

时间:2024-06-24 18:15:41 许清 英语作文 我要投稿




  科技的利弊英语作文 1

  With the development of science and technology, peoples lives have been greatly changed. There is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways. For instance, the invention of computers dramatically increases work efficiency and helps complete many difficult tasks that were impossible in the past. Apart from this, new discoveries and technology in medicine improve peoples health, which allows them to enjoy a longer life. The progress of science also enlarges humans ablilities to explore the world around them, from up into space to deep under the sea. Thanks to the development of science and technology, human society has enjoyed continuous prosperity and more convenience.

  However, just like a double-edged sword, science can cause problems too. It is known to all that the nuclear power, an environmentally friendly source of energy, can also be developed into a weapon of mass destruction. In addition, human cloning, which is expected to cure many serious diseases and save lives, may bring disasters of social morality. As a matter of fact, most of the improvements in science are made at the cost of our precious natural resources and have done great harm to the environment where we live in.

  Therefore, how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.

  Nowadays,more and more hi-tech tools,such as calculator,computer,etc,appear in our daily life.we use them wherever and whenever we are,so that our life becomes easier and more comfortable than before. However,does anyone think about what problems science and technology have caused to happen in this world?To some degree,its more serious than that we consider.We human indeed use them to improve our living standard,but on the other hand,we are becoming lazier,more reliable than we used to be.All day long those hi-tech products accompany us,then we have either no space or time to think,as well,communication between each other decreases,and what takes place of it is the huge indifference and gap among human. To solve these problems,we should in no time take measures to do with them.Firstly,communicate with others and think on your own more.Secondly,decrease the times you use hi-tech tools.For the advantages of technology,we should absorb,at the meantime,be independent and abandon the short-comings.Thus,we could combine technology and human progress much closer and not lose ourselves in this modern society.





  科技的利弊英语作文 2

  The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human life.The great benefits brought about by this progress is hailed in every corner of the world.New electronic appliances have made our life simpler than ever before.New inventions have helped us to organize our daily activities.Our job can be done faster.Mobiles and QQ have made it easier to communicate with other people.Internet has enabled us to know and understand other culture and society better.

  However,The disadvantages about this development should not be neglected .Some of scientific inventions have even caused great harms or disastersto mankind.For example,advanced technology can be easily manipulated by irresponsible persons.Besides,Well be too dependant on it.When technology fails,we are helpless

  Sometimes,it affects our health and lifestyles(well be complacent and lazy.) The chemicals may be hazardous).Whats worse,Science and tecnology may even destroy our simple and healthy life(Sometimes How we miss the traditional style of living!).In addition ,The appearance of new technology may invade our privacy.

  To sum up,humans must be alert against the possible harm while enjoying the benefits from them.





  科技的利弊英语作文 3

  Do science and technology change our lives for the better or for the worse

  Nowadays,with the development of science,our life has a geat historic change than before. Simultaneously,the changes were so rapidly that taking so many problems. The argument about the development of science and technology hence became ineluctable.

  Some people held the view that the development of science and technology was good. They believed that the advantage outweighed the disadvantage. Owing to the development of science and technology,our life could get great abundant and convenient. The invention of electric light,new transportation,Internet --Nobody did not benefit from the development of science and technology. Comparing with the past time,the health of human and the standard of our life had changed a lot...... Nothing what having great improve did not depend on the development of science and technology. We would lose everything we had got if we lost it. However,the other people insisted that the disadvantage outweighed the advantage. The matters that science and technology took were unprecedented in spite of benefiting from the development of science and technology. The first problem was the pollution. It was the most immediate problem that the science and technology took. Not only our water,but also our food became more and more insecure due to the pollution. Moreover,we must care about our world to ensure it did not ruin by the war that new technology supported. The destruction of science and technology was lethal and unimaginable. Nevertheless,there was another thing we have to face:the MRSA. Nowadays,the modern means of science and technology couldnt deal with this problem caused by itself. So they had to say that the development of science and technology enhanced the fatalness of our life.

