

时间:2024-05-15 17:07:28 诗琳 感言 我要投稿




  毕业感言英文 1

  You all are leaving your Alma Mater now. I have no gift to present you all except a piece of advice.

  What I would like to advise is that "Dont give up your study." Most of the courses you have taken are partly for your certificate. You had no choice but to take them.

  From now on, you may study on your own. I would advise you to work hard at some special field when you are still young and vigorous. Your youth will be gone that will never come back to you again. When you are old, and when your energy are getting poorer, you will not be able to as you wish to.

  Even though you have to study in order to make a living, studies will never live up to you. Making a living without studying, you will be shifted out in three or five years. At this time when you hope to make it up, you will say it is too late. Perhaps you will say, "After graduation and going into the society, we will meet with an urgent problem, that is, to make a living. For this we have no time to study. Even though we hope to study, we have no library nor labs, how can we study further?"

  I would like to say that all those who wait to have a library will not study further even though they have one and all these who wait to have a lab will not do experiments even though they have one. When you have a firm resolution and determination to solve a problem, you will naturally economize on food and clothing.

  As for time, I should say its not a problem. You may know that every day he could do only an hour work, not much more than that because Darwin was ill for all his life. You must have read his achievements. Every day you spend an hour in reading 10 useful pages, then you will read more than 3650 pages every year. In 30 years you will have read 110,000 pages.

  My fellow students, reading 110,000 pages will make you a scholar. But it will take you an hour to read three kinds of small-sized newspapers and it will take you an hour and a half to play four rounds of Mahjian pieces. Reading small-sized newspapers or playing Mahjian pieces, or working hard to be a scholar? Its up to you all.

  Henrik Ibsen said, "It is your greatest duty to make yourself out."

  Studying is then as tool as casting. Giving up studying will destroy yourself.

  I have to say goodbye to you all. Your Alma Mater will open her eyes to see what you will be in 10 years. Goodbye!

  毕业感言英文 2

  Hello, everyone.

  I dont know how to express my feeling now. I dont know whether Im happy or sad. Today well be apart. From now on well never study together, never laugh together.

  Ive been in Cambridge Young English School for three years. Ive learned a lot here. I got to know whats English and how to read english. Teacher Li was hard because of us. We didnt listen to him when he began to teach us. And he couldnt do anything else but shout Attention!

  Teacher Li is great. Remember, Teacher Pi said, phonogram is difficult to spell. And he would only ask us to dictionary when he was tied. Instead Te Li could spell it. Its really admirable. I love Teachers reading, nice although not better than .

  How time flys. Im going to graduate. Dense book notes that left me the best gift, which not only gave me the knowledge, but gave me a lot of fun. I would like to thank Mu Shenghui. I admire his notes and his achievements. I am happy to be his deckmate. Wish everyone can pave a perfect road with English. Come on, everybody!

  Thank you! Thats all.

  毕业感言英文 3

  Parents, teachers, and fellow students,This is the day of our graduation. Today marks the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us. We are supposed to feel happy on such a day as this, and we are supposed to be full of hope of the future. We all do feel these things, but we feel much more, too.

  There is a great feeling of sadness today as we realize that this is the last time that we will all be together as members of this school. However, the thing we feel most, I think, is our feeling of thanks.

  We have some idea of what you, our parents, have done for us, and we have some idea of all the efforts that you, our teachers, have made for us.

  No words can express how thankful we are to you on this day. We will always remember this day and we will remember you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

  毕业感言英文 4

  Three years passed in a hurry, and everything was like yesterday. Today, there is no regret in the conversation, because the friendship is not limited by the region; it is not willing to express the sentimentality, although the departure is in front of us; there is no need to describe the dispersion, after all, it is not far away.

  Time is always too short, leaving my attachment, but also carved out our self-confidence and calm. The years are always too long, the mark across my face, the rainbow is setting up your sky; friendship flashed across my sight, and flashed into your expectation.

  Meet again and farewell, and return to the shore. Todays graduation is not only a summing up of yesterday, but also a call for tomorrow. It is not only the end of past happiness, but also the beginning of future happiness.

