

时间:2022-10-26 23:58:22 英语作文 我要投稿




旅游英语作文 篇1

  It was a simple choice: Mt. Emei and Leshan Grand Buddha: Route B, VIP ticket, a bus tour to two of China''s World Natural Heritage Sites, described in a few brief words in a brochure and often overlooked by vacationers on a rush through Chengdu to Tibet, Yunnan or the 3 Gorges. The tour is escorted by a well-informed Chinese speaking guide, who is like a wind-up doll: once started is guaranteed to talk non-stop for at least 30 minutes. Language could be a problem, but chances are someone on board is bilingual, so it''s possible to sneak away to take pictures and get a 30 seconds summary afterwards.

  Early Saturday, the mini-bus rolls towards Leshan down the speedy expressway. The passing scenery is of miles of mus (an area measure of 1/6 acre) of rice paddies, sweet corn and lotus, dotted with the book-learned image of bent, barefoot peasants in straw hats at work with a water buffalo.

  First visit to a Buddhist temple" It''s important to keep the red-shoed site-guide in sight. A leisurely climb up a broad, stone stairway leads to busy Lingyun Temple and Lingbao Pagoda. Unconditioned calves scream later,because the walk goes twice up and twice down at 35 degrees, Celsius and slope, over the same 75 metres of elevation. Of interest are the sequencing of buildings, the triad grouping of carved icons along with their distinguished arhat followers, (i.e. the amusing ear-picker) and collections of mini-statues. Devout adherents may be burning incense, kneeling on cushions and bowing. For them, the visit is spiritual. (It is permitted to participate as a one day Buddhist.)

  Across the cliff top, Dafo, the tallest Buddha in the world, appears head first. The curly locks were reset in the last five years; the wrinkled face smoothed and redone with weatherproof make-up. If without a camera, a pose and a fee of 15 yuan will develop a Polaroid keepsake. The narrow,shaded Stairs of the Nine Turns descend past shapely biceps to fine hands and perfect fingernails, resting on dimpled knees, beside well-proportioned legs to well-spaced toes. Gender equality is not an issue as Dafo''s old body is neither robed nor nude. Looking up, Dafo is neither handsome nor pretty, but is, without a doubt, unforgettable. Carved out of the sandstone cliff in the 8th century, the mission was to offer safety over the currentsswhereswaters of three rivers swirled together and "swallowed boats" (It has been a long prayer.)

  After a better life? This tour offers reassurance. For harmony, a female stands on the black part of the yinyang circle; if male, on the white. A quick rinse of hands and face and a push on the rotating yinyang stone at the water fountain add more balance. To gain merit and enhance karma, pay120 yuan for a sheaf of incense, set alight, bow three times and tosssintosthe flaming cauldron. A scheduled stop offers a Chinese lecture on Chinese herbal medicine. If purchasing, no-one says the same remedies will be one third the price the next day at booths on Mount Emei (Emeishan) from which they''re harvested.

  An early, sunny morning start for Mount Emei promises a day to commune with nature. A European-made cable-car drops visitors and pink-jacketed guides 8 minutes later at the foot of 900 steps up to the beautiful, restful Wannian Temple,swheresincense is cheap and the strong scent and flower gardens are pleasant.

  A soft rub on an orbed bridge pediment assures a longer life. Inside dimly-lit chambers shine gilded statues, larger than life, surrounded by thousands of miniatures. A smooth stroke to the back leg of a sculpted elephant carrying a smug Buddha on a gilded lotus, will relieve pain. A toad, alone in its pond, responds to clapping hands with a croak. From this serene monk''s complex, attributed to pilgrims from India in the eighth century, it''s all downhill through temperate, sweat-producing, rainforest.

