

时间:2022-10-26 07:07:43 求职简历模板 我要投稿
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简历编号:   更新日期:    
姓  名: 大学生个人简历网 国籍: 中国
目前所在地: 广东省 民族: 汉族
户口所在地: 湖南 身材: 162 cm?50 kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 29
诚信徽章:   人才测评:  
人才类型: 普通求职?
应聘职位: 高级管理、贸易、市场营销:
工作年限: 9 职称: 无职称
求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 两个星期
月薪要求: 5000--8000 希望工作地区: 广州 中山 顺德区
公司名称: 起止年月:2011-05 ~ 2012-02格美淇电器有限公司
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:贸易/进出口
担任职务: 西欧大客&市场经理 
工作描述: 1)带领团队进行家电海外市场营销工作(市场调研和分析);2)独立海外出差拜访客户,进行商业谈判,当地市场调研; 3)海外市场销售渠道开发及维护4)行业竞争对手分析及制定有效应对策略(产品,价格,渠道,推广,促销等)。5)新品市场调研及协助公司进行新品研发。 
离职原因: 个人职业发展 
公司名称: 起止年月:2008-03 ~ 2011-03佛山晨明实业有限公司
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:贸易/进出口
担任职务: 外贸经理 
工作描述: 1)直接受公司总经理管理,负责整个海外部的运作(业务及管理),领导团队制定和完成年度营销任务. 年度国内外展会及电子平台的确定,维护并不断开拓国外优质客户.


3)工厂各部门就订单按时按质完成的协调, 与客户之间就订单质量,交期的协调


离职原因: 家中有事 
公司名称: 起止年月:2004-10 ~ 2007-12百得燃气用具有限公司
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:贸易/进出口
担任职务: 外贸主管 
工作描述: 1)整体负责欧洲,澳洲区域的燃气用具的业务开拓和发展。
4)结合部门总体营销策略,组织参加国内外专业展会, 搜集市场信息便于部门市场部进行新产品开发。
离职原因: 个人职业发展 
公司名称: 起止年月:2002-10 ~ 2004-08隆成日用品公司
公司性质: 外商独资所属行业:贸易/进出口
担任职务: 外贸专员 
工作描述: 1)跟进美国大客户EVENFLO的订单,从下单,联系工厂,跟进订单进度以确保定时交货。



离职原因: 个人职业发展 
毕业院校: 湖南省中南大学铁道学院
最高学历: 大专 毕业日期: 2002-07-01
所学专业一: 英语 所学专业二:  
受教育培训经历: 1999/9 ~ 2002 /7      湖南省中南大学铁道学院   英语        大专
外语: 英语 优秀    
其它外语能力: 西班牙语 良好
国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 一般
  1)3年驾龄  扎实的国际市场营销经验; 能独立出差拜访客户和考察市场。丰富的海外部门管理经验 拥有自己独特且有效的应对复杂多变的国际贸易的应对思维  2)熟悉并能灵活操作出口贸易的整套流程(客户洽谈,接单,审证,制单,工厂跟单,报关,船务等);  3)有丰富的国内及国外参展经验。 全程组织并参加过各类展会(广交会,迪拜展,欧洲家电展),能独立和客户进行有效的面对面洽谈.4)有良好的团队管理经验,领导过5人以上团队顺利完成公司年度营销任务 5)能独立寻找良好的国内供应商进行谈判,完成产品配件的采购。 6)对各国法律, 产品认证及知识产权 有一定了解。7)熟悉公司ISO9001 质量管理体系及ERP管理体系;
English Resume: RESUME

Personal Information:
Family Name: Zhou   Given Name: Rong
Date of birth: May 14,1982    Birth place: Hunan
Sex: Female    Marrital Status: Unmarried
Telephone: 0757 – 28321290    Mobile: 13421455264
E-mail: candyzhourong@126.com

Education background:
Sep,1999~ July, 2002   Hunan Center-South University majoring English

Work Experience:
Time : Oct.2002 ~ Sep. 2004
Company to serve : Lerado group (Holding)company limited
Position:  Export sales representative

( Lerado group is Taiwan-based company  to manufacture a wide range of infant and pre-school products at Zhongshan city in Guangdong province. Its members reach up to 1,000 people . The majority of its products are sold to the united stated of America and Europe. Its website: www.lerado.com )

- Main work –
a) Full responsible for the export sales of America market.
b) Communicate with different departments in the factory & Follow current ODM & OEM products to be finished in perfect condition.
c) Assist customers of the mold modification in the factory and new products to be published
d) Customer reception at kinds of exhibition in mainland & overseas countries or at customer’s factory visit .

-Achievement –
Succeed in promoting the product of infant seat to the market of North America .  20,000pc order of this products are got  by monthly from this market  . Now This product is in hot sale in local supermarket and shops .

2) Time : Oct.2004 ~ Dec. 2007
Company to serve:  Chinabest Home Appliance Co.,Ltd
Position :  Export sales manager

(“Chinabest” is the one of the fastest growing global manufactures of home appliances in Zhongshan city , Guangdong province. It is founded in 1992 with private –owned company )

-Main works –

a) Make annual sales budget and plan,   lead the sales group of 5 members to achieve the annual sales task
b) Export documents audit,
c) Work and communicate with different departments in the factory  
d) Searching &negotiation  with potential customer via B2B website such Alibaba ,
Globalsouces , ect .
e) Attending kinds of exhibition  in mainland such Canton fair,  HK electronic fair & some exhibition  held in some overseas countries such Dubai electronic exhibition, Colon fair in Germany etc ). (QQ个性签名网 http://WWW.QQ0762.com/

Succeed in promoting the new products of camping stoves to Australia & European market.  K-mart is one of the biggest supermarket in Australia . and he purchase our camp stoves with  large quantity each year .

Work Capacity&Skill:
a)  With full knowledge of whole procedure of overseas trading (negotiation with customer, contract make-up , credit audit, order follow up, vessel booking etc) and practise independently.
b)  With experience of attending kinds of exhibition at mainland &overseas countries of Dubai, Poland, Turkey, Germany etc.
c)  With project management skill and organize members to achieve specific sales task.
d) Good communication skill in English both oral &written to negotiate with customer face to face.
e) Good computer skills in Word/Excel/Photoshop etc
f) Familiar with product stardand and certification required for prodct  in many countries like Europe , America and Australia
g) With knowledge of laws of trading  in some European countries
h) Good capability on coordination with different department at factory
i) ) Strong bargaing with suppliers to complete purchase of parts of product.

Character Description:
I am active to learn new things and  independent to solve problems .
To achieve the goal , I am good team player to work together with colleages.