  Three years ago we met here, we did not think of the difference today, but now, the departure is in front of the eyes, do you also desire time to be locked, so that today is a little slower? We strive to stamp it all in our hearts, and let these be the best memories in our hearts.

  Three years have gone, one thousand days and nights like this to slip away from the fingers, in these three years, we have not only harvested the rich knowledge, but also reaped sincere friendship. Look back in the past, when you are lonely, with you is a friend; in your confusion, to give you confidence is a friend; in your slack, to give you the motivation is still a friend. In the past three years, we have grown up together, facing difficulties together. We are going through the spring, summer, autumn and winter together. In the future, we must never abandon. I believe that graduation will not be the end of our friendship, but a new starting point.

  One sentence is difficult to include three years of life, I want to thank the cultivation of my alma mater, here, there is our laughter and tears, our success and failure, here the grass, a flower and a stone I will remember in heart, please believe, in the future, the mother will be proud of us.

  I would also like to thank all of you who have been with us for three years, without the shadow of your night lights, without our today, without your mothers love, the father like severity, no us today, you have given us confidence, you witness our growth, and you give us hope. Although we are just a group of students you have taught, you are teachers of our life. Please allow me to say "thank you" to you sincerely.

  Recalling the glorious days of the past, seeing that the tide is rising and falling, there is a long way to go for the future. As a new era, after graduation, after graduation, we should work hard and strive to make the brilliant glory of life in failure. In the case of success, we should also be in danger, not indulge in the glory of the moment, and have a positive and enterprising heart. The pace of continuous progress, so that we can grow up in the surging and unpredictable social tide to become a real tide maker.

  Come together do not know how to cherish, leave only to know heavy. Looking at the teachers who are no longer young, they are looking at their childish innocence. I think I really want to graduate. Through three years of study, we have grown from an ignorant teenager into a middle school student full of passion and dream. Thank you, teacher! Thank you for making my life colorful; in the future, wherever I go, no matter where I will be in the future, I will remember your entrustment, with the ideal road, full of faith to chase the morning sun!

  毕业感言英文 5


  Of course, there are things we wish we’d done: our readings, that boy across the hall. We’re out own hardest critics and it’s easy to let ourselves down. Sleeping too late. Procrastinating. Cutting corners. More than once I’ve looked back on my high school self and thought: how did I do that? How did I work so hard?Our private insecurities follow us and will always follow us.


  But the thing is, we’re all like that. Nobody wakes up when they want to. Nobody did all of their readings (except maybe the crazy people who win prizes….).We have these impossibly high standards and we’ll probably never live up to our perfect fantasies of our future selves. But I feel like that’s okay.


  We’re so young.We’re so young. We’re twenty-two years old. We have so much time. There’s this sentiment I sometimes sense, creeping in our collective consciousness as we lie alone after a party, or pack up our books when we give in and go out—that it is somehow too late. The others are somehow ahead. More accomplished, more specialized. More on the path to somehow saving the world, somehow creating or inventing or improving. That it’s too late now to BEGIN a beginning and we must settle for continuance, for commencement.


  We dont have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I could say that’s what I want in life. What I’m grateful and thankful to have found at Yale, and what I’m scared of losing when we wake up tomorrow after Commencement and leave this place.


  It’s not quite love and its’ not quite community; it’s just this feeling that there are people, an abundance of people, who are in this together. Who are on your team. When the check is paid and you stay at the table. When it’s four A.M. and no one goes to bed. That night with the guitar. That night we can’t remember. That time we did, we went, we saw, we laughed, we felt. The hats.


  Yale is full of tiny circles we pull around ourselves. A cappella groups, sports teams, houses, societies, clubs. These tiny groups that make us feel loved and safe and part of something even on our loneliest nights when we stumble home to our computers—partnerless, tired, awake. We don’t have those next year. We won’t live on the same block as all our friends. We won’t have a bunch of group texts.


  This scares me. More than finding the right job or city or spouse, I’m scared of losing this web we’re in. This elusive, indefinable, opposite of loneliness. This feeling I feel right now.


