

时间:2024-06-18 16:15:10 嘉璇 英语作文 我要投稿




  创新的英语作文 1

  As the saying goes: "found to be the seeds of innovation, innovation is the soul of a nation." Although I am a pupil, I am good at innovation.

  English books have a word "April", I always keep the five letters make a mistake. For that I am back again and again, but my head like so dont remember the words. Whenever I write words or be the subject of this word, I never right. Day I began to back the word in the evening, I read a few times, a whim to make up a story to remember the words. I think April is spring, come up this story: a child a small bud in the spring with a shovel p r, little bud r grow seedlings, I grow seedlings l again, during the April. After this short and interesting story I have found that the words I have to. From the moment I never worry about the word back, both write and do, as long as the mind of the funny story, I which also can be wrong! After this, the story memory method, let I no longer worry about what the words wont be back. Actually found found no other people, others did not pass way, others did not say...... then success is not far from you! Innovation in the country is endless, as long as you are willing to innovation, many of the things which fills the world is waiting for you. Believe in yourself to innovation, the miracle will come, success will be by your side.

  With innovation has always been a human one of the best, is different from other biological traits. As an innovation thoughts with me! Let everything from now on no longer ordinary!




  创新的英语作文 2

  Most people emphasize the important of creativity. What is creativity? Creativity is the bringing into being of something that does not exist before, it can be a product, a process or a thought. But China is criticized as one of the countries which lack of creativity. It is because creative thinking are not advocated in our education system.

  Creativity is the most crucial factor for future success. Most successful leaders or managers own creativity, they can set their country or company apart from competition. They innovate a new way to develop or solve the crisis. Two good examples are Bill Gate of Mircosoft and Steve Jobs of Apple. In order to compete in the future, developing creativity is a must in China.


  创造力是未来成功的最关键因素。大多数成功的领导者或管理者都拥有创造力,他们可以使他们的国家或公司在竞争中脱颖而出。他们创新了一种发展或解决危机的新方法。两个很好的`例子是Mircosoft的比尔·盖特(Bill Gate)和苹果的史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)。为了在未来竞争,发展创造力是中国的必要条件。

  创新的英语作文 3

  “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. ” I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s famous remark. It is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things .

  Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without creative spirit?

  We should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.


  罗莎白·莫斯·坎特(Rosabeth Moss Kanter)的言论旨在告知我们创新的重要性。为什么创新在我们的生活中扮演着不可或缺的角色?创新可以促进个人和整个社会的进步。只有那些具有创新精神的人才能不断进步并保持竞争优势。可以举出很多例子来证明A的`重要性,我想不出比下面更好的例子了:史蒂夫·乔布斯,一个改变了现代通信、娱乐甚至我们生活方式的天才,怎么可能在没有创造精神的情况下不断推出如此强大的电子产品?


  创新的英语作文 4

  The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of the consciousness of innovation. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. A innovative spirit can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are keeping on creating new things can make continuous progress and maintain competitive edge. To further illustrate the importance of innovation, I would like to take Steve Jobs as a case in point: how could he, a genius who change the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, invent so many powerful electronic products without a creative spirit ?

  From my perspective, at no time should we overlook the power of the consciousness of innovation. Furthermore, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.

  这幅漫画旨在告诉我们创新意识的重要性。当然,没有人可以否认它的重要性。创新精神可以促进个人和整个社会的进步。只有不断创造新事物的人,才能不断进步,保持竞争优势。为了进一步说明创新的重要性,我想以史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)为例:他,一个改变现代通信、娱乐甚至我们生活方式的天才,如果没有创造精神,怎么可能发明出如此强大的`电子产品?


  创新的英语作文 5

  People always talk about the race of a rabit and a turtle. What we know is that the winner is turtle enventually since we are at our childhood. Because our parents and teachers told us that the rabit loses the game as the rabit believes him to be the winner whatever happens. Terefore, he is going to sleep during the race. After all this teaches us a lesson that we should not be arrogant and complacent, and do things in conmitment.

  However, nowadays, things are changed dramatically. This time the rabit loses the race again even he is concentrated on the game from very beginning. He doesnt expect that the turtle takes a pair of skateboots to run the race. This time we learn a new lesson :only innovation and new technology win.



  创新的英语作文 6

  Recently, there is an exciting news that Alibaba Group has appeared on the market in the NYSE. It changes the traditional business model and provides a bran-new competitive industry, E-business. As we all know, it must be ascribed to the creative force of Jack Ma,chairman of Alibaba. So,we realize that creative spirit plays a vital role in our modern life.

