

时间:2024-06-13 08:58:53 励志作文 我要投稿





  Everyone has the responsibility of our responsibilities is to do their own work for their own class to make its due contribution. Phenomena are noisy all the time in class, everyone so, I believe this class group of classes where the wind will not be good to go.

  Class, some students are foul—mouthed, not at his class honor, let alone contribute to the class. What is more, not only do not learn, but also disturb others. With such people learn to live in has been, how would their moral character be improved? Remember those red nearly lost the company he keeps the truth!

  Maybe they will say that the increase in themselves the responsibility is too heavy, their uncivilized phenomenon only occurs only occasionally, swearing they export only their own feelings of anger, catharsis, perhaps . but their responsibilities, especially a man's responsibility is to should not have any of the conditions is that they must perform.

  One of our responsibility to life, people have done, but also to do a competent, able to fulfill their responsibility to students? We have many responsibilities, such as not stole, do not waste, and so on. These students can not do, how to go for the community, the class to contribute to it?

  Yes, life among the many responsibilities, and we each had to perform my son.

  Responsibility, for each people, are not new, because of the responsibility, we each of us will work hard; have the responsibility, the state can continue to grow and develop; because of the responsibility, society can progress. Yes, the responsibilities of a country, a nation's development. Therefore, great responsibility.

  Is the responsibility of parents to develop their own talent adult woman. Training because their parents, we were able to grow up healthy and happy; because of parental responsibilities, we can almost happy music every day to school, get down to go home and rest. Therefore, great responsibility.

  Is the responsibility of theschool we have an ambition to learn, the teacher's responsibility is to impart knowledge to us. As the saying goes, "Spring Silkworms to death silk square to make the candle dry ash tears start." This means that the teachers how much for the sacrifices we have made. It is because of the responsibility that we can every day, access to new knowledge; because of the responsibility, we can build for the road to the future on a bridge.

  The responsibility of ordinary farmers what is it? Their responsibility is to cultivate the crops growing well. Them back into the air every day of labor toward the loess, they never had any complaints. When various food mature, hanging in their faces the sweat and smile, because of the responsibility, we can eat every day, white rice and bread. Because the responsibility, we can have a healthy body, work hard for their future. Therefore, great responsibility.

  Everyone has a responsibility, and is the responsibility of our students learn in the future be able to offer a source of strength for the country. Even a modest line also ah! As long as we all pay a little bit, it will also be gathered into a powerful force. Now, we have to do is only to study diligently, to pave the way their own way after. Only then will we be worthy of struggling to raise our parents, our teachers was worthy of all the efforts made, there is the food produced by farmers hard. Therefore, great responsibility!

  To strive, to the title of this responsibility, we should also learn hard, because people paid too much for us, we only use their own action to return them. So, I give thanks to our responsibility to use their responsibility to us!

  Yes, I always bearing in mind these words: responsibility, no matter of what people.


  We Chinese place a high value on responsibility. It is traditional deal for us Chinese to take care of our parents. We owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up. It is right, then, when they are getting older with each passing day, we help them and see that they are well cared for. In this way, we give back some of the love and care they have given to us.

  As loyal Chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country. I t is our duty to keep China strong in the eyes of the world. Therefore, we should study and work hard for China's strongness which also depends on the advanced science and technology. We must be willing to join the Army and defend our country, would we be threatened by an invader. In short, to be a responsible citizen ,we must put our country's welfare above our own needs.

  Finally, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. It is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment.If we carry out these responsibilities, we will be respected citizens of our country.

  When the issue of poisonous milk powder gains an overwhelming focus from the public, what are these malefactors doing? As we can see from the depiction, enterprise, milk station, milch cow and even grass are trying to find someone scapegoating for this credit crisis, in my view point, that’s nothing to do with the credit but the problem of responsibility.

  Responsibility is a keyword that we should never disregard, defined not only as the courage to face every foreseeable risk, but as the braveness to entail every malpractice when it really takes place as well. The causes of the shortage of responsibility or even conscience may be as follows. Firstly, inner cause ascribing probably to the destructive influence emanating from the decay of morality may result in the over-materialism .Furthermore, outerly , deficient supervisal gives rise to the fearless adventurer who is at the risk of anything ,not to say to deviate from his own liability ,to pursue as many as profits. A case in point is the Melamine-laced Milk Incident which almost destroyed the whole of China’s milk industry.