  But let us get one thing straight: the best years of our lives are not behind us. They’re part of us and they are set for repetition as we grow up and move to New York and away from New York and wish we did or didn’t live in New York. I plan on having parties when I’m thirty. I plan on having fun when I’m old. Any notion of THE BEST years comes from clichéd “should have…,” “if I’d…,” “wish I’d…”

  毕业感言英文 6

  I always thought I was a child. But three years of junior high school life is prosaic end.

  Looking back at the alma mater, I had to cry with pain. I have left too much regret over the past three years. How, all is irreparable. After the midterm, I didnt take it. Some people think that I wasted time, wasted years, in fact, the real reason is that I did not make reasonable arrangements.

  I always have too much anxiety before I graduate, and I dont know where to go in the future. My parents have a high demand for me. Anyway, I still have to go to school. If a person is not without a diploma, proficiency in a particular line can make a difference.

  I will never forget the teachers lessons. At that time, it was only now that you have been deeply aware of how much you have paid! Thank you for teaching me a lot of knowledge. I cant appreciate it. I endure tears, I do not know how many of the students can feel the feelings of our feelings. Ive done my best in the midterm. As long as you try, there will be no repentance! If I compare with the children in Sichuan, I am still happy.

  I cant forget those good classmates. Among them, I should say sorry to the Japanese zhai". At the beginning of the second year, we had a paradox, and since then we have not spoken any more. In fact, Zhai hair is also a good person, since we knew each other, now with me for more than ten years. Please forgive me if you can hear it. In the future I will put my this strange temper changed. And the most admirable thing I admire is zhe Zhe. He was usually good, but he worked hard for dozens of days in the vicinity of the exam. He studied hard and made an amazing achievement. Im going and Im going to leave here forever! In the future, you can not see me, that I was young......

  The brothers are all gone, some continue to go to school, and others go to work. In ten years, maybe well meet again. At that time, when the real competition ability.

  I dont know what kind of Ning Wan Ting recently. She had never come to school with her leukemia. We all miss her too. We wish her an early recovery and return to the long lost campus...

  I destroyed all my diary, because there was too much trouble on it. The memory of the debris has been turned into a wisp of smoke......

  After high school, I will continue to pursue my ideal. Its not far away from me.

  Our ending is so flat. Farewell, are light, only themselves, in the senior high school entrance examination after Dianzhe gently empty. It doesnt make any sense in this holiday. I will return to my life and create a miracle that belongs to me. The hot summer is just a pipe dream.

  Junior high school days, only a poem with laughter and tear stains, a poem that can never be finished...

  I hope the alumni and teachers of junior high school learn progress and work smoothly, and wish you all good!

  Article eight: the introduction of junior high school

  The flight of time, Time flies like a shuttle. beautiful and hardships, three years of junior high school life is like the sand funnel passes quietly, more than a day and night the sustenance of our dreams, teachers always stand to give us a lecture, and we would sit in the greedy lessons of teacher knowledge, thank you teachers, I will not disappoint you hope your sweat will not be in vain.

  It was naive and carefree to recall that I had just entered the campus. Now I have become so sentimental, step by step to maturity. In the past three years, the teachers who have been with us are selfless and great. They have worked hard for us, broken hearts for us, and really want to be separated. As the saying goes, "there is no banquet in the world." At all times, it will be different. Three years of acid and sweet and bitter have become the past, and that in the past, will be a kind nostalgia.

  Time flies, a rare encounter acquaintance, that is fate, let us cherish the rest of the more than 30 days, go, in order to realize their ideals, in order to get more knowledge, study hard, achievement dream.

  The friendship between the students is just like a cup of light tea, only to taste, deep in the heart of the perception of its mellow, although only a short period of three years, but after the quarrel and enrich sour, sweet, bitter, hot, happy every day, Tagore said: "my junior high school life in the sky is not resident traces. And you have been over" everything in today will be the time to emerge, in the day by day but dont know to cherish, break up in tears.

  The ancients said: "people have the moon waxes and wanes, grief at separation and joy in Union, all this ancient hard, danyuanrenchangjiu, partings" youth train his whistle crawled into the distance, we still have more than 30 days to stay, we should at all, to sprint!

