

时间:2022-10-08 06:05:34 写作作文 我要投稿


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following main ideas (given in Chinese). Your composition should contain at least 120 words. Write your composition on the Answer Sheet.


  1. 当今社会中老年人曰益增多;

  2. 我们如何来关心老年人?

  3. 我们如何来发挥老年人的作用?


  In today’s world, the percentage of persons aged 60 and over now ranges from about 13% to 20% in industrialized and 4% to 8% in nonindustrialized nations. Some of these people feel very lonely and many of them need to be taken care of. If we can pay due attention to their needs and do more than talk to help them, we can greatly change the quality of their life.

  We only need to look at the old people we see living alone in our neighborhoods or in nearby nursing homes to know how these people are affected by their families not paying attention to them. My mother’s friend, Emily, for example, is in a nursing home far away from all of her children. She is sad and depressed and is having a hard time recovering from the stroke she had several moths ago. Another example is my neighbor who lives all alone and whose children rarely visit him. He, too, is lonely and, in fact, his health, is rapidly deteriorating, mostly because of his emotional state. Surely we owe old people better treatment than this.

  Instead of ignoring old people, we should welcome them in our families and society. They are rich in knowledge and experience. Their grandchildren can learn much from them—from what life was like in the past to skills like pead baking and carpentry. Society, too, can benefit from their knowledge of the past, thus gaining a deeper sense of history and perhaps even benefiting from their mistakes.

  It’s time for us to take a look at what we are doing to old people in our society. We must learn to value what old people have done for us and can still do for us. We should devote a little bit more time and energy to the care off them. After all, we will be in their shoes someday and will certainly want respect and love those around us.