  As the old saying goes, innovation is the soul of the nation. With the rapid economy development in the whole world, human beings greatly reckon on creativity in variety of aspects and it is extremely nesessary in our life. First of all, creativity depends the progress and prosperity of a country. For example, our country has achieved anything since we followed the policy of reform and opening. What obvious feature is, the income of people is increasing and the living standard is greatly improved. All changes which have been taken place benefit from creative of our country. Secondly, it has huge effects in technology. If human want to be strong,we can overcome difficulties, such as serious disease, environment pollution, food shortage and so on, therefore we need to use creative spirit to process technology innovation drastically. In addition, everyone also have consciousness of innovation. Everybody have the duty to do some thing to promote the advancement of our society, whatis more, we can obtain joyfully from creative work.

  To sum up, human need creativity. It is closely related with our life, and I believe creative spirits are indispensable parts in our lives, and will be more and more importment in the future.




  创新的英语作文 7

  Newton saw the apples fall to the ground and found gravity; watt found inspiration from the boiling water of the kettle, inventing the steam engine... These examples tell us that the inspiration of an instant burst may bring about technological innovation and cause the change and progress of the world.

  However, this seems to be inspired by a great discovery, in fact, is the result of continuous thinking and research. "An apple made Newton, Newton saw an apple fall certainly more than a person, why other people did not find the mystery? Maybe they have doubts, thinking, but the lack of" inquisitive "spirit, lack of practical ability, difficulties will make a reluctant, occasionally hit the flames of fleeting inspiration.

  See the children eating debris, causing harm, invented the "safety device" to prevent children eating; see the blind was hit by a car, invented the "blind traffic safety vest"; one cannot suffer from the seesaw in the park, invented the "double play seesaw"; the winter cold hands grip pen, invented "electric pencil"...... The inventor of the inspiration from the ordinary life, but rarely not constantly thinking behind and experiment, each piece is after failed again and again, again and again after the improvement, to complete.

  Innovation comes from inspiration and action.





  创新的英语作文 8

  There is no creativity without imagination. With the development of the society, creativity becomes more and more important. People could not satisfy with ordinary life. So we need creativity to meet their requirements. We can see significance of the creativity from an example. The smart phone—iphone spread all over the world. That was the creativity of The Apple Inc. It is obvious that it will produce a bigger profit than common manufacturing. But, hao can we acquire creativity?


  I think the creativity roots in imagination. Albert Einstein said that imagination is important than knowledge. Because we should creative a thing that is never appeared, we need to image. Use all the things and information around us to think and then go to achieve it. Without the imagination of the Wright brothers , human could not complete the flying dreams. Without the imagination of the Alexander Graham Bell, we could not hear the voice from a distance. If the creativity can make the human progress, imagination will be the road to success. Where the imagination come from? Knowledge ? Experience ? practice? I consider that all of them are indispensable. It is often said that knowledge is power. So we should empower ourselves with knowledge. After that we need to obtain experience form. practice. These are the basis, and we must strengthen them to extend our imagination.

  我认为创造力扎根于想象力。爱因斯坦曾经说过,想象力远远比知识更重要。因为我们要创造一个事物,以前从没有出现过的,因此我们需要想象。利用我们周围所有的事物以及信息去想象,然后去完成它。 没有莱特兄弟的想象力,人类就不能实现飞天的梦想;没有贝尔的想象力,我们就不能听到来自远方的声音。如果说创造力可以使人进步,那么想象力就是通向成功的道路。想象力来自哪里?知识?经验?还是实践?我觉得所有这些都是必不可少的。俗语有云:知识就是力量。所以我们首先应该用知识武装自己,然后我们需要从实践中获得经验。这些都是基础,我们必须用它们来扩展我们的思维。

  As contemporary college students, we must shoulder the responsibility of the future of our motherland. What we need is not only the knowledge of the past, but also is the innovation of a new field. Our thought can not be bound by the old things. We should understand that an excellent nation is always full of creativity. So we must promote our imagination. There is no creativity without imagination.


  创新的英语作文 9

  There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our world has moved ahead. This is the word “innovation” that we cannot afford to lose.

  We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China become to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software, products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a company? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually for its intended purpose.

  If there was no Apple, everyone could not imagine how to contact others easily and enjoy a better Internet surfing.

  If there was no Microsoft, perhaps we still worked in a dim office and duplicate some troublesome documents. If there was no Newton, and no theory of gravity, maybe I will win the Nobel Prize like Newton rather than just standing here. I have heard that three apple changed the world. The first one seduced Eve. The second one awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs. We sort of think the innovation of the world began with apple. I imagine lots of people want to become another Newton or Jobs right now with just one hand to change the world, right? Have the innovation to follow your heart. It somehow already reflects what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

  Via questioning, we can start to innovate. Via innovating, we can start to create better lives. No innovation, no improvement. No improvement, no success. And no success, no civilization. Now, our time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life! Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice! Dont let yourself down! It is the innovation that we cannot afford to lose!