  Anyway,every coin has its two sides. So,we should be more dialectical when we do with the problem. Only in this way could we let the science and technology serve for human better and better.





  科技的利弊英语作文 4

  In the journey of life, we have gone through a long time, also experienced wind and rain, joys and sorrows, but through the years, what do we absorb? What did you learn?

  When I was a kid, technology wasnt that advanced, and our homes were mostly just physical toys, not smartphones and tablets. With the change of The Times, the progress of science and technology, modern civilization has gradually intruded into our life imperceptibly, replaced by the toys that we played happily when we were children. Although the entry of civilization brings us a convenient life, it has buried the traditional things.

  Electronic products are always novel, progressive, enjoyable and technological in peoples eyes, but what phenomenon does it make us produce? When you walk on the road, people seem to have cell phones on their hands, waiting for traffic lights, waiting for the bus... Even when he was crossing the street, he risked his life and walked with his head down. The people he saw were so cold that they could not predict what would happen in the next second. Civilization enables us to have a convenient life. When we buy things, we can shop online and buy the things we need without going out. It seems that people are praising the progress of The Times. But while these advances bring us convenience, they widen the distance between people.

  How can we improve this phenomenon? I think we can go back in time, and maybe modern children will find our childhood toys so interesting, or maybe its the novelty of electronic gadgets that has caught the modern childs attention, obscuring the physical toys.

  When I think of the things of my childhood, I have experienced the changes of The Times, and the tradition has lost its original appearance.






  科技的利弊英语作文 5

  In this era of accelerating pace of life, the development of science and technology has become the focus of peoples attention.

  Some people think that the development of science and technology is beneficial to mankind, but some people think that the development of science and technology has brought about disadvantages to mankind.

  In my opinion, the development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages, but the disadvantages are still greater.

  Take the invention of the automobile for example. When the early automobile served for human beings, it did bring convenience to people, making people travel conveniently and quickly.

  But now, there are so many cars, you can see them everywhere. An increase in the number of cars means an increase in emissions. With so much waste gas entering the atmosphere, the earth is unable to dissipate heat quickly, causing global temperatures to rise, melting ice at both poles and losing life there.

  Then came the invention of the plastic bag. Although its light and easy to use, it has to be broken down. But extremely difficult. A small bag can take decades or even centuries.

  Besides, they still didnt deal with it well. The used plastic bags are thrown on the ground and in the rivers, making the land barren and the rivers muddy. Some living things suffocate because of the plastic bags.

  Last but not least, the mobile phone is a double-edged sword. If used well, it will bring convenience to people. If not used well, it can have very serious consequences.

  There are a lot of young people who are nearsighted because of excessive use of mobile phones. Some addicted to the game, life becomes decadent; Others play with their phones while charging, causing batteries to explode and causing serious injuries.

  The disadvantages of technology are far more than these, but we should not forget the advantages it has brought us. I hope that in the future, scientists can minimize the harm of the development of science and technology and make our home more beautiful.











  科技的利弊英语作文 6

  In the 21st century, when all kinds of goods are developing rapidly, science and technology are also making continuous progress and innovation. In my opinion, the advantages of the development of science and technology outweigh the disadvantages.

  First of all, science and technology has revitalized our country. For a country, reform and innovation are indispensable, and scientific and technological development is also necessary. You see, Chinas science and technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, the millennium flying dream round, the birds nest water cube built, the Olympic dream, the world expo dream also realized, the human landing on the romantic moon, overlooking the water blue earth... The dream that one of our ancestors only dared to fantasize is now rounded up with technology!

  Secondly, technology has come into our life and the Internet has covered the whole world, making the world a "big family". In this way, doing everything seems to be much faster, as long as the mouse can be moved, the information can be transmitted to the "18,000 miles" away. On the Internet, even people who are thousands of miles apart can communicate and talk with each other. They can also become bosom friends.

  However, if the technology is no longer developed, even back to a few hundred years ago, then imagine life today. After a minor illness, he lies in bed and waits for death. To drink, one must dig a well, and fetch water from it; Some news want to tell the distant people to gallop thousands of miles...... Without high-rise buildings, safe vegetables, transportation, communication tools, energy-saving light bulbs and other items, when the world returns to that time, no one will sigh the disadvantages of the development of science and technology.

