friendshipfor the Tibetan and Han people, promoted the Tibetan and Han people to live inharmony, and won the respect and admiration of the Tibetan and Han people.

  After visiting the palace, we went up to the top of Potala Palace to seethe panoramic view of Lhasa City: neat buildings and spacious roads; against thewhite clouds on the top of the mountain, the blue sky becomes more and morepure; the Lhasa River at our feet flows quietly, giving us a general aestheticfeeling.

  Dear tourists, this is the end of todays tour to the Potala Palace. Ibelieve it is a pleasant and unforgettable journey. Welcome to visit thebeautiful Potala Palace again!


  布达拉宫英语导游词 篇5

  hello everyone!

  Welcome to Potala Palace, one of the world cultural heritages. Im the tourguide this time. You can call me Xiaolu tour guide. Please take care of me. Nowlet me give you a brief introduction to the Potala Palace.

  Potala Palace was built in the 7th century AD, during the period ofSongzanganbu of Tubo Dynasty, it was built on the red mountain, initially knownas "red mountain palace". Tourists, there is a reason why Songzanganbu built thePotala Palace. In 640 A.D., Songzanganbu asked for marriage with the TangDynasty. The next year, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty married PrincessWencheng to Songzanganbu. In order to marry Princess Wencheng, Songzanganbubuilt the Potala Palace. In 643 ad, Princess Wencheng arrived in Tibet after along journey of more than two years, and Tubo held a grand ceremony for her.

  Tourists, after introducing the history, lets take a look at thearchitecture of the Potala Palace. The Potala Palace has a total of 13 floors,with a height of 110 meters. It is built at an altitude of more than 3750meters. It is a large-scale palace style complex. The main building of PotalaPalace is composed of white house, Red Palace, bedroom, Buddha Hall, pagodahall, monk house, etc. The White House runs across the two wings. There are manyhalls and corridors. Buddhist paintings are painted on the walls, which aremostly by famous artists. In the middle of the Red Palace, there are thousandsof Buddha statues. The whole complex covers an area of more than 100000 squaremeters, with thousands of houses. The layout is rigorous and well arranged,reflecting the superb skills of Tibetan architectural craftsmen.

  "Tourists, there are more scenes in the Potala Palace, you can enjoy themcarefully.".

  Please dont litter or destroy buildings when you are playing. Please dontmake noise or disturb others when you are enjoying. Please respect religiouscustoms.

  "Have a good time!"

  布达拉宫英语导游词 篇6

  Hello, everyone! My name is Chen. You can call me guide Chen. Today, I willshow you a museum of architectural and Buddhist Art: Potala Palace in Tibet.

  Potala Palace is an ancient architectural complex integrating "Castle" and"Temple". It is built from the south foot of red mountain, edge of the mountain,according to the situation, from the flat to the top of the mountain. The mainbuilding is 13 stories high, up to 113 meters, covering an area of about 120000square meters. Such a magnificent masterpiece was built in the seventh centuryad for Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty, who married in Tibet.

  Now, we are visiting qujiezhupu, one of the oldest buildings in the PotalaPalace. There are statues of Songzanganbu, Princess Wencheng and Princess Jiqiof Nepal. They are sculptures of the Tufan period. There are also a large numberof Buddhist statues, murals, scriptures, antiques and jewelry, which have highacademic and artistic value. It is the most precious religious and culturaltreasure house in Tibet, and has been listed as a key state protection unit andworld cultural heritage list.

  Potala Palace is the essence of Tibetan architectural art. It is a famouspalace complex in China and the world. There are more than 1000 halls, pavilionsand houses, and more than 10000 pillars. There are watchtowers in the southeastand southwest of Potala Palace. Besides the watchtowers, there are also courtprisons inside. It is a complete castle.

  Lets have a rest. After a while, well continue to visit the PotalaPalace. Now well leave ten minutes for you to take photos. In order to respectthe ancient working peoples sweat and wisdom, please dont litter! And payattention to safety, take good care of your belongings, in case of loss!Assemble at the gate in ten minutes.