  En route, any aerie views are usually shrouded in mist. One hour of the twisty descent is over 3 kilometres of slippery steps. The intrepid or infirm can become easy riders in bamboo sling chairs, suspended between the shoulders of two skinny five-footers. The break at a waterfall and Qingyin pavilion is welcome and a place to decide whether to take the 90 minute round-trip detour to feed and fight off the hungry monkeys.

  The hike is fine for the thousands of fit Chinese and few youthful backpackers, but for the rare ex-pat soft adventurers, a rest is preferred. It is another 3 kms further along a paved pathway under the eyes of curious stall vendors to the terminus,swheresa satisfying Sichuan luncheon is served before the fast return to Chengdu.

旅游英语作文 篇2

  I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road.

  It’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes.

  On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday.

旅游英语作文 篇3

  I love traveling. traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. what's more, it refreshes me. you can go to disneyland and eperience what it's like to be “a child again!” you can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the grand canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! you can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer. just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. eperience is a type of living knowledge. you'll be sure to eperience many new things when traveling. you don't even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. just don't forget to bring your backpack!

旅游英语作文 篇4

  Nov. 17th Sunday Fine

  This morning, after finishing all my homework, I went to the People's Park together with my classmate Mary to fly a kite. We got a very nice kite, and it was such a lovely day. So we were sure to have a lot of fun.

  I began to fly the kite. Once it went up into the sky, I began to run very fast, and hoped that it would go higher and higher. Then suddenly I felt something wrong. Looking up into the sky, I was disappointed to find that the kite had got broken. In no time the broken kite and rope fell over me. What a fool! I sat on the grass, feeling rather ashamed of what I had done.

  Then Mary comforted me, saying, "Now, you know what makes a kite fly high. It's patience and skills. "Yes, learned a good lesson today.

旅游英语作文 篇5

  Dingling, the underground mausoleum of Emperor Wan Li, is one of the thirteen imperial tombs of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Emperor Wan Li (1573-1620) ordered the construction of his own tomb when he was 22 and it took six years to complete the construction which cost about two year's land taxes of the entire empire. The Emperor gave a party in his own funeral chamber, so the chronicles say, to mark its completion, and thirty years later he was buried in it amid a splendid ceremony.

  The tomb was excavated in 1958 and has since been open to the public as an underground museum.

  Some fifty kilometers northwest of Beijing city center, the group of tombs (known as Ming Tombs) near Dingling are scattered around the southern slopes of the Heavenly Longevity Mountains(1), bounded by hills on three sides with a southern exposure to an open plain.

  The approach to the Ming Tombs is a shaded 7-kilometer-long road known as the Sacred Way. Its beginning is marked with a marble archway standing 27 meters long and 15 meters high. The marble archway is similar to the triumphal arches of Europe (Paris, Rome, Berlin, etc.). This archway, one of the finest and best preserved in the country, was erected in 1540, at a time when Chinese architecture had reached its climax.

  A stone table nearby proclaims that entrants must dismount at this point and proceed on foot, that admittance beyond the archway was forbidden to ordinary citizens, and that violating this law was punishable by death.

  Further on, this road is lined with gigantic stone statues, 24 of lions, camels, elephants, horses, and mythical animals and 12 of generals, civil mandarins, and courtiers(2).

  Dingling consists of the underground palace and surface structures, most of which are now in ruin, leaving the magnificent soul Tower still standing in a spacious courtyard. Each corner of the Tower is a single block of stone.

旅游英语作文 篇6

  An Unforgettable Travel

  My families plan to visit the interesting place p of Shanghai。We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's lips。It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it。As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window。At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city。

  This is the trip l never forget。

旅游英语作文 篇7

  假定你某日在南昌遇见一位外国游客向你询问有关乘车去庐山旅游的情况。请根据下面所给内容用一段话向这位外国游客做介绍。(词数:不少于80) 火 车 汽 车 始 发 终 点 始 发 终 点 南 昌 九 江 南 昌 庐 山 8:00 9:30 7:00 9:00 8:00 10:00 10:00 11:30 9:00 11:00 14:00 15:30 17:00 19:00 注:九江火车站有汽车上庐山 注:每小时一班

  You can go to Lushan Mountain either by train or by bus. There are three trains to Jiujiang. The" first train leaves at 8:00, the second at 10:00, and the third at 2:00 in the afternoon. When you arrive in Jiujing, you can take a bus to Lushan at Jiujiang Train Station. You can also go to Lushen from Nanchang by bus. A bus leaves every hour from 7:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon.

