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  电影观后感英语带翻译 1

  Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story is one of my most favorite movie, telling the motivational story of a Harvard girl Liz Murray. Liz has a tragic childhood. Her parents took drugs and she began to beg at her eight. When she was fifteen years old, her mother died of AIDS and her father entered the shelter. However, she was not degenerate but, when she was seventeen, she finished four years of high school courses in two years and got the 1996 The New York Times first-class scholarship, admitted to Harvard.

  This film is a wake-up call, expressing a poor suffering girl who changes her life with perseverance, faith and strong willpower, showing the theme that once you work hard, you can achieve. I am deeply moved by this film and the story of Liz. I think I can feel her weakness when she was in trouble and hardness, but all she does proves that she would never be struck down by the reality. She always owns the faith that she can change her life by herself. I think it’s a faith that we should have, too.




  电影观后感英语带翻译 2

  Winter vacation, I saw a very moving American electricity a film "Wind and rain Harvard Road". The protagonist of this video is named Lise. He has a mother a mother a concentration of schizophrenia, her father is not much better than her mother a mother, in order to take care of her father a mother a mother, Lis can only go to school the last week of each semester to repeat a study and exams. To make matters worse, Dad went to a shelter because he couldnt manage Lise, and Mom and Mom got AIDS, so Mom and Mom and Lise had to live with an old man, and the old man didnt like Lise, and he kicked Lise out, and Lise had to go to a lot of things, and she met her best friend Chris, They begged on the street, slept on the subway, picked up food —— In the process of the flow, her mother died, the only thing Lis could do was to go to school, came to Boston, Lis had a desire for Harvard University, so she studied harder and studied more, and was admitted to Harvard University. Lise, a strong girl, when she got into Harvard University for free, when the reporter asked her how to do it, Lise said, "Why cant I do it? My parents taught me what is possible." The reporter also asked, "What do you think about sleeping in the subway and eating discarded food?" "Its always been a part of my life," Lise says. "I feel like Im forced to move forward, I have to move forward, theres no going back." Watching this touching film, I felt as if I was in it, and sometimes I could not help but cry. After watching this film, I understand a truth, no matter how bad the environment you are in, as long as you have the determination and desire to change, when the determination and desire become extremely firm, no matter how much wind and rain, can not give up, nothing can stop the pace of your success.

  寒假里,我看了一部很感人的美国电影《风雨哈佛路》。 这部电影的主人公叫丽丝。他妈妈得了精神分裂症,她爸爸也比她妈妈好不了多少,为了照顾爸爸妈妈,丽丝只能每个学期的最后一周去学校复一习一和考试。更糟糕的是,爸爸因为管不好丽丝住进了收容所,妈妈又得了艾滋病,妈妈和丽丝只能寄住在一个老爷爷家里,那个老爷爷因为不喜欢丽丝,把丽丝赶了出去,丽丝只好去流一浪一,流一浪一中她遇到了他最好的朋友克里斯,她们在街边乞讨、睡地铁、捡吃的——在流一浪一的过程中,她妈妈去世了,丽丝唯一能做的只有上学,来到波士顿后,丽丝对哈佛大学有了渴望,于是她更加努力地学习一,作中考上了哈佛大学。 丽丝,一个坚强的女孩子,当她免费进入哈佛大学的时候,当记者问他怎么做到的时候,丽丝说了一句,“我怎么做不到呢?父母教会了我可能。”记者还问,“在地铁里睡觉,吃被丢弃的食物,你怎么看待?”丽丝却说:“那总是我生活的一部分,我觉着我被迫向前,必须要向前,没有能后退的.路。”看着这部感人的电影,我仿佛一置身其中,有时还不禁潸然泪下。看完这部电影,我明白了一个道理,不管你所处的环境多么恶劣,只要你有改变的决心和欲望,当决心和欲望变得特别坚定时,不管有多少风雨,都不能放弃,就没有什么可以阻挡你成功的步伐。