  It is imperative that drastic measures should be taken to end this thorny situation, such as enacting related law to reinforce our supervisal mechanism to avoid the behavior of kicking the ball when something bad happen and promoting social entities to regain one of Chinese traditional virtues, which is called “who would enter the hell if I wouldn’t”,that means, undoubtedly, to learn to be responsible for the blunder means sensible unflinchingness.

  The concept of responsibility is a necessary fiction. Although socities must hold their individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."

  In the title statement, the speaker holds the contention that the concept of 'individual responsibility' is no existence but a fiction. Moreover, the speaker says that the behaviors of human beings are fundamentally determined by the environment which out of their control. Admittedly, one's actions are deeply influenced by laws, societies, schools and families and other exterior forces; individual responsibility exists and functions as a significant role to rule people's behaviors as well.

  On one hand, the highest social animal as human being is, any individual has his specific role in a certain society. And this specific role gives one social identity and individual responsibility through education in schools and influence of ethical and moral standards. Though some times one would feel that the certain responsibility is obligation from the society and organizations rather than his 'individual responsibility' at first, in most cases, the accountability would presumably become one's own eventually followed by the final identification of his specific social identity, and then direct one's behaviors without the force from the exterior world. For example, a soldier would think it is his duty to obey the rules without any hesitation; a surgeon would consider healing the patients as his accountability; and a historian would feel it is his responsibility to discover what is behind the historical descriptions. In fact, different careers and roles form diverse individual responsibilities, which result in individuals'voluntary behaviors.

  On the other hand, there are not only specific individual responsibilities in diverse areas but also some fundamental values and accountabilities, which we all human beings cherish. From the moment one can speak or even is born, the society begins to instill the moral and ethical standards, which is so called humanity in every one's mind. The older one is, the deeper influence the humanity would be. When one is just a little child, he would go directly to what he like and claim it. Then when he is old enough, he would realize that it is incorrect and ashamed. And because of the awareness of what is right and wrong, one would probably never do any misdeed again. Actually, humanity is just the common individual responsibility shared by all of us.

  However, every one lives in a certain society thereby one's behavior is more or less influenced by forces not of their own making. And to operate normally, every society has its laws, though many times have differences among them. It is true that humanity plays an essential role in ruling individuals' behaviors; yet laws are necessary. Under the control of laws, people who have little individual responsibility would probably not dare to do any crime in fear of law punishment. Besides laws, for example in school, rules are also an important factor as well as individual responsibility. Nowadays, in most universities, a student who does not pass some certain courses in his four years college life would not get his diploma of bachelor's degree. So even if a student does not like his discipline, or dose not care about his GPA, the pressure of graduating forces him not to playing computer or basketball all the time.

  In addition, individual responsibility and forces from outside world have overlapped parts some times. For instance, studying diligently is some hard- working students' individual responsibility as well as the pressure from schools and society.

  Generally speaking, it is hasty and incorrect to conclude that the concept of individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. On the contrary, individual responsibility plays an important role which cannot be replaced. However, laws and the exterior force also have their significance as well. Thus we can not put either of them aside and pay more attention to another


  Strengthening the Sense of Social Responsibility 社会责任感



  1. 什么是社会责任感

  2. 如何加强社会责任感

  3. 呼吁:让我们肩负起自己的社会责任


  Strengthening the Sense of Social Responsibility

  Each inpidual is closely related to and bears obligations to others - that is what we call social responsibility. The sense of social responsibility is very important to us. If everyone has a good sense of social responsibility, we can build a better social and a more prosperous country.

  How can sense of social responsibilty be strengthened? To start with, children should be taught about good moral outlook, so that when they grow up, they become law-abiding and responsible citizens. Furthermore, the humanistic education is vital, especially for university students because they are the future pillars of our country. Last but no least, it is necessary to encourage people to care for others, help others through all kinds of propaganda.

  If all the citizens have a sound sense of social responsibility, it is hopeful that the world will enjoy a better future. Therefore, let's take our social responsibility and contribute to our society.