  Now, three years dribs and drabs are still emerging in my mind. I still remember the teachers criticisms and love for me, the joys and sorrows among their classmates, and those who have been right or wrong have been reluctant to part with each other in the past. A smile is more than a thousand words. My dear teachers and classmates are my memories of my life.

  Our learning road has yet to end point, although full of excitement., a myriad of thoughts, but the day will soon come to front, three years of harvest, the sun drying out.

  Life can be a few times, at this time when not to fight. Lets put down all our thoughts and work hard.

  毕业感言英文 7

  Time flies, the three year of junior high school is about to end. In retrospect, when I first entered school, everything was so strange. Now, everything has changed, become so familiar, so cordial, happy songs and laughter have become the best memories. Now, we should strive for our own ideals. Tomorrows rainbow will be depicted by us, and tomorrows world will be dominated by us. Believe in yourself, as long as we work hard, tomorrows rainbow will be more brilliant, and tomorrows life will be better.

  Three years of junior high school life is coming to an end. I recall that I was so innocent and carefree when I first entered campus. Now I have become so sentimental and worried that I can not get to the ideal school. In these three years, we have been with our teachers, they are so selfless, for our dedication, for us to break heart, think about the difference, still really a little reluctant. But whats the way to do this? As the saying goes, "there is no banquet in the world." Whenever its always different. Three years of ups and downs have already become the past, and those that have passed will become intimate memories. Our hearts will always be together!

  Now we are going to graduate from here and go to the next starting point. No matter where we go, we will not forget the precious friendship of our classmates, we will not forget the teachers earnest instruction, and will not forget the success and setbacks in these three years. In the past three years, we are not only learning, but also savor life. Have you ever remembered the teachers serious look in the classroom and the eyes of the students in the classroom; did you remember whether the sweat of the sports meeting and the hard work of the sports meeting; have you remember the pure smiling face on the podium when you succeed or not, remember, the words encouraged by the teacher in the failure, warm our lost heart, let let us lose heart We regain confidence and continue to be confident and brave. It is because of the teachers teaching and encouragement that we can walk to today, and we can be proud of our class.

  毕业感言英文 8

  Time is like a slippery slide, flies can really fast, a blink of an eye, we will leave the kindergarten, leave our dear teacher, leave the lovely children, leave our happy family, really a bit reluctant. I remember the beginning of a small class, parents and grandparents are holding into the kindergarten, there are many children crying refused to enter the kindergarten, the teacher took the same hand with our mother, with their own selfless love warm us, care We, give us the warmth of home. In this big family we eat together, drink together, play together, learn together.

  In this family, the teacher hard to educate us to develop good habits and study habits, we have to feed from the feeding of the baby into a stick child. We are not only their own things to do, but also know how to care for others, love others, as well as respect and understanding of others. In the kindergarten teacher to teach us a lot of reason, a lot of knowledge. Now we will read their own, will tell the story, will write, will draw, will origami, singing, dancing.

  Now, we grow up, to primary school, as the birds grow up, to fly farther, but we eat together, drink together, play together, learn together.

  In this family, the teacher hard to educate us to develop good habits and study habits, we have to feed from the feeding of the baby into a stick child. We are not only their own things to do, but also know how to care for others, love others, as well as respect and understanding of others. In the kindergarten teacher to teach us a lot of reason, a lot of knowledge. Now we will read their own, will tell the story, will write, will draw, will origami, singing, dancing.

  Now, we grow up, to primary school, as the birds grow up, to fly farther, but no matter how far we go, forget the kindergarten song and laughter, forget the dear children We are your children, is your hands of the kite, no matter how high we fly, fly far, our hearts are always with you! Thank you, the teacher I hope you will always be healthy, happy, beautiful! Please believe that we will learn, with excellent performance to repay the teacher. We will be great.