  Therefore, from the above aspects, we can know that the advantages of the development of science and technology far outweigh the disadvantages. It is precisely because of the development of science and technology that our life will be so beautiful!






  科技的利弊英语作文 7

  Modern science and technology may not bring us all benefits, and the development of science and technology also has two sides, some good and some bad.

  The discovery of electricity is undoubtedly a huge discovery, which is closely related to our life. We use electricity for cooking, water heating, lighting, telephones, radio communications, television... Even the big screens we use in class need electricity. So electricity is so important to us. Modern high technology is too numerous to count, in so many high technology, what I like most is the computer, every time on microcomputer class, I am extremely excited, because, it is a good learning tool, is also a good partner for leisure and entertainment. But, play computer to also want to notice abstemious! Children enjoy playing on computers, but computers are a drag on their studies for many parents.

  Not all science and technology bring us benefits. For example, the exhaust gas from cars will pollute the atmosphere and form acid rain, which is harmful to peoples health. High-tech batteries, for example, can cause flowers to die or pollute the land if they are not cleaned up in time.

  Science and technology continue to develop, at the same time we must also protect the environment oh!





  科技的利弊英语作文 8

  Today, science has become an essential part of our life, but it also brings us endless hidden dangers when it brings us convenience.

  In the recent ten years, science has developed at a rapid pace, but at the same time, the environment is changing with each passing day. In the development of science and technology, which brings convenience to human life, has it ever occurred to us that the earth we live on is undergoing earth-shaking changes? When we are driving our private cars, driving on the two-lane road, has it ever occurred to us that in the world, more and more lives are disappearing? Have you ever thought about how miserable the outcome will be when the primeval forest disappears?

  Yes, science is a convenient technology, but the sage said, "No man is perfect." So if science has advantages, how can it not have disadvantages? How can perfect things be without perfect people? Take cars for example. Todays cars are more and more comprehensive in functions, but their exhaust emissions are also on the rise, leading to more and more accidents. Now, on average, every day, tens of thousands of people lose their families because of car accidents. And that leads to tragedy.

  With the development of science, cars, trains, planes and other means of transportation have become more and more popular. Now we are not only weak, but also easy to get sick. Although medical technology is very developed, but the road is a foot high devil high ten zhangs, also because of the development of medical technology, led to the acceleration of the mutation of germs. So that the scientific medical exhibition has been unable to keep up with the speed of the mutation of the virus, perhaps the extinction of mankind is due to a major plague.

  In a word, with the development of science and technology, there are both advantages and disadvantages. However, it is up to us to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Go to do not do those who harm no benefit.

  As is said in the Book of Changes, every coin has two sides. There are both Yin and Yang in every coin. However, whether there are more or less Yin and Yang depends on the comprehensive consideration of the creator. So when we create another thing, we must think a little longer, so that the disadvantages do not outweigh the advantages.







  科技的利弊英语作文 9

  Throughout the world, the benefits brought to mankind by the development of science and technology are undoubtedly undeniable.

  Lets start with what we eat. Famine has always been one of the greatest disasters of ancient Chinese people, and the number of people who died of starvation is even more numerous. Until World War II, most people in the world were still suffering from starvation. But now is very different, with the development of science and technology, agriculture all over the world are thriving, all kinds of heterogeneous graft and genetic techniques are being developed, though it still failed to avoid the tragedy of the small number of people died of hunger, however, the development of science and technology continues to believe that this problem, later will have fully resolved.

  From the point of view of travel. The horse-drawn carriages, ox-carts and small wooden boats that we used in ancient times could not make a country work effectively. Many people who live in a foreign country have to go through a lot of preparation before they can return home, and some may not be able to do so for the rest of their lives. It was not until the 18th century that a series of means of transportation, such as train, automobile, subway and airplane, were successively invented, that human travel gradually became more and more convenient. It used to take days at least to get from one province to another. Now it only takes a few hours or even less. The effect of technology on human beings is immeasurable.

