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  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇1

  First, this movie----- "millions of pounds" is a story of American Henry Adams, because of an accident he became penniless, be on the beach. But because of accidental opportunity, he got a cheque for£ 1000000 from a pair of millionaire brothers. When the hero got the check, the attitude of the people around him and his life has changed, people believe a man who has a value of 1 million check people like a God. And when people began to doubt whether the check real time, ladies and gentlemen who will have to draw the line with him, at last, a month is over, everything is attributed to calm. When vanity and power fades away, do not rest,Henry Adams got a true love which not for fame and money,that is so touching.

  Briefly, Im shocked by the craze for money and worship, people in the movie can believe a stranger without being told, only because he has a value of millions of check. I Cant help to ask, money really so important? My answer is negative, even though the importance of money can not be denied, but happiness, health, love, family is more important in my heart. I think we should not yield to money , fawn upon the rich and powerful persons, nor will the money as a universal and bound themselves, we should know how to choose, give and take, and their love of the people through their love life, even imple but happy, isnt it? Finally, as the film, Henry put down everything, but he got the harvest of love, live a simple and happy life.

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇2

  After reading the novel million pounds by American writer Mark Twain, I think it has written a rule of capitalist society: money is supreme.

  For example, the book says that two rich brothers bet a million pound check on "I" to see if "I" can live on the million pound check for 30 days without being put in jail. This is a bet on my life, freedom and dignity. I think it is wrong to do so.

  For example, the book says that in the era of "I" life, even now, the capitalist world will always be a world where money is supreme and everything is measured by money. When I had no money, I was just an idle person, but after being rich, I was ranked as the Duke first. Because "I" always wore that rag, I was often ignored by others. When "I" took out the million pound check, they would immediately be elated and treat "I" as if they were a king. I think this view is wrong.

  For another example, the book says that many restaurant and shop owners worship the owner of money blindly. When I go to eat or go shopping, the boss will voluntarily credit all the things in the store with the money to "me", and even don't care whether "I" can pay or not. I don't think it's right.

  For example, the book says, "I" went to buy clothes. Todd, the service staff, thought he had no money, so he took the worst suit from a pile of clothes that others refused to ask for and gave it to "me". When "I" handed in a million pound check, Todd and the boss quickly took out a suit of Royal Duke's clothes, and did not collect money from "me". I don't think it's right.

  In addition, I think, in our life, there are often people who compare with money, for example, students who have more pocket money, whose mobile phone is more advanced, whose schoolbag is more expensive and good-looking, whose game console functions are more than others, and whose price is expensive and so on.

  I think that we should be more willing to help others, who read more books, who has more knowledge.

  Let's treat people with sincerity and be a person who doesn't take money as the standard!

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇3

  The guy put on a very mean face and said, "ah, really? Well, of course, I didn't expect you to have any change. I think a rich man like you will only bring big bills. " This made me angry, so I said, "my friend, don't judge a stranger by his clothes and hats alone. I can afford this suit, but I don't want to embarrass you. I'm afraid you can't change a big bill

  This is the highlight of the million pounds. At that time, the shop assistant scorned and ridiculed the tramp Adams, and then saw the surprise expression of a million pounds, which was described by the author. I was deeply attracted by the humorous story.

  This book is the classic of Mark Twain of America. The book tells about a clerk of a mining agent who lost his way in sailing a yacht too far away. He was rescued by a double masted sailing ship bound for London, and used it as a sailor to pay for his journey. After arriving in London, he was still penniless. At this time, an old gentleman, calling him and giving him a letter, told him to leave (liuxuue86. Com). He came to a small restaurant and opened the letter. He was almost stunned by the contents of the letter! There was a one million pound note in it! So, overnight, he became a household name. In London, everyone knew him. At a dinner party, he fell in love with an English girl named Portia longham and married her. After that, he knew that the old gentleman who gave him money was her adoptive father. At his wedding ceremony with Portia, the old gentleman gave him the one million pound note as a gift, and he also found a good job.

  This book satirizes some people who can't resist the temptation of money. They think that money is omnipotent. In reality, I think money is absolutely not omnipotent. The theory of money omnipotence is very wrong. Money can buy a bed, but not sleep; money can buy food, but not taste; money can buy books, but not knowledge Money can really satisfy people's vanity, but these are all false, and the most real thing is people's magnanimous life. Like Adams, he lost his money, but he still lives an optimistic life. What we need to do is to treat our life with a calm heart. We should strive for our own life by ourselves. There is no free lunch in the world, only the hardworking people will have harvest. Even if you're rich, it's not sure you'll get everything you want.