  毕业感言英文 9

  This years summer, is a special summer, because in this summer, we are going to graduate from mainly in kindergarten, we have to say goodbye to mainly the kindergarten for four years of our lives, warm and lovely family farewell will take care of our lovely teachers four years, friends accompany farewell daily for four years, we, will become the primary school students. I didnt want to say goodbye. I didnt want to leave kindergarten. I didnt want to leave the teachers. Mr. Wu, Mr. Chen, Mr. Jiang, Mr. Yang, director li, Dr. Blue, and other teachers and uncles and aunts from kindergarten, I dont want to leave you. Four years ago, we take mom and dad grandpas grandmother by the hand, with faltering footsteps into the kindergarten, is you, the teachers, especially teacher wu, like my mother take care of us, every day is full of enthusiasm, full of love, full of patience to treat always cry, noisy we. For four years, from small to large, day after day, is in the selfless care of us, you give us more rice, told us to drink water, wiping away tears to us, with our sleep told us stories during my lunch break, teaches us to read, teaches us arithmetic, teaches us to draw, teaches us to dance, teach us to be the truth. I really dont want to leave you, lovely teachers, lovely kindergarten.

  When the bird grows up, it will always fly. When our children grew up, it was time to say goodbye to the kindergarten and teachers who care for us. Here, I would like to say to the teacher: dear teachers, you have worked hard, thank you for all we have done for us, thank you for letting us grow up under your care and care. No matter where we go in the future, we will not forget the happy time in kindergarten, we will not forget the lovely and beautiful teachers, we will not forget these childhood friends. Finally, on behalf of my parents and grandparents, I said to the teachers: thank you. I also represent all the children in the graduating class of the kindergarten, and say to the teachers: thank you.

  毕业感言英文 10

  On our very first day at harvard, a very wise professor quoted aristotle the law is reason free from passion. well, no offense to aristotle but in my three years at harvard, i have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life. it is with passion, courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world.

  Remembering that first impressions are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.

  Congratulations, class of XX, we did it!

  毕业感言英文 11

  precious four-year university life drawing to a close, i feel very necessary to sum up the pros and cons of four-year university, which inherited the good the deficiencies of improvements, and make our own way through the review, and more is to see to the future take.

  academic performance is not very good, but i have in the process of learning a lot of harvest. first, i am a correct attitude towards learning. i admitted to the university, and others would like to relax properly is severely muffled their own liberation, but soon i understand, the university need to seriously study. see around the students trying very hard to learn, i have to dispel their mind, the university began learning journey. second is the great extent to its own self-learning ability. the university is no longer the medium of instruction in high school, like spoon-feeding, but a lot of lessons about knowledge, classroom lectures alone is totally insufficient. this requires the practice in the classroom by classroom to consolidate the knowledge acquired to their own research library, and is often to check some relevant information. cumulatively, self-learning ability has been enhanced. there is to understand the use of learning at the same time focus on independent thinking. to learn only from school is not preoccupied, we must learn how to "approach" method of doing things. the good old saying, as delegate to delegate to fish and fisheries, the purpose of my coming here is to learn how to "fish", but was easier said than done, i for a good many ways, to do anything hard thinking, in the event there do not know where to ask hard. in the study, "independent thinking" as its motto and always keep in mind alert. along with learning progress, i not only learned the basis of academic knowledge of the public and a lot of professional knowledge, i also have a mental qualitative leap in a more rapid control of a new technical knowledge, i think this is very important for the future. in the learning period, i am even more teachers and students to establish a strong friendship. the earnest teachers teach, i appreciate the fun of learning. i close with many students, but also to establish a good relationship between the study, we should help and mutual assistance in overcoming difficulties. i have now a senior, is doing graduate design, a more tempered the hands of self-analysis and ability to benefit.

  personality has been in the pursuit of the sublimation and pay attention to their own behavior. i admire a great charisma, and has always hoped to own can be done. in the university life, i insist that the efforts of the self-reflection and improve their own personality. four years, i have read a number of books and several books of the perfect personality for their help, to the growing awareness of the character of a person is very important bearing on whether a correct outlook on life worldview. therefore, no matter what the circumstances, i have the moral character to the demands of their own. no matter when and where i have the credo of pursuing strict with themselves, and compliance with it effectively. peacetime fraternity students, teachers and attach importance to and helpful. previously only feel that helping others was very happy, is a traditional virtue. now, i understand reason, can be helpful not only casting noble character, but also got a lot of their own interests, to help other people at the same time also help themselves. looking back four years, i am very pleased to be able to have a difficult time students who helped them, relative, i have difficulties in my students also selfless extend a helping hand. for teachers, i have always been very much respected, i am anxious because they help me when guidance. without the help of teachers, i may not know what course to follow. i now realize that, if it is a personal moral character conduct, as it is the individual responsibility of the whole community. a person living in this world, the community must assume certain obligations, a noble character, we can correctly understand their own liability, in their own contribution to the realization of the value.

