

时间:2022-08-18 15:17:43 英语作文 我要投稿




宠物英语作文 篇1

  Many young people trend to keep Pets, who can treat the pet as their friends and don’t feel lonely. Pets are lovely and loyal to their masters. Many touching stories have been happening between animals and human being. When we keep pets, we have the duty to take care of them.


  When we are watching touching stories among human being and animals in the screen, while cruel incidents are happening in the real life. It had been reported that some pets were abandoned by their owners because they did not want to raise these creatures anymore, so the fastest way to get rid of the pets was to leave them directly. The abandon behavior was criticized by the public, they felt sorry for these lovely animals and at the same time, they blamed the cold-blooded and irresponsible pet owners.


  When we keep pets, we need to keep our responsility. Pets’ lives are as precious as our human being, so if we don’t want to keep them, at least we need to find someone to look after them instead of abandoning them.


宠物英语作文 篇2

  My home have only has eight years, fat, naughty cute little turtle. The turtle head Dai Hu fur cap, dressed in full. Every night, it will be out for a walk. Now I tell you a story about the turtle.

  One Saturday afternoon, I take the turtle to play downstairs, the man downstairs at once the whole circumference. Some said: "it's a big turtle." Some said: "the turtle is fat." And said: "this cute tortoise." The tortoise in front of you, feel very shy, and immediately head back, his mouth a piece of a, as if to say: "what are these? Why do you around me?" People are scattered, the tortoise slowly stretched out his head again, elongation neck, look in all directions, and then put out a short climb to the top of limbs in forward.

  You said, my pet -- cute tortoise?




宠物英语作文 篇3

  I love pets is the small white rabbit, pet shop on painting when I came home and I have to stop watching little creatures who are in a cage, that is my eyes involuntarily fell on the small white rabbit. You see, it's furry body like a white pompon, on the head with a pair of long ears, red eyes like a child just cried, born a three petal mouths, let it become more cute, do you know why the small white rabbit ran bouncing? Let me tell you! Because of the small white rabbit front legs short, long back, you said it doesn't make funny? Returned home, I told my mother, I want to put the small white rabbit back to domestic, I will give it freely, want it to be my good friend, and I together in the yard, in the square, in the vast field, in any place to visit in the world to run free. Unfortunately, the mother said: "our environment is not suitable for adoption of the little white rabbit." I think, when I grow up, have their own house must be adopted, the small white rabbit is my favorite pet.

  我喜欢宠物是小白兔,每当我画画回家路过宠物店时,我都要驻足观望那些被关在笼子里的小宠物,那是我的目光就不由自主地落到了小白兔的身上。 你看,它那毛茸茸的身体像个白绒球,头上竖着一对长耳朵,一双红彤彤的眼睛就像小孩子刚刚哭过的样子,天生的一张三瓣嘴,让它变得更加可爱了,你知道小白兔跑起来为什么一蹦一跳吗?让我来告诉你吧!因为小白兔前腿短,后退长,你说这逗不逗呀? 回家后,我告诉妈妈,我想把小白兔带回家养,我要给它自由,要让它成为我的.好朋友,和我一起在院子里,在广场上,在广阔的田野里,在世界上任何可以游玩的地方自由自在的奔跑。 只可惜,妈妈说:“我们家的环境不适合收养小白兔。”我想,等我长大了,有了自己的房子,一定要收养我最喜欢的宠物——小白兔。

宠物英语作文 篇4

  Animal are our loyal(忠诚的) friends. Moreover, most people like them. So you can often see some people keeping animals, like a dog, cat, rabbit, turtle and fish, is common(普遍的). They are gentle(温柔的.), kind and lovely.

  Before, I had two squirrels(松鼠). But half a month, they both died. To this end, I feel very ashamed(惭愧的) and sad.

  Later, I checked some information about a squirrel: it generally eat grain(谷物); must drink boiled(煮开过的) water; do not eat cooked(煮熟的) food. If I am careful, care for them closely(密切地), the two lives will not disappear.

  So, I hope everyone in the process of(在过程中) raising (饲养)animals, please treat better to them. Because they aren’t our dolls, but our loyal friends, always !

宠物英语作文 篇5

  Some people think that keeping pets is a good thing. They say that it is an hobby which should had. They also claim that pets make lives more colorful and entertaining for both women and men.有些人认为养宠物是一件美好的事情。他们说,(养宠物)是一个应该拥有的爱好。他们也声称养宠物可以使生活更加多彩,并给男人和女人带来更多趣味。

  On the other hand, there are many people who say that pets should be banned. They point out that pets are responsible for disease which hurt property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who kept them and by innocent other people. They also say that pets are a waste of money and resources.另一方面,也有很多人说应该禁止养宠物。他们指出宠物是造成伤害(身体)性能的疾病的原因,并且会使养宠物的人和其他无辜的人受伤。他们也说,养宠物是一个浪费钱和资源(的.事)。

  My own point of view is that we should had the hobby of keeping pets. While at the same time making them harmless. In addition, we should restrict the keeping the pets to some area.我的观点是我们应该有养宠物的爱好。尽管(我们)同时要使它们少受伤害。另外,我们应该禁止在某些区域内养宠物。