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇4

  During the holiday, I read Mark Twain's short story million pounds. The article satirized the idea that "money is everything" and "money is omnipotent", exposing the ugly face of capitalist society.

  "Million pounds" is about a poor, honest man, that is, the protagonist of the story received a letter from a pair of brothers, which gave him a million pounds. It turned out that the two brothers made a bet on what would happen if a poor and honest man received a million pounds from the sky? He thought he would starve to death, because he could not prove that the money was his own, and would be suspected by others. Even the bank would not let him save money. The younger brother thought he would be fine, so the two brothers lent the poor man a check for one million pounds and stayed abroad for 30 days.

  People tried their best to win over this rare rich man who suddenly became rich. From free meals, clothes and accommodation, they flattered him like a beggar and kept improving his social status until he was on the top of the highest Duke outside the king's room. Not only that, he also got a good wife and bank interest of 30000 pounds, and finally from his two brothers A good job. Living a very, very happy life.

  Seeing this, I envy this "lucky" hero, but at the same time, I think: the reason why people please him is that people value money too much?

  The language of the article is very humorous. When the author narrates, he does not forget to be humorous, so that the readers can read it carefully and appreciate it slowly. Especially when people who flatter the rich see a million pound check, it can be described as "lifelike", which makes people laugh.

  This book makes me feel that money worship is shameful, and nothing should be done for nothing, because there are many things in the world that money can't measure, and there are many things more important than money in the world

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇5

  A tramp who drifts from London to England lives on a sacrosanct million pound bill for a month. That month is like a prison: Although he is given wealth, his fear still lingers. It's a kind of unspeakable unpleasant taste - surprise, joy, or constantly hovering on the edge? Perhaps, everyone will have such a thrilling fun.

  I especially like this section, because it sets off scenes of the past and makes people reverie. No, needless to say, I stood still and fixed my greedy eyes on the muddy treasure. My mouth was salivating, my stomach was hungry for it, and all my life was begging for it. But every time I move my hand and want to take it, passers-by always see my intention. Of course, I have to straighten up again and look as if nothing had happened.

  In this passage, I must admit that he is indeed an honest and intelligent man. His eyes and movements are described in detail. Even a delicious pear thrown into the ditch shows hunger and arrogance, which is really unpredictable. Sometimes, I am worried about his fate. What is the author's intention?

  I think it's all about it. Besides, it can't be measured by money. Money is also absolutely impossible, it can't change a heart; it can't buy a person's thought; more can't take away friendship, a person is confused by money interests, and finally has nothing.

  Speaking of this, my family has a naughty boy holding coins all day long - brother. He really loves money like a life. If you reason with him, you will suffer. He would like to pit you at any time and anywhere. This is not, he has a ghost idea again, what wipe stool one yuan, sweep floor two yuan etc. This is nothing. If he lost his money, he would cry and hang himself, which would disturb the whole family.

  Well, to get to the point, I think people at that time were really shaken by money. Money stabbed people's mind like a poisonous needle. It was just like the tramps in the book, whether they were surprised, happy, or constantly hovering on the edge.

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇6

  Today, I read a million pounds, almost finished with a smile. Mark Twain's writing is very humorous, and uses exaggeration to describe the hero's "killing the snobbish eye with a million dollar bill" again and again. In his cartoon style, he depicts the various ugliness of different characters in front of "million pounds", which is humorous, funny and full of interest. It is just like a caricature of the world, which vividly shows what the common people see and hear, which makes people laugh.

  "Million pounds" describes an American living in London, Henry Adam, lost for some reason, was rescued by a ship, and then came to London with the ship. He was penniless and lonely. His two rich brothers lent him a check for a million pounds and made a bet on his survival if he didn't cash the check for one million pounds in 30 days.

