

时间:2022-11-20 13:28:25 演讲稿 我要投稿





  Good morning dear young fellows from suntrans,

  Today is my two months and two days celebration of working in suntrans. This is my first job, and I am very glad tohave it, and to stand here sharing my feelings with all of you.

  Today my topic is a little bit long, it is,the happy days of my dear little young fellows and me spent together in our companySuntrans. We had numerous happy days together, and every day is memorable. Itis so long that if I share every moment with you, this meeting may last three days or even longer. So in order to give us time to work, to eat, to go homeand to sleep, I will only share three most memorable moments we had together.

  The first memorable moment for me was thecompany activity held in May by our human resources Department. We played games together and had a great time. That day was my 25th birthday, but that is not the most important reason whyI remember it so well. Firstly, I learned our company’s history, and felt thatit is very difficult to start a business, and thought that everyone in ourcompany is very hard working. Secondly, I joined Maple’s team that day,although we almost lost all of the competitions, everyone was so happy andfriendly and my team made me understood the meaning of the phrase– “team spirit”。I began to understand and like our company after that day’s activity.

  The second memorable moment for me was the birthday party held in May. I never had such a birthday party before, what’s more, my birthday is the same month as our General Manager Lu, and I felt very honored and grateful. I received a lot of warm celebration words from all of you and a lovely birthday card. I was so moved that day and had the feeling that I am a part of this big family. When I blew off the candles, I made three wishes, firstly, make progress in English, secondly, make progress in Japanese,Thirdly, do my best to become a good translator in Suntrans. I hope my wisheswill come true in the future.

  The third memorable mmoment for me was The Second Experience Exchanging Forum of Mining Investment 20xx. This is the first time I took part in such a big conference, and I was very excited and willing to do something for it. We did work very hard for this conference, and even asked the Dragon Boat Festival to contribute. This conference gave me a great workexperience and taught me many things: for example how to do advertising and marketing, and a great knowledge in mining industry. The most important is, our young fellows’team work is very brilliant, and I love our company more thanever after this conference.

  These are the three most memorable moments for me that I spent with all of you in Suntrans, I hope that we can create moreand more in the future.

  Thank you all, best wishes with love.



  my name is steven . im 10 years old, today my topic is my family .

  i have a happy family . there are three members:my father , my mother and me . my parents love mevery much .

  my mother is chinese teacher . she is very tall and thin . her face looks small and her eres are very beautiful . my mother is very etimes equal genius in its results. There are only tes part of our life, if e a poe in contact mittee for Marco polo Studies in England. In this picture, this is James, and this is me and the dragons mouth.

  He kept the tooth for the next 65 years, but the feeling of guilt at having stolen it e.

  s be honest people of good moral character.



  My name is Ren Qingwen. I am 8years old. I like drawing, reading, andtelling stories. Today I am telling you a story- The missing forest

  Once upon atime, there was a kingdom of forest. Everyone lived there happily. Some werehunting, some were making clothes, and some were catching fishes. Life there waswonderful.

  There was alaw in this kingdom -nobody could cut down trees. Once the prince was chasing arabbit and he kicked down three little trees by accident. The king knew it andhe let the guards hit the prince thirty times to punish him.

  The king wasvery old. Before he dead, he told the prince his last words,” I am very old now. The forest is our last hope. You willbe the new king. You couldn’t change the law, or a lot of monsters will come! Rememberit my son!”

  And shortlyafterwards, the prince became the new king. And the country became stronger andstronger. He was a good king but he still grudged that law!

  Oneday, a guest came to the kingdom. He showed the king

  a e were houses and buildings on the picture. The king was vey excited. Andhe decided to listen to that man. He commanded to cut down all the trees. Andhe created a new world! Everyone tried to stop him, but it didn’t work.

  Trees werecutting down, animals were running away. Tall buildings were built! At thebeginning, people liked the new city,but later something bad happened. All kinds of monsters showed up: rainmonster, hot monster, wind monster and sand monster. People felt sick with theenvironment, because the new citybrought a lot of pollution. People missed the forest, the animals and thelovely city they used to live in. But they were not able to change it at became homeless and had to abandon their city. Watchedthe image lying before him, the king sank into the seat.