  毕业感言英文 12

  Each face of separation, I feel helpless.

  To leave their parents, even if the know will be short-lived, soon to meet next time, I still cry, especially the Chinese New Year and they lived a long time after the separation, I will be very sad.


  Time high, a slim boy cute very nice to me the next day the tables will be in my pocket secretly put a lot of very red Fuji apple, I will return to start him, but he insisted on no I add back he came back, and later on into the apple of my mouth, because the total will eat other peoples guilt, and I will bring good to him. Home from school sometimes, he cruising and one other male in the same direction and I go home, I began to cheat is home to a good friend. Until then he told me one day soon he will be leaving the city, he is gone the night before, so that a female student came to my house to about me out, he and I alone for a long time to talk about, I only know that he is circling back to home just to send me, and I stay a while. When he is gone tearful voice singing Jacky Cheungs "Along the way, have you."


  生活中,就是不断有人离开或进入的。于是,看见的看不见了;记住的遗忘了。 生命中,也是不断有得到和失去的。 于是,看不见的'看见了;遗忘的记住了。回忆是没有任何力量的,但是它可以温暖我们的心,就让这三年的一切,剪辑成一部黑白电影,永远保留下来,在落寞的时候供我们回忆、取暖。我很喜欢朋友常说的一句话:“我们都是只有一只翅膀的天使,只有互相拥抱才能飞翔。”

  I think their feelings are more blunt about the family atmosphere of love is very strong, others will not be much concern. When he left, I feel very sad, recalled many things about him. Because my foot hurt New Zealand to participate in the Games, he and a male classmate to see me, say that the boys know how to Qigong, let him help me treated me laugh bad, of course, do not believe him; occasional homework study at home at night, he would suddenly years, very nervous to say: I am sorry, to bother you, but Ill take a few books, spent a few minutes away; sometimes on Saturdays and days reading in the grass, well will see his shadow. Soon he will always remember to leave a few days before, sometimes classes will be a very melancholy eyes look at me, when I look at him, then camouflaged up. Was also occasionally write. I think he is like him, but I never had said that if there is no separation that I am not aware of.

  Today, but also separation, the Office of the colleagues sitting next to me out of a lot of things will become a habit, when such a sudden change in habits will feel very helpless, very sad. He was very capable, there is no official stand, the clarity of doing things. It was heard that he left all of a sudden cry, and I smiled, noisy, the other colleagues did not say no to heart liver. Noon to lie on the table, tears suddenly fell. We are good friends, how can people not sad?

  Parting it hard for me to be pain, and the world is not to leave the feast, huh, huh


  If life cheats you,dont be disappointed and worried.Calmness is needed in melancholy days.Believe that pleasantness is coming.Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over.Past things will be pleasant memories.


  毕业感言英文 13

  I will be graduating from middle school in the coming days. I have a lot of feelings that I want to express. First, I want to thank all the teachers. You have been working hard to teach us. I would also like to thank my classmates. You have been offering great help to me.

  I am so happy today. This will be an end to my middle school life, and soon we will begin the new life in high school. Dear teachers, dear classmates, I will always remember you.

  Thank you all.

  毕业感言英文 14

  Hello, everybody, this is Ellie speaking, I am so happy to be here . Today, I”d like to talk about my general experience during my three university life which is so important for me , cause I have learn so many different friends through the nation and so many various reasons from everyone around me and happened to me as well !

