

时间:2022-10-09 06:15:49 实习报告 我要投稿
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  据悉1974年建成了第一条330kv输电线路,由甘肃刘家峡水电站厂到陕西关中地区。1981年建成了第一条500kv输电线路,由河南姚孟火电厂到武汉。电力系统输电电压等级,除西北电网为330/220/110kv外,其他电网都采用500/220/110kv。国内各省电网都已形成220kv网架,华北、东北、华东、华中、南方等电网都已建成500kv大容量输电线路和跨省联络线,并将逐步形成跨大区域互联的骨干网络。正在建设中的西北 750kv输电工程,标志着我国电网输电电压等级由目前最高的500kv即将升级为750kv,实现历史性跨越。除超高压输电外,1988年建成了从葛州坝到上海南桥的500kv直流输电线路,全长1080km,输电容量120*kw,使华中和华东两大电力系统互联,形成了跨大区的联合电力系统。在这些电力建设工程中,超高电压等级(220kv/330kv/500kv/750kv)变电站自动化系统占有重要的地位。

  一 、实习目的









  二、 实习任务





  (二)学习发电厂是利用煤、石油、天然气等燃料的化学能产出电能的工厂,即为燃料的化学能→蒸汽的热势能→机械能→电能。在锅炉中,燃料的化学能转变为蒸汽的热能;在汽轮机中,蒸汽的热能转变为轮子旋转的机械能;在发电机中机械能转变为电能。炉、机、电是火电厂中的主要设备,亦称三大主机。与三大主机相辅工作的设备称为辅助设备简称辅机。主机与辅机及其相连的管道、线路等称为系统。火电厂的主要系统有燃烧系统、汽水系统、电气系统等。过去国内火电厂 300MW机组以上的主控系统都普遍采用了DCS技术,但外围辅助系统,包括除灰系统、除渣系统、化水系统、输煤系统等采用的是独立、分散的常规控制系统,由于各辅助系统工艺有其不同的特性,所以采用的控制系统配置不同、技术水平、监控方式各异,这就势必对每个辅助系统都需配备相当的运行人员,使劳动生产率不能进一步提高。













  电网从历史发展来看,可以分为四个阶段:电厂直配城市网、省区电网、跨省大区电网和跨大区联合电网.随着用电量不断增长,大型水电、火电和核电的建设,地区间电源与负荷的不平衡以及经济调度的需要,必然要求发展输电和联网,电压等级也随之逐步提高.从最初较低电压水平的6-10kv经历35kv、 110kv和220kv,发展到超高压的330kv、500kv和750kv电网,并且还有继续上升的趋势。










  The college days have been very happy, now third learning journey is coming to an end, Second College internship is coming. This practice we are going to XXX Power Plant Co. Ltd. and Guangzhou Whampoa power plant. The University internship not how many times, very rare, is also very important. The opportunity is to grasp their own and a good grasp of the importance of the internship, internship, internship in thinking, to study the knowledge and practice, will be able to enhance their knowledge, can broaden their horizons, to improve their learning ability.


  Like the first time that I do a good job of internship, internship ready, ready, ready to think. In practice, a week ago, I read a lot of books about thermal power plant in the library, but also to understand the water power, nuclear power and so on. This practice before let me benefit.

  一、 实习目的及任务

  I. objectives and tasks of the internship


  Production practice is an important part of the teaching plan in thermal energy and power engineering, is an important part of the practical teaching. It is the professional basic courses of study in students, and has passed the < < > of metalworking practice, cognition practice "and" electrical and electronic technology training and practice teaching "exercise. It is a necessary complement to classroom teaching, but also the extension of practice teaching, is to implement the principle of theory with practice, to further deepen the understanding of the process, but also the students contact and understand the world, understand the important way of enterprise, is the best opportunity for students to learn from workers, it was also a preview after graduation in the actual work. The target plays an important role for professional training. In the production practice, the students should go to the production site, the earnest practice, direct access to knowledge, consolidate the theory. The main teaching aims are:


  1., by participating in the actual production work, we should flexibly apply the theoretical knowledge we have learned to solve practical problems, and cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve problems independently


  2. during the course of practice, students continue to learn the excellent quality of workers and on-site technicians, and set up the idea of assiduously studying science and technology and making more contributions to the modernization of the motherland


  3., through the practice of thermal power plant, we should master the basic principle of thermal process of thermal power plant and the whole process of power generation process


  4., through the practice of thermal power plant, understand the power plant centralized control operation system and the power transmission and distribution method in the process of thermal power generation


  5., through the production practice of thermal power plant, to understand the basic knowledge and ability necessary for power production, power installation and power design


  6., through the production practice of thermal power plant, collect technical data related to this specialty, and make a careful analysis to prepare for the follow-up study of specialized courses and graduation project


  Two, total rest awareness


  (1) the basic production process of a thermal power plant


  See schematic diagram of power generation process in thermal power plant:


  Ene coal by the installation of belt conveyer in the inclined shed to the original coal mill made by sending pulverized coal into powder exhaust fan into the boiler combustion. The coal combustion air from the blower to arranged in the air preheater heating boiler. A part of the hot air (a wind) the fan into the mill, used for heating, drying pulverized coal, pulverized coal into the furnace together with the burner together; the other part (two wind) by the burner directly into the furnace in combustion of pulverized coal in furnace combustion. The chemical energy into heat, sent a large amount of heat generated by the combustion of high temperature flue gas. From the top followed by arranged in the horizontal flue and tail flue superheater, reheater, economizer and air preheater, the dust removal equipment, fan, chimney emissions into the atmosphere. And the whole combustion ash to combustion of carbon particles It will fall into the slag hopper at the bottom of the furnace, and will fall into the ditch with the fine ash removed from the dust remover and be washed away by high pressure water. The ash pump will be sent to the ash yard at the end


