

时间:2022-10-07 13:08:41 学习方法 我要投稿
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  I'm very pleased to be here.

  I'm very happy to have this opportunity to...

  I feel great honored to be here.

  It's a pleasure for me to share my experience with you all.

  We have the great pleasure to have Mr.President with us.

  We are honored today to be joined by our distinguished guest,...

  Today I'd like to say something about...

  Well, the topic I'm going to deal with is...

  I'm sure everybody is interested in... so I will share with you some...


  My Story and the Chinese Dream Behind It


  In the past twenty years, China has faced three American presidents, but till coming to Yale today, I never realized that China really just faced one university. Although, through these three presidents, I understand that the quality of Yale graduates is not so even.



  Let me begin my main subject and let me give it a title, called “My Story and the Chinese Dream Behind It”. I want to talk about five particular years. The first is 1968. That year I was born. But it was also a chaotic year for the world. In France, there was this huge street disturbance, and in America, too. Then President Kennedy was assassinated. However, I really did not cause all of these! But that year what we remember more was the assassination of Mr. Martin Luther King. Although he fell that year, his

  words “I have a dream” stood up, not only stood up in America, but across the whole world.




  但是 那一年世界非常乱,在法国有它的这个,巨大的街头的骚乱,在美国也有,然后美国的总统肯尼迪遇刺了,但是的确这一切的原因都与我无关。




  1. Visual Aids

  Visual aids such as images, objects, sculptures and models are a fantastic but under-exploited tool for making ́great openings ́ in presentations in English. A visual aid immediately helps grab the audience ́s attention and piques their curiosity. And once the audiences tars thinking “what is it?”, “how does it relate to the presentation?” and “why have they shown me this?”, the presenter starts winning their battle to achieve their presentation objective (to inform, persuade, entertain etc.). Visual aids also act as a great support for non-native speakers who are nervous speaking in front of people, as it removes them from the spotlight. Also it helps focus their attention on the presentation opening instead of worrying about the audience ́s reaction. Watch this great example, a 5 minute TED Talk by a Dutch Engineer, and how he uses a visual object to make a boring presentation really come alive. Count how long it is before he actually starts speaking.

  1. 直接教具







  2. Petcha Kutcha 20x20

  Petcha Kutcha events are organized around the World. They were started by a group of young designers in Tokyo in 2003 and have become world famous. Their goal is to improve “The Art of Concise Presentations”. Each presenter is allowed to show 20 images (one per slide), with each slide lasting up to 20 seconds, hence the 20x20. So how does this relate to teaching presentations in English? In an internet obsessed world that has become more visual, faster paced, and now suffers from information overload, the ability to quickly communicate your key messages is vital. Other advantages include: being a useful technique for teaching time-poor professionals and managers; helping long-winded students become more concise; and finally there is a cross-cultural aspect.

  2. Petcha Kutcha 20x20项目

  Petcha Kutcha是一项全世界范围都在组织的活动,由一群东京的年轻设计师们于2003年发起的,之后在全世界范围内流行闻名。






  3. Storytelling

  Nancy Duarte wrote an excellent book called Resonate (Wiley, 2010), which helps any person learn how to craft visual stories and present them using the techniques normally reserved for cinema and literature. With Resonate, presenters learn how to: connect with the audience empathetically; craft ideas that get repeated; use story structures inherent in great communication; create captivating content; inspire and persuade audiences. It ́s a book full of quick and easy-to- use communication techniques for creating great presentation openings.

  3. 讲故事

  Nancy Duarte写过一本很棒的书叫《Resonate》(Wiley, 2010),这本书教给所有人如何视觉化地、生动地把故事讲出来,和平时只在电影和文学作品中才会使用的专业技巧。



  4. Power of your Voice

  Following on from point 3, great story-tellers also know how to use the power of their voice to captivate, entertain and influence their audience. There ́s a reason why children (and some adults) will sit quietly, attentively and listen for a long time to a good story-teller. What is it they do? They vary their tone, pitch, volume, speed, intonation, emphasis and pauses to create moments of suspense, excitement, danger and happiness. There are hundreds of good examples on YouTube you can analyse with your students to show them the effect of the power of their voice when giving a presentation. Try comparing a presenter with a monotonous tone and one who knows how to use the power of their voice to see how different they are.

  4. 声音的力量







  5. Using Quotes

  This can feel like a very American presentation style, but its appeal is much more international than you’d think. They key is to select quotes from internationally known and famous authors, figures and people both from the past and present. Here is a good source for presentation quotes. Why do presenters use quotes? For two reasons, firstly it helps them quickly frame an argument or key message for the audience. Secondly, it gives their own presentation a little more credibility as people tend not to question these quotes as much as they would if they’re the presenter ́s own.

  5. 引用名人名言




  6. Evaluating and Giving Feedback

  At the beginning of this post I mentioned “practice makes perfect” and also the TV program Dragon ́s Den. Why? Both highlight the importance of “Evaluating and Giving Feedback” to perfect a presentation. As teachers we can work with our students to develop criteria to evaluate their own and other presentations so they can learn through watching others as well as themselves. Technology (webcams, private YouTube channels, etc.) gives students the option of peer review of their presentations, either by themselves, or by teachers and classmates.

  6. 评估并给予反馈

  文章的一开始,我就有提到“熟能生巧”以及BBC电视节目《Dragon’s Den》,这是为什么呢?因为它们俩都突显了“评估并给予反馈”对一场演讲是否完美的重要性。












