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In the National Day
1. 我们要在国庆节举行庆典活动。
We will hold a celebration on National Day.
2. 在国庆节那天,我们给女儿订了一个新的衣柜。
We booked a new wardrobe for our daughter on National Day.
3. 我在国庆节的时候第一次去了阳朔。
I went to the village of Yangshuo for the first time during the national holiday.
4. 我的婚礼将安排在国庆节。
Our wedding will be arranged on National Day.
5. 在国庆节许多商店进行大减价。
On National Day many stores cut the price.
6. 感谢大家对我的支持,在国庆节过后,希望支持我的人永远幸福!
Express gratitude to everybody for everybodys support to me, after National Day, hope to support the person of me happiness forever!
7. 他无论如何必须在国庆节之前完成工作。
He must finish the work before National Day by all means.
8. 我将满满的祝福塞在信里,在国庆节之际,寄与远方的您。
I ish Fossett ill be busy in the letter, the National Day hen you send and distant.
9. 我想大家在国庆节的时候都有很多时间到处去品尝美食或在家里和家人一起烹饪一顿美味的大餐。
I think we have a lot of spare time during National Day, so we can eat around or cook a delicious food with our family.
10. 金价在国庆节期间上升势头放慢后于星期一重新上扬。
Prices went up on Monday following the National Holiday slowdown.
11. 如果你在国庆节在商店买件衬衫,将会免费得到一条领带。
If you buy a shirt in this department store on National Day, you can get a tie free of charge.
12. 我将满满的祝福塞在信里,在国庆节之际,寄与远方的您。祝您国庆节快乐,心想事成,事业蒸蒸日上!
I wish Fossett will be busy in the letter, the national day when you send and distant. I wish you a happy National day, wishing, and prosperity!
13. 这让我想起了小时候父亲在国庆节时背着我去看彩灯的情景。
This reminds me of my childhood when my dad carried me on his back to join the crowds for the light festival during national days.
14. 她说,一般我们都会建议游客提前50天左右报名,而在国庆节和春节黄金周,游客至少要提前100天报名。
We used to advise our clients to register 50 days, and even 100 days for statutory holidays, ahead of schedule.
15. 是的,在国庆节期间到中国旅游的确非常拥挤,我建议你改变你的旅游计划。
Yes, it wiil be rather crowded to travel China during the China national day holiday, I advise you change your travel plan.