  布达拉宫英语导游词 篇7

  Here is the beautiful and holy Potala Palace. Let me introduce it toyou.

  Potala Palace was built in the 7th century. It was built by KingSongzanganbu of Tibet for Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynasty who married inTibet. Potala Palace is the highest and largest palace style building complex inthe world, with an altitude of more than 3700 meters and a total area of 360000square meters.

  Murals can be seen in the walls and corridors of every hall in PotalaPalace. The Potala Palace is divided into two parts: the Red Palace and theWhite House. In the center is the Red Palace, which is mainly used forworshiping Buddhas and religious affairs. In the Red Palace, there are pagodasfor the remains of the previous Dalai Lama. Among these pagodas, the pagoda ofthe fifth Dalai Lama is the most spectacular. On both sides is the White House,where the Dalai Lama lives and political activities.

  A large number of murals are painted inside the Potala Palace, forming ahuge Gallery of painting art. Nearly 200 people have participated in the muralpainting, which has taken more than ten years. The themes of the murals includethe history of the development of Buddhism in Tibet, the life of wushida Lama,the process of Princess Wenchengs entering Tibet, the image of ancient TibetanArchitecture and a large number of Buddha statues. King Kong is a precioushistorical seal painting. There are a large number of precious cultural relicsand Buddhist works of art in the Potala Palace. Wushidas pagoda is located inthe pagoda hall. With a height of 14.85 meters, the tower is the highest Pagodain the palace. It is wrapped in gold and inlaid with various kinds of jewels andjades. It costs 110000 taels of gold during construction. Although the otherpagodas are not as tall as the Dalai Lamas, they are also decorated with a lotof gold and jewelry, which can be described as priceless.

  There are a large number of Buddha statues, murals, scriptures, antiquesand jewelry in the palace, which have high academic and artistic value. AsTibets most precious religious and cultural treasure house, it has been listedin the state key cultural relics protection units and the world culturalheritage list.

  The overall structure of Potala Palace is made of stone and wood. The outerwall of the palace is 2-5 meters thick, and the foundation is directly embeddedin the rock. All the walls are built of granite, up to tens of meters high. Ironjuice is poured into the middle of the walls every certain distance forreinforcement, which improves the anti-seismic capacity of the walls and makesthem firm and stable. The roof and window eaves are made of wood, the cornicesare overhanging, the corners are tilted, the copper tiles are gilded, the gildedJingchuang, the vase, the scorpion fish and the golden winged ebony are used,and the ridge decoration is used. The shining roof adopts Xieshan style andzanjian style, which has the architectural style of Han Dynasty. The walls underthe eaves are decorated with gold-plated copper ornaments, and the images areall eight treasures of Buddhism, which have a strong color of Tibetan Buddhism.The columns and beams are covered with colorful paintings and gorgeous carvings.The inner corridor is not crisscrossed, the halls are mixed, and the space istortuous and unpredictable.

  Potala Palace is located in the red mountain. It starts from the southslope of the mountain and winds to the top of the mountain. It is more than 110meters high. All of them are stone and wood structures, wide at the bottom andnarrow at the top, with gold-plated tiles covering the top and rigorousstructure. Looking up from the foot of the mountain, we can see that thebuilding is majestic and majestic. The walls of the palace are made of granite.The White House surrounds the Red Palace in the upper seat. Against the backdropof the blue sky and snow mountains, it looks very magnificent, as if it is theembodiment of holiness and solemnity.

  布达拉宫英语导游词 篇8

  Dear tourists, Im Zhang Kai, the guide of the "love tourism" tour group.Today, Im going to take you into a mysterious palace, the world-famous Buddhisttemple Potala Palace. First of all, let me introduce the Potala Palace to you:the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the highest plateau in the world, so the QinghaiTibet Plateau is called the "roof of the world". The Potala Palace is built inLhasa, Tibet, and its body is pure white, so the Potala Palace is also calledthe "pearl on the roof of the world". From a distance, the Potala Palace isreally like a bright pearl. The Potala Palace is built on the mountain. It has13 floors, 117.19 meters high and 400 meters long from east to west. All of themare made of stone and wood. In addition, the Potala Palace was built forPrincess Wencheng. At that time, the Potala Palace was called "White Palace" byTibetans. Now the Potala Palace is divided into two parts: the White House andthe Red Palace.

