

时间:2024-06-08 17:03:08 雪桃 感言 我要投稿




  离职感言英文版 1

  I’ve spent the last two weeks slowly working myself out of a job. Each day I pass more and more responsibilities and knowledge onto other people, making myself less and less necessary. Each day I have a little less to do.

  Working for your own departure is a strange feeling. For someone whose dream has always been to live with a bang, leaving a job with a whisper is a little disconcerting. I have no illusions of grandeur here; it’s not as if the company will fall apart without me. But while part of me owes my co-workers a smooth transition, another part wishes I could leave a bigger hole, just to say I was here.

  Perhaps it’s appropriate that our entire office is being remodeled this month. Tearing down walls, creating space – a near-perfect metaphor.

  Work for Remarkable

  I think: whatever job you have, whoever you work for, whatever it is that you do, you’re either working to make yourself more valuable or working to make yourself replaceable.

  It’s easy to go down the road of replaceability, easy to put in your hours, fit into your assigned role, delegate work haphazardly.

  Making yourself valuable, on the other hand, doesn’t happen without intent. You have to think about it constantly. What can I contribute that no one else does? How can I address the problems that everyone else ignores? By the way, this applies to life outside a job as well. A remarkable, interesting life doesn’t happen by accident.

  For the past two and a half years, I was fortunate enough to work for a company where it was easy to speak up, do more, and get rewarded for it. I’m grateful; not everyone gets so lucky the first time around. But now that I’ve tasted it, I can’t imagine working in any other kind of environment.

  Here’s what I believe: if you have a job where you’re not at all motivated to be exceptional, if you’re doing work you couldn’t care less about, if your boss doesn’t care about inspiring you to be better, it’s time to move on.

  Teach for Mastery

  You don’t know what you know until you pass it on. As I prepare my former right-hand man to take over my position, I realize just how many important lessons about work, management, people, and leadership I’ve learned in the last few years. They weren’t all positive lessons (I’ve spent a lot of time cleaning up after my own mistakes), but I’m a completely different person today as a result.

  Many people shy away from positions of leadership or authority because they believe they don’t know enough to teach. I think it’s only by teaching and sharing that we discover the depth of our own knowledge and ability. Mastery, like everything worth chasing in life, is a journey. You don’t have to become an expert before you can teach; you start teaching and become an expert along the way.

  My Inspiration

  I’m constantly inspired by people who have the courage to chase their dreams. People like my friend Melissa, who left her job to pursue her amazing work. Congratulations, Melissa – and thanks for leading the way.

  Are you chasing something interesting, unconventional, inspiring? I’d love to hear your story.

  离职感言英文版 2

  As I prepare to embark on a new journey, I find myself reflecting on the time spent within these familiar walls, surrounded by colleagues who have become more than just coworkers – they are friends and mentors. Its with a heart full of gratitude that I pen this farewell.

  These past years have been a period of immense growth for me, both professionally and personally. Each challenge was met with support from every corner of this wonderful workplace, fostering in me resilience and determination. The memories weve created together, from brainstorming sessions to celebrating milestones, will forever be etched in my mind as cherished moments.

  I am particularly thankful for the leadership that has not only guided but also inspired me to reach for greater heights. Your trust in my abilities has given me wings to fly, and for that, I am deeply grateful.

  As I bid adieu, I carry with me invaluable lessons learned and friendships forged. While it is bittersweet to leave, I am excited about the adventures that await. May our paths cross again, and until then, I wish everyone continued success and fulfillment in all your endeavors.

  离职感言英文版 3

  Leaving a place that has been a second home and colleagues who have been like family is never easy. Today marks the end of a chapter filled with laughter, learning, and camaraderie, but it also signifies the beginning of a new one brimming with possibilities.

  Looking back, I am overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment mixed with nostalgia. This workplace has been a nurturing ground where I discovered my strengths and honed my skills. Each project, each deadline, and each obstacle overcome has shaped me into the professional I am today.

  To my team, thank you for the laughter, the late-night brainstorming, and the unwavering support. Youve shown me what it means to work hard and play harder. Our shared triumphs and even setbacks have taught me the power of unity and teamwork.

  As I step into the unknown, I do so armed with the confidence gained from our collective experiences. I aspire to make a positive impact wherever life takes me next, carrying forward the values and lessons learned here. Farewell, dear colleagues, and may our futures be bright with opportunities and joy.

  离职感言英文版 4

  It is with mixed emotions that I write this note, signaling the end of an era filled with memorable experiences and personal growth. The decision to move on was not an easy one, but it comes with the anticipation of exploring new horizons and embracing fresh challenges.

  This workplace has been more than just a job; its been a platform for self-discovery and professional development. Ive had the privilege to learn from some of the brightest minds and kindest hearts, each of whom has contributed to shaping my perspective and enriching my career path.

  I want to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this journey memorable – from the daily banter that lightened our workload to the profound conversations that broadened our minds. Your encouragement, patience, and friendship have been invaluable.

  As I embark on this new adventure, I take with me the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and excellence that permeates this organization. My hope is to continue growing, to make a difference, and perhaps, in doing so, make all of you proud.

  Farewell, dear friends and mentors. Lets stay connected and celebrate each others successes in the chapters yet to be written. Heres to the future, filled with endless potential and dreams waiting to come true.

  离职感言英文版 5

  Leaving behind this chapter, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunities that have shaped me. This workplace has been a crucible of growth, where challenges were met with resilience and every success was a testament to our collective efforts.