  Finally, lets talk about the communication between people. In ancient times, when people in other countries wanted to talk to their friends and relatives, they had to send a messenger to deliver a letter, which was time-consuming and risky. In case the messenger lost the letter on the way for various reasons, the expectation of the sender would be disappointed. And now, the telephone, short message, E-mail, qq, WeChat and other instant communication methods of the invention is undoubtedly a major revolution in communications industry. It only takes a few seconds to tell someone what they want to say. Technology has made our lives more immediate and efficient.

  Although science and technology have brought us great benefits, the negative effects caused by them cannot be ignored. There are many disadvantages brought by science and technology, such as automobile exhaust, causing air pollution; Factories are polluting rivers with waste water; Greenhouse gas emissions, leading to global warming; Melting glaciers raise fears of seawater flooding...

  A solution can always be found to any problem, and the drawbacks brought by the development of science and technology are no exception. In my opinion, there are many solutions, such as transforming cars into solar energy or electric power, standardizing sewage treatment with laws, planting more trees, treating five rivers together... Keep doing this well and the technology will make us less troubled little by little.

  To sum up, the advantages brought by science and technology still outweigh the disadvantages. As long as we make good use of science and technology, one day science and technology will serve mankind better.








  科技的利弊英语作文 10

  Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, peoples life takes on a brand new look, especially the communication.

  No one can deny that we enjoy the convenience of hi-tech products such as mobile phones and computers. They have enormously changed the ways of communication in shortening the distance between people as well as making instant contact possible. The speeding-up mobile technology has efficiently promoted the dream of “global village”.

  However, each coin has two sides. Since mobile technology has progressed rapidly, there occurs some lamentable phenomenon. The high technology make our communicationmoreconvenient, but it doesnt mean.




  科技的利弊英语作文 11

  Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding between nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation between nations and countries, enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture. However, these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the preservation of national identity. Through globalization and an open door policy, erroneous concepts and a lowering of ethical standards, a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country.

  At present, modern information technology which in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology, way of life, culture and films across the world. Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization. During the process of economic globalization, inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries. Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations. With an overwhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology, developed capitalist countries control the situation of economic globalization. For these reasons, globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields. We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena, and overcoming the psychology of preferring money over ethical values.



  科技的利弊英语作文 12

  With the rapid development of the modern science and technology,we are enjoying the convenience which used to be in our dreams.

  Everybody knows that the cell phones,computers,internet,credit cards,airplanes,subways and so on have brought us a modern life which makes us much more comfortable,convenient and relaxed. But gradually,more and more people begin to realize that such kind of easy-going life,perhaps,is doing great harm to our environment and our health as well.

  Nowadays,we have to admit that we have had many nameless diseases which have been brought by the modern science.You cannot deny the air pollution,land reduction,north pole melting and the animals perishing must have something to do with the pursuing of our human modern life. Therefore,how to protect the environment and the human being itself are becoming an urgent problem for the whole human being.




  科技的利弊英语作文 13

  Modern technology is simply an advancement of old technology, the impact of technology in modern life is unmeasurable, we use technology in different ways and some times the way we implement various technologies ends up harming our lives or the society we leave in.

  What we call modern technology is technically not so new in most cases. For example, mobile phone technology has evolved with years, now days we use smart phones which have been an advancement of an ordinary mobile phone.

  Technology is applied to the roles each individual fulfills during life. We use technology on a daily basis to accomplish specific tasks or interests. Modern Technology increases human capabilities and this technology has evolved with years. What used to work before, might not be working now, it must have got old or got replaced by modern technology. Let’s look at a si-mp-le example in Transportation technology, this technology has evolved with years, we used to use steam powered trains now those have been replaced by electronic trains which move faster than steam trains. Modern technology simplifies life in so many ways and every one defines technology in there own way. To some people it means complicated electronic devices.

  To others, it means the source of the radical changes that are happening in all phases of life. Others define technology as science applied to practical purposes. Some people fear to use technology while others see it as the source of longer and more complete lives. Below I have listed detailed points on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology.





