

时间:2022-10-07 14:23:33 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Direction :




  The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Its established status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations.

It is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes。Some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other programs。 These young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV。 Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance。 The most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people's lives。Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve。 They all have a restless night and glue their eyes on the television。

  I am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned。 Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year。 To increase its appeal and meet young adults' need, the upcoming performance should invite some big names including super stars from Hongkong and Taiwan。 We are all eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show。





英语作文 篇2















  I've just read an article in a newspaper about saving tigers. It says that the number of tigers is becoming smaller in our country. It's terrible. I saw a few people sell bones of tigers by the roadside the other day.I also learned that some people killed tigers in order to make money.And too many trees have been cutdown. The places where tigers used to live were destroyed. Tigers are in danger of dying out.

  Our government should punish the hunters.We should try our best to make our earth pleasant and peaceful,not only for human beings but also for animals.

  Yours faithfully,


英语作文 篇3

  One day afternoon school, and I stood up and feel the top-heavy, and I thought it was a fever, when the ridge said: "We go home together," he said and pulled me up, suddenly he said: How the hands so hot, fever it! "Other students heard all around. The same time as

  They said rangly: "I help you get your bag, I help you go home ... ...", with their help in my home, but no one at home, neighbors, my grandmother found that I had a fever, and quickly get Medicine to me to eat, but also quickly help me call my mother said I had a fever. My mother hurried back to take me to the hospital, on the road, we waited for a long time did not wait until the car, then a taxi stopped, let us on the train, the driver to speed up, immediately sent us to the hospital, Mom gave him money, he said: "Go and see a doctor," said the drive away. The same time as

  With the help of everyone, I got a timely treatment, and soon fever




英语作文 篇4

  how to write a short essay

  in almost every kind of t est of englis h , shor t es say writing is an indispensable component as it is the only subjecttest item, the aim of which is to evaluat e both the testee’s linguistic competence and pe rformance .

  an essay writing , be it in ce t 4/ 6 , or in ne tem, or in toefl, or in ielts, or in pets, us ually involves the following five steps:

  the first step is analyzing the tas k . t hat is to say that you should analyze the topic , the purpose and the r equir ements . only by doing so can you center a rou nd the general theme of the essay .

  the second step is preparing a plan . at this stage , an outline should be made, including the introduction , the body and the conclusion .

  the third step is collecting relevant information . it includes the information from the topic and the knowledge you have alr eady acquir ed .

  the four th step is writing up . this is the centr al pa rt of your task , which is based on what informa tion you have collected .

  the last step is checking your writing . at this stage, you s hould check your whole essay and cor r ect e r rors that you have car eles sly made, such as er ror s in gr amma r , spelling and handwriting . although this is the final step , you should not neglect it .

  if you follow the well-organized writing st eps , your es say will be a successful one .


  short essay writing involved in eve ry kind of test and the aim of the t est , e .g .

  ·a suggestion of five steps

  * analyzing the task

  * preparing a plan

  * collecting information

  * writing up

  * checking the whole es say

  · conclu sion



  本文是一篇说明文, 首先说明在各类考试中均有短文写作考项以及其测试目的; 然后提出写好短文的`五步建议; 最后简要结束全文。



  indispensable component 必不可少的部分

  subject- testitem 主观测试考项

  linguistic competence and performance 语言能力和语言运用

  netem = national ent rance test of english for ma/ ms


  pe ts = proficiency english test sy stem

  only by doing so can you . . .“only + adv .”

  置于句首时, 句中主谓语须倒装

  center around 围绕

  gener al theme 总的主题

  handwriting n .书写

英语作文 篇5



  (Attention, please!)The students’ Union has decided to organize an activity for the League members this weekend to do general cleaning at Xinguang Bus Station. All the League members are asked to gather at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday (April 20). We are to leave for the station at 8:15 by bus. Those who can not go must ask for a leave. Those who are not League members but would like to join us are also welcome. Please don’t forget to bring the cleaning tools with you and some food for lunch.

  The Students’ Union


  Happy Teachers’ Day! Happy birthday to you!

  Merry Christmas! Wish you a happy New Year!

  Best wishes !

  Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy yourself!

  Have a nice weekend!

  Good luck to you in the exam!

  May you succeed! Wish you success!


  Here’re some flowers for you with our best wishes. Hope you will get well soon.


  Thank you for your hard work.

  Thank you for teaching us so well.

  Thank you for making English fun.