  Ladies andgentlemen, from this story we can see that we have to protect our home- theearth, we have to protect the trees, the rivers, the animals and the air, orsomething terrible must happen to us!

  It is the onlyearth we got!

  That’s all! Thankyou!


  Ladies and gentlemen ,

  Good afternoon!

  Im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is youth. i hope you inance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody gro men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

  When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

  Thank you!


  The sun has begun to set and I hang up the smile I’ve worn all day, thoughI will make sure it is the first thing I put back on in the morning just in caseit is “that day.” I want her to see me at my very best.

  I do the normal routine, eat dinner, clean the house, write—the then I lay down hoping to fall asleep quickly so my new day willhurry up and arrive.A new day with a brand new as I lay there and waitfor the world to turn half way around, I think about sometimes I smile,and sometimes that smile will turn into asnicker, and then often that snickerwill turn into a burst of laughter.

  And then there are times I get that lump in my throat and that tightfeeling in my chest, and sometimes that feeling overwhelms me and begins to turninto a tear, and often that tear multiplies itself and I can no longer fight thefeeling and I lose the somehow through either the joy or thesadness I drift and find myself the dreams begin and keep mecompany until my new day arrives.


  Transcr ipt of Apple CEO Tim Cook's commencement address at Tulane University


  Hello Tulane! Thank you President Fitts, Provost Forman, distinguished faculty, other faculty (laughs), and the entire Tulane family, including the workers, ushers, (and) volunteers who prepared this beautiful space. And I feel duty-bound to also recognize the hard-working bartenders at The Boot. Though they're not here with us this morning, I'm sure some of you are reflecting on their contributions as well. (The Boot is a popular college bar right next to Tulane's campus which has been around for decades.)

  你好,杜兰大学!感谢菲茨校长、福尔曼教务长、尊敬的教职员工、其他教职员工[笑]以及整个杜兰大家庭,包括为这个美丽的讲堂做准备的工作人员、引座员和志愿者。我觉得我有责任也称赞一下在The Boot工作的辛勤的调酒师。虽然他们今天早上没有和我们在一起,但我相信你们中的一些人也在反思他们的贡献。[The Boot是一家受欢迎的大学酒吧,紧挨着杜兰大学校园,已经存在了几十年了。]

  And just as many of you have New Orleans in your veins, and perhaps your livers, some of us at Apple have New Orleans in our blood as well. When I was a student at Auburn, the Big Easy was our favorite getaway. It's amazing how quickly those 363 miles fly by when you're driving toward a weekend of beignets and beer. And how slowly they go in the opposite direction. Apple's own Lisa Jackson is a proud Tulane alum. Yes. She brought the Green Wave all the way to Cupertino where she heads our environment and public policy work. We're thrilled to have her talent and leadership on our team.

  就像你们中很多人的血管里也许还有肝脏里有新奥尔良一样,我们苹果公司的一些人的血液里也有新奥尔良。当我还是奥本大学的学生的时候,我们最喜欢的度假胜地是Big Easy。非常神奇的是,当你在周末开车驶向这个胜地,想象着甜甜圈和啤酒的时候,363英里的距离似乎一闪而过;而当你返程时,路途却显得那么遥远。苹果的员工丽莎-杰克逊(LisaJackson)是一位令人骄傲的杜兰大学校友。是。她把绿色浪潮一路带到了库比蒂诺,在那里她领导着我们的环境和公共政策工作。我们很高兴她能在我们的队伍中发挥才华和进行领导。

  OK, enough about us. Let's talk about you. At moments like this, it always humbles me to watch a community come together to teach, mentor, advise, and finally say with one voice, congratulations to the class of 20xx!


  Now there's another very important group: your family and friends. The people who, more than anyone else, loved, supported, and even sacrificed greatly to help you reach this moment. Let's give them a round of applause. This will be my first piece of advice. You might not appreciate until much later in your life how much this moment means to them. Or how that bond of obligation, love, and duty between you matters more than anything else.