  科技的利弊英语作文 14

  With the rapid development of technology, more and more technological products have brought convenience to our lives. However, at the same time, technology is also a double-edged sword, bringing us convenience while also bringing us indelible harm.

  For example, the mobile phone was originally designed to facilitate communication between people around the world, allowing us to carry it around and replace computers within a certain range. Because mobile phones appear very compact compared to computers. But nowadays, there are many games appearing on mobile phones. People who study cannot extricate themselves from playing games; People who work are addicted to their phones and neglect their work. These phenomena will lead to a decline in student grades and a decline in staff performance.

  For example, television is a technology product that helps people relax and feel happy. However, being addicted to it can cause great damage to both body and mind. Some of these damages are indelible, while others can be cured but require people to pay a great price and spend a lot of time.

  The last product is a computer, which has great use whether at home or in the office. It has great use: quickly search for the information you need. But it can accommodate many games on the desktop and watch videos. These effects are not conducive to our learning and harmonious development of physical and mental health, especially the radiation from computers, which causes great harm to the eyes. Therefore, most students nowadays are one of the main reasons for myopia.

  Nowadays, many people rely on technology, and having robots at home can make them very lazy, leading to a decrease in their bodys resistance and the emergence of many diseases.

  So we should adjust the usage time of these technological products appropriately, and also do more household chores, exercise more, and maintain physical and mental health development.







  科技的利弊英语作文 15

  In this fast-paced era, the development of science and technology has become the focus of peoples attention.

  Some people believe that the development of science and technology is beneficial to humanity, but others believe that the development of science and technology has brought disadvantages to people.

  In my opinion, the advantages and disadvantages of technological development coexist, but the disadvantages are still greater.

  Taking the invention of automobiles as an example. When cars were first used for human services, they did bring convenience to people, making travel convenient and fast.

  But now, cars are filled with water everywhere. The increase in the number of cars means that exhaust emissions have also increased. A large amount of exhaust gas enters the atmosphere, making it difficult for the Earth to dissipate heat quickly, leading to an increase in global temperatures, melting of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic, and the loss of homes for living organisms there.

  Subsequently, the invention of plastic bags emerged, although they were lightweight and easy to use, they were difficult to decompose. A small bag may take decades or even hundreds of years.

  Moreover, people are not easy to deal with. The used plastic bags are thrown on the ground and in the river, making the land barren and the river turbid. Some organisms suffocate and die because they are covered in plastic bags.

  Finally, mobile phones are a double-edged sword. Proper use can bring convenience to people, while improper use can lead to very serious consequences.

  Many young people suffer from myopia due to excessive use of mobile phones. Some people are addicted to games, and their lives become decadent. Others were playing with their phones while charging, resulting in battery explosions and serious injuries.

  The harm brought by technology goes far beyond these, but we cannot forget the benefits it brings us. I hope that in the future, scientists can minimize the harm of technological development and make our homes better.











  科技的利弊英语作文 16

  In the rapidly developing 21st century, where all kinds of goods are developing, technology is also constantly advancing and innovating. I believe that the advantages of technological development outweigh the disadvantages.

  Firstly, technology has revitalized our country. For a country, reform and innovation are indispensable, and technological development is also necessary. You see, Chinas technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, the millennium flying dream has come true, the Birds Nest Water Cube has been built, the Olympic Dream and World Expo Dream have also been realized, and humanity has landed on the romantic moon, overlooking the blue water of the Earth. These dreams that our ancestors only dared to imagine have now been fulfilled with technology!

  Secondly, science and technology have entered life, and the Internet has covered the whole world, making the world a "big family". In this way, doing anything seems much faster, as long as you move the mouse, you can convey information to a distance of 18000 miles. On the internet, even people thousands of miles apart can communicate and speak together, and become close friends.

  However, if technology no longer develops and even goes back hundreds of years, then imagine life today. Having a minor illness, one can only lie in bed and wait for death; If you want to drink a sip of water, you need to dig a well and then fetch water from it; Some news wants to tell people in the distance that they still need to ride horses and run thousands of miles. Without high-rise buildings, safe vegetables, transportation, communication tools, energy-saving light bulbs, and other items, when the world returns to that time, no one will lament the drawbacks of technological development, right.

