

时间:2022-11-11 13:27:42 英语作文 我要投稿




优秀英文作文 篇1

  Hello , everybody! Do you know me ? My name is Liang Qikun. My

  English name is Jenny. I am from China . I am ten years old . I am a clever girl . I have short black hair , big black eyes , big ears , a small nose and a small mouth . I am not very tall and not very thin . My hobby is reading books . My favourite sport is adventuring. I can play the piano very well . This is me.

优秀英文作文 篇2

  The design of the thunder apex tower tower body handed down the thunder apex tower is destroy by fire the ex- flat surface octagon building cabinet type system type, high bout 45 meters, total is divided into 5 layers, reserve Sung tower to spoil style.Each layer cover copper tile, turn Cape to establish the copper arch, fly brim to raise Cape to descend to hang the copper breeze bell,the looks is beautiful, ancient color ancient rhyme.2-5 layers still have an outside to pick an even to can be provided as the view view in the meantime.

优秀英文作文 篇3

  There once be an old Chinese traditional tower called Leifeng by the Xihu lake. Neither tall nor magnificent, the tower had stood still for more than 1000 years…maybe that was the reason why it was old enough to be described with the word “shabby”. However, people who had seen it in the glow of the setting sun had all appreciated the view, and large number of articles describing the view with admiration had been written and circulated widely in China.

  Things never last forever, the tower had collapsed in 20xx. Besides feeling sorry for it, people still thought it was hard to avoid the fact that the tower would sooner or later collapse. That was all due to a story that had been going with the history of this Leifeng tower…

  It is said that one day long before, when a young scholar whose name was Xuan was having a walk in the wood, he saw an injured white snake, trying hard to survive from the wound. Without much hesitation he gave medical treatment to the white snake and let it go after it had got well. But he never knew that the white snake he had saved was a siren that had been practicing asceticism to gain a human body for almost 1000 years. Not like any other sirens, the white snake was kindhearted and it decided to pay debt of gratitude. With the determination in mind it finally gain the human body and became a woman with beautiful appearance. She gave herself a name, Suzhen.When she met Xuan in reality, both of them fell in love with each other at the first sight. Very soon they got married, and thought they would be happy ever after. However, a hateful monk, Fahai, start trying to separate the couple in whatever ways he could think of, he always excused that it was unacceptable that a demo and a human being got married and lived together, he said he was justifiable that he had to separate them and punish Suzhen with his power of magic.

  In fact, even if Suzhen used to be a white snake, she was doing her best to pleased everyone with her heart that was full of gratitude and love, she was doing nothing bad to danger anyone. People admired her because of all the help that she had brought to them. Even Fahai knew it clearly, but he himself never told the unknown reason why he had to punish Suzhen. In my opinion the reason may be his selfish desire or something, why not? Suzhen was such an attractive woman after all…

  After huge amount of “great effort” had been done, Fahai finally reached his goal to separate Suzhen and Xuan, at the same time Suzhen was sealed under the Leifeng tower from then on. She would never be set free unless the tower collapses.

  That is the story of Leifeng tower. Now it had collapsed, it is whished that Suzhen had met her dear husband, Xuan, and had started their happy life all over again.

优秀英文作文 篇4

  Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. I'm 14 years old. I'm a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office workers. They're busy. But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. I'm happy in the family. I love my parents and they love me very much.I'm a student at Dongzhou Middle School. It is very big and beautiful.

  There are many classroom buildings and office buildings. Besides the buildings, there is a big playground. After school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it. I think they are happy. There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school. They are

  beautiful. I like my school. In my school, I have many friends. All my friends are polite and helpful. My friends are all nice to me. They can make me happy. So I like playing with them.My hobbies are listening to music and reading. I like pop music very much. I dislike sports because I'm not strong. It's hard for me.I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. I enjoy every day.

优秀英文作文 篇5

  How time flies! In the blink of an eye, we are going to have a winter vacation. I want to design a plan for this winter vacation. I have prepared some meaningful plan plans.

  1. Help my mother do some housework as she can.

  2. Read some good books and read after reading, such as "Robinson Crusoe", "100 thousand why" and "Jane eyre".

  I write a composition every day to improve my writing ability.

  Watch a few movies with education meaning and then write a few reviews.

  5. Finish the homework assigned by the teacher, read some extra-curricular books, enrich our reading ability and improve the reading ability.

  I insist on physical exercise every day, such as; Running, jumping rope and other sports activities.

  These are the study plans I made during the winter vacation. I will do what I plan to do and care for all of me.

优秀英文作文 篇6

  As I'm growing up, I am facing both frustration and gains. First, let me talk about my frustration. As I am going to a higher grade, I have more and more home work, and the study is getting more and more difficult. So I have leand letime to play with my friends and classmates. But, at the same time, I am learning more knowledge. I understand more things and I am happier and happier. I am also ma-ki-ng more and more friends. I have more hope towards the future. The most important is I am learning more responsibilities as I am growing up.

  Dim lamp, I looked at the cup of tea, boiling water, the impact of time and time again, let me feel the fragrance of tea. That bitter taste in his mouth, a point slightly sweet, but also by my greedy mouth to the occupation, and eyes dim, hazy outlines of the memory, can no longer be hazy memory already.

  Work as much as "cook a meal," a playful little, the teacher's serious "inhibition" the laughter of the Miao, the pressure of the heavy, "created" in the dreams of us - growing pains. Open the heavy book of memories, that little thoughts, perhaps tired of back and some memories back.