  In fact, that's what I really want to talk to you about today. In a world where we obsessively document our own lives, most of us don't pay nearly enough attention to what we owe one another. Now this isn't just about calling your parents more, although I'm sure they'd be grateful if you did that. It's about recognizing that human civilization began when we realized that we could do more together. That the threats and danger outside the flickering firelight got smaller when we got bigger. And that we could create more - more prosperity, more beauty, more wisdom, and a better life - when we acknowledge certain shared truths and acted collectively.


  Maybe I'm biased, but I've always thought the South, and the Gulf Coast in particular, have hung on to this wisdom better than most. (Tim Cook grew up in Robertsdale, Alabama, which is about an hour from New Orleans and is similarly close to the Gulf of Mexico.) In this part of the country, your neighbors check up on you if they haven't heard from you in a while. Good news travels fast because your victories are their victories too. And you can't make it through someone's front door before they offer you a home-cooked meal.


  Maybe you haven't thought about it very much, but these values have informed your Tulane education too. Just look at the motto: not for one's self, but for one's own. You've been fortunate to live, learn, and grow in a city where human currents blend into something magical and unexpected. Where unmatched beauty, natural beauty, literary beauty, musical beauty, cultural beauty, seem to spring unexpectedly from the bayou. The people of New Orleans use two tools to build this city: the unlikely and the impossible. Wherever you go, don't forget the lessons of this place. Life will always find lots of ways to tell you no, that you can't, that you shouldn't, that you'd be better off if you didn't try. But New Orleans teaches us there is nothing more beautiful or more worthwhile than trying. Especially when we do it not in the service of one's self, but one's own.


  For me, it was that search for greater purpose that brought me to Apple in the first place. I had a comfortable job at a company called Compaq that at the time looked like it was going to be on top forever. As it turns out, most of you are probably too young to even remember its name. But in 1998, Steve Jobs convinced me to leave Compaq behind to join a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy. They made computers, but at that moment at least, people weren't interested in buying them. Steve had a plan to change things. And I wanted to be a part of it.


  It wasn't just about the iMac, or the iPod, or everything that came after. It was about the values that brought these inventions to life. The idea that putting powerful tools in the hands of everyday people helps unleash creativity and move humanity forward. That we can build things that help us imagine a better world and then make it real.


  There's a saying that if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. At Apple, I learned that's a total crock. You'll work harder than you ever thought possible, but the tools will feel light in your hands. As you go out into the world, don't waste time on problems that have been solved. Don't get hung up on what other people say is practical. Instead, steer your ship into the choppy seas. Look for the rough spots, the problems that seem too big, the complexities that other people are content to work around. It's in those places that you will find your purpose. It's there that you can make your greatest contribution. Whatever you do, don't make the mistake of being too cautious. Don't assume that by staying put, the ground won't move beneath your feet. The status quo simply won't last. So get to work on building something better.


  In some important ways, my generation has failed you in this regard. We spent too much time debating. We've been too focused on the fight and not focused enough on progress. And you don't need to look far to find an example of that failure. Here today, in this very place, in an arena where thousands once found desperate shelter from a 100-year disaster, the kind that seem to be happening more and more frequently, I don't think we can talk about who we are as people and what we owe to one another without talking about climate change.


  (applause) Thank you. Thank you.


  This problem doesn't get any easier based on whose side wins or loses an election. It's about who has won life's lottery and has the luxury of ignoring this issue and who stands to lose everything. The coastal communities, including some right here in Louisiana, that are already making plans to leave behind the places they've called home for generations and head for higher ground. The fishermen whose nets come up empty. The wildlife preserves with less wildlife to preserve. The marginalized, for whom a natural disaster can mean enduring poverty.


  Just ask Tulane's own Molly Keogh, who's getting her Ph.D. this weekend. Her important new research shows that rising sea levels are devastating areas of Southern Louisiana more dramatically than anyone expected. Tulane graduates, these are people's homes. Their livelihoods. The land where their grandparents were born, lived, and died.