  电影观后感英语带翻译 3

  Harvard, a perfect sacred name, before the past, I also dream of being able to go there to study, I said to Fu Yu: "After we have money, we must go to Harvard, although we cant read there." Look good, round their dream! I think of a diary I wrote in junior high school, my dream is to read in the Weiming Lake of Peking University, see the sunset in the shadow of the trees falling under the aperture, remember when a boy secretly read my diary, and then laughed and said: "You still want to go to Peking University, dream it." Ha ha, at this moment, I am indeed dreaming, in Qinghai Normal University, I have been unable to realize their dreams, in fact, but it is to find excuses for themselves. A person in a comfortable environment, can never truly realize their potential, the girl, she said: "I can only move forward, because there is no choice!" Yes, because I am satisfied with the status quo, so, after all, but is an unknown small person among all living beings, the previous lofty aspirations, have no idea where, can only ask yourself, there is no answer, because I have been unable to convince myself to work hard, so be it, but there are too many in my heart, I am doomed to rely on their own efforts to live out my life, No one can do anything for me, only myself! What all understand, think of such a appearance of their own, is they want to ask themselves, ha ha, Xiao Yi, you really hopeless. Peking University, Tsinghua University, Nankai University, Zhejiang University, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford... These world-class schools, this life, I have no chance with you, but for the future, I still have to work hard, right that girl, confident into the Harvard campus, in the lecture hall carefully. How nice!!





  电影观后感英语带翻译 4

  I have to write two lines of text quickly, or Im sorry my eyes are trying to watch this movie. After reading it, I was lost in thought for a long time. My first thought at this moment is to recommend this film to young people today, including my son. I firmly believe that such films will have a great impact on the growth of young people and may even change their lives. The title of this film is very good - "Rain Harvard Road". The film truly and incisively shows the heroines hard life struggle course. Finally, through her diligence, persistence and persistence, she realized her life dream and completely changed her fate. Her fate is indeed a sad one. When she was very young, her mother became addicted to alcohol and drugs and contracted AIDS. Her mother sold all the family property to buy drugs and alcohol and died early. Her father was angry, often committed domestic violence, and did not care about her study and life, after which her father was taken in by a shelter. She lived on the streets, scavenged other peoples leftovers, and suffered the hardships of life too early. Even in such a harsh environment, she still loves her parents and lives a positive and optimistic life. She was busy working around, while washing dishes, she did not forget to hang the words and grammar on the wall, washing while learning. She completed four years of high school in two years and graduated at the top of her class. Her dedication and hard work moved the judges of the New York Daily News, who gave her a full scholarship, so that she could successfully enter Harvard University for further study, and her fate was completely changed. If she did not have this persistence and persistence, maybe she would be like many street children, reduced to a beggar or become a person like her mother. "Wind and Rain Harvard Road" is really a very inspirational film, she spreads positive energy, she inspires people








  电影观后感英语带翻译 5

  I often think about one thing, that is, whether I am worthy of the suffering I have gone through. —— Fyodor Dostoevsky. That day the wind and rain Harvard Road saw again, and was shocked again. When we look at art, sometimes we often look in the mirror and find our own shadow, or our own point of view. What we seek is a resonance to reinforce our beliefs. Look at the wind and rain good Buddha road, a little ashamed, is their life too comfortable, did not experience such suffering. At the same time, I asked myself, what would I do if I was thrown into that environment? The answer is, I would probably do anything to change my own fate. But precisely because there is no such environment, I dont push myself so hard. So suffering is sometimes the motivation for growth. In the movie, the heroine is young, her parents are on drugs, and then they both get AIDS. What about her? Shes wandering around unattended. Then she decided to change her life and find a way to study. She worked very, very hard, and finally won a scholarship from the New York Times and went to Harvard. There is no denying that the heroine is really smart and has a talent for learning. But there are many talented people around us, but not everyone is kind to their talents. Too many people waste their talents. I used to share my motivation to learn with colleagues. The first is willing to force, dream; The second is suffering, suffering; The third is interest, curiosity. I said love can make people grow, hate can make people grow. We hate our environment and desperately want to change it. Thats the motivation. Wanting to make bad things better is what drives you.