  So, from the above aspects alone, it can be seen that the benefits of technological development far outweigh the drawbacks. It is precisely because of technological development that our lives are so beautiful!






  科技的利弊英语作文 17

  With the highly developed science and technology, the pros and cons of technology have become a hot topic of discussion. It can benefit humanity and make their tomorrow more beautiful and bright, but at the same time, it is a double-edged sword. In recent years, some people have been saved by it, while others have been deeply injured as a result. How to use technological achievements has clearly become a major issue. The times are changing rapidly, technology is advancing rapidly, and the world is undergoing earth shattering changes. Technology has brought too much thinking to people.

  In ancient times, if people were not together, it was difficult to connect, and if they were thousands of miles apart, communication became very troublesome; However, with the rapid development of the Internet, the earth has become a small village, where you can keep in touch with your relatives thousands of miles away at any time. Moreover, there are various ways of communication nowadays, such as sending messages, making phone calls, voice chatting, and video calls. However, in the past, there was only one way to communicate, which was to write letters.

  In ancient times, human lighting was very troublesome and there were always many hidden dangers because candles were open flames. If they were placed near flammable materials, falling would cause endless consequences; Since Edison invented the electric light, light has been everywhere, and all kinds of lights are very beautiful. The bright and never-ending lights have become a unique modern urban night scene.

  In the past, the people living in the lower class not only had insufficient food and clothing, but also were plagued by diseases. At that time, people were physically weak, not as tall as they are now, not to mention their weight, and even the maternal and child mortality rates at birth were very high. Poor people live in fear of incurable diseases. And now medicine is very advanced, with only a few diseases that cannot be solved, and I believe that in the near future, people will definitely overcome the remaining medical difficulties.

  Of course, the harm that technology brings us is not small. Nowadays, weapons are very advanced. If a major war really breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable, and humanity is likely to go extinct.

  Even without weapons with immense destructive power, the survival and safety of human society are completely worrying. In the modern society with advanced technology, many people are reluctant to move around and their physical fitness is deteriorating due to the convenience of food delivery and express delivery. Along with poor physical fitness, the external environment is also damaged, objectively posing a threat to peoples physical health once again. We also know that factors such as industrial pollution and automobile exhaust are ultimately caused by the development of technology.

  And the harm brought by technology goes far beyond these. If humans continue to use chemicals indiscriminately and lead to mass extinction, it will be an inevitable outcome.

  Einstein once said, "Science is a powerful tool. Whether it brings happiness or disaster to people depends entirely on oneself, not on the tools." I believe that humans should make good use of the power of technology to improve the security and happiness of modern society; If the power of technology is not properly utilized, the earth will suffer a catastrophic disaster.

  I hope the benefits of technology will completely conquer the drawbacks of technology, and I look forward to our tomorrow becoming better!










  科技的利弊英语作文 18

  In this era where the pace of life is gradually accelerating, the development of science and technology has become the focus of peoples attention.

  Some people believe that technological development is beneficial for humanity, but others believe that technological development has brought drawbacks to people.

  In my opinion, the advantages and disadvantages of technological development coexist, but the disadvantages are still greater.

  Lets take the invention of the car as an example. In the early days when the car served humanity, it indeed brought convenience to people, making travel convenient and fast.

  But now, cars are rampant and you can see them everywhere. The increase in the number of cars means that the emissions of exhaust also increase. A large amount of exhaust gas has entered the atmosphere, making it difficult for the Earth to dissipate heat quickly, leading to an increase in global temperatures, melting of ice blocks in the North and South Poles, and the loss of homes for living organisms there.

  Another invention is the plastic bag. Although it is lightweight and easy to use, it is extremely difficult to decompose. A small bag can take decades or even hundreds of years.