  问问杜兰大学的莫莉·基奥(Molly Keogh)就知道了,她这个周末就要拿到博士学位了。她的一项重要新研究表明,海平面上升对路易斯安那州南部地区造成的破坏比任何人预想的都要严重。杜兰大学的毕业生们,这些地方都是人们的家园、他们的生计、他们祖父母出生、生活和去世的地方。

  When we talk about climate change or any issue with human costs, and there are many, I challenge you to look for those who have the most to lose and find the real, true empathy that comes from something shared. That is really what we owe one another. When you do that, the political noise dies down, and you can feel your feet firmly planted on solid ground. After all, we don't build monuments to trolls, and we're not going to start now.


  If you find yourself spending more time fighting than getting to work, stop and ask yourself who benefits from all the chaos. There are some who would like you to believe that the only way that you can be strong is by bulldozing those who disagree or never giving them a chance to say their peace in the first place. That the only way you can build your own accomplishments is by tearing down the other side.


  We forget sometimes that our preexisting beliefs have their own force of gravity. Today, certain algorithms pull toward you the things you already know, believe, or like, and they push away everything else. Push back. It shouldn't be this way. But in 20xx, opening your eyes and seeing things in a new way can be a revolutionary act. Summon the courage not just to hear but to listen. Not just to act, but to act together.


  It can sometimes feel like the odds are stacked against you, that it isn't worth it, that the critics are too persistent and the problems are too great. But the solutions to our problems begin on a human scale with building a shared understanding of the work ahead and with undertaking it together. At the very least, we owe it to each other to try.


  It's worked before. In 1932, the American economy was in a free-fall. Twelve million people were unemployed, and conventional wisdom said the only thing to do was to ride it out, wait, and hope that things would turn around. But the governor of New York, a rising star named Franklin Roosevelt, refused to wait. He challenged the status quo and called for action. He needed people to stop their rosy thinking, face the facts, pull together, and help themselves out of a jam.

  这样的方式在之前曾成功过。1932年,当时的美国经济一落千丈,有1200万人失业。传统观点认为,我们能做的就是撑过这段时间、等待,并希望情况会有所好转。但当时政途冉冉升起的纽约州州长富兰克林o罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt,后就任美国第32任总统,美国历连任超过两届的总统)拒绝等待。他敢于挑战现状,呼吁采取行动。他呼吁人们停止继续抱有乐观的想法,面对现实、齐心协力,帮助自己摆脱困境。

  He said: "The country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it and try another. But above all, try something."


  This was a speech to college students fearful about their future in an uncertain world. He said: "Yours is not the task of making your way in the world, but the task of remaking the world."


  The audacious empathy of young people, the spirit that says we should live not just for ourselves, but for our own. That's the way forward. From climate change to immigration, from criminal justice reform to economic opportunity, be motivated by your duty to build a better world. Young people have changed the course of history time and time again. And now it's time to change it once more.


  I know, I know the urgency of that truth is with you today. Feel big because no one can make you feel small. Feel brave because the challenges we face are great but you are greater. And feel grateful because someone sacrificed to make this moment possible for you. You have clear eyes and a long life to use them. And here in this stadium, I can feel your courage.


  Call upon your grit. Try something. You may succeed. You may fail. But make it your life's work to remake the world because there is nothing more beautiful or more worthwhile than working to leave something better for humanity.


  Thank you very much, and congratulations class of 20xx!



Dear Judges and Friends,

  The topic for my speech today is “Festival.” I would like to talk about my favorite festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  In China we have several important festivals, such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon-boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Among them, I like Mid-Autumn festival best, especially because I live in Xiamen.In Xiamen, when we celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival, we do not only follow the common practices such as having a big dinner party with our family, eating mooncakes, and appreciating the full moon at night, we also have one unique custom which is only practiced in Xiamen, that is “Bo Bing”.“Bo Bing” is a very interesting game that almost all Xiamen people play during this festival. Usually family members or close friends get together around a table with a big round bowl in the middle and six dices in the bowl. We take turns to throw the dices into the bowl. We will get different prizes accroding to the different ways the dices show their upper sides. Everyone is likely to become the champion or “Zhuangyuan” for the year. There is an element of luck and equal opportunity in this game. So people usually get excited while playing. Also, the game gives very pleasant sounds. The tinkling made by the dices falling into the bowl is pleasant, people’s laughing, cheering and applauding for the big prizes they’ve won is pleasant. All this adds greatly to the joyful atmosphere of this festival. As a kid, of course I also like the material prizes I get from the game, such as a candy or a cake.