  Lushan Mountain is very beautiful. I wish you enjoy yourself.



旅游英语作文 篇8

  Since the National Day is coming, I will have a long vacation. I decided to take 5 days from 1st to 5th visiting Beijing. I would like to make a plan first. I will go to Beijing by train because it is safer and cheaper. On the first day, I am going to visit the Summer Palace. On the second day, I will visit the Great Wall. On the third day, I will get up early and go to Tian ‘an Men Square to see the flag rising. Then, I will visit the Peking University and Qinghua University. I am dreaming for entering one of these two universities. On the fourth day, I am going to visit the National Stadium. The last day, I will visit the National Aquatics Center, which also called “Water Cube”. A wonderful trip, do you agree?

旅游英语作文 篇9

  College students, curious and energetic, love traveling; summer and winter vacations provide them with golden opportunities to travel. There are two major modes of travelling—traveling by oneself or traveling in a group organized by travel agencies.

  Those two patterns offer different travel experiences, with respective advantages and disadvantages. For the solitary traveler, the greatest advantage is freedom. He is perfectly free to choose his itinerary and plan his schedules, thus he can visit whatever his curiosity leads him to and contemplate over a historical site or a cultural relic for as long as he desires. The trouble is he cannot share his perceptions and excitement with any partners. Moreover, it is time-consuming and difficult to buy train tickets and look for accommodations and in emergency situations an individual traveler is largely helpless. Those problems are non-existent for group travelers because travel agencies take care of everything. Within a group, people who used to be strangers soon become friends. However, the fixed itineraries and tight schedule prevent travelers from satiating their individual curiosities. In addition, tourists are often subjected to forced shopping by tour guides who are more concerned with securing commissions than providing services.

  My solution to these two imperfect modes of traveling is to travel with friends or classmates. This pattern incorporates most of their advantages while avoiding all their disadvantages. I am convinced this is the best and most sensible form of traveling which everybody should adopt.


  此两种模式会带来不尽相同的旅行体验,不乏各自的优缺点。对于孤身一人的旅行者来说,最大的优点是自由。他完全可以随心所欲地选择旅行线路,规划行程安排;这样,其兴致所至,必心满意足;面对一处处历史古迹或文物,尽可发思古之幽, 而全无时间之羁绊。问题在于,其感受与兴奋之情,无可与人分享。此外,购买火车票和夜间投宿,既耗时亦费神。一旦突发意外,单枪匹马的旅行者很大程度上孤立无助。所有这些问题对于随团出游者来说均不存在,因为旅行社会安排好一切。在旅行团内部,原来的陌生人旋即就可成为朋友。然则,固定的旅游线路以及仓促的行程,往往会使旅行者无法满足每个人独特的好奇心。此外,旅客也常常被导游逼迫着去作强制性购物,这些导游花在赚取佣金上的心思,远超过如何来为游客提供服务。


旅游英语作文 篇10

  There is a saying that “You can either travel or read,but either your body or soul must be on the way.” With the improvement of living standards, more and more people have time and money to travel. During traveling, one can meet various people, make new friends and experience various lifestyles of different places.

  Almost everyone has their own favorite place to travel because of specific reasons, such as the people, climate or scenery of that place, the influence of friends or some beautiful memories and so on.

  Nowadays, people do not have to think much about transportation. People can travel by car or driving themsleves to near places, or by train, plane to far places.So, if you have a place want to travel, just go and relax yourself.