  In addition, people still dont handle it properly, and discarded plastic bags are thrown on the ground or in the river, making the land barren and the river turbid. Some organisms suffocate and die due to being wrapped in plastic bags

  Lastly, lets talk about mobile phones. Mobile phones are a double-edged sword that brings convenience to people when used well, but if not used properly, it may lead to very serious consequences.

  Many young people are nearsighted due to excessive use of mobile phones; Some are addicted to games and their lives become decadent; Some people were playing with their phones while charging, resulting in battery explosions and serious injuries.

  The harm brought by technology goes far beyond these, but we cannot forget the benefits it brings us. I hope that in the future, scientists can minimize the harm of technological development and make our home more beautiful.











  科技的利弊英语作文 19

  Science has become an essential part of our lives today, but while it brings us convenience, it also brings us endless hidden dangers.

  Science has developed rapidly in the past decade, but at the same time, environmental changes are also changing rapidly. As technology advances and brings convenience to human life, have you ever thought that the Earth we rely on for survival is undergoing earth shaking changes? When we are driving our private cars on a double lane road, have we ever thought that in the world, more and more lives are disappearing? Have you ever thought about the tragic outcome waiting for humanity when the primitive forests disappear?

  Yes, science is a technology that can make us convenient, but the sage once said, "No one is perfect, no gold is perfect." So, if science has advantages, how can it not have disadvantages? How can a perfect thing come without a perfect person? Just like cars, nowadays cars are becoming more and more versatile, but their exhaust emissions are also increasing, and the probability of car accidents is also increasing. Nowadays, on average, tens of thousands of people suffer from car accidents every day. Finally, it led to the tragedy.

  The development of casual science has greatly surpassed the past, and various modes of transportation such as cars, trains, and airplanes have also become popular. Nowadays, we are not only physically weak, but also prone to getting sick. Although medical technology is very advanced, the road is as high as the devil, and due to the advancement of medical technology today, it has led to the accelerated mutation of pathogens. So much so that the scientific pharmaceutical exhibitions can no longer keep up with the speed of virus mutations, perhaps the extinction of humanity is due to a major epidemic.

  In short, with the development of technology, there are both advantages and disadvantages, but it is up to us to weigh the pros and cons ourselves. Go ahead and dont do things that harm others and are not beneficial to yourself.

  There are always advantages and disadvantages to science. As stated in the Book of Changes, everything has two sides, with yin and yang. However, as for the quantity of yin and yang, it depends on whether the creators consideration is comprehensive. So when we create something again, we must consider it for a longer time and not let the disadvantages outweigh the benefits.







  科技的利弊英语作文 20

  Todays technology is becoming more and more advanced, and various novel things are also increasing. Smartphones, televisions, computers, etc. have entered thousands of households and become one of the indispensable items for people. And some things, such as various search software, homework robots, etc., may be overly criticized by people, but everything has two sides. And I believe that these things have both advantages and disadvantages.

  For example, when I was in elementary school, there was a time when I loved to use question search software to search for answers. During that time, my homework was perfect every day, with neat handwriting and a complete process, which was perfect at first glance. I also received praise from my teacher and praise from my mother for this. I became even more bloated, with a smug expression on my face and a secret thought in my heart: Hmph, lets see who can match me. I will become the "boss" of my class in the future! Just as I was feeling proud, the midterm exam suddenly came and broke me down. In the exam room, I looked at the seemingly familiar questions and thought to myself: I have seen this question before, and I know its answer, but I have forgotten how it was done! My heart stirred up turbulent waves, and confusion and helplessness suddenly filled my heart. I have been feeling uneasy all along, finishing this set of papers like a mouse has entered my heart. As you can imagine, I did very poorly in the exam. It was only after this incident that I conscientiously completed the homework assigned by the teacher myself. Homework is actually something that helps students strengthen their memory of knowledge. If you dont take your homework seriously, how can you strengthen the memory of what you learned in class in your mind?

  After discussing the drawbacks, lets now talk about the benefits. For some students, some questions are really difficult, so they can use question search software. After using the question search software, remember to understand and comprehend the ideas in each step of the process, and truly turn it into your own thing. This way, the next time you encounter the same type of problem, you can use it freely. This is also a kind of improvement for oneself!