  创新的英语作文 10

  Germanys Goethe said: "to grow, you must be unique." Indeed, a person to grow, progress, must need to innovate.

  Ever seen such a story: in 1900, a professor at the Max Planck and son walk in our garden. He resistance loss, I regret to say to the son: "children, very sorry, today have a discovery. It is as important as Newtons discovery." He put forward a hypothesis that Planck quantum mechanics formula. He resistance loss destroyed his worship has been the discovery and devoutly believe in Newtons theory of perfect for authority. He finally cancelled my assumptions. Human should have benefited from authority, but only with authority and victims, thus making stagnant for decades physics theory. 25 Einstein dared to break through the authority of the holy circle, bold breakthrough, appreciates the Planck hypothesis to depth and extension, puts forward the light quantum theory, laid the foundation of quantum mechanics. Then casual destruction the theory of Newtons absolute time and space, founded the theory of relativity, shocked the world, who rose to fame has become a more great new authority.

  Read this story, I understand the innovation should have the courage to deny authority, on learning, we can not blindly accept the new knowledge, to learn to think independently, have the courage to think, continuous innovation. Now, I also gradually formed the good habit of independent thinking.

  Innovation is a golden key to open the door to knowledge; Innovation is a clear spring water, water KuHe heart; Innovation is a burning torch, illuminates the future of the road! Because of the innovation, we are happy; Because of the innovation, we are so rich and colorful; Because of the innovation, we are happy; Because of the innovation, we are so wonderful.





  创新的英语作文 11

  Innovation is the vitality of learning. Its like a beacon, radioactive rays in the dark, to guide people to move forward, on the road to success.

  Opened the long human history, how many great science practitioners by igniting innovation - this lamp is not to achieve success? Take a physicist Faraday, for instance, he in the oster test, on the basis of carefully summarize experience and lessons, a new research idea, put forward the realization of magnetic electricity this a great idea, after a series of experiments to explore, he finally succeeded, thus created the electronic business. He didnt because of the innovative spirit and success?

  Bacon once said, "I saw Mr. Wang thought no continent, is but a poor explorer, these" bad explorer "the failure of the root cause is that they dont have the spirit of innovation. Scientific invention requires innovation spirit, learning also requires innovation. Britain has personal call him, is to read most of the people in the world, he read books countless, but ultimately useless, the reason is that he didnt take the book only by innovating, into their own thoughts and ability.

  In contrast, the great thinker Marx in reading, on the basis of a bold exploration, has doubt on the capitalists to workers wages, to hold the spirit of seeking innovation, he further worker masses, investigation and study, finally found out the secret of surplus value, in order to have made great contributions to the development of human beings. So, learning must have the innovation, otherwise, even if read thousands of books, is also in vain.

  In the learning innovation, only innovation, can have learned something only carries forward the spirit of innovation, we can in the tide of reform and opening up, in an impregnable position, become a qualified players! The classmates, action, and lets struggle for the motherland tomorrow!






  创新的英语作文 12

  The so-called innovation, in a nutshell, is following as predecessors, not conformism again; Draw lessons from others, and some original; Effort to have a new perspective to observe the situation, to promote work with new ideas, to solve the problem there is a new way, make each work conform, grasp regularity and creative.

  Practice is the foundation of innovation, from practice, innovation has become non-existent, madrassa reflected. Experience tells us that innovation should be everything from set out actually, in our countrys reform and opening up and modernization construction as the center, focus on the use of marxist theory, dare to abandon the inappropriate knowledge, ideas, practices, and form a practical line, principles and policies, the development of the cause of our tobacco. China has a proverb: always suspected - innovation originated, have the courage to break the suspected - innovative energy. Lu xun once said, the first to eat crab is very impressive. The first person to eat crab, in addition to brave, is first and foremost a longer than the discoverer of the question.

  People, progress and development, there will be a force for its continued upward momentum, enable people to produce strong intellectual curiosity and creativity, thus promoting people unyielding, hard work. The formation of the power, it is based on hard learning and knowledge accumulation. People learn, the more the greater the unknown world, people will feel his lack of knowledge; And more continuous learning accumulation, more can create something new in it.

  Innovation, honesty and modesty is required. Some say, humility is a kind of mental state of calm in the face of achievement and honor, is a kind of practical and content to the students thinking character. Era in the development and social progress. In the great practice of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, we also need to adhere to the marxist theoretical character of keeping pace with The Times, the innovation consciously as a kind of unremitting pursuit, always maintain a agressivness, momentum, a pitch to ", make more straight to the sea in full sail "open mind and tolerance, development innovation.

  In this way can we constantly in the great practice have been invented, find and create something new in it, and forward, our country only constant progress!