  He went to the restaurant to eat first, and the boss was very mean to him first, and then, when he "carefully said," please change. " The boss returned to normal and repeatedly apologized that he couldn't find the big ticket. No matter what I said, he didn't take it. He wanted to see it. He looked at the big ticket. It seemed that he could not satisfy his eyes, but he was afraid to touch it. It was as if ordinary people would lose their life when they took the immortal spirit on the ticket. I said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I have to do something about it. Change, please. I have no other tickets with me

  He said that it doesn't matter. I'll talk about it later. I said, I won't be here again for a while; but he said it doesn't matter, he can wait, and besides, I can come whenever I want, and I can settle the account whenever I want. " I can't help but laugh at this, and I can't help but despise the shopkeeper in the eyes of power.

  After that, Henry went to the clothing store to buy clothes, but he was often blinded. When he took out a million dollar bill, he took it with a smile. It was the ubiquitous smile, with wrinkles and folds in it. It was like throwing a brick into a pool of water; But at a glance at the banknote, his smile froze and his face changed, like the undulating, insect like solidified lava you see on the ledges of Mount Vesuvius. I've never seen anyone's smiling face freeze into such an awkward situation. " At this time, the shopkeeper came with a flattering smile. "Sir, please take off these things and throw them into the fire. Please look forward to wearing this shirt and this suit; it's appropriate, too appropriate - simple, elegant, solemn, it's completely noble Look, here! It's amazing. I've never seen such a beautiful dress in my life You are holy, sir, holy; I dare say that this suit will last for a while Reading this, I can't help but sigh at people's snobbishness. The rich flatter the rich and roll their eyes when they see the poor. What an unequal society

  Mark Twain emphatically exposed the money worship of the society at that time, money! Became the standard to measure everything! These plots are ridiculous, and they reflect people's snobbish eyes. I can't help but think that some doctors can do unnecessary examination for patients, take unnecessary medicine for patients, and make fake more serious than real! In the eyes of such doctors who have lost medical ethics and humanity, money is more valuable than life! This kind of behavior is worse than the phenomenon in million pounds! Recently, I saw a news that excellent students in high school entrance examination were impersonated If Yu Ding's father has money, he can make his children take the place of others, not only by scores, but also by name, identity and household registration It's all replaced. For more than ten years, the victim has been reduced to a black family to work outside. Because he is bullied, the other is educated and paid

  Mark Twain's short story million pounds is a good work. The article satirizes the idea that "money is everything" and "money is omnipotent". In fact, there are many things more precious than money in the world: morality, friendship and honesty. So I think, between money and conscience, morality, we can make the right choice!

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇7

  “money is everything,” “money is omnipotent,” the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society.

  “One million pounds” is about a poor, honest man, that is, the heroine of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. The brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who come knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be subject to other people's doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. His younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. Did not expect that during this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has tried to cozy up to him, from the free food, buy clothes, free accommodation, like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status until the exception of the highest outdoor Wang Duke on! Not only that, he also has been a good wife and 30,000 pounds of bank interest, and finally from two brothers got a very good job. Lived a very, very happy life.

  See here, I am so envious of the “lucky” the heroine, but at the same time I would like to: people reason to curry favor with him, not just because when people value money too it? Worship of money is shameful and should not be reaping more! Money is not omnipotent, the world than money, there are many more important things ?

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇8

  This time I want to talk about a very famous short story written by Mark Twain---------“The Million Pound Note”. Referring to Mark Twain, you must feel familiar, because we must have read his works before. I still remember the article “ The Bite Events on the Train” in our textbook when I’

  m in the middle school. What touched me most at that time were his ironic words. Yes, he is a great humorist, novelist, writer and orator in America in nineteenth century. During his 40 years’ writing career, he created dozens of short or long stories.

  This story tells about a poor but honest American Adam Henry. When he was wandering in the street of London, he was given by two billionaires a letter, in which he surprisedly found a £1,000,000 pound bank-note. Later he got to know that the two billionaires who were brothers had made a bet about the results after he got a one million-pound note at once. One of them thought the note wound count for nothing to the poor man because he could not prove that the money was his own while the other considered just as the opposite.

  Dramatically, the plot went just out of my expectation. Herry went to a restaurant to have dinner first. The manager was mean to him at the beginning but his attitude changed quickly when Herry took out the note and asked for change. Faced with a millionaire, the manager apologized again and again and obsequiously told Herry that he didn’t need to pay for the bill right now. So Herry managed to have a free dinner. Then similarly, Herry went to a clothing shop and got a suit of clothes costing him nothing.