  As the water refrigerant through the water supply pump booster after high-pressure heater of steam turbine to boiler economizer, water absorption of flue gas flue sanctimonious in the heat in the economizer after entering the drum, and then routed from the decline in the outside of the furnace wall tube by connecting box is arranged in the water cooled wall into the furnace walls. Absorb radiant heat during combustion of pulverized coal. For water through the water wall, a part of the water evaporated into steam, and steam to blend the form into the drum. Soda mixture in the foreign devils bag after separation, steam (saturated steam) enters the superheater of the formation of superheated steam superheated steam from the main steam. Steam into the steam turbine for power, and then tears for the middle of steam turbine, steam superheated tears first into the high pressure cylinder power, steam and then discharged from a high-pressure cylinder and then back to the Boiler Reheater Overheating in high temperature and The same temperature after sending new steam turbine, low pressure cylinder expansion continues, driven generators. A steam pan and finally into the condenser in the turbine power condenses into water, and into the condenser hot well bottom, the condensate pump, low pressure heating device into tears in oxygen into the deaerator water tank, water pump to boost evacuation by boiler heat absorption tears, to recycle.


  Although there are many kinds of thermal power plants, the basic process is the same from the viewpoint of energy conversion, that is, chemical energy of fuel, heat energy, mechanical energy and electricity


  (two) several major components of a thermal power plant:


  A thermal power plant is a factory where electricity is produced by the chemical energy of coal, oil, natural gas, or other fuels:

  (1) 锅炉及附属设备,确保燃料的化学能转化为热能。 (2) 汽轮机及附属设备,确保热能变为机械能。 (3) 发电机及励磁机,确保机械能变为电能。 4) 主变压器,把电能提升为高压电输送给输电线路。

  (1) boiler and ancillary equipment, to ensure that the fuel chemical energy into heat. (2) steam turbine and auxiliary equipment, to ensure that the heat energy into mechanical energy. (3) generator and exciter, ensure the mechanical energy into electrical energy. 4) the main transformer, the electric energy can be promoted to high voltage power transmission to line.

  一、 燃料系统

  I. fuel system


  The coal resources in our country are rich, so the fuel of thermal power plants in China is mainly coal. The coal-fired power plants are very large. Therefore, the thermal power plants have coal transportation systems with large capacity, mechanization and high degree of automation


  Coal Xinhui Shuangshui Power Plant Co. Ltd. and Guangzhou Whampoa power plant is shipping, the coal to the power plant dock and then unloaded to the yard.

  (一)输煤系统及煤场设备: (1)、卸煤:设备有装卸桥、门抓及桥抓。都是把煤抓出,放到要放受卸设备。 (2)、煤场:为了电厂厂安全生产的需要,设置煤场,储备一定数量的煤,在外来运煤暂中断的情况下,能保证电厂正常生产;也可用于当锅炉燃煤量与运煤量不均衡时起缓冲作用;又可作为不同煤种的先配与混全场地。 (3)、上煤:主要作用是完成煤的输送、破碎、筛分、分计量等。设备有:带式运输机、煤筛、碎煤机、除铁器、除木块设备、电子皮带称等。

  (a) coal system and coal yard equipment: (1), coal unloading: Crane equipment, bridge and door catch catch. Coal is put out, put on unloading equipment. (2), coal yard: to production safety, power plant set coal yard, reserve a certain amount of coal. In the coal transported temporarily interrupt the situation, can guarantee the normal production of power plant; can also be used when the boiler coal consumption with coal quantity equilibrium buffer; and it can be used as the first match with different kinds of coal mixed with the whole site. (3), coal: the main role is to complete the coal transportation, broken. Screening, measurement and so on. Equipment: belt conveyor, crusher, coal screen, iron remover, in addition to wood equipment, electronic belt scales.


  (two) pulverizing system

  制粉系统分直吹式制粉系统和中间储仓式制粉系统。 直吹式制粉系统是磨煤机磨出的煤粉直接吹入炉膛燃烧。中间储仓式制粉系统是磨煤机磨好的煤粉先储存在煤粉仓中,然后再根据锅炉燃烧需要,煤粉从煤粉仓经给粉机|一次风管送入锅炉燃烧室燃烧的制粉系统。

  The coal pulverizing system consists of pulverizing system and middle storage pulverizing system. Coal pulverizing system is directly blown into the furnace chamber grinding mill combustion. Middle storage pulverizing system is the existence of coal in coal mill good first reservoir, and then according to the needs of boiler combustion, pulverized coal from the coal powder feeder | primary air pipe into the combustion chamber of the boiler pulverizing system.

  煤粉的制备:设备是磨煤机。 磨煤机按转速可分为低速磨煤机、中速磨煤机和高速磨煤机。主要的工作原理是:原煤和空气进入磨煤机筒体内,当筒体转动时,波浪型的衬板将钢球提到一定高度,然后落下,煤在筒体内既受到钢球的撞击,同时又受到钢球的挤压和碾磨,最终被破碎成煤粉。空气对原煤和煤粉起干革命燥作用,同时将煤粉通过出口料斗带出磨煤机。

  Coal preparation equipment is a coal mill. Mill according to the rotational speed can be divided into low speed coal mill, coal pulverizer and high-speed mill. The main working principle is: coal mill and air into the cylinder, when the cylinder rotates, liner wave will be referred to the ball a certain height, then fall down, coal in the cylinder by the steel ball impact, but also by the ball milling and extrusion, was eventually broken into coal. The air revolution dry effect on coal and coal, while the coal through the outlet hopper with a coal mill.