  电影观后感英语带翻译 6

  At noon, I watched a movie about education. It tells the story of a girl who changes her life through education in very difficult circumstances. The most impressive thing about this film is change, whether it is the environment that changes the girls childhood, or Harvard that changes the girls present, or education that changes life, the whole film is about change, because the only constant thing in the world is that everything is changing. We should be grateful for the life we have now, because we dont have drug-addicted parents, we dont have to go hungry every day, and we dont have to live a nomadic life at the age of 15. However, one thing we are similar is that we will face many choices on the road of life. But some people choose to retreat, but some people choose to rush to success. "I have no way out, so I can only keep trying to move forward, why cant I do it?" Living in every corner, we always give ourselves too much retreat, we are always afraid of a contingency. However, it is these setbacks that let us forget to go all out to advance, forget to never yield to the effort. Moreover, we get too much comfort after failure, it seems that because of kind. It is natural that we should fail for these reasons. We all forget to ask ourselves "why cant I do it?" Obviously, the heroine in the movie has no way out, so she pushes herself into a corner. Maybe when we really know how to give up all forward, when we really know how to push ourselves, maybe the opportunity will appear in the next second. A persons life fate is divided into congenital and acquired, congenital can only give us to grow up to create a good environment, but the real happiness is acquired by our own efforts!



  电影观后感英语带翻译 7

  This afternoon, we spent two classes watching a movie, the movie is called "Wind and Rain Harvard Road", the movie tells the story of a girl from a poor family with strong willpower to learn, in fact, in two years to complete the four years of high school courses, because many people have experienced this kind of thing, from a poor area to a top university in China. This is also what we learn from planting. Just like at the beginning of the film, the little girls fate is already in our hearts. It seems that both her father and mother took drugs, and her mother wanted to buy drugs, while her sister quarreled with her mother in order to protect the familys only living expenses. Finally, her mother got the money, but Lisa still loved her father and mother deeply and the poor family. After that, because her mother took too much drugs, leading to schizophrenia, and was taken away by the police, Lisa was devastated, and the family was calm for more than two months. Lisa missed school many times because of family problems, and was taken by the police to an empty group home, where she spent five years. It shows that she has great mental strength. The girl out of the group home, to the grandfathers home, she saw her mother, mother in the later period of life, give her last motherly love, she also went to the new school, she realized that many friends, classmates to his home to play, see the mother drunk home, have left, later learned that her friends homeless, eventually two people ran away from home. Later, she completed four years of high school in two years. Just like Abing has an indomitable essence, climbing the peak step by step. We should learn from him.







  电影观后感英语带翻译 8

  Today, the teacher showed us the movie "Rain Harvard Road". Liz, the protagonist of the film, was born in a family that was not happy or even very bad, and she suffered everything when she was young. It was all because her parents had been using drugs for a long time and her mother was suffering from schizophrenia. Poor Liz wandered around the corners of the city and tasted all the hardships of life. Compared with our current children, the economic conditions of many students families are very good, and their families are also very happy, why cant we cherish it? Many of our classmates are little emperors (little princesses) at home, who has experienced such a life as Liz? At that time, Liz lived a very poor life, and the clothes she wore were not washed or changed until they were worn or rotten. As a result, Lizs body gave off a bad smell. However, although her life is very poor, but she is very clever. Exam results are often at the top. Slowly, Liz changed from a girl who didnt like school to a girl who did. After that, he tried every means to apply for a full scholarship to Harvard, and even borrowed a decent suit from others during the interview. Everyone of our children can go to school now, there is no special child like Liz, why cant we study well? In the end, the hard work paid off, and Liz completed the four-year course in just two years. Incredibly, she scored the highest of the 150 students with a 95 grade point average. Liz was named the recipient of the 6th New York Scholarship. She said: "Everything has changed and my life will never be the same again." After watching this movie, I understand that everyone has their own opportunity, those who seize the opportunity will not necessarily succeed, and successful people must be those who seize the opportunity.