  Like the plot above, people are curious of such a rich man and tried every means to cozy up to him, from free food, free clothes to free accommodation. At the same time, his social status was becoming higher and higher and finally higher than most dukes. Apart from that, he later got a beautiful wife and 200,000 pounds of bank interest. I can imagine a bright future was waiting for him.

  The writing style of this story is so humorous. Mark Twain used hyperbole describing how our hero defeated snobbishness repeatedly. What I appreciate most is the detailed description of different people’s ridiculous actions before one million pounds, vivid, funny, ironic and humorous, which forms a Caricature.

  In terms of the theme, it is apparent that the author wanted to denounce the overflowing mammonism in the society. Even now it gives us an impressive lesson. Yes, I cannot deny the importance of money to a person who wants to survive. We won’t live without money, with which we get food, clothes, house and many other necessities. But we must know that there are many things which can’t be bought with money such as love or friendship. So in my opinion, money may be important to us, but not the most important. We need to build up the correct sense of money.

  To sum up, this story is a really good work of Mark Twain. The lesson I’ve learnt from it makes me want to be an honest man sincerely and lets me not to worship money too much. I begin to regret not reading it earlier.

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇9

  Today, I read Millions of Pounds, and almost finished with a smile. Mark Twain's writing is very humorous, and he used exaggeration to describe the hero's situation of "killing a snob with a million dollars" again and again. The artist drew a caricature of various ugly behaviors of different characters in front of the "million pounds". It was humorous and funny, just like a caricature of the world, which vividly expressed the experiences of ordinary people, making people laugh.

  Millions of Pounds describes Henry Adam, an American living in London, who lost his way for some reason and was saved by a ship, and then came to London with the ship. He was penniless and very lonely. Two rich brothers lent him a check of one million pounds, and made a bet on whether he could survive without cashing the check of one million pounds in thirty days.

  He went to the restaurant to have a meal first. The boss was very unkind to him first. Later, when he "carefully said," Please change. "The boss returned to his normal state and repeatedly apologized that he could not find the big ticket. No matter what I said, he would not accept it. He wanted to see it and looked at the big ticket; It seems that you can't satisfy your eyes, but you just don't dare to touch it with fear, just like ordinary people will lose their life when they receive the immortal spirit on the note. I said, "I'm sorry to bother you, but what else should I do? Please give me your change. I haven't brought any other tickets."

  However, he said it was OK. This little money is not worth mentioning. Let's talk about it later. I said that I would not come here again for a while; But he said that it didn't matter. He could wait. In addition, I could come whenever I wanted and order whatever I wanted. This bill was settled whenever I wanted. " I can't help laughing at this, and I can't help disdaining the shopkeeper who is a snob.

  Later, Henry went to the clothing store to buy clothes, but he was often looked down upon. The clothes he was given did not fit and looked very ugly. When he took out a million dollars, "He smiled and took it over. It was the kind of ubiquitous smile. There were wrinkles and wrinkles in the smile. It was like throwing a brick into a pool of water. However, just glancing at the money, his smile solidified and his face changed greatly, just like the ups and downs and insects crawling solidified lava you saw on the flat ridges at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. I have never seen anyone's smiling face become so embarrassed " Then the shopkeeper came, A fawning smile "Sir, please take these things off and throw them into the fire. Please honor yourself to put on this shirt and this suit; it's suitable, too suitable - simple, elegant, dignified, and completely noble... Look, here! It's amazing - it's amazing! I've never seen such beautiful clothes in my life!... You are sage, sir, sage; I dare say that this suit can last for a while.", I can't help sighing at people's snobbishness. The rich will fawn on them and roll their eyes when they see the poor. What an unequal society

  Mark Twain emphatically exposed the money worship of the society at that time when money was supreme, money! It has become the standard to measure everything! These plots are funny and just reflect people's snobbery. I can't help thinking that some doctors, for money, can do unnecessary examinations for patients, give patients unnecessary drugs, and make fake more serious than real! In the eyes of doctors who have lost medical ethics and humanity, money is more valuable than life! This kind of behavior is many times worse than the phenomenon in Million Pounds! Recently, I saw a news that the outstanding students in the middle school entrance examination were impersonated. Because the father of the replacement was rich, he could make his children impersonate others. Not only were the scores replaced, but the names, identities, and hukou were all replaced. For more than ten years, the victim became a black family working outside, because the black family was bullied, while the other was able to receive education and pay

  Mark Twain's short story One Million Pounds is a good work. The article satirizes the idea that "money is everything" and "money is everything". In fact, there are many more precious things in the world than money: morality, friendship and integrity. So I think we can all make the right choice between money, conscience and morality!