  Three boiler


  (1) the boiler is one of the three major equipments in the thermal power plant. Its function is to change water into high temperature and high pressure steam. The boiler is the total device for the three processes of fuel burning, heat transfer and water vaporization


  The internship will visit the new double water power plant limited and Guangzhou Whampoa power plant, their boilers are circulating fluidized bed boiler and direct current boiler


  CFB boiler: fixed grate furnace is placed in the coal on the grate, pass into the air from the grate below, the coal combustion and circulating fluidized bed boiler is below a fire grate grate into the air speed increased, the grate coal particles are blown in boiling state of suspension combustion. At the same time at the furnace exit. The high temperature flue gas dust, and will collect the carbon content of fly ash are sent back into the chamber and combustion boiler. The combustion is called circulating fluidized bed boiler.


  Boiler feedwater pump: depend on pressure, make the water sequentially through the economizer, evaporation (water wall, superheater) and all into the boiler water vapor.


  (two) composition and arrangement of boiler equipment;


  Boiler equipment consists of two major parts, the boiler body and auxiliary equipment, which we have seen and heard during our internship

  1锅炉本体部分 (1) 汽水系统 ① 省煤器。省煤器布置在锅炉尾部烟道烟温较低的区域。它是由若干排蛇形管构成,其内部流动着从给水泵来的水,吸收烟气中的热量,把水加热到饱和温度后送入汽包。 ② 水冷壁。水冷壁是布置在炉膛墙壁四周内侧垂直的管排。它既吸收燃料燃烧后放出的辐射热,加热其内部的饱和水,使之变为汽水混合物,以对炉墙起保护作用而不被烧坏,防止炉墙结渣,避免熔渣对炉墙的侵蚀。 ③ 汽包。其内部装有汽水分离器。在汽水循环中,它起中枢作用。它有较大的容积,既容水又容汽。 ④ 联箱。有上联箱和下联箱。 ⑤ 下降管。它是汽包向水冷壁下联箱供水的通道,布置在炉墙外边,不受热,不产生蒸汽 ⑥ 过热器。是提高蒸汽温度啬蒸汽内能的设备,由蛇形管排构成。它布置在炉膛出口后烟温较高的烟道中。 ⑦ 再热器。蒸汽在汽轮机做功后,压力和温度大大降低,送入再热器加热,提高其温度啬其内能后,返回汽轮机的低压段做功,从而提高热效率。它一般与过热器交叉布置在烟道的高温区。

  The 1 part of the boiler body (1) of the steam water system of economizer, economizer arranged in the boiler tail flue gas temperature low area. It is composed of a plurality of rows of serpentine tube, the internal flow from the pump to the water absorption of flue gas in the heat, heat the water to saturation temperature in steam evacuation the package. The water cooled wall. Water cooling wall is arranged in the furnace walls inside the vertical pipe. It absorbs radiant heat from fuel combustion, heating the saturated water inside, make soda mixture, in order to protect the effect on the furnace wall rather than being burned to prevent slagging in furnace wall to avoid slag, furnace wall erosion. 3. The drum inside the separator. In the steam cycle, it plays a pivotal role. It has a large volume of water and steam is easy. The header. The upper header and a lower header. The drop tube. It is the drum to the water wall the lower box water channel, cloth The heat in the furnace wall outside, does not produce the steam superheater steam temperature is improved. The equipment can increase the steam, by coil arrays. It is arranged in the furnace outlet flue gas temperature higher. After the reheater steam turbine. In the work, the pressure and temperature of reheater heating into greatly reduced. It can raise the temperature increase, after the return of the steam turbine low pressure work, so as to improve the thermal efficiency. It is generally arranged in the flue of the superheater and cross the high temperature zone.

  (2) 燃烧系统 ① 空气预热器。是加热空气的设备。布置在烟道中烟温较低的部位,可进一步降低烟气温度,养活热损失,提高锅炉热效率。 ② 喷燃器。是煤粉锅炉的燃烧设备。 ③ 炉膛及烟道。炉墙是由水冷壁管围起来的大空间,在水冷壁管外侧有炉墙,炉墙把整个锅炉封闭与外部隔开。烟道是由炉墙围起来的烟气通道,把炉膛出口的烟气按要求引入除尘器。

  (2) the combustion system of air preheater. Is air heating equipment. The flue gas temperature is arranged in the lower part, can further reduce the flue gas temperature, feed heat loss, improve thermal efficiency of the boiler. The burner's combustion equipment. The pulverized coal fired boiler. The furnace and the flue furnace wall is composed of water wall. Tube enclosed space, in the water wall outside the furnace wall, the furnace wall of the boiler flue is closed and separated. The external smoke channel enclosed by the furnace wall, the outlet flue gas of boiler according to the requirements into the dust.


  2 auxiliary equipment for boilers

  ①送风机 ② 引风机 ③排粉机 ④给粉机 ⑤细粉分离器 ⑥煤粉仓 ⑦ 给粉机 ⑧螺旋输粉机

  The blower fan of the row of powder machine give powder machine, fine powder separator the coal powder feeder, the spiral powder conveyer


  Four, turbine


  This term we are just learning the principle of steam turbine in the course of practice makes us more intuitive feeling of the steam turbine. The theory and the reality is not the same, I said. The comparison class to gain knowledge and understanding of the master power plant practice of steam turbine has a further understanding.

  (一) 汽轮机是以蒸汽为工质的旋转式热能动力机械,汽轮机的主要用途是作为发电用的原动机。汽轮机必须与锅炉、发电机、以及凝汽器、加热器、泵等机械设备组成成套装置,共同工作。具有一定压力和温度的蒸汽来自锅炉,经主气阀和调节气阀进入汽轮机内,一次流过一系列环形安装的喷嘴栅和动叶栅而膨胀做功,将其热能转换成推动汽轮机转子旋转的机械功,通过联轴器驱动发电机做功。在火电厂中,膨胀做工后的蒸汽有汽轮机排气部分被引入冷凝器,冷却水放热而凝结。凝结水再经泵输送至加热器中加热后作为锅炉给水,循环工作。

  (a) steam turbine is for rotary thermal power mechanical refrigerants, mainly use steam turbine is the original motivation as electricity. The steam turbine and generator, and to the boiler, condenser, heater, pump and other components of mechanical equipment installation, work together with a certain temperature and pressure of steam from the boiler. The main valve and control valve into the steam turbine, a nozzle gate through a series of ring mounting and moving cascade and expansion, the thermal energy is transformed into mechanical power driven rotation of the turbine rotor, drive motor through the coupling work. In thermal power plant, steam expansion after work is part of the turbine exhaust is introduced the condenser, cooling water heat and condensation. Condensate by heating pump to the heater as boiler water, circulating.