  创新的英语作文 13

  There is a vivid saying which says “If tradition can be likened to the roots and trunk of a tree, innovation is its leaves and fruits.”


  I quite applaud this simile. From my perspective, tradition and innovation are doomed to coexist perpetually. First and foremost, tradition is a solid foundation for innovation, with abundant nutrition we can absorb, such as scientific experiment approaches and science spirits.


  Secondly, it’s the drawbacks of tradition in certain fields that give rise to inspiration and momentum to innovate. For instance, Thomas Edison, who caught the sight of the inconvenience of traditional gas light, conducted experiments and eventually invented light bulb.


  On the contrary, innovation will certainly fight against tradition. When an innovation satisfies people’s expectation ,it can gain popularity and finally make itself a new element in tradition ,which will be held in high esteem.


  In a word, tradition and innovation can never be separated. At the very time, with the ever-increasing speed of innovation, a diversity of newly-born technology and hi-tech products penetrate our daily life. I’m convinced that we’d better be absolutely conscious of our root——tradition and give priority to it. Only when we gain a thorough comprehension of it can we accomplish magnificent innovation and exert positive effect on our society as a whole.


  创新的英语作文 14

  As the saying goes: "the first person to metaphor girls with flowers, is a genius. Second, to paraphrase the analogy is rat. The third is a fool." Visible, in the life, innovation is the side of the lamp, to illuminate the road ahead. Innovation is the distant mountain, incentive we boarded peak; Innovation is in front of the sea, holding us speak freely, into one of them. So, only by constantly innovation, to prop up the whole world.

  Ruban understand innovation, thus there was wild grass cut when not snap it, but bent and observe it carefully, and find weeds, there are many small teeth. Thus in inspiration, after repeated experiments, finally invented the saw, the benefit of mankind.

  Qi baishi understand innovation. From the urine to draw interest, thus self-study has become a people. But he did "contempt" for his success, but to learn from famous strengths to fill the blank of the own and 60, 70 - year - old, 70 years old, qi baishis painting style is constantly changing, also in change again and again by leaps and bounds, so his life five easy style, once a success, instead again and enterprising, finally as we know, for the world to admire.

  And for Newton, he doesnt know innovation of old age. When he was young because of an apple discovered gravity, one step a footprint, after made amazing achievements. But late in life, is obsessed with Aristotles theory of Plato, spent ten years "and" research the existence of god, adventurous, one point one points black hair "waste" in the superstition, cast his own innovative spirit into the sea, finally forfeits his age, there is no income. It seems that a person standing on the shoulders giants will have dimmed by not innovation.

  Innovation, is a person, a nation, a nation needed a kind of spirit. With innovation, can carry the Wright brothers plane fly on the cloud nine; With innovation, can with Edison electric light to talk; With innovation, can with Nobel blasted mountains, fry out of the channel; With innovation, can observe the microscopic world together with Leeuwenhoek...

  Plug in a pair of wings of innovation of your own, youll spread your wings and fly, fight the sky!







  创新的英语作文 15

  Innovation is often mentioned in the modern work, a new concept is also close to a chain of the rest of the world, we should be able to more deeply understand and use it. Both work in the high and new technology and work at the grass-roots level, and to promote the progress of it, all need to be innovative ideas into the work and life practice, thus improve their innovation consciousness and ability. Therefore, in daily work, we need innovation, innovation is not only work in a workout, but we need to seriously to make innovation. Innovation is in the original basis, coupled with their own thinking created.

  Innovation makes the creation of our desire to have new space, new have higher enthusiasm for knowledge, it can make our brain cells can have a more active factors, it can make our life more passionate, more can understand the value of survival. Anyway, we are always full of passion to life. Has innovation consciousness, can let us find in work or in life, to constantly improve themselves, find themselves, also can develop various interests, improve their knowledge level.

  Innovation is a enterprise, national, and even the countrys hope. In changing and competitive times, our personal want to have a sense of crisis, should have the consciousness of competition, and must improve their innovation ability. In real life and work, few people show to all kinds of idea, conception, and put into practice, and do so in fact buried many early germination of innovation, accustomed to use new thinking to thinking. And actually inspire some innovation idea is a relatively easy thing, the real use of these ideas made fruitful practical creative work is relatively difficult. In actual work adhere to the concept, we should stick to it, you can taste the fruits of success.

  And I also believe that any one want to have a good life would be to consider how to innovation, innovation idea is a kind of strength, it can make you sweat to exert your potential. Actually any people have advantage, and how do you to your advantage to find a stage, it is very important. The stage can let you to distance with them. Moreover, I think we learn knowledge and skills for social services. When he cant play a role, I think we spent so much energy to what we might be a waste. But when once you have this kind of consciousness of innovation. You will be attracted by the charm of it, you will be action. In my life, I was confused, because I dont know what I should do, and I dont know what is the purpose of the study. Such a mood I dont have to learn, because I have no goal and no power! We know any an innovation requires a process, when you had this phase method, action, and not all of a sudden success, you need to insist, unremitting insist on, you will be able to complete your initial dream!!!!!