  To my colleagues turned family, thank you for the laughter that echoed through the halls, the shared struggles that bound us closer, and the victories we celebrated together. Youve taught me the importance of camaraderie and the strength that lies in diversity. Each of you has left an indelible mark on my professional journey, and I carry these lessons and memories with me as I venture forth.

  My heartfelt appreciation goes out to the leadership team for their guidance, trust, and for fostering an environment that encouraged creativity and personal development. Your belief in my capabilities has been instrumental in my growth, and I am deeply thankful for the opportunities granted.

  As I step into the uncharted territories ahead, I do so with a mix of excitement and nostalgia, eager to apply all that Ive learned here. May our paths cross again under brighter skies, and until then, I wish you all continued prosperity and joy in your respective endeavors.

  离职感言英文版 6

  With a heart full of mixed emotions, I pen this note to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible journey weve shared. This workplace has been a sanctuary of learning and personal evolution, a place where dreams were nurtured and aspirations soared.

  To the team that became my second family, thank you for the laughter, the support, and the moments of shared triumphs and tribulations. Your unwavering commitment to excellence and your willingness to go the extra mile have been truly inspiring. Youve shown me what it means to be part of something larger than oneself, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

  I am especially indebted to the mentors who patiently guided me, whose wisdom illuminated my path, and whose faith in me never wavered. Your guidance has been invaluable, and I carry your teachings as a beacon in my future endeavors.

  As I embark on this new chapter, I do so with a heart open to change and eyes set on new horizons. I am excited to see where this journey leads, but I will always cherish the foundation built here. Farewell, dear colleagues, and may our paths cross again, adorned with stories of our continued growth and achievements.

  离职感言英文版 7

  As I prepare to turn the page, I am overwhelmed by a sense of nostalgia for the times spent here, amidst a community that fostered growth, creativity, and friendship. This place has been a crucible of experiences that have honed me, both professionally and personally.

  To the colleagues who transformed into lifelong friends, thank you for the laughter, the late-night brainstorming sessions, and the shared lunches that turned into deep conversations. Youve made this journey unforgettable, and your companionship is a treasure I will always hold dear.

  I am deeply appreciative of the leadership for providing a nurturing environment that encouraged exploration and risk-taking. Your mentorship and trust have been pivotal in shaping my professional trajectory, and I am grateful for every opportunity that came my way.

  As I set sail towards unexplored territories, I take with me the wealth of knowledge, skills, and memories garnered here. Though its time to say goodbye, I look forward to staying connected and celebrating our individual and collective successes in the years to come. Heres to embracing new challenges with open hearts, and to the bright futures that await us all. Farewell, and may our paths be filled with light and adventure.

  离职感言英文版 8

  As I stand on the precipice of a new adventure, I cant help but look back at the formative years spent within these walls, among colleagues who have become an extension of my own family. This journey has been a tapestry woven with threads of challenges, laughter, and growth, each strand representing a valuable lesson learned.

  To my fellow comrades in this workspace, thank you for the camaraderie that has colored my days and the support that held me during trying times. Your unwavering commitment to excellence has inspired me to strive for nothing less, and in the process, I found not just colleagues but true friends.

  The management, your leadership has been a beacon, guiding me through rough seas and encouraging me to chart my own course. Your trust in my abilities has emboldened me to push boundaries and explore territories previously uncharted. For that, I am eternally grateful.

  As I depart, I carry with me a heart filled with cherished memories and a mind equipped with the invaluable lessons this place has taught me. Though it is with a tinge of sadness that I say farewell, I am also filled with excitement for the prospects that lie ahead. May our paths cross again, and until then, I wish you all continued growth and boundless success.

  离职感言英文版 9

  Today marks the conclusion of a chapter that has been instrumental in my personal and professional transformation. Reflecting on my tenure here, I am struck by the profound impact this workplace and its people have had on my journey.

  To my team, thank you for creating an environment that fostered creativity, collaboration, and a sense of belonging. You have shown me the power of unity and the magic that happens when diverse minds converge. Each of you has left an indelible mark, and I am honored to have shared this journey with such talented individuals.

  I owe a special debt of gratitude to the mentors who patiently shared their wisdom, pushing me beyond my comfort zone to achieve heights I once thought unattainable. Your guidance has been instrumental in shaping the professional I am today.

  Departing fills me with a mix of sadness and anticipation. Sadness for leaving behind a place that has become a second home, yet anticipation for the unexplored roads ahead. I carry forward the lessons learned here as I embark on new adventures, confident that they will serve me well. Farewell, dear friends and colleagues, and may our paths continue to intertwine in the tapestry of life.

  离职感言英文版 10

  Writing this farewell, I am confronted with a wave of emotions – a cocktail of nostalgia, gratitude, and anticipation. This workplace has been more than just a job; it has been a breeding ground for dreams, friendships, and personal evolution.

  To the colleagues who have become family, thank you for making the mundane extraordinary and the challenging bearable. Your laughter, your support, and your unwavering spirit have been the pillars that sustained me through thick and thin. You have shown me the beauty of teamwork and the strength in unity.

  I am deeply grateful to the leadership for providing an ecosystem that nurtures growth, encourages innovation, and respects individuality. Your mentorship has illuminated my path, instilling in me a confidence that I will carry throughout my career.

  As I prepare to turn the page, I do so with a heart full of memories and a mind teeming with aspirations. Leaving is bittersweet, but the experiences gained and the friendships forged give me the courage to pursue new horizons. May our paths continue to intersect, and may we all flourish in our respective journeys. Farewell, not goodbye – for the bonds weve formed transcend physical spaces.