  One of the wonderful things about being a foreign educator in china, is that chinese students are so eager to learn from you. they have been trained from an early age to be knowledge sponges, looking to soak up as much new information from their teachers as they can. secondly, confucian education demands a high degree of respect for teachers. the title lao shi is one of reverence in chinese society, though teachers tend to be poorly paid. even greater is the respect in china for foreign teachers or foreign eperts as they are called. despite the fact that most foreign eperts in china have no previous epertise as teachers of english as a foreign language but are employed as such, the chinese government welcomes their contribution by bestowing a respectful title upon them. thus, chinese students hold their foreign teachers especially in high regard, which is perhaps why so many people who come to china to teach end up staying here longer.

  It would be hard to find this level of appreciation for teachers among american students. young people in the u.s. have a somewhat different attitude toward educators; they are taught to question, not simply absorb, so they decide for themselves if a teacher is credible. american students may reject their teachers, confronting them and even publicly disagreeing with them as part of the learning process. american young people are less accepting of information at face value, preferring to evaluate for themselves as to whether or not what the teacher says is true or useful.

  The status of the teacher in eastern and western education has a major impact on the way students take responsibility for their learning. chinese students become heavily reliant on their teachers to give them the right information and can easily blame the teacher if they do not do well in the class by saying, the teacher didnt teach me enough. american students tend to be more independent as learners, and teachers encourage them to do research on their own, form study groups and seek answers from outside sources. this gives american students more fleibility in gathering information, and also encourages them to be responsible for their learning. responsibility in this contet does not simply mean memorizing the correct answers to pass an eam, it refers to the sense of ownership that makes learning meaningful.

  In chinese, people epress modesty by saying that they gave all their knowledge back to the teacher. this implies that the person never really owned the knowledge in the first place, but simply borrowed it from the teacher to pass the eam. but it also implies that the person never cherished this knowledge, because he or she never owned it, and so they neglected it and eventually forgot it. its just like the difference between living in a dormitory and living in your own house. no one who lives in a dorm takes very good care of it, especially the public areas. but once you own a home, you make it beautiful and keep it clean because it has greater value to you. this is pride of ownership, and what is owned is cherished. what is cherished endures.

  As much as chinese students appreciate their foreign teachers, they should not forget that responsibility for learning comes from within, not from without. the teacher cannot give someone english. no one can get english from a teacher or from a book like one can get a cold. responsibility for learning can only come from the learner, when he or she freely chooses to own the quality of his or her learning eperience, versus relying on borrowed knowledge from eperts.


  Who Should Be Responsible for Our Old People?

  As the result of birth control and improvement of medical care, supporting the old has become an issue of China today.

  Because of the different culture and traditio, supporting the old is different from country to country. For instance, British is a developed country and the problem of supporting the old is solved very well these years. The government takes a series of measures to solve the problem and also pays a lot of money for the old every year in order to make them live better.

  In China, because of its tradition, the old people are mostly supported by their children. But our government and our society are taking measures to support the old.

  As the development of economy and society is so rapid that we believe the system of our country to support the old would be perfect one day.







  Good evening,dear teachers and classmates.Today my topic is social mitment.With the development of the society,people’s minds change a lot.Much of this change is good,but it is not all good.As for a graduate student with mature thought and independent thinking,it is necessary and our obligation to think about the serious topic---social mitment.The reason why I call

  serious is that lots of us don’t have the consciousness. When we talked about our ideals,have we ever thought about our return to societyWhen we drew up the personal development plan,have we ever wanted to make contributions to the societyEven in our daily life, do not we identify with“thing is none of himself, and then high hang up”The reason of the popularity of“support body”on the internet, isn't it the reflection of lack of social responsibilityWe grow up in social context and now bee full-fledged,can soar,shouldn't we contribute little to the development of our societyAs the proverb said,“A drop of water in need, shall be returned with a spring in deed”!

  social mitment is not going to bee the resistance of our development, instead, it and our personal value realization will plement each other. It is difficult to imagine a person only focus on himself and regardless of other people’s feeling could make a great achievement. But, if we do things with grateful and bined our ideals and social responsibility appropriately, we even can make greater achievements. Because each person's own value

  realization can’t exist without social context and any result we obtained attached to it. Therefore, I think social mitment is not a kind of responsibility,

  however a kind of honor, with which we will be able to improve ourselves better and bee a mature man!