  创新的英语作文 16

  Our Chinese nation is a smart and hardworking nation. Our ancestors once created a brilliant ancient civilization, but in the nearly century long history of science and technology, there are few Chinese names. What are the reasons for this current situation? I think this is closely related to the decline in our nations innovation ability.

  The essence of science is innovation. Innovation is not easy but not mysterious. It can be said that anyone can innovate. Below, I will tell you a real story. There is a painter named Li Xiaoman in the United States. He always gets lost in his work, and painting is no exception. He often forgets where the eraser is when he just finds the pencil. Later, for convenience, he fixed the eraser on the pencil with iron wire, and thus the pencil with eraser was born. After completing the patent procedures, this invention was purchased by a pencil company for $550000. This incident indicates that as long as you are a conscientious person, there may be innovation.

  Where does a persons innovation ability come from? Many facts tell us that a persons innovation ability is not innate, but rather cultivated through nurture. To cultivate ones innovative ability. Everyone should dare to dream from a young age, and those strange and rich imaginations often breed into wonderful innovations. Of course, dreams often have a distant distance from reality, so everyone needs to put in sweat and effort to achieve their dreams, gradually narrowing the distance between reality and dreams, in order to ultimately turn dreams into reality. Only by surpassing the achievements of our predecessors, not being bound by authoritative viewpoints, and not retreating due to current difficulties, can we improve our innovative ability.

  Classmates, the 12th Science and Technology Art Festival of our school has begun. We hope that everyone can constantly innovate in their studies, lives, and activities, and strive to cultivate themselves into innovative individuals, contributing their own strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.





  创新的英语作文 17

  Throughout history, there have been countless inventors, literary creators, and political thinkers, all of whom are renowned worldwide for their extraordinary creativity. It can be seen that being creative is enough for people, things, and officials!

  I remember a child conducting an experiment on a train and igniting a carriage, only to be beaten up by the conductor. However, he persisted in exploring science in any environment; I remember a young man who conducted thousands of experiments in order for humanity to emerge from the endless darkness, and finally succeeded, leading humanity into a world of light. He is Edison, a scientist known worldwide as the king of invention.

  It is not difficult for us to find the driving force that drives him to the hall of success from him, which is the spirit of innovation. He is not willing to accept the current human situation, dares to innovate and invent, and has made outstanding contributions to the development of society. Only a creative life like him is enough!

  Today, when I see my classmates working together to create technological works at school; When I see the exquisite works of skilled craftsmen outside of school; When I saw high-tech products created by space exploration on TV, I was extremely happy because I saw that people have inherited the innovative spirit of their ancestors, and have invented and achieved great results. This made me extremely pleased and proud.

  The 21st century is an era of rapid technological development. During this period, the key to a countrys development lies in whether its talents possess innovative spirit. In life, I understood the meaning of this sentence, which made me deeply understand: if we compare the success of national construction to a building, then the bricks and tiles that build this building are people with innovative spirit; If we compare the success of a countrys development to a vast ocean, then the bits and pieces that converge into this ocean are people with innovative spirit. In order to achieve the success of socialist construction in our country, we need to strengthen the cultivation of innovative consciousness and ability. Whether it is a country, a nation, a collective, or an individual, only the spirit of innovation is enough to taste!

  Really, we need to remember Oh!

  Creativity is enough to taste!


  曾记得,一位小孩在火车上做实验点燃了车厢,结果被列车长痛打了一顿,但他在任何环境中,仍然坚持不懈地探寻科学;曾记得,一位青年为了人类能从无边的黑暗中走出来,他进行了千百次实验,终于获得成功,并将人类带入了光明的世界。他就是爱迪生,被全世界誉为 发明大王 的科学家。



  21世纪是一个科技迅猛发展的时代,在这一时期,一个国家的发展与否,关键在于本国的人才是否具有创新精神。 在生活中,我读懂了这句话的含义,它使我深刻地领悟到:若把国家建设的成功,比作一座大楼,那么,垒成这座大楼的一砖一瓦便是具有创新精神的人们;若把国家发展的成功比作一条大海,那么汇成这条大海的一点一滴便是具有创新精神的人们。为了我国社会主义建设的成功,我们要加强培养创新意识、创新能力。无论是国家、民族,还是集体、个人,只有创新精神才够味!



  创新的英语作文 18

  We always have two choices in terms of aspects when doing anything: one is to stick to tradition and follow the path of our predecessors; The second is to follow the path of innovation based on the experience of predecessors.