  Miss Jo Hunt

  616 Lincoln Drive

  New York

  NY 12242



  June 25

  Dear Mr Wu,

  I’m sorry that I can’t go to school today. I had an accident yesterday while I was playing volleyball. I fell down and broke my right leg. My cousin took me to hospital. The doctor said that I had to rest my leg for a few days.

  Now I’m writing to you to ask for (two days’) sick leave.


  5.假如你是张化,你的`加拿大朋友给你发来e-mail,希望了解你将如何度过今年暑假,请你把你的暑假计划和想法写成英文,用e-mail发给他。计划包括以下内容:锻炼身体,帮助做家务,读书, 适当看电视,按时作息等,要求, 80字左右,假期活动不得少于5项,不的使用真实姓名和学校名。

  Summer holidays are coming, during the holidays, I’m going to read English every day as I did at school. And in the afternoon I’ll swim or go fishing . I like reading. So I’d like to spend some time reading books. I’ll help my parents do some housework as much as possible. In the evening I’ll watch TV for one hour. I’ll go to bed and get up on time. I also want to visit some of my friends and relatives.


  Travelling is a very good activity. It’s interesting and helpful. When we are free or fed up with our work and study, we can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature. We can breathe fresh air there to relax ourselves and even make new friends.

  But sometimes, traveling can have something to worry about. The weather is easy to change. And we can easily get wet and even catch a cold. So, we’d better prepare everything carefully while traveling. And sometimes we may not get used to the weather and food there. If so, we often get ill or lose interest.

  How about finding a good companion(friend) to be with us? So, we can help each other and be happy during the trip.

  An accident report

  A large bag of rice fell off a truck when it went round a corner near No. 14 Middle School. Some students ran to move the bag, but a man on a motorbike hit the bag.The man fell off his bike and lay on the ground.

  While some of the students were stopping the traffic, the boys carried the man to the gatekeeper’s room, The gatekeeper and Lin Tao moved the bag out of the road. Li lei ran to get help from the school, and the teacher hurried over with a box of medicine.

  A weather report

  Good morning! Here’s the weather report for some big cities across the world.Beijing is cloudy. The high temperature will be ---. There’ll be beautiful sunshine in the daytime, but the low temperature tonight will be minus 5. Wear warm clothes at night when you go out.---That’s the weather report for today. Thank you for listening.


  Attention, please!

  Tomorrow is May Day. There will be no school from the first to the seventh. The celebration is going to be held in our school on May the first. All the students and the teachers can take part in it. Classes will begin as usual on May 8th. Thank you.


  A football Match

  Class 1 Grade 2 VS Class 5, Grade 3

  Time:5:30 p.m. Sep. 20th

  Place: the school soccer field

  An unforgettable day

  I think I’ll never forget that day for it was so exciting. It was a hot afternoon, everything was dry. I stayed at home, no one was in. so I felt very lonely. My friend Lily telephoned me and then we went swimming together, I hadn’t done that before, when I looked into the deep water and I was afraid of it. Lilly encouraged me she taught and showed me what to do. I got into the water carefully. I thought I was going to die. To my surprise, after a few minutes of practice, I could swim.

  It was such a big challenge but I make it, then I know to work hard brings success. It was the happiest day of my life. I’ll keep on working hard.

英语作文 篇6

  In people’s life, they will face many difficulties, most people can conquer those hard times and keep moving on. Making mistake is the difficulty that everyone will have to face, no one is perfect, how to treat the mistake is very important. Some people will choose to ignore their mistakes and tell lies, because they are afraid of being condemned. While some people will choose to face their mistakes and learn to fix the mistakes. I appreciate the latter people, they are honest and take the right attitude towards making mistakes. Making mistake is not horrible, people can learn from those mistakes and become mature, after all, it will take some price to grow up.


  一些人会选择忽视他们的'错误,然后 撒谎,因为他们害怕受到谴责。然而一些人选择面对他们的错误,学着去改正错误。我欣赏后者,他们诚实,正确面对犯错误。


英语作文 篇7

  At this time,we all like winter,because snow in winter,and children like play with snow.we can make the snow ball,play snow boots.It is very interesting.On the one hand is snow ,and on the other hand is holiday.Now I am in southern, the scenery is beautiful.and at there I have a great time .It is warm there,and I can swimming. The sea is beautiful ,the sky is blue .The cloud is sincere and white. How comfortable it is !If you like here ,you can go with me .I am sure you will have a good time ,too.