  The steam turbine includes a stationary part and rotation part. The stationary part comprises a cylinder, nozzle and plate seal, bearing. The rotor is composed of main shaft, impeller, impeller blades and other components, is an important part of the steam turbine.


  The following is the structural diagram of the turbine:

  汽轮机按工作原理分为两类:冲动式汽轮机和反动式汽轮机。 喷嘴栅和与其相配的动叶栅组成汽轮机中最基本的工作单元“级”,不同的级顺序串联构成多级汽轮机。蒸汽在级中以不同方式进行能量转换,便形成不同工作原理的汽轮机,即冲动式汽轮机和反动式汽轮机。

  According to the working principle of steam turbine is divided into two categories: impulse turbine and turbine working unit. "The basic level" nozzle gate and matched with the steam turbine rotor cascade composition, different level order is a series of multistage turbine. Steam in the stage in a different way of energy conversion, they formed different steam turbine the principle of the impulse turbine and turbine.


  (1) the impulse steam turbine is mainly composed of impulse stage. In the stage, the steam basically expands in the nozzle grid, and only a small amount of expansion is applied to the moving Ye Zhazhong


  (2) turbine. The main reaction stage, steam turbine static cascade and the blades are quite modest expansion.


  (two) auxiliary equipment of steam turbine;


  Auxiliary equipment for steam turbines includes condensers, regenerative heaters, deaerator, feed pumps, and condensate pumps


  (1) condenser: its function is to cool the steam turbine's exhausted steam and condense it into water, so as to establish and maintain a high vacuum at the exhaust port of the steam turbine


  (2) the heater heater is set in order to reduce cold source loss and improve efficiency. Its role is to use spare part from some of the intermediate level of the steam turbine steam heating work done, the main condensate and boiler. A high pressure heater heater (water heater pump after) and low pressure heater (condensation heater between the pump and the deaerator) points, its structure is basically the same.


  (three) deaerator: its working principle is: under certain pressure, the higher the temperature of the water, the gas solubility is smaller, the greater the solubility of gas and gas pressure on the surface of the water. At the same time, the higher the solubility is greater, on the contrary, its solubility is also lower.


  Five generator


  (1) turbo generator

  它的基本工作原理:按照电磁感应定律,导线切割磁力线感应出电动势。 发电机最基本的组成部件是:定子和转子。

  Its basic working principle: according to the law of electromagnetic induction, the wire cuts the magnetic lines of force to induce electromotive force. The basic components of the generator are stator and rotor


  (1) the stator consists of an iron core, a stator winding, a base, an end cap and bearings


  (2) the rotor is mainly composed of rotor core, excitation winding, retaining ring and fan


  Six, two power plant comparison


  1, boiler XXX Power Plant Co. Ltd. is used in circulating fluidized bed boiler; boiler in Guangzhou Whampoa power plant is used. There is no direct boiler boiler drum part, can be used for all kinds of pressure, water cooling wall is free, adjusting the reaction quickly.


  2, XXX power plant seeking cluster development, the introduction of paper base; Whampoa power plant is a key power plant in Guangzhou, has an important position

  3、XXXX电厂的员工要求全能发展, 这就要求员工进厂后要继续培训,这增加了培训费用,但提高了员工素质,减少了用人负担。

  3, XXXX power plant staff require all-round development, which requires employees to continue training after entering the factory, which increases the training costs, but improve the quality of staff, reducing the burden on personnel


  Practice, harvest and experience:

  两周的实习时间很快就结束了,时间虽然不长,但对于我们学生来说已经 受益非浅了。通过这次实习,我从总体上认识了火力发电厂,切实对火力发电 厂主要生产设备的基本结构、工作原理及性能等有一个系统、全面的了解。电 厂里面结构复杂,设备繁多,面对电厂才知自己的知识是多么的少。在学校学 习我们都似乎知道锅炉是怎样的,但到了电厂面对几十米高的锅炉,自己就不 懂了,看到的都是管道,似乎电厂就是用管道建成的。那些管道是怎样走的怎 样布置的,这些我一点都不懂。学习是无止境的,知道自己的不足,就补过来, 知道自己的无知,就继续学习,现在在学校应努力学,将来到了社可以继续学。 此次实习,让我对自己的专业有更深层次的认识,并为后续专业课程的学习提供 必要的感性认识和基础知识。当今技术日新月异,要想有所成就,就必须不断 学习,不断更新自己的知识,拓宽知识面,学以致用,把知识应用于实际。

  The two week internship time soon ended, although the time is not long, but for our students have benefited. Through this internship, I know the power plant on the whole, the basic structure and the thermal power plant the main production equipment, working principle and performance of such a system. Comprehensive understanding of the complex structure. Inside the plant, equipments, power plants face to know their knowledge of how little. In school we all seem to know what is the boiler in the power plant boiler, but in the face of tens of meters high, you do not understand, see all the pipes, pipe is built seems to power plant. The pipeline is to go to the layout of these, I do not know. Learning is endless, know my own shortcomings, make over, know their ignorance, keep learning, schools should strive to learn now in the future. The agency can continue to learn. This practice, let me have a deeper understanding of their profession, and for the follow-up professional courses to provide the necessary basic knowledge and perceptual knowledge. The technology change rapidly, want to succeed, we must constantly learning, constantly their knowledge, broaden their knowledge and practice and the application of knowledge in practice.