  In this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival, my family invited our foreign friends to come to our home to celebrate the Festival together. They have two children who are younger than me. While our parents were making Jiaozi together, we kids played “Bo Bing”. We bought quite some gifts to share with our guests as their prizes.They enjoyed the game and our get-together very much.The literal translation of “Bo Bing” is “mooncake gambling.” But actually it is not gambling, at least our family never plays it that way. For us, it is more an occasion of happy sharing and getting-together. This is why Xiamen’s Mid-Autumn Festival has become my favorite festival in the year.

  Thank you very much!


  Good evening!

  ladies and gentlemen.

  I’m Millie Zhang, a staffer from the city government of Guangzhou. It’s been 11 years since the twinning of the two cities and we are amazed to see how many exchanges taking place.

  I myself am a big beneficiary of this sister city relationship. Thanks to that, I now have the chance to come to UK, further my studies and meet the nice people.

  I’m not alone. Eight colleagues from our office have been here and spent a year in UK. When they returned to China, they had a profound love for Bristol, citing that those were the happiest moments in their life. I believe I will feel the same way.

  This will not be possible without the support from many people. So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help over the years, Dianne, Kam Wong….I can go on and on with the list.

  We are confident that more people will benefit from this twinning. Guangzhou is land of abundant opportunities. And we are willing to see more exchanges in the years to come.

  Thank you! Happy Chinese New Year!


  Being poor is not because someone is penniless, but mainly because of the lonely misery in his inner world. they are green-eyed, because they are never satisfied with what they have, but are always jealous of people who are successful or who earn higher salaries. they never look at other people's devotions and contributions, but with their habit of jealousy they always feel poor and uncomfortable. it is more difficult to solve internal poverty. suppose we can look back at the past with the concept of wealth, how can we stay poor? we may well say that wealth lies in your heart and we should know how to treasure it.


  Good aftemoon, everyone !

  The topic of my speech today is " Being a Good Listener". Good listening can always show

  respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship.

  Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand

  them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen more to their

  students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their

  students; students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each

  other, and a friendship is likely to be formed.

  What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never

  stop others till they finish their talk. Show you are interested by a suppmtive silence or a knowing

  smile. Be open-minded to different opinions even though you don't like them..ln a word, good

  listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.

  Thank you for your listening!


  The most famous snack in my hometown is yuntun. Whenever I taste thisdelicious food, I feel relaxed and happy.

  Be patient when eating yuntun. If you are in a hurry and want to eat one ata time, yuntun will burn your mouth full of bubbles. Eating yuntun is also veryexquisite. You can not only separate the skin from the sink, but also pierce theskin and eat for a long time. Guests who like spicy food can put some pepperbefore eating.

  On the National Day holiday, my mother took me to master Huangs wonton shopto taste the delicious wonton. They began to eat wonton. I saw that yuntun wasthick in skin and meat, attractive in color, with long drums, which made peoplereally want to eat one at a time. At this time. First, I picked up the pepperbottle and sprinkled pepper in the wonton soup. Then I picked the biggest oneand carefully pricked the skin with chopsticks. Suddenly, a fragrance curledinto my nostril. I couldnt help but drool. I took a bite of the skin first. Itsvery chewy. Then a mass of red meat ran out of yuntuns skin mischievously. Itseems to be looking at me mischievously. At this time, I can no longer resistthe temptation of the meat pit and cant wait to take a bite. The feeling oftenderness and smoothness comes naturally, which makes me not bear to swallowthe delicious and juicy yuntun. I just want to let yuntun taste in my mouth fora long time. I ate seven in a row, which made my belly swell. My mother said Iwas a glutton when she saw how delicious I was. Ah, who makes yuntun sodelicious! I would rather be a glutton, but also to taste this world food. Backhome, the fragrance of yuntun still overflows in the mouth!

  How about listening to my introduction, everyone must be drooling! Letshave a taste of this memorable food - yuntun bar!