  In todays accelerated construction of socialist modernization, what we need more is innovation, rather than sticking to old ways and sticking to conventions. Only by applying our knowledge on the existing basis, not drawing on the experience of others, not afraid of failure, and constantly innovating from guiding ideology to various specific work, can we achieve modernization at the fastest speed.

  If it werent for ancient humans daring to innovate and change their living environment, perhaps we would still be living in the Paleolithic era. That is to say, without their innovation, it would not be possible to have us as we are now, nor could we have our current living conditions.

  Without innovation, where can electric lights come from? If it werent for Edison not wanting to work under a candle, not wanting to walk his entire life under the conditions that our predecessors innovated for us; If it werent for Edisons failure to draw on the experience of his predecessors, fearless of repeated failures, and daring to innovate, how could we now use electric lights to illuminate everything around us in the pitch black night and see the world at night clearly?

  Without innovation, where can we go from generation to generation? Where is technology advancing day by day? In todays socialist modernization construction, advocating innovation is more of contemporary significance. Today, the wave of new technological revolution has swept across the world, bringing innovation and development in various fields. If we only adhere to the foundation of our predecessors and do not think about exploration and development, we will inevitably be abandoned by the times, and our modernization construction cannot proceed smoothly.

  As young people of the new era, we must abandon traditional concepts and dare to pursue innovation in the popular colors of this era. We must stand in the world as innovators.

  The spirit of innovation enables scientists to achieve fruitful results, ordinary labor to produce great achievements, and the era to continue to grow. In short, innovation is the most fundamental path for the development of all things. Only by taking the path of innovation can our cause and society develop faster.








  创新的英语作文 19

  Innovation has always been an important process for human cultural inheritance, and environmental protection is related to the behavior of all life on this earth. Therefore, our school has organized the "Strive to be a Little Inventor" campaign, allowing us to make our own waste utilization toys.

  I made an alien and used matches, toothpicks, small medicine bottles, and straws. I first ed a straw into the medicine box with scissors, then connected the small medicine bottle to the medicine box with the straw, making it into a hand, foot, and sensor. Then, I ed a toothpick into it, turning it into its nose. Then, I folded the straw into the shape of a mouth and ed it. Finally, I ed two matches into it, turning it into two eyeballs, a strange one. The alien finished it. After becoming an alien, I feel that this is not just a waste toy, but the love for home and environmental protection of countless children.

  From this alien, I see the innovative spirit that must be passed down from generation to generation. With rich imagination and strange wings, we search for different things in the vast universe. Whether its spiders wearing shoes or horses wearing dance skirts, they can sprout in our hearts. Innovation, which enriches our planet, is indeed an important channel for generations of people to inherit culture. Thinking about it, I remembered that computers were created by peoples innovation? Nowadays, it has become an indispensable part of a more prosperous country. Although it cannot compare to the human brain, its broad knowledge is something that every person on Earth cannot help but praise. It is created by peoples wild imagination, so this innovation is indispensable for every generation.

  Innovation and environmental protection have always been indispensable in our hearts. Through this winter vacation activity, I sincerely feel that I have learned a lot of knowledge.


  我做了一个外星人,我利用了火柴,牙签,小药瓶,吸管。我先用剪刀在药盒上插好吸管,再用吸管把小药瓶和药盒连起来,做成手脚和感应器,再把牙签插上去,变成它的鼻子,然后把吸管折成嘴巴的形状插好,最后把两根火柴插进去,变成两颗眼珠子,一个奇怪的.外星人就做好了。 我做好外星人后,觉得这不只是一个废品利用玩具,而是万千小朋友的爱家园之心,环保之心。

  从这个外星人中我看到了我们传承后代必有的创新精神,丰富的`想象力加上我们插上奇异的翅膀,在茫茫宇宙中寻找不一样的事物,无论是蜘蛛穿鞋子还是马穿跳舞裙,都可以在我们心中萌发。创新,这一令我们地球更充实的事物,的确是一代代人们传承文化的重要渠道。 想着想着,我想起了电脑不就是因人们的创新创造的吗?如今它已经成为国家更加繁荣不可缺少的东西了,它虽然比不上人脑,但是它的见多识广是每个地球人不得不夸赞的。它就是人们天马行空的想象而创造的,所以这创新是每一代人们都不可缺少的。


  创新的英语作文 20

  The world is constantly changing, with countless problems and answers. Without innovation, the answer will be unified and uninteresting; Without innovation, the world is not colorful. Without innovation, the world will not progress and develop.