  电影观后感英语带翻译 9

  Every time I hear the name of the movie "Rain Harvard Road", I cant help thinking of the story of that girl. The girl was called Elizabeth, which was a very good name, but because her mother called her Elizabeth when she was angry, she had an alias, Liz. Her family was very bad. Mother was a drug addict, father an alcoholic, and she had an older sister. Her family of four lived in a dirty, untidy little house. She was not defeated by the difficult circumstances of her life. She was very clever, but because of her hard life, she could not go to school. She had to fight her way into school on her own. In a speech, Liz won a valuable place in Harvard University and won a scholarship. At the same time, she was also recognized by many teachers and journalists, which gave her great encouragement. She studies hard and earns money by herself. I believe her life will be better in the future! You know, there are people like Liz in our lives. The children of some poor families are all our role models! They listen carefully in class, finish their homework carefully, and help their parents with housework at home. For parents, in order to have better development in the future, study hard, we should learn from them. But some children of wealthy families only know to eat, drink and play, and only regret it when they grow up. After watching this movie, I feel that I still have many shortcomings to correct. I want to learn from those excellent students, even if my family is poor, I will study hard and not waste a single opportunity to learn. I hope everyone can be like Liz, even if there is more wind and rain on the road of learning, we must be brave to face it and make ourselves more excellent!






  电影观后感英语带翻译 10

  Recently, I saw the film "Wind and Rain Harvard Road", after watching I felt a lot, the heart can not calm for a long time. The film mainly tells the story of a little girl, Liz, who lives in an unfortunate family, whose parents drink alcohol and take drugs. She has experienced an unimaginable growth path and finally realized her dream after experiencing numerous ups and downs and was admitted to Harvard University. In Liz, I saw her selfless love for her parents. No matter in the beginning of the film, Liz has no regrets and is even willing to skip school to take care of her mother who is addicted to drugs and alcohol and has schizophrenia, or in the end, Liz says to the audience reporter that she is willing to exchange her scholarship and the opportunity to study in Harvard for her complete family, all of them reflect that what she craved most is her parents love, as she says: "I loved my mother so much, and though she did some things, I never forgot that she loved me." There is a saying called "filial piety first", we should always honor our parents no matter what, they brought us to this world, we will always love them. But this love is great, but it is also a heavy yoke, locking her desire to read good books and change her fate, but to Liz to take care of her mother and give up the wish of Massachusetts to soar as a phoenix. This can not help but provoke deep thought, love is both sacred and bound, how should we treat this love? Apparently Liz chose to keep it. In Liz, I also saw the spirit of unbounded pursuit of goals. Human destiny can be changed, as long as we have action, optimism in the face of reality, setbacks will surely raise a white flag for us. Where there is a will, there is a way, dont complain about misfortune, try your best to change it, and use your optimism and courage to move forward in exchange for success. Did Liz rise from the slums of New York to become the toast of Harvard by standing still? No, its not! Now the misfortune will be the biggest experience for us, never give up, our dream is in front!




  电影观后感英语带翻译 11

  "I have no way back, I can only keep trying to move forward, why cant I do it?" This is the most impressive sentence in the movie "Rain Harvard Road". His parents were drug addicts and began begging at the age of 8. At 15, his mother died of AIDS and his father went to an asylum. Who could have believed that a child growing up in such a state would have any connection with Harvard? But Lizzie, the protagonist of the film, did it through her indomitable will and faith and her boundless thirst for knowledge. Look at Lizs bumpy upbringing, and now look at our learning environment, spacious and bright classrooms, computers, projectors are fully equipped. But we do not know the blessing in the blessing, complaining all day long that learning is too hard and too tired. We should know that "learning is like sailing against the current, if you do not advance, you will fall back." Most of the time, it is because we have left ourselves too much retreat, will not be willing to go all out to rush forward, will forget the meaning of perseverance. And often, after a failure, we find more excuses for ourselves and take it for granted. But the protagonist Lizzie does not, she can only choose to move forward. So it is only when we have cut off all our options that we can move forward without hesitation and without fear. And often at this time, opportunities and success will appear in front of you. Our fate is divided into nature and nurture, nature can only give us a good growth environment, and the real happiness is to rely on the day after tomorrow to create our own. So, let us cut off our retreat, abandon all excuses, and bring our courage and perseverance to our dreams. Because "a boat sailing against the current will fall back if it does not advance."