  Millions of pounds

  Mark Twain's short story of one million pounds is a good work. Through various "adventures" of small clerks, he mocked the role of money in the bourgeois society. He satirized the idea that "money is everything" and "money is everything", exposing the ugly face of capitalist society.

  This film was shot in 1953, based on a million pound note in Mark Twain's novel. This film stars Gregory Parker, a legendary Hollywood movie star who died soon. Parker has acted in more than 60 films in his life, including many classic films, such as Doctor Edward, Roman Holiday, Kilimanjaro's Snow, etc. Pike was nominated for the Academy Award for four times, and won the title of Academy Award in 1962 by killing a robin, and was selected as the No. 1 screen hero of "100 screen heroes and villains" in the centennial film history by the American Film Academy Award. Gregory Pike has never heard of any scandal since he worked as a film actor for decades, which is even more clear in the mixed Hollywood. Parker's calm and noble temperament has attracted fans all over the world and become a symbol of the golden age of Hollywood.

  This article wants to say something else.

  The plot of millions of pounds is known to all. Some of them forget the love story between the poor hero Adam and the noble lady, which is the only beautiful thing in the work that is praised without copper smell.

  Other plots are familiar to us today, just like things happening around us, such as debt collection, power eyes, stock market turmoil and craziness, profit seeking shareholders, etc. These are obviously the ugly phenomena of the money society criticized and whipped by the works.

  After thinking, I began to be confused.

  For example, debt collection. Now it seems that the aggressive and mercenary debt collection is too normal. Should they be as indifferent as an outsider? Since what was criticized 50 years ago has become normal after 50 years? Is it social progress? If so, Mark Twain is not a black humor writer, but really a prophet. For example, science fiction writers 50 years ago predicted that human beings could rise to the sky in hot air balloons 50 years later. A million pounds originally predicted human economic life 50 years later. For those science fiction writers, Mark Twain might be called an economic fantasy writer.

  Look again at snobbery. Although the mainstream consciousness of today's society still criticizes it, the number of snobs has not decreased. In the real estate industry, in the insurance industry, and in the tourism industry, don't we all judge the service objects by the rich and the poor? Isn't "snobbery" exactly the professional standard of these industries? Is this strange? A snob does not harm others. He only judges the people around him by the rich and the poor, which is contrary to morality and ethics. Take the Olympic Games as an example. The media always judge the athletes by their success or failure. When they get the gold medal, they enter the hall of honor. They leave a model. They remember the most people, enter the studio the most times, and receive the most advertisements; Silver medal followed; The bronze medal is worse. As for those who have paid their sweat and efforts but have no achievements or have achieved great results but have bad luck? What about the countless ordinary athletes who have never been brilliant except for training?

  I do not explore the causes of wealth or poverty, nor do I discuss the root causes of success or failure. What I want to say is the standard of judgment.

  This is a standard, not black and white.

  Just like the performance for athletes, wealth is also a standard, and it has nothing to do with inheritance or exploitation. Didn't the ancients say "hard work" long ago?

  In addition to blaming themselves for incompetence or bad luck, who would question such a standard? Originally, they were also prepared to use this standard to measure their own or others' success or failure.

  Back to the million pounds.

  Today, 57 years later, when I watch the 1953 movie, I don't think it is a criticism, but more like an economic prediction. So I worry about Mark Twain. Since his original intention is to expose and criticize, how can it become a prediction today? Is this a joke played by the society when it is progressing? Or a joke with all the writers? Or has my thinking changed as a reader?

  I also worry about those writers, for those who climb the grid.

  Because I am one of them.