实习报告 煤矿生产实习报告04-23

实习报告 必备专业实习报告04-04














  据悉1974年建成了第一条330kv输电线路,由甘肃刘家峡水电站厂到陕西关中地区。1981年建成了第一条500kv输电线路,由河南姚孟火电厂到武汉。电力系统输电电压等级,除西北电网为330/220/110kv外,其他电网都采用500/220/110kv。国内各省电网都已形成220kv网架,华北、东北、华东、华中、南方等电网都已建成500kv大容量输电线路和跨省联络线,并将逐步形成跨大区域互联的骨干网络。正在建设中的西北 750kv输电工程,标志着我国电网输电电压等级由目前最高的500kv即将升级为750kv,实现历史性跨越。除超高压输电外,1988年建成了从葛州坝到上海南桥的500kv直流输电线路,全长1080km,输电容量120*kw,使华中和华东两大电力系统互联,形成了跨大区的联合电力系统。在这些电力建设工程中,超高电压等级(220kv/330kv/500kv/750kv)变电站自动化系统占有重要的地位。

  一 、实习目的









  二、 实习任务





  (二)学习发电厂是利用煤、石油、天然气等燃料的化学能产出电能的工厂,即为燃料的化学能→蒸汽的热势能→机械能→电能。在锅炉中,燃料的化学能转变为蒸汽的热能;在汽轮机中,蒸汽的热能转变为轮子旋转的机械能;在发电机中机械能转变为电能。炉、机、电是火电厂中的主要设备,亦称三大主机。与三大主机相辅工作的设备称为辅助设备简称辅机。主机与辅机及其相连的管道、线路等称为系统。火电厂的主要系统有燃烧系统、汽水系统、电气系统等。过去国内火电厂 300MW机组以上的主控系统都普遍采用了DCS技术,但外围辅助系统,包括除灰系统、除渣系统、化水系统、输煤系统等采用的是独立、分散的常规控制系统,由于各辅助系统工艺有其不同的特性,所以采用的控制系统配置不同、技术水平、监控方式各异,这就势必对每个辅助系统都需配备相当的运行人员,使劳动生产率不能进一步提高。













  电网从历史发展来看,可以分为四个阶段:电厂直配城市网、省区电网、跨省大区电网和跨大区联合电网.随着用电量不断增长,大型水电、火电和核电的建设,地区间电源与负荷的不平衡以及经济调度的需要,必然要求发展输电和联网,电压等级也随之逐步提高.从最初较低电压水平的6-10kv经历35kv、 110kv和220kv,发展到超高压的330kv、500kv和750kv电网,并且还有继续上升的趋势。










  The college days have been very happy, now third learning journey is coming to an end, Second College internship is coming. This practice we are going to XXX Power Plant Co. Ltd. and Guangzhou Whampoa power plant. The University internship not how many times, very rare, is also very important. The opportunity is to grasp their own and a good grasp of the importance of the internship, internship, internship in thinking, to study the knowledge and practice, will be able to enhance their knowledge, can broaden their horizons, to improve their learning ability.


  Like the first time that I do a good job of internship, internship ready, ready, ready to think. In practice, a week ago, I read a lot of books about thermal power plant in the library, but also to understand the water power, nuclear power and so on. This practice before let me benefit.

  一、 实习目的及任务

  I. objectives and tasks of the internship


  Production practice is an important part of the teaching plan in thermal energy and power engineering, is an important part of the practical teaching. It is the professional basic courses of study in students, and has passed the < < > of metalworking practice, cognition practice "and" electrical and electronic technology training and practice teaching "exercise. It is a necessary complement to classroom teaching, but also the extension of practice teaching, is to implement the principle of theory with practice, to further deepen the understanding of the process, but also the students contact and understand the world, understand the important way of enterprise, is the best opportunity for students to learn from workers, it was also a preview after graduation in the actual work. The target plays an important role for professional training. In the production practice, the students should go to the production site, the earnest practice, direct access to knowledge, consolidate the theory. The main teaching aims are:


  1., by participating in the actual production work, we should flexibly apply the theoretical knowledge we have learned to solve practical problems, and cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve problems independently


  2. during the course of practice, students continue to learn the excellent quality of workers and on-site technicians, and set up the idea of assiduously studying science and technology and making more contributions to the modernization of the motherland


  3., through the practice of thermal power plant, we should master the basic principle of thermal process of thermal power plant and the whole process of power generation process


  4., through the practice of thermal power plant, understand the power plant centralized control operation system and the power transmission and distribution method in the process of thermal power generation


  5., through the production practice of thermal power plant, to understand the basic knowledge and ability necessary for power production, power installation and power design


  6., through the production practice of thermal power plant, collect technical data related to this specialty, and make a careful analysis to prepare for the follow-up study of specialized courses and graduation project


  Two, total rest awareness


  (1) the basic production process of a thermal power plant


  See schematic diagram of power generation process in thermal power plant:


  Ene coal by the installation of belt conveyer in the inclined shed to the original coal mill made by sending pulverized coal into powder exhaust fan into the boiler combustion. The coal combustion air from the blower to arranged in the air preheater heating boiler. A part of the hot air (a wind) the fan into the mill, used for heating, drying pulverized coal, pulverized coal into the furnace together with the burner together; the other part (two wind) by the burner directly into the furnace in combustion of pulverized coal in furnace combustion. The chemical energy into heat, sent a large amount of heat generated by the combustion of high temperature flue gas. From the top followed by arranged in the horizontal flue and tail flue superheater, reheater, economizer and air preheater, the dust removal equipment, fan, chimney emissions into the atmosphere. And the whole combustion ash to combustion of carbon particles It will fall into the slag hopper at the bottom of the furnace, and will fall into the ditch with the fine ash removed from the dust remover and be washed away by high pressure water. The ash pump will be sent to the ash yard at the end