  Friends,let us trace the roots of the fine tradition of Chinese nation, let us e into action with our grateful to our society,let us believe with our efforts, the society will be more beautiful tomorrow!


  Each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others - that is what we call social responsibility. The sense of social responsibility is very important to us. If everyone has a good sense of social responsibility, we can build a better social and a more prosperous country.

  How can sense of social responsibilty be strengthened? To start with, children should be taught about good moral outlook, so that when they grow up, they become law-abiding and responsible citizens. Furthermore, the humanistic education is vital, especially for university students because they are the future pillars of our country. Last but no least, it is necessary to encourage people to care for others, help others through all kinds of propaganda.

  If all the citizens have a sound sense of social responsibility, it is hopeful that the world will enjoy a better future. Therefore, let's take our social responsibility and contribute to our society.





  Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well, some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


  As a result of the responsibility of a teacher,One side argument is they orght to teach the students how to distinguish right and wrong and how to be a human being well.the other side view is they should solely teach students about academic konwledges.In the following paraguaphs I will discuss each argument.

  First,teaching konwledges is a initial responsibility of a teacher.they should make every student learned various konwledges and the methods of how to study. When the students are studying in the primary school,they do not know anything about different subjuct. A good teacher should have the ability of how to guide the students to study and improve the attention of students increasingly paying to the various subject.

  On the other hand, apart from academic knowledges the students also need other skills. It is necessary that the teacher taught the students how to realise everything of the society, such as teammork,uderstanding each other, helping someone when he or she needs, in addition,the teacher also need teach the students how to solre the problems they meet, and how to face the difficult time and so forth.


  By sense of responsibihty, we mean the realization of one's task, duty or obligation. As a teacher, one should he reslonsible to the students. As a student,one should recognize his or her duty and should be blamed if one fails to carry out one's duty. Duty calls for the students to study hard.It is no easy task. I have to plnck up my courage, face the difficulties and accept thechallenge. I must be responsible re myself for everything I do. Now my heart isheavy with the burden of senseof

  responsibility. The pressure lends to my care and worry, but I should be thankful for it. This sense of responsibility spurs me to go on. I must make steady progress in study, My ability and attitude toward life and study concerns not only the school, but also my own future. To have a good position in society, to repay my parents, teachers and the school leaders for their kindness, I must study hard. Relying on my own efforts I want to be my best self.

  From now on, I will read books that I do not like to read, and do things that I do not like to do. In fact, there is no absolute like or dislike. The more you read, the more you are interested in reading. I have had such personal experience. Therefore, I can carry on to the end, doing things in which I am uninterested to the end. It concerns my future.


  one of the wonderful things about being a foreign educator in china, is that chinese students are so eager to learn from you。 they have been trained from an early age to be knowledge sponges, looking to soak up as much new information from their teachers as they can。 secondly, confucian education demands a high degree of respect for teachers。

  the title "lao shi" is one of reverence in chinese society, though teachers tend to be poorly paid。 even greater is the respect in china for foreign teachers or "foreign experts" as they are called。 despite the fact that most foreign experts in china have no previous expertise as teachers of english as a foreign language but are employed as such, the chinese government welcomes their contribution by bestowing a respectful title upon them。 thus, chinese students hold their foreign teachers especially in high regard, which is perhaps why so many people who come to china to teach end up staying here longer。

  it would be hard to find this level of appreciation for teachers among american students。 young people in the u。s。 have a somewhat different attitude toward educators; they are taught to question, not simply absorb, so they decide for themselves if a teacher is credible。 american students may reject their teachers,

  confronting them and even publicly disagreeing with them as part of the learning process。 american young people are less accepting of information at face value, preferring to evaluate for themselves as to whether or not what the teacher says is true or useful。the status of the teacher in eastern and western education has a major impact on the way students take responsibility for their learning。 chinese students become heavily reliant on their teachers to give them the "right" information and can easily blame the teacher if they do not do well in the class by saying, "the teacher didn't teach me enough。"