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇10

  Adams was ragged and unknown before he got a million dollars. This dress made him suffer discrimination and ridicule in American legacies, small restaurants and clothing stores. A seven foot man, overwhelmed by money, wants to cry without tears. But when he showed the million dollar bill that was actually not convertible, almost everyone's attitude towards him immediately changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

  From ridicule to flattery, people do not care who he is, but whether he is the holder of millions of dollars. Adams became a hot celebrity in the news and social circles. This unknown outsider even occupied the duke's senior suite. The duke was so unhappy that he hid Adams's millions of dollars in a mischievous way. The whole plot of the film is pushed into the most dramatic part. After losing millions of dollars, Adams immediately changed from the most beloved and trusted person to an abominable villain and liar. Whether he holds millions of dollars or not makes his life go up and down. Once they found that he no longer held millions of dollars, people in small restaurants, large hotels, and clothing stores immediately came to him with bills and brazenly took away what they had promised him permanent credit, revealing snobbery and philistinism. This is a wonderful satire on money worship. In a more dramatic scene, when Adams's million dollar bill was lost and recovered, the attitude of people around him changed immediately. He became the most beloved and trusted person again. Adams, in English, means human. In the film, the moral is very clear. Money has become the master of people. It can not only determine a person's status, but also determine a person's personality.

  Millions of banknotes undoubtedly represent capital, but it is not as simple as currency in the general sense as a general equivalent. From beginning to end, millions of the money in Adams's hands were all symbols of the capital, and did not perform function of the commodity exchange. Whether in small restaurants, large hotels, or clothing stores, Adams, as the holder of millions of dollars, did not actually pay for goods during meals, accommodation, shopping, or even charity auctions. When he borrowed money from the minister, he did not pledge the million note, but relied entirely on the minister's trust in him, or in other words, his ability to repay money because he held the million note. This trust is more exaggerated in stock trading. When Hastings bought the "Good Hope" stock in the name of Adams, he was immediately followed by the enthusiasm of the shareholders. When it was reported in the newspaper that Adams no longer held millions of dollars, the people who bought the stock crazily sold it again. When the person who suffered losses due to the sharp decline of the stock price made an accusation to Adams, although Adams strongly guaranteed that the gold mine he invested in was worth continuing to invest, no one believed his words. Obviously, the reason why Adams is loved and trusted by people comes from the halo effect of his millions of banknote holders. When Adams was fighting with the critics, the Duke, who felt that the joke had gone too far, returned the millions of banknotes he had hidden to Adams. Adams, whose reputation and credit plummeted, miraculously regained everything he had lost again.

  This very ironic scene shows that the capital occupier itself has a pitiful side. People love and trust him only because of the capital he owns, not because of himself. In reality, when a person is rich, his relatives and friends will worship him as a god; And when he has no money, he will be abandoned as my shoes. Such things are not uncommon. We say that the reason why millions of dollars have great magic power on people is not because it has use value, but symbol value. Its role in the film is closer to a credit card with unlimited overdraft limit and no repayment period. It was with this "credit card" that Adams was allowed to charge freely in taverns, hotels and clothing stores.

  The most obvious difference between use value and symbolic value is that use value is based on reality, while symbolic value is based on imagination. For example, when we buy purified water today, the priority is the use value; When buying wine, the priority is symbolic value. The symbolic value of goods is most obvious in watches and jewelry, followed by mobile phones and cars. What price watches and jewelry a person wears, and what brand of mobile phones and cars he uses will bring him unlimited imagination. The halo effect produced by the symbolic value often makes people dizzy. And then affect our true judgment of a person.

  Just like the prince saw the dancing girl wearing crystal shoes, he would take it for granted that she was a princess. Similarly, if the prince appears as a frog, people will not think he is a prince. In the consumer landscape society we live in, people are almost buying a large number of non practical goods as much as possible to highlight the life level that is incompatible with their consumption ability. The emergence of credit cards can not only temporarily alleviate the lack of purchasing power, but also stimulate people's greater desire to shop. However, like Adams in the film, if he fails to return the magic "credit card" in time, the consequences will be unimaginable. The symbolic value of commodities can only bring temporary halo effect to people, just like the reflection of the moon, it will not last forever. Just like Adams, it's better to give up the vanity and live a real life.

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇11

  "Million Pounds" is American Mark? A collection of humorous novels written by Twain. Some of the content makes people laugh, that is, green humor, which is beneficial; Others are "knowing laughter", which is white humor; But there are also some people sad and happy, in short, "tearful smile", also black humor.