  As the water refrigerant through the water supply pump booster after high-pressure heater of steam turbine to boiler economizer, water absorption of flue gas flue sanctimonious in the heat in the economizer after entering the drum, and then routed from the decline in the outside of the furnace wall tube by connecting box is arranged in the water cooled wall into the furnace walls. Absorb radiant heat during combustion of pulverized coal. For water through the water wall, a part of the water evaporated into steam, and steam to blend the form into the drum. Soda mixture in the foreign devils bag after separation, steam (saturated steam) enters the superheater of the formation of superheated steam superheated steam from the main steam. Steam into the steam turbine for power, and then tears for the middle of steam turbine, steam superheated tears first into the high pressure cylinder power, steam and then discharged from a high-pressure cylinder and then back to the Boiler Reheater Overheating in high temperature and The same temperature after sending new steam turbine, low pressure cylinder expansion continues, driven generators. A steam pan and finally into the condenser in the turbine power condenses into water, and into the condenser hot well bottom, the condensate pump, low pressure heating device into tears in oxygen into the deaerator water tank, water pump to boost evacuation by boiler heat absorption tears, to recycle.


  Although there are many kinds of thermal power plants, the basic process is the same from the viewpoint of energy conversion, that is, chemical energy of fuel, heat energy, mechanical energy and electricity


  (two) several major components of a thermal power plant:


  A thermal power plant is a factory where electricity is produced by the chemical energy of coal, oil, natural gas, or other fuels:

  (1) 锅炉及附属设备,确保燃料的化学能转化为热能。 (2) 汽轮机及附属设备,确保热能变为机械能。 (3) 发电机及励磁机,确保机械能变为电能。 4) 主变压器,把电能提升为高压电输送给输电线路。

  (1) boiler and ancillary equipment, to ensure that the fuel chemical energy into heat. (2) steam turbine and auxiliary equipment, to ensure that the heat energy into mechanical energy. (3) generator and exciter, ensure the mechanical energy into electrical energy. 4) the main transformer, the electric energy can be promoted to high voltage power transmission to line.

  一、 燃料系统

  I. fuel system


  The coal resources in our country are rich, so the fuel of thermal power plants in China is mainly coal. The coal-fired power plants are very large. Therefore, the thermal power plants have coal transportation systems with large capacity, mechanization and high degree of automation


  Coal Xinhui Shuangshui Power Plant Co. Ltd. and Guangzhou Whampoa power plant is shipping, the coal to the power plant dock and then unloaded to the yard.

  (一)输煤系统及煤场设备: (1)、卸煤:设备有装卸桥、门抓及桥抓。都是把煤抓出,放到要放受卸设备。 (2)、煤场:为了电厂厂安全生产的需要,设置煤场,储备一定数量的煤,在外来运煤暂中断的情况下,能保证电厂正常生产;也可用于当锅炉燃煤量与运煤量不均衡时起缓冲作用;又可作为不同煤种的先配与混全场地。 (3)、上煤:主要作用是完成煤的输送、破碎、筛分、分计量等。设备有:带式运输机、煤筛、碎煤机、除铁器、除木块设备、电子皮带称等。

  (a) coal system and coal yard equipment: (1), coal unloading: Crane equipment, bridge and door catch catch. Coal is put out, put on unloading equipment. (2), coal yard: to production safety, power plant set coal yard, reserve a certain amount of coal. In the coal transported temporarily interrupt the situation, can guarantee the normal production of power plant; can also be used when the boiler coal consumption with coal quantity equilibrium buffer; and it can be used as the first match with different kinds of coal mixed with the whole site. (3), coal: the main role is to complete the coal transportation, broken. Screening, measurement and so on. Equipment: belt conveyor, crusher, coal screen, iron remover, in addition to wood equipment, electronic belt scales.


  (two) pulverizing system

  制粉系统分直吹式制粉系统和中间储仓式制粉系统。 直吹式制粉系统是磨煤机磨出的煤粉直接吹入炉膛燃烧。中间储仓式制粉系统是磨煤机磨好的煤粉先储存在煤粉仓中,然后再根据锅炉燃烧需要,煤粉从煤粉仓经给粉机|一次风管送入锅炉燃烧室燃烧的制粉系统。

  The coal pulverizing system consists of pulverizing system and middle storage pulverizing system. Coal pulverizing system is directly blown into the furnace chamber grinding mill combustion. Middle storage pulverizing system is the existence of coal in coal mill good first reservoir, and then according to the needs of boiler combustion, pulverized coal from the coal powder feeder | primary air pipe into the combustion chamber of the boiler pulverizing system.

  煤粉的制备:设备是磨煤机。 磨煤机按转速可分为低速磨煤机、中速磨煤机和高速磨煤机。主要的工作原理是:原煤和空气进入磨煤机筒体内,当筒体转动时,波浪型的衬板将钢球提到一定高度,然后落下,煤在筒体内既受到钢球的撞击,同时又受到钢球的挤压和碾磨,最终被破碎成煤粉。空气对原煤和煤粉起干革命燥作用,同时将煤粉通过出口料斗带出磨煤机。

  Coal preparation equipment is a coal mill. Mill according to the rotational speed can be divided into low speed coal mill, coal pulverizer and high-speed mill. The main working principle is: coal mill and air into the cylinder, when the cylinder rotates, liner wave will be referred to the ball a certain height, then fall down, coal in the cylinder by the steel ball impact, but also by the ball milling and extrusion, was eventually broken into coal. The air revolution dry effect on coal and coal, while the coal through the outlet hopper with a coal mill.