  The more you lean you more you understand

  You will receive a body simply, if you are always living in a small group. So , I advice people around me to walk around when it is possible . To be frank, my study life with the junior and senior middle school was simple and boring, yet , it is true that I had got quite a few normal sense and relevant knowledge from the great sum of books during the six years, and I think I was most happy without any anxious ,too, although the study work load was heavy. However, never mind , that was one of the components of my life, I thanks to it and so glad to experience it !

  Perhaps , this is the very begging part for me to enter into college study, from then on , I would be faced with a new world ! There , I met lots of new things and people and created many special ideas I never thought of before! So , I say , this EllieTan cannot be caught up by that EllieTan three years ago!

  There is never enough time, unless you are serving it. Well, this was quite a different world for me , I had to deal with everything on my own, yet, please take a look at other people , they were so familiar with everything and got rid of trouble easily and quickly. I realized that a new challenge was waiting for me . But in fact, I was glad to be confronted with it . I liked the new environment of this sort, I knew it was time I should grow up from then on.

  On the side of my new life , academic association , student union and different kinds of activities around me everyday , things like that . Furthermore, on the other hand , college library, self-access study room, it is never associated with my life before, even I never thought of it would be one of my important life in the campus. But the truth is quite different in the reality opposite with your illusion. Is that right!

  Yes, I admit that I had "wasted" a lot of time on the relevant activities within the association and student union, and I didn”t know the exciting and foundation of the self-access room , what was more, I even laughed at my dormitory mates frequently visiting there. But this is life that it”s easy to do the things you have thought of incredible ever before. It is me , too!

  But , I”d like to explain that although it wasted most of my private time with various sorts activities in my first year in the college , yet it is valuable you”ll find in the later, this is the thing we call "experience" which you would find profitable in the future.

  When you cease to dream you cease to live.

  How time flies! One year passed, but I never feel empty with my campus life cause I have received the things I” d like to get. Yes, in my plan, that it is the high time I should concentrate on my academic courses seriously!

  And it is the ordinary situation for people that when they experience to some degree, they want to plunge into another stage. I have recognized the interest of my own that I am more outstanding with my English speaking, all the time, I focus on its practice most and spend much more time in the practice of it without consciousness. And I have developed the habit that every day I would woke up at 6 o”clock and practiced one hour oral English by the lake in the campus before going to have classes at 8 o”clock in the morning. Under this point , I have also laughed at by others ,too, but I never feel influenced cause it is my interest in and my habit which have been developed for many years. Therefore , I won”t give up!

  These days , when you interview any jobs , the interviewer must ask you the question without any changes that whether you have got the CET-4 certificate. Don”t feel confused that”s true, cause somebody think you are not able to express between English and Chinese or you are not in position to go on any business involved with English at all without the certificate. General speaking, CET-4 is the base you should take along bascally. But I wonder usually whether it is the truth. However, in my own opinion , I am not for this saying , to some degree! What a pity, however, I cannot change everything.

  So, under this situation, I have to join the group of student who are always paying visits to the library and self-access room. But things are so interesting and special when you contact it. I like studying there from then on . perhaps you will feel alone when you just have to stay in front in the table reading textbooks one by one and the lighting is so dime, but soon you will discover that it is enjoyable to staying in the self-access room the whole night where the room is so spacious and the lighting is good enough, however, another essential factor will be that the other students sitting around you play quite am important role , for they make you have the power to stay up which is the essential motivation on the study road . Yes, that the key point , study in the self-access room , you are able to get a sort of quiet and happy study atmosphere, meanwhile , the normal competition, too, cause you won”t feel sleepy in the sight of hard word from others staying behind you .

  As time goes by, I have developed another habit reading books in the self-access room and getting more relevant knowledge in the library buildings. I don”t know whether it was my progress I have made during the process, but I am sure the success of my CET-4 cannot depart with the time I spent on the self-access room in the library every night, and later , the CET-6, too.

  Perhaps you won”t image that I have made many good friends there as well who are the good student always connected with the library. However, it seems that they are boring keeping the books the whole day, don”t forget, they are ordinary people just like us. When you have a talk with them , you can get a warm welcome, a further communication can be developed. I always think this is a piece of good work , cause what is the significance without communication among people. One thing we should understand , different people have different ideas and experience , then, the more you talk with others the more life knowledge you can get . This world is changing all the time, you are unaware of the matter happen to you in the next second. Just like a normal saying " the road to success is a course of preparing for it " , I agree with it so much!