  I also think that some of them are yellow humor, which is not dangerous, such as "cannibalism on the train". Mark? Twain is really a master of humor. There is not a story in his work that won't make me laugh.

  But finally, there was a "dog's self statement". Although I laughed two rows of big teeth, I seriously realized that modern science has made rapid progress. But researchers use animals to do experiments. If the mother of the animal is present, how would it feel!

  This book is so fashionable that I don't want to continue reading it, but sometimes I can't help but want to pick it up and continue reading it. This book is so good that I hope everyone can read it.

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇12

  Adams, an American poor boy, fell into the streets of London and found no success in looking for a job everywhere. Two rich men in London bet that they would lend him a check for one million pounds. He could not cash the check to see if he could live in London for a month. One said that he would starve to death on the street because he could not prove to people that the cheque was his; One said that he would live well and even make a lot of money with this check.

  Adams first came to a restaurant because he had been hungry for a long time. When he finished his meal and was ready to order another one, the owner of the restaurant doubted whether he could afford it, but he still sent it up according to his request. When the boss asked Adams to pay the bill, Adams refused to pay, saying that the time had not yet arrived. At this time, the restaurant owner was in all kinds of difficulties, and Adams was embarrassed. Finally, when Adams took out a million pounds note, everyone's attitude changed 180 degrees. They kowtowed to him and even didn't want Adams's money. Their worship of money was endless.

  Adams walked out of the hotel, holding the check ready to return it to its owner. A small incident happened on the road - a strong wind blew the check away. Adams chased the check all the way, and there was a lot of suspense. The audience's heartstrings were always tight. When you meet a person who distributes leaflets and all the leaflets in his hands are blown away by the wind, the complex is pushed to a climax, because the leaflets and cheques are so big and white that people can't distinguish them. Finally, the check returned to Adams, and the audience also breathed a sigh of relief for Adams in the happy atmosphere. Although the description of this complex did not contribute to the satirical theme of money worship in the film, it made the audience laugh for it, reflecting the characteristics of comedy humor.

  A millionaire wearing a ragged clothes is really not decent, so he went to buy clothes. The shop assistant looked at his poor face and was ready to dismiss him. When he took out the check, both the clerk and the shopkeeper cried out in surprise. We must make many dresses for him for free, although Adams insisted that he only needed one. The clothing store owner asked Adams what his hobby was. Adams said it was sailing. The boss said it was an aristocratic activity, while Adams said equestrian was an aristocratic activity. The boss said, "Then we should change to sailing.". "The activity that Adams likes is the noble activity", which is the logic of the clothing store owner, and is extremely flattering!

  At that time, Britain was a crazy society. Those who call themselves investors and businessmen do not care whether there is gold in the gold mine when they buy stocks. When millionaires buy stocks in the gold mine, they buy them crazily; When the millionaire was unable to draw a check, everyone sold shares crazily. When the check is found, their attitude can change. The magic of money is infinite.

  Not only did Adams not starve to death, but he also gained social wealth, reputation, and even a beautiful wife without cashing the check.

  His wife doesn't like him because he has money. She thinks that a person can have no money, but not love. She left Adams when he had money, and returned to him when he had no money.

  The film criticizes people's extreme worship of money by describing the story that the hero has a million check, eats and drinks freely without spending a penny, and countless people try to please him. At the same time, by writing his love story, he also conveys a concept to people: besides money, there are many more important things in the world, such as love, sincerity and integrity

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇13

  The film "Million Pounds" is adapted from Mark Twain's original work of the same name. From the story, the plot of the film is richer and the characters are more distinctive. It should be said that the film adaptation is very successful. In the original book, although the whole story has a sense of humor and irony, the protagonist Adams always gives a sense of calm and ability. He was at a loss when he first got a million dollars, but after an hour of deliberation in the park, he immediately had a clear understanding of his situation and made the most favorable plan for himself. This is consistent with his status as a shrewd clerk engaged in securities trading. Later, he met Hastings, an old friend before him, and keenly found business opportunities from each other's predicament to obtain high profits. It shows that he is a smart young man who knows how to judge the situation. The film has made a great change to this character. Adams in the film, although honest and kind, is not shrewd and capable at all. In the original book, Adams, as the holder of millions of dollars, has always been active, but in the film, he is passive. From the beginning to the end, Adams in the film has been revolving around a million dollars.