  "At first" arrive, I am a fragile being "enemy" aimed at the "vulnerability" opened a fierce shot, that vulnerable, I, in the "blood" at the expense of ground could be a "sleeping inside burning the midnight oil to see volume, Dreaming rang Beishi "and I once again stood up. Those days are dark, puzzled me, and learn and sometimes I have to find a seat has not yet withered and yellow grass, and sometimes a desk, windowsill side to see the rows of trees standing in the distance is hard, for the only be able to issue a final touch of Brilliant Green. What are those trees? I have no way of knowing what effect this relationship? As long as they are trees, would be sufficient. When I looked at them a daze, the heart will be a myriad of thoughts, when my eyes back to the tree when the mood suddenly see the light, the pressure disappeared and instead engaged in learning among busy.

优秀英文作文 篇7

  “goddess on the mountain top,burning like a silver flame,the summit of beauty and love,and venus was her name……”我在房间里狂唱孙燕姿的《venus》,妈妈以为我得了神经病,谁让我平时重来不唱英文歌呢?妈妈不认为我有神经病就怪了!我也不知道为什么,现在会狂唱英文歌,会不会是我英语进步的前兆呢?大家是不是有点汗哪!汗~i~n~g~~


  “严冰珊,你半夜发什么神经,早上我都没说你……”妈妈的狮子吼真是了得,她一吼,邻居们的灯就想安排好一样,刷刷刷开起来,我一脸羞愧的看着妈妈,妈妈,还没有消气。(也对,半夜拿着个话筒,把声音开的老大,妈妈不生气才怪呢!妈妈走后,我悻悻的奸笑了一声,我怎么可以善罢甘休呢!哈哈,我严冰珊可说是打遍天下无敌手,我害怕区区一个狮子吼吗?我又开始唱起了beatles 唱的'《lemon tree》,开始了,哈哈,不过我这一次没有那么笨,我戴上耳机,把门关的严严实实的,我又开始了:“Ill sitting here in a boring room, Its just another rainy sunday afternoon, Im wasting my time I got nothing to do, Im hanging around Im waiting for you……”唱的怎么样,哦哦,我忘了,你们听不见哦,我真的傻了。


  “严冰珊,几天我带你们去唱歌吧。”妈妈边刷牙边说,我高兴的要命,马上到屋里练歌去了,我怀着激动的心情走进了KTV我那叫个高兴啊,我一看,天哪,那么多人,我哪还敢唱呐!这时,小姨说话了,小姨说:“晔晔,你和你表哥先唱一首。”弟弟和表哥唱的真么样应该知道吧,出奇的那听呐!妈妈尴尬的要命,全场都尴尬的鼓起了掌,好不情愿哦!我看全场气氛那么尴尬,我只得上去说:“我来唱一首吧!”欢呼~~~~啪啪,我开始唱了:“im your venus, im your fire,at your desire,well, im your venus, im your fire,at your desire,yeah, baby, shes got it……”我唱完了,一片掌声,妈妈的脸上也露出了笑容,只是弟弟和表哥对我好不服气!!!

  大家发现我的英语天赋和音乐天赋了吧!!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……下次见。


优秀英文作文 篇8

  Today is the 136 anniversary of Andersen , father of fairy tale. He passed away on August 4th, 1875, at the age of 70.

  20xx年8月4日是“童话之父”安徒生去世136周年。 他于1875年8月4日逝世,享年70岁。

  Hans Christian Andersen (April 2, 1805 – August 4, 1875) was a Danish author, fairy tale writer, and poet noted for his children’s stories. These include “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Thumbelina”, “The Little Match Girl”, and “The Ugly Duckling”.

  汉斯·克里斯钦·安徒生是著名的丹麦童话作家和诗人,以他的童话作品闻名世界。代表作有 《小锡兵》、《冰雪女王》、《小美人鱼》、《拇指姑娘》、《卖火柴的小女孩》、《丑小鸭》等等。

  During his lifetime he was acclaimed for having delighted children worldwide, and was feted by royalty. His poetry and stories have been translated into more than 150 languages. They have inspired motion pictures, plays, ballets, and animated films.


  Born in the small town of Odense, Denmark in 1805, Andersen’s life was not easy.


  His father was a sickly man and his mother washed clothing for a living. His mother wasn’t highly educated, but because she was superstitious, she introduced Andersen to folklore.


  This encouraged his love of stories, plays, and the theater at a young age. These hobbies, which were combined with Andersen’s love of literature, eventually helped him become a famous writer.


  Andersen was forced to start working after his father passed away in 1816. For a time, he worked as a tailor, and then in a tobacco factory.


  At 14, he moved to Copenhagen to become a singer. However, after his voice changed, a director at the Royal Theater arranged for Andersen to go back to school.


  Andersen began his writing career by writing plays and poems for a local journal.


  Then, in 1835, he broke into novel writing with The Improvisator.The plot of this novel is the basis of many of Andersen’s works.


  In general, Andersen’s stories are mostly about a main character who has to face many problems while he or she is pursuing happiness.


  Despite his success in novel writing, it was children’s tales that eventually brought Hans Christian Andersen fame.


优秀英文作文 篇9

  Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside as a mask. People who have this joy don not need to talk about it; they radiate it. They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight and glow into other lives as naturally as bird sings.

  We can never get it by working for it directly. It comes, like happiness, to those who are aiming at something higher. It is a byproduct of at, simple living. The joy of living comes from what we put into living, not from what we seek to get from it.