  Innovation is the way to a better life. Without innovation, we thought that the worlds first electric light had not appeared, and people had to live in dim light under kerosene lamps. However, with innovation, Edison invented the first electric light through countless experiments, which made progress in our lives; Lets think about it again. Before the worlds first computer was born, it was very inconvenient for people to calculate. However, with innovation, scientists invented the first computer, allowing us to make a new progress! Arent these achievements all due to innovation?

  Without innovation, society is not what it is now, perhaps still living in ancient times. How important innovation is Mastering new technologies requires one to be adept at comprehension and innovation This famous saying tells us how important innovation is. Innovation requires thinking and understanding! In ancient times, people still knew how to create. Today, where do we dare to abandon innovation! Innovation is the guarantee and source for life to move towards a happy future.

  Innovation is the revitalization of the Chinese nation and the driving force behind the countrys strength. In todays world of advanced science and technology, every country is competing for innovation. Without innovation, there would be no such rich and colorful world. We need to strive for development and stand out in innovation. There are multiple aspects to things, innovation is what others think of, what you also think of, what others dont think of, and what you also want to achieve. A question often has multiple answers, just havent thought of them. Innovation does not require rigid thinking, but rather being confined to a box. Innovation needs to break away from old concepts and introduce new thinking. Only in this way can the world develop!

  As teenagers of the 21st century, our thinking should be innovative and not clich é d or boring. Whatever you do, you must draw inferences from it. From this moment on, dare to challenge, dare to innovate, learn to create, innovate to change yourself, innovate to change the country, innovate to change the world, innovate to change your future!






  创新的英语作文 21

  The world is constantly changing, with countless problems and answers. Without innovation, the answer will be unified and uninteresting; Without innovation, the world is not colorful. Without innovation, the world will not progress and develop.

  Innovation is the way to a better life. Without innovation, we thought that the worlds first electric light had not appeared, and people had to live in dim light under kerosene lamps. However, with innovation, Edison invented the first electric light through countless experiments, which made progress in our lives; Lets think about it again. Before the worlds first computer was born, it was very inconvenient for people to calculate. However, with innovation, scientists invented the first computer, allowing us to make a new progress! Arent these achievements all due to innovation?

  Without innovation, society is not what it is now, perhaps still living in ancient times. How important innovation is Mastering new technologies requires one to be adept at comprehension and innovation This famous saying tells us how important innovation is. Innovation requires thinking and understanding! In ancient times, people still knew how to create. Today, where do we dare to abandon innovation! Innovation is the guarantee and source for life to move towards a happy future.

  Innovation is the revitalization of the Chinese nation and the driving force behind the countrys strength. In todays world of advanced science and technology, every country is competing for innovation. Without innovation, there would be no such rich and colorful world. We need to strive for development and stand out in innovation. There are multiple aspects to things, innovation is what others think of, what you also think of, what others dont think of, and what you also want to achieve. A question often has multiple answers, just havent thought of them. Innovation does not require rigid thinking, but rather being confined to a box. Innovation needs to break away from old concepts and introduce new thinking. Only in this way can the world develop!

  As teenagers of the 21st century, our thinking should be innovative and not clich é d or boring. Whatever you do, you must draw inferences from it. From this moment on, dare to challenge, dare to innovate, learn to create, innovate to change yourself, innovate to change the country, innovate to change the world, innovate to change your future!













  创新的英语作文 22

  Because the world of innovation is beautiful.

  People are constantly enriched through discovery and innovation, life is constantly improved through discovery, and the nation is moving towards prosperity through discovery and innovation.

  Dalton discovered his abnormal color vision and filled the gap in medical theory of color blindness through continuous research. Ando Baifu got inspiration from Lamian Noodles, created instant noodles, and developed a new industry. Qiao Li discovered the cleaning ability of kerosene in his work and ultimately developed a dry cleaning agent, reforming traditional laundry techniques. In the process of human society, discovery and innovation play an undeniable driving role. Having a pair of discovery eyes and a sip of innovative brain can make our lives better and promote the long-term development of our nation.

  Personal development cannot be separated from discovery and innovation. Someone once said, "A person who does not know how to discover can only live in a small space. However, a person who does not know how to innovate makes that space even more boring. Our ancestors discovered food available for survival from nature and made the earliest pigments with various colors of soil. Development and innovation allowed primitive residents to survive and satisfy the spiritual entertainment brought by painting. We bring space back to ourselves. Whether it is students, leaders, or figures in other fields. Only by constantly discovering our own strengths and weaknesses, and creating a practical response plan, can we achieve long-term development. It can be seen that discovery and innovation are essential for human development. Merit is indispensable.

  The perfection of life cannot be achieved without discovery and innovation. Excluding the various inventors and scientists mentioned earlier. All technological inventors discover and solve problems in their daily lives, using their innovative ideas to realize their self-worth while promoting social progress, making life more fulfilling and beautiful. The textile workers invented the Jenny spinning machine in practice, marking the beginning of the industrial revolution. Edisons electric light illuminated the world. Cars, computers, mobile phones... Countless inventions have made life more convenient, and this is precisely what continuous invention and innovation have created.