  american students tend to be more independent as learners, and teachers encourage them to do research on their own, form study groups and seek answers from outside sources。 this gives american students more flexibility in gathering information, and also encourages them to be responsible for their learning。 responsibility in this context does not simply mean memorizing the "correct" answers to pass an exam, it refers to the sense of ownership that makes learning meaningful。

  in chinese, people express modesty by saying that they gave all their knowledge back to the teacher。 this implies that the person never really owned the knowledge in the first place, but simply borrowed it from the teacher to pass the exam。 but it also implies that the person never cherished this knowledge,

  because he or she never owned it, and so they neglected it and eventually forgot it。 it's just like the difference between living in a dormitory and living in your own house。

  no one who lives in a dorm takes very good care of it, especially the public areas。 but once you own a home, you make it beautiful and keep it clean because it has greater value to you。 this is pride of ownership, and what is owned is cherished。 what is cherished endures。

  as much as chinese students appreciate their foreign teachers,

  they should not forget that responsibility for learning comes from within, not from without。 the teacher cannot "give" someone english。 no one can "get" english from a teacher or from a book like one can get a cold。 responsibility for learning can only come from the learner, when he or she freely chooses to own the quality of his or her learning experience, versus relying on borrowed knowledge from experts。


  We Chinese place a high value on responsibility. It is traditional deal for us Chinese to take care of our parents. We owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up. It is right, then, when they are getting older with each passing day, we help them and see that they are well cared for. In this way, we give back some of the love and care they have given to us.

  As loyal Chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country. I t is our duty to keep China strong in the eyes

  Finally, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. It is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment.鶬f we carry out these responsibilities, we will be respected citizens of our country.


  Yesterday, I broke a vase. This vase has been in myhome for several years.


  I was afraid of being criticized. I didn't dare to tellmy parents. So I pretended nothing happened.


  But they discovered at last. It was strange that myfather didn't blame me, but teach me a lesson.


  He made me know that responsibility was necessary for everyone in the world.


  If a person was not responsible, he couldn't do anything successful and may not be popularamong the people around you.


  A responsible person would have the courage to undertake everything. This was what a boyshould have.


  If I have done something wrong, I should take the responsibility.



  Problems such as the violation of privacy and environmental pollution are becoming increasingly prevalent in modern society. To some extent, they can be ascribed to a distinct lack of a sense of social responsibility among enterprises and individuals, which is of crucial importance in building a better world.

  When seeking profits, socially responsible corporations never forget to make positive contributions to our society. Take Alibaba, a leading tech company in China. The Ant Forest green initiative it launched in 20xx has so far inspired up to 500 million Alipay users to adopt low-carbon lifestyles and resulted in over 100 million trees planted in China's most barren regions. At the individual level, a sense of social responsibility motivates us college students to acquire as much knowledge as possible and put it into practice. It also prevents us from engaging in unethical behaviors such as campus violence and academic misconduct that cause negative social impacts.

  To sum up, a healthy society requires all its members to take on their respective responsibilities. Everyone, therefore, should develop a sense of social responsibility, especially we college students who will be a pillar of society in the future.







  Strengthening the Sense of social Responsibility

  Each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others - that is what we call social responsibility. The sense of social responsibility is very important to us. If everyone has a good sense of social responsibility, we can build a better social and a more prosperous country.

  How can sense of social responsibility be strengthened? To start with, children should be taught about good moral outlook, so that when they grow up, they become law-abiding and responsible citizens. Furthermore, the humanistic education is vital, especially for university students because they are the future pillars of our country. Last but no least, it is necessary to encourage people to care for others, help others through all kinds of propaganda.

  If all the citizens have a sound sense of social responsibility, it is hopeful that the world will enjoy a better future. Therefore, let's take our social responsibility and contribute to our society.


  As we all know,a person attracts more attentions among common peple.Therefore,his or her behaviors should be very careful to make sure that no bad affections are brought to the public.At the same time,he/she should be charged with more responsibilities.

  For example,Jay is a very famous star in Asia.a few years ago,he expressed his dissatisfaction through a media.His disrespect to people in mainland hurt them deeply and then he has been forced out in public for a long time.This also led many teenagers' anger to Jay.

  So it is obvious that a person should take on more responsibilities because their afect is common .









