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Openingsession Distinguishedguests dearfriends: amhonored welcomeyou all Shaanxi Normal University internationalconference globalenvironmental change deeplyproud jointlyorganize Make.Iam very pleased seehere many representatives from neighboringcountries partnercountries, international organizations, project implementers. amtruly proud ourinternational community which could show constant interest environmentalissues gatheringtogether progress,analyze new challenges jointefforts towards safe stablefuture. ourmission globalizeworld. ourglobal responsibility. economyhas contributed throughout history differentaspects dailylife. Today, we nature.Many times, we unfortunately take things granted.Until one day, we found weknow has changed distortedbeyond recognition, we facingair pollution, global warming taintedsoil water.Developments fieldhave always continued takeplace. Our conference today stepforward longjourney. talkabout conference,indeed wouldleave ourguests, speakers us.However, simplyunderline another dimension conference’smission which goodtradition meetregularly shareour ideas findnew moreeffective ways impact.we seek academic excellence, nowadays,international exposure studentshas become essentialcomponent excellingacademically. prominentinternational speakers immenselycontribute ouracademic atmosphere. Indeed, your experience knowledge,honorable distinguishedguests, alsoeich our cultural diversity scientificcooperation cross-culturalcontext. Finally,allow me expressmy sincere appreciation yourpresence choosingXi’An alsowant thankall ourbeautiful city. amconfident enjoyyour stay enjoyableevent. Thankyou yourattention. Closingsession Dearfriends wouldlike thankMrs. Make organizingcommittee havingappointed me nowvery close ourconference greatsuccess. wentsmoothly twodays conferencehas covered so many important complexproblems globalenvironmental change both theoretical practical.All presentationswere very illuminating heatedpanel discussions were very stimulating fruitful.Now, greatjoy reluctantmind part,we get together again conferencehas drawn successfulclose. ourhope globalenvironmental change newstage. We all hope maintainclose contact eachother futureresearch work globalenvironmental change. wouldlike expressmy thanks again. Thankyou 1stinternational conference globalenvironmental change. Thankyou everybodywho had contributed least,thank you Mrs.Make overallorganizing last,my friends, see you next year safetrip home, thank you all. Distinguished[d?’st?gw?t] Guests,Ladies GoodEvening! Tonight,Wecome conferencewhich we cherish['t?eri?] forever. Pleaseaccept my congratulations successfulconference. amvery encouraged event[i'vent] has demonstrated InternationalCulture veryimportant wecan all come together shareour resources, ideas, thoughts).We have been listening presentations['prez?n'tei?n]. program['pr?uɡr?m] all oneday heavytask hasbeen really worth hasbeen inspiring [?n'spa?r?] experiences[iks'pi?ri?ns] viewpoints['vju:p?int] havebeen raised[reizd] from so many different parts Thankyou organizing['?rɡ?'na?z]committee [k?'miti]. all guestspeakers. ourOrganizing Committee, express[iks'pres] our sincere [sin'si?] gratitude ['ɡr?titju:d] youwho have so actively ['?kt?vl?] participated[pɑ: 'tisipeit] weretruly excellent Conference! accordance[?'k?:d?ns] tradition[tr?'di?n], declare[di'kl?] InternationalCulture Conference closed, callupon assemble[?'sembl] four years from now celebrate['selibreit] InternationalCulture Conference.
在此我们很高兴能够代表全体老师和同学 对英语文化节的成功举办表达热烈的祝贺!向组织和参与本届英 语文化节的各位老师和同学表示衷心的感谢!向取得优异成绩的 同学表达热烈的祝贺! 英语文化节系列活动,是外国语学院展示其风采的特色活动,受到了校团委的重视和大力支持,为第一届郑州师范学院英语文 化节的成功举办打下了良好的基础。
举办英语文化节以各种活动为载体,丰富英语学 习,提高了我们的口语。
英语文化节活动丰富,有激情澎湃的英 语演讲比赛,飘逸流畅的书法比赛,精彩绝伦的翻译比赛,优美 动听的歌曲比赛,色彩斑斓的书签比赛,还有外语短剧表演,英 美文化知识讲座。
同学们纯正的演讲,灿烂的微笑,欢快的歌声 和着青春的节拍在天空中飞翔。
同学们以特有的方式感悟着英语 乐趣,传递着你们对英语浓浓的喜爱。
本届英语文化节的一系列的活动主要为 促进学生们的英语能力,英语素养提升所开展,这样的活动以后 会坚持办下去,而且会越办越好。
学英语是为了更好的生活,为 了美好的明天,让我们全校师生努力营造校园英语氛围,让英语 成为真正交流的纽 让我们以热烈的掌声祝贺郑州师范学院第一届英语文化节胜利落幕。
Mr.Chairmanhonored guest
We have come to the end of this conference.Please accept my congratulations on a successful conference.
In the past few days the conference report and discuss the detailed explanation of the current situation and development trend of artificial intelligence.We discussesthe practical experience of artificial intelligence and shows the latest products and application of technological innovation.In these days the conference has covered so many important and complex problems in the flied of Artificial intelligence both theoretical and practical. All the presentations were very illuminating and informative. And the heated panel discussions were very stimulating and fruitful. Now with great joy and reluctant mind to part we get together again to declare that the conference has drawn to a successful close.It’s our hope that the result of the conference will carry the study of Artificial intelligence to a new stage. We all hope to maintain close contact and cooperation with each other in the field of future research work on Artificial intelligence.
I want to thank you both for organising such a super meetingnot only for me but also for the other members of my laboratory.Of courseIwould like to express my appreciation toChinese Academy of Sciences for the fabulous job of organizing and supporting this conference.
And last my friends see you next year in Beijing and have a safe trip home thank you all.
Honorary Mr. President
Honorary Professors
Dear Colleagues and Friends
Ladies and Gentlemen
We are soon closing this international conference which has been a great success. We have enjoyed the advanced professional program as well as the interesting introduction to your high prestige university of CUMT. Also we have had possibilities to join some unforgettable evenings with colleagues and there is still one more evening gathering in our program.
From our side we can only say that everything was successful professional and especially we foreigners were receiving the most wonderful Chinese hospitality. I want to thank everybody who took part in the organization work.
Let me give you a brief summary of the feelings which I have now about this international conference:
We have been listening to 15 presentations selected out of 42 which were printed in the Proceedings. To have such a program all in two days is a heavy task but in this case it has been really worth the efforts.
As a practical result of this conference and before we departure - we could use this opportunity and plan something for the future. For example bilateral agreements between the two fire protection codes can help a lot in engineering practice. I am very happy about the discussions which we had this afternoon on this topic.
Before closing on behalf of Fire Science Committee I want to thank you Mr. President Professor Guo Feng for making this conference possible. I want also to thank you professor GaoYunji for hosting all of us both during the daytime and in the evenings. I want to thank everyone who has worked for our conference and made it a success.
We will all go home with good memories of this meeting and I hope that some day in the future I can be the host for all of you in my country.
I wish everybody a good journey home wherever you live but before that I know we shall spend one more relaxing evening together.
Thank you for joining the seminar and for your support and cooperation with us.