  Three boiler


  (1) the boiler is one of the three major equipments in the thermal power plant. Its function is to change water into high temperature and high pressure steam. The boiler is the total device for the three processes of fuel burning, heat transfer and water vaporization


  The internship will visit the new double water power plant limited and Guangzhou Whampoa power plant, their boilers are circulating fluidized bed boiler and direct current boiler


  CFB boiler: fixed grate furnace is placed in the coal on the grate, pass into the air from the grate below, the coal combustion and circulating fluidized bed boiler is below a fire grate grate into the air speed increased, the grate coal particles are blown in boiling state of suspension combustion. At the same time at the furnace exit. The high temperature flue gas dust, and will collect the carbon content of fly ash are sent back into the chamber and combustion boiler. The combustion is called circulating fluidized bed boiler.


  Boiler feedwater pump: depend on pressure, make the water sequentially through the economizer, evaporation (water wall, superheater) and all into the boiler water vapor.


  (two) composition and arrangement of boiler equipment;


  Boiler equipment consists of two major parts, the boiler body and auxiliary equipment, which we have seen and heard during our internship

  1锅炉本体部分 (1) 汽水系统 ① 省煤器。省煤器布置在锅炉尾部烟道烟温较低的区域。它是由若干排蛇形管构成,其内部流动着从给水泵来的水,吸收烟气中的热量,把水加热到饱和温度后送入汽包。 ② 水冷壁。水冷壁是布置在炉膛墙壁四周内侧垂直的管排。它既吸收燃料燃烧后放出的辐射热,加热其内部的饱和水,使之变为汽水混合物,以对炉墙起保护作用而不被烧坏,防止炉墙结渣,避免熔渣对炉墙的侵蚀。 ③ 汽包。其内部装有汽水分离器。在汽水循环中,它起中枢作用。它有较大的容积,既容水又容汽。 ④ 联箱。有上联箱和下联箱。 ⑤ 下降管。它是汽包向水冷壁下联箱供水的通道,布置在炉墙外边,不受热,不产生蒸汽 ⑥ 过热器。是提高蒸汽温度啬蒸汽内能的设备,由蛇形管排构成。它布置在炉膛出口后烟温较高的烟道中。 ⑦ 再热器。蒸汽在汽轮机做功后,压力和温度大大降低,送入再热器加热,提高其温度啬其内能后,返回汽轮机的低压段做功,从而提高热效率。它一般与过热器交叉布置在烟道的高温区。

  The 1 part of the boiler body (1) of the steam water system of economizer, economizer arranged in the boiler tail flue gas temperature low area. It is composed of a plurality of rows of serpentine tube, the internal flow from the pump to the water absorption of flue gas in the heat, heat the water to saturation temperature in steam evacuation the package. The water cooled wall. Water cooling wall is arranged in the furnace walls inside the vertical pipe. It absorbs radiant heat from fuel combustion, heating the saturated water inside, make soda mixture, in order to protect the effect on the furnace wall rather than being burned to prevent slagging in furnace wall to avoid slag, furnace wall erosion. 3. The drum inside the separator. In the steam cycle, it plays a pivotal role. It has a large volume of water and steam is easy. The header. The upper header and a lower header. The drop tube. It is the drum to the water wall the lower box water channel, cloth The heat in the furnace wall outside, does not produce the steam superheater steam temperature is improved. The equipment can increase the steam, by coil arrays. It is arranged in the furnace outlet flue gas temperature higher. After the reheater steam turbine. In the work, the pressure and temperature of reheater heating into greatly reduced. It can raise the temperature increase, after the return of the steam turbine low pressure work, so as to improve the thermal efficiency. It is generally arranged in the flue of the superheater and cross the high temperature zone.

  (2) 燃烧系统 ① 空气预热器。是加热空气的设备。布置在烟道中烟温较低的部位,可进一步降低烟气温度,养活热损失,提高锅炉热效率。 ② 喷燃器。是煤粉锅炉的燃烧设备。 ③ 炉膛及烟道。炉墙是由水冷壁管围起来的大空间,在水冷壁管外侧有炉墙,炉墙把整个锅炉封闭与外部隔开。烟道是由炉墙围起来的烟气通道,把炉膛出口的烟气按要求引入除尘器。

  (2) the combustion system of air preheater. Is air heating equipment. The flue gas temperature is arranged in the lower part, can further reduce the flue gas temperature, feed heat loss, improve thermal efficiency of the boiler. The burner's combustion equipment. The pulverized coal fired boiler. The furnace and the flue furnace wall is composed of water wall. Tube enclosed space, in the water wall outside the furnace wall, the furnace wall of the boiler flue is closed and separated. The external smoke channel enclosed by the furnace wall, the outlet flue gas of boiler according to the requirements into the dust.


  2 auxiliary equipment for boilers

  ①送风机 ② 引风机 ③排粉机 ④给粉机 ⑤细粉分离器 ⑥煤粉仓 ⑦ 给粉机 ⑧螺旋输粉机

  The blower fan of the row of powder machine give powder machine, fine powder separator the coal powder feeder, the spiral powder conveyer


  Four, turbine


  This term we are just learning the principle of steam turbine in the course of practice makes us more intuitive feeling of the steam turbine. The theory and the reality is not the same, I said. The comparison class to gain knowledge and understanding of the master power plant practice of steam turbine has a further understanding.

  (一) 汽轮机是以蒸汽为工质的旋转式热能动力机械,汽轮机的主要用途是作为发电用的原动机。汽轮机必须与锅炉、发电机、以及凝汽器、加热器、泵等机械设备组成成套装置,共同工作。具有一定压力和温度的蒸汽来自锅炉,经主气阀和调节气阀进入汽轮机内,一次流过一系列环形安装的喷嘴栅和动叶栅而膨胀做功,将其热能转换成推动汽轮机转子旋转的机械功,通过联轴器驱动发电机做功。在火电厂中,膨胀做工后的蒸汽有汽轮机排气部分被引入冷凝器,冷却水放热而凝结。凝结水再经泵输送至加热器中加热后作为锅炉给水,循环工作。

  (a) steam turbine is for rotary thermal power mechanical refrigerants, mainly use steam turbine is the original motivation as electricity. The steam turbine and generator, and to the boiler, condenser, heater, pump and other components of mechanical equipment installation, work together with a certain temperature and pressure of steam from the boiler. The main valve and control valve into the steam turbine, a nozzle gate through a series of ring mounting and moving cascade and expansion, the thermal energy is transformed into mechanical power driven rotation of the turbine rotor, drive motor through the coupling work. In thermal power plant, steam expansion after work is part of the turbine exhaust is introduced the condenser, cooling water heat and condensation. Condensate by heating pump to the heater as boiler water, circulating.