  This is june in 2006 which is special month for me , on the one hand, for the 2006 German Football World Cup is coming , the whole globalization is crazy for it, and I an a football fan at any rate. Yes, I like football. And on the other hand , for I am going to graduate form my college formally. Three years , no matter happy or unhappy cases, I still insist on it and believe in it that is rewarding. So many incredible things happened to me , all of them are challenging and rewarding! And I would like to praise myself that "Ellie, good job!"

  Finally, I have to express it once more that "thanks to my parents my teachers and my college and the alumna , alumnus know or not , cause all of your support and I have learnt so many form you! Thanks to the college library and self-access room and the campus ,too, for I get so many happiness inside you!"

  Well, thank you for your time listening to me !

  毕业感言英文 15

  Time is always fast, blink of an eye and a semester has passed, large class of children will graduate, and looked at these children, like the original just rose classes, they always feel that they are small, is that the rank After a year of study, the children grow taller and stronger, and they will recognize and write a lot of words, and this group of children also particularly pleasing, always give you a lot of surprise, look at the work of the Not only the word to write the whole work, but also the design of the beautiful lace, painting has also improved a lot, very beautiful painting, but also compilation songs, and catchy it ~ finishing furniture finishing tables and chairs they always busy and serious figure ~ Some children see the teacher sometimes do not eat breakfast, it is determined to give you something, but always with two "you one, a teacher ... ..." This is how precious memories ah.

  But gradually found that they grow up, and gradually found that they have progress, more and more great, suddenly found that they would graduate, not in my side how many days, like a mother, hard raising children, just started loose Tone but found the child will leave the ~ my heart suddenly empty. Suddenly, nothing to do. Do not go to work, do not have classes, no counseling. Children as happy as the birds fly away, and my heart is heavy, thoughts of chaos, I do not know what to think, remember what, but quiet down, let their confusion.

  I presided over the stage of graduation ceremony, forced to hold back the move, but back to the familiar class I was a little choked, but even tears, and I still your heart the most beautiful teacher. Dear parents, thank you for 3 years to give me support and love, you must be happy, safe!

  My children, I hope your luggage can be more years of growth in the collection of some good memories !!

  毕业感言英文 16

  This years summer, is a special summer, because in this summer, we are going to graduate from mainly in kindergarten, we have to say goodbye to mainly the kindergarten for four years of our lives, warm and lovely family farewell will take care of our lovely teachers four years, friends accompany farewell daily for four years, we, will become the primary school students.

  I didnt want to say goodbye. I didnt want to leave kindergarten. I didnt want to leave the teachers. Mr. Wu, Mr. Chen, Mr. Jiang, Mr. Yang, director li, Dr. Blue, and other teachers and uncles and aunts from kindergarten, I dont want to leave you.

  Four years ago, we take mom and dad grandpas grandmother by the hand, with faltering footsteps into the kindergarten, is you, the teachers, especially teacher wu, like my mother take care of us, every day is full of enthusiasm, full of love, full of patience to treat always cry, noisy we. For four years, from small to large, day after day, is in the selfless care of us, you give us more rice, told us to drink water, wiping away tears to us, with our sleep told us stories during my lunch break, teaches us to read, teaches us arithmetic, teaches us to draw, teaches us to dance, teach us to be the truth.

  I really dont want to leave you, lovely teachers, lovely kindergarten.

  When the bird grows up, it will always fly. When our children grew up, it was time to say goodbye to the kindergarten and teachers who care for us.

  Here, I would like to say to the teacher: dear teachers, you have worked hard, thank you for all we have done for us, thank you for letting us grow up under your care and care. No matter where we go in the future, we will not forget the happy time in kindergarten, we will not forget the lovely and beautiful teachers, we will not forget these childhood friends.

  Finally, on behalf of my parents and grandparents, I said to the teachers: thank you. I also represent all the children in the graduating class of the kindergarten, and say to the teachers: thank you.