  Money is regarded by some people as the most important thing in life. It is even regarded as the symbol of wealth and social position. For example,with plenty of money a man can do whatever he wants to. He can afford expensive cars and luxurious houses,and he can travel around the world and visit as many interesting places as he wants to. In their eyes,money is everything in life.

  In my opinion,money can both benefit people and do harm to them. On the one hand,we can't deny that money is useful. We need money to buy food,buy a house or pay our education cost. Money can make us live more comfortably. For example,with more money,we can help others and take part in more social activities and receive a good education,thus increasing our knowledge and developing our skills. On the other hand,some people try to get money by dishonest means,for example,they often cheat and gamble,even rob and kill people. Sooner or later,they will be punished by the law. Money can bring them nothing but misery.

  From In addition,money can not buy everything,For instance,no matter how much money one hast he can not buy good health,happiness or friendship,Although money is useful in many ways,there are still a lot of things that money can't buy in the world. In addition,money can also do harm to us. If a person really thinks of money as everything and pays his attention only to money,he will lose his friends,or even the care and warmth from his family. Thus,it brings him only loneliness.





  It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. Waste gases poison the air we breathe. The rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from factories. It is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind itself.

  Some people are of the opinion that the environmental problem is the price we have to pay for economic development. But I do not think that this argument is valid. After all, what is the point of economic growth if people’s lives are adversely alf

  ected by worsening environmental pollution?

  There is plenty of evidence to show that sustainable development can be achieved by balancing economic growth with protection of the environment. The key to achieving this is to make people aware of the seriousness of the problem. Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.


  My high school headteacher teaches my English. He is handsome. And he is very thin for hardwork. He is about forty years old. He looks serious. But in fact, he is kind, nice and warmhearted.

  On the one hand, he is serious on study. Whoever doesn’t finish the homework or cheat in the exam, he will punish him or her badly. Sometimes he will let those students do doble homework or have another exam. Sometimes he will ask those students write reports on that behavior.

  But when teaching us in class, he is so patient. It’s the same when asking him questions. On the other hand, he will play with us after class. Meanwhile, if anyone has any difficuty in study or daily life, he will give a hand without hesitation.

  All in all, we love our headteacher, though sometimes he is serious. We like his responsibility. We also appreciate his spirit to work for students heart and soul.


  Good morning,ladies and gentleman. I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short y my topic is "The older I grow,the more I learn". I hope you will like it. ,

  How times flies! After saying goodbye to my happy primary school life,I become a junior school student.I know there`s always so much work to do and also much trouble I have to face.

  In school,I have to take a lot of are interesting while some are it's the responsibility of the students to leam them all well. I have to try my best to finish ng my growing time,a lot of trouble worried 's awful and makes me blue.

  Although I met with a lot of failure, I still have a lot of gains.I can make a priceless freiendship. I can leam a large number of usful things,such as being kind,friendly to others, being confident and independent and so on. I think growing pains and gains are they actually play an important role in my life and make my life colourful.

  As a junior student , I should have a firme aim to study hard . My goal is to enter the best university for further study after middle school . I know it’s a hard work , and I ’ll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are , I’ll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there ’s only one kind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put up with hardships . Even if I won’t achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what I have done , for I have struggled for my goals.

  So much for the speech,thanks for you listening.

  Although I am not a shape student in my class and I am not as

  popular as my best friend . But I'm feeling happy enough use I have a loving family, many good friends and a warm class. More important is ,I'm living in the world . The world is so beautiful that make me feel I am

  so lucky! We are growing like many flowers that we must keep our life and hard working all have a bight future. So we are happiness and happy!

  This is not an easy growth, pain and sufferings, is not bad, we know that, when reality cannot change, we shall timely change, but we have always loved with real bargain, because we love the world, the happiness and warmth and love and pain of the world.

  we learned to smile, to appreciate beauty of it. Because we know that just graciously turned, can find new and beautiful scenery.

  In the growth of the road is often lonely, to learn in no one's time to give ourselves. Don't worry, fear brave, frankly, facing the growth of everything for yourself in the faith, encouragement, give yourself to yourself. In the growth of the journey, we need is calm, quiet, bravely facing.


励志英语演讲稿经典发言 经典励志的英语演讲稿04-26