  The steam turbine includes a stationary part and rotation part. The stationary part comprises a cylinder, nozzle and plate seal, bearing. The rotor is composed of main shaft, impeller, impeller blades and other components, is an important part of the steam turbine.


  The following is the structural diagram of the turbine:

  汽轮机按工作原理分为两类:冲动式汽轮机和反动式汽轮机。 喷嘴栅和与其相配的动叶栅组成汽轮机中最基本的工作单元“级”,不同的级顺序串联构成多级汽轮机。蒸汽在级中以不同方式进行能量转换,便形成不同工作原理的汽轮机,即冲动式汽轮机和反动式汽轮机。

  According to the working principle of steam turbine is divided into two categories: impulse turbine and turbine working unit. "The basic level" nozzle gate and matched with the steam turbine rotor cascade composition, different level order is a series of multistage turbine. Steam in the stage in a different way of energy conversion, they formed different steam turbine the principle of the impulse turbine and turbine.


  (1) the impulse steam turbine is mainly composed of impulse stage. In the stage, the steam basically expands in the nozzle grid, and only a small amount of expansion is applied to the moving Ye Zhazhong


  (2) turbine. The main reaction stage, steam turbine static cascade and the blades are quite modest expansion.


  (two) auxiliary equipment of steam turbine;


  Auxiliary equipment for steam turbines includes condensers, regenerative heaters, deaerator, feed pumps, and condensate pumps


  (1) condenser: its function is to cool the steam turbine's exhausted steam and condense it into water, so as to establish and maintain a high vacuum at the exhaust port of the steam turbine


  (2) the heater heater is set in order to reduce cold source loss and improve efficiency. Its role is to use spare part from some of the intermediate level of the steam turbine steam heating work done, the main condensate and boiler. A high pressure heater heater (water heater pump after) and low pressure heater (condensation heater between the pump and the deaerator) points, its structure is basically the same.


  (three) deaerator: its working principle is: under certain pressure, the higher the temperature of the water, the gas solubility is smaller, the greater the solubility of gas and gas pressure on the surface of the water. At the same time, the higher the solubility is greater, on the contrary, its solubility is also lower.


  Five generator


  (1) turbo generator

  它的基本工作原理:按照电磁感应定律,导线切割磁力线感应出电动势。 发电机最基本的组成部件是:定子和转子。

  Its basic working principle: according to the law of electromagnetic induction, the wire cuts the magnetic lines of force to induce electromotive force. The basic components of the generator are stator and rotor


  (1) the stator consists of an iron core, a stator winding, a base, an end cap and bearings


  (2) the rotor is mainly composed of rotor core, excitation winding, retaining ring and fan


  Six, two power plant comparison


  1, boiler XXX Power Plant Co. Ltd. is used in circulating fluidized bed boiler; boiler in Guangzhou Whampoa power plant is used. There is no direct boiler boiler drum part, can be used for all kinds of pressure, water cooling wall is free, adjusting the reaction quickly.


  2, XXX power plant seeking cluster development, the introduction of paper base; Whampoa power plant is a key power plant in Guangzhou, has an important position

  3、XXXX电厂的员工要求全能发展, 这就要求员工进厂后要继续培训,这增加了培训费用,但提高了员工素质,减少了用人负担。

  3, XXXX power plant staff require all-round development, which requires employees to continue training after entering the factory, which increases the training costs, but improve the quality of staff, reducing the burden on personnel


  Practice, harvest and experience:

  两周的实习时间很快就结束了,时间虽然不长,但对于我们学生来说已经 受益非浅了。通过这次实习,我从总体上认识了火力发电厂,切实对火力发电 厂主要生产设备的基本结构、工作原理及性能等有一个系统、全面的了解。电 厂里面结构复杂,设备繁多,面对电厂才知自己的知识是多么的少。在学校学 习我们都似乎知道锅炉是怎样的,但到了电厂面对几十米高的锅炉,自己就不 懂了,看到的都是管道,似乎电厂就是用管道建成的。那些管道是怎样走的怎 样布置的,这些我一点都不懂。学习是无止境的,知道自己的不足,就补过来, 知道自己的无知,就继续学习,现在在学校应努力学,将来到了社可以继续学。 此次实习,让我对自己的专业有更深层次的认识,并为后续专业课程的学习提供 必要的感性认识和基础知识。当今技术日新月异,要想有所成就,就必须不断 学习,不断更新自己的知识,拓宽知识面,学以致用,把知识应用于实际。

  The two week internship time soon ended, although the time is not long, but for our students have benefited. Through this internship, I know the power plant on the whole, the basic structure and the thermal power plant the main production equipment, working principle and performance of such a system. Comprehensive understanding of the complex structure. Inside the plant, equipments, power plants face to know their knowledge of how little. In school we all seem to know what is the boiler in the power plant boiler, but in the face of tens of meters high, you do not understand, see all the pipes, pipe is built seems to power plant. The pipeline is to go to the layout of these, I do not know. Learning is endless, know my own shortcomings, make over, know their ignorance, keep learning, schools should strive to learn now in the future. The agency can continue to learn. This practice, let me have a deeper understanding of their profession, and for the follow-up professional courses to provide the necessary basic knowledge and perceptual knowledge. The technology change rapidly, want to succeed, we must constantly learning, constantly their knowledge, broaden their knowledge and practice and the application of knowledge in practice.