  At the beginning of the film, there is a scene where millions of banknotes are blown away by the wind, which is quite meaningful. In the face of the millions of bills suddenly flying from his hands, Adams panicked and chased them vigorously, showing the importance of millions of bills to him. A million dollars is just like a straw for him to save his life in trouble. In order to seize this straw, he ran wildly in the street, his clothes were torn by the iron fence, and the whole person crawled to the ground in public. This funny scene fully shows that the focus of the film is on the bank note, not Adams. Millions of banknotes are like stars with universal gravitation, which let people from the poor to the noble, from the staff to the officials all revolve around it. This one million dollar bill affects the hearts of millions of people, making them attach their destiny to ups and downs, emotions and sorrows. Therefore, millions of dollars is the real hero of the film, which is a dazzling superstar. As the lyrics of Superstar sing: You are electricity, you are light, you are the only myth, and I only love you; You dominate, I worship, there is no better way, can only love you. The film highlights the theme of criticism of money worship in the original work. In a carnival way, the worship of millions of banknotes, the symbol of money, by all kinds of people is vividly displayed. This exaggerated treatment directly points to the capital worship characterized by money.

  百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇14

  The film clearly criticizes people's mentality of capital worship, but it does not just stay here. But at the same time, it shows another kind of refined view different from the popular view. In the original book, the heroine Posia is the guest of the minister's daughter and the stepdaughter of the real owner of millions of dollars. In the film, her identity is the niece of the minister, and she is not the daughter of the real owner of millions of dollars. This made her experience a tortuous process from mutual understanding to misunderstanding, and finally making up with Adams. In this process, she showed her love for Adams, not because he had external property, but because of his internal character. In other words, what she cared about was not what Adams had, but what Adams was. Of course, in most people's eyes, what a person has determines what he is. This view of putting the cart before the horse often deceives people's eyes. Therefore, no one recognized the true face of Adams except for Posia. In other words, no one really realizes the true face of this "person". This is a sad thing, and the film shows it in a humorous and ironic way. When Posia was in Adams' infinite glory, she misunderstood that Adams had cheated her and left him. While others thought that Adams was a liar, Boccia realized that he was sincere to himself and returned to him.

  True love can stand the test of money. This is not only reminiscent of the popular saying "Better cry in a BMW than laugh behind a bicycle." Money plays an important role in love and marriage at all times and in all countries, especially in the family life after marriage. However, if young men and women blindly use each other's economic conditions as a yardstick in the process of choosing a spouse, it is difficult to have a happy ending. Cinderella's story can only appear in fairy tales and soap operas. In reality, there are more examples of female stars who want to marry into a rich family and are forced out. Of course, there is a case that men and women in love do not pay more attention to economic issues. However, parents and family members of both sides, as past people, have more realistic views on marriage. In the film, this situation is also reflected. When the minister's wife found that Adams was penniless, she immediately prevented Pocia from meeting with Adams. In reality, there has never been a shortage of parents in law and father-in-law who dislike the poor and love the rich. In China, it seems that it is a common rule for women to ask the man for the "priceless" bride price. Owning an RV and saving money have become the necessary conditions for many people to choose a spouse. However, many successful people who appear to be very rich on the surface, but look very beautiful, may actually be "laolai" who are heavily in debt, and can't even take the plane and high-speed rail. In the film, the Duke, who scorned Adams, carefully discovered that he had never tipped the maid. In fact, when we look at a person, if we are not confused by his external "what", but find his "what", we can really see the essence of the person, not the appearance.

  What Posia saw was Adams's honest and kind character. She believed that such a person, though penniless now, was honest, kind, practical and willing to work, and would have a good future. Adams never wanted to cheat by the millions of dollars in his hand, but hoped to find a job suitable for him. Posia saw the excellent character of Adams, so she agreed with him regardless of the great difference between the two sides. Finally, the story ends with the happy combination of the two. After the couple left, the two brothers were still discussing who would win or lose. At the end of the film, people left a thought-provoking question. If there was no money, would Adams and Posia really get together?

  From this point of view, property should not be taken too seriously in marriage, and should be regarded as the standard to measure everything. It should not be completely ignored, but should be properly considered. In short, down-to-earth hard work is much more reliable than having a blank cheque that cannot be exchanged. At least, Adams did not have to live in fear after he returned the money.