  The prosperity of a nation cannot be separated from invention and innovation. Lets take our Chinese nation as an example. China has accumulated a vast and profound excellent culture in its long history of over 5000 years. The invention of movable type printing, papermaking, compass, and gunpowder undoubtedly played an outstanding role in human development. The discovery and creation of new excellent traditional culture by the Chinese nation in daily life is even more dazzling. In the process of modernization in the 21st century, we can make the Chinese nation prosperous only if we know how to discover the beauty in our national culture, and constantly improve it with innovative ideas on the basis of preserving its essence, so that it can adapt to Chinas modern and harmonious social construction. Undoubtedly, discovery and innovation play a crucial role in the prosperity of a nation.

  Whether its personal, personal, or ethnic. Long term development cannot be achieved without the support of discovery and innovation. We have seen the tremendous power of discovery and innovation in Dalton, Baifu Ando, and Joli, and it is even more important to equip ourselves with such abilities. Let us learn to discover innovation, enrich ourselves, contribute to society, and revitalize the nation.








  创新的英语作文 23

  What is innovation? Innovation is doing things that others have not done before, taking paths that others have not walked, daring to break thinking patterns, opening up new markets and fields. In this vast world, there are many ordinary people among all kinds of people. When people envy their current achievements, they should also see the innovation behind their success. So, how do we achieve innovation?

  Firstly, innovation requires a forward thinking mindset. Professor Huang Hanqing once said, "Only by taking the lead, winning by surprise, constantly innovating new systems, products, markets, and new situations that overwhelm competitors, can enterprises stand invincible." In fact, this statement also makes sense not only in enterprises, but also in daily life and small things around them. In Harvard Town, Illinois, some children often use their spare time to buy popcorn on the train.

  A ten year old boy also joined this group. In addition to being able to sell on the train, he also added cream and salt to the popcorn to make the taste more delicious. Of course, his popcorn sells better than any other child because he knows how to make it better than others. This boy is Paul Galvin, the founder of Motorola. Isnt his secret to success just seizing the opportunity in front of others? Isnt his innovative spirit a prerequisite for his success? So innovation requires a forward thinking mindset.

  Secondly, innovation requires imitation and improvement. Innovation requires imitation, which does not mean completely copying and copying. It is based on the experience of predecessors, through improvement, and through ones own thinking to improve. So, innovation cannot completely abandon tradition, it must be developed and inherited. Chen Dongsheng, the leader of Chinas youngest national life insurance company and the current Chairman and CEO of Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd., once said about innovation, "Many people claim to be innovative by violating laws and acting according to their own will, but the result is a complete failure. There are too many such cases, so I think its better to simply follow the example of others."

  His words are precisely the summary of his path to success. At first, he was an ordinary person with a PhD in Economics from Wuhan University. Although Jiade Auctions three-year entrepreneurial journey had successfully transformed him from a scholar to a businessman, in 1996, he stood at the forefront of the insurance industry. Chen Dongsheng was still just a student with no practical experience, so he decided to copy the advanced practices accumulated by foreign insurance giants. Over the course of several years, Chen Dongsheng visited 21 of the worlds top multinational insurance and financial groups. Chen Dongsheng brought back the companys structure, marketing model, decoration style, service facilities, etc. from overseas. Imitation has enabled Taikang to stand at a high starting point and Chen Dongsheng to stand at the commanding heights of Chinas insurance industry. Therefore, sometimes innovation is a small step forward on the shoulders of predecessors, and this small step is your improvement, your innovation, and your characteristics.

  However, innovation does not mean blindly trying, it also needs to follow patterns. The famous contemporary writer Li Kaifu once said, "Innovation is not important, only useful innovation is important.". A very philosophical fable: A prey is caught, and the lion has not yet eaten it. If the fox wants to eat it, it must consider: why does the lion not eat? Is it because the stomach is not hungry, not to the taste, the prey is too small to disdain to eat, or is this prey poisonous and cannot be eaten at all? If the lion disdains to eat its prey that is too small, the fox can go up and have a full meal. Otherwise, the consequences can only be poisoning or being eaten by the lion. Is this small fable not implying that if innovation is not good, it is digging its own grave? So, in our process of innovation, we must follow the rules, act within our capabilities, and not blindly.

  So, innovation is not simple, but two things are crucial: first, dont be limited by the achievements of others, and second, dont be afraid of making mistakes. In todays society where the law of the fittest prevails, only by wanting to be ahead of others, being ahead of others, and adapting to changing circumstances, can we seize the opportunity to win and stand invincible.
