  The white house we see is in a concave shape. The Red Palace is between thewhite houses, just like the white house holding the Red Palace. At this time,lets go into the Potala Palace to explore the mystery inside. First of all, wesee various kinds of color murals, some of which reflect myths, some of whichreflect architecture, and some of which reflect religion. In short, there aremany kinds of murals. Below, we see the collection of scriptures, which arewritten in gold, silver and gold and silver lettering. Among them, the mostprecious ancient Indian folio Scripture has a history of more than 5000 years.This kind of Scripture has long been lost in India, and the Potala Palace stillhas more than 100 complete volumes. The following is the pagoda of Dalai Lamafrom the fifth to the thirteenth dynasties. It is not only wrapped in gold andsilver, but also contains various treasures. The most peculiar one is a pearl inthe fifth Dalai Lamas pagoda, which is said to have grown up in the mind of anelephant. In Tibetan, this pagoda is called "zanmu linjianji", which means"worth more than half the world" in Chinese. The Potala Palace also has theimperial edicts, imperial seals, gold volumes, gold seals, jade volumes, jadeseals, gold plaques and gifts of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. After you haveseen these collections, please come out with me and have a look at the RedPalace: Red symbolizing dignity and strength; yellow symbolizing completenessand completeness on the top of Potala Palace; White House: white symbolizingpeace and tranquility. These colors are closely related to religioustraditions.

  The Potala Palace is not only a magnificent building, but also a museumfull of treasures. Our estimation of its value will not be much, and thepilgrimage and worship of the Potala Palace will not be less than a dozen times,because each time we feel different. This tour is over. Thank you. Hello,everyone. My name is Zhou Leyi. You can call me Zhou Daodao. Ill lead you onthis trip, and Ill accompany you all the way. Our destination today is PotalaPalace. We should pay attention to the following points: garbage should not bethrown in the garbage can; valuables should not be taken out to avoid theft;dont Scribble or carve on the wall, wood, stone, etc. Dear passengers, pleasenote that we have come to the foot of Potala Palace. Please follow my steps. Donot fall behind, especially parents with children. Do not let your children runaround. Potala Palace is located on the red mountain of Lhasa, Tibet. Do youknow why it is called Potala Palace? Please listen to me. The original reason isthat Tibetan Buddhists compare it to the holy land of Putuo. In Tibetan,"Potala" means Putuo, so it is called Potala Palace. Potala Palace has a longhistory with magnificent architecture, solid structure and gorgeous shape.Potala Palace was built in the 7th century during the reign of King SongzanGanbu of Tibet. It has a history of 1300 years. There is also a small story: inthe early Tang Dynasty, Songzanganbu wanted to marry Princess Wencheng, theimperial concubine of the Tang Dynasty, so he sent a minister to meet her. TheMinister overcame all the difficulties and finally took Princess Wenchengback.

  Please follow me. Who knows how many floors the Potala Palace has? Sinceyou dont know, lets count: 1, 2, 3 The total area of Potala Palace is about130000 square meters, 110 meters high, from the foot of the mountain to the topof the mountain. It consists of the White House in the East and the Red Palacein the middle. There is a white towering wall in front of the Red Palace, whichis used to hang large tapestries of Buddha statues in Buddhist festivals. ThePotala Palace is solid in structure and gorgeous in shape. You can see that thePotala Palace as a whole is made of stone and wood. The outer wall of the palaceis 2-5 meters thick. The eaves are overhanging, the corners are raised, and thecopper tiles are gilded. Potala Palace is the crystallization of the exchangeand integration of Chinese and Tibetan art. Tourists, todays journey is over.Have a good time!