  Todays high-tech is more and more developed, and we can do many things. When we do anything, we cant just accept the good and the bad, but take the essence, discard the dross, learn from its advantages, and maximize our advantages. But dont let it take up all your time. Using it correctly and reasonably can make our youth more colorful.





  科技的利弊英语作文 21

  In this fast-paced era, the development of science and technology has become the focus of peoples attention.

  Some people believe that the development of science and technology is beneficial to humanity, but others believe that the development of science and technology has brought disadvantages to people.

  In my opinion, the advantages and disadvantages of technological development coexist, but the disadvantages are still greater.

  Taking the invention of automobiles as an example. When cars served humanity in the early days, they did bring convenience to people, making travel convenient and fast.

  But now, there are too many cars, you can see them everywhere. The increase in the number of cars means an increase in exhaust emissions. A large amount of exhaust gas enters the atmosphere, making it difficult for the Earth to dissipate heat quickly, leading to an increase in global temperatures, melting of ice at the North and South Poles, and the loss of homes for living organisms there.

  Then came the invention of plastic bags. Although it is light and easy to use, it is extremely difficult to decompose. A small bag may take decades or even hundreds of years.

  Besides, they still havent dealt with it properly. Used plastic bags are thrown on the ground and in rivers, making the land barren, the river turbid, and some organisms suffocated by plastic bags.

  Lastly, lets talk about mobile phones. Mobile phones are a double-edged sword. If used well, it will bring convenience to people. If not used properly, it may lead to very serious consequences.

  Many young people suffer from myopia due to excessive use of mobile phones; Some are addicted to games and their lives become decadent; Some people play with their phones while charging, causing the battery to explode and serious injuries.

  The disadvantages brought by technology go far beyond these, but we cannot forget the benefits it brings us. I hope that in the future, scientists can minimize the harm of technological development and make our homes better.











  科技的利弊英语作文 22

  Throughout the world, the benefits that technological development brings to humanity are undoubtedly undeniable.

  Lets start with our diet. Famine has always been one of the greatest disasters for ancient Chinese people, and countless people died from hunger. Even during World War II, most people around the world were still suffering from the torment caused by hunger. But now things are very different. With the development of technology, the level of agriculture around the world is thriving, and various xenograft and genetic technologies are being developed. Although this still cannot avoid the tragedy of a few people dying from hunger, technological development is still ongoing. We believe that this problem will be solved comprehensively in the future.

  From a travel perspective. The carriages, ox carts, and small wooden boats we used in ancient times were simply unable to make a country truly operate efficiently. Many people living in a foreign land must go to great lengths to prepare before they can return to their hometown, and some may even never be able to return to their hometown again in their lifetime. It was not until the 18th and 19th centuries that a series of transportation tools such as trains, cars, subways, and airplanes were invented, and human travel gradually became more convenient. Previously, it took at least a few days to travel from one province to another, but now it only takes a few hours or even shorter. The impact of technology on humanity is truly immeasurable.

  Finally, lets talk about communication and exchange between people. In ancient times, people living in a foreign land wanted to have conversations with their relatives and friends in their hometown. The only way to do this was by having the messenger deliver the letter, which required a lot of time and posed great risks. If the messenger lost the letter on the way for various reasons, the senders expectations would be dashed. Nowadays, the invention of instant messaging methods such as phone, SMS, email, QQ, and WeChat is undoubtedly a major revolution in the communication industry. It only takes a few seconds to know what you want to say to others. Technology makes our lives more immediate and effective.

  Although technology has brought us tremendous benefits, the negative impact it has caused cannot be ignored. There are many drawbacks brought about by technology, such as car emissions and air pollution; Factories discharge sewage, polluting rivers; Greenhouse gas emissions leading to climate warming; Glacier melting, causing concern about seawater backflow

  Any problem can always find a solution, and the drawbacks brought about by technological development are no exception. In my opinion, there are many solutions, such as converting cars into solar or electric power, using legal regulations for sewage treatment, planting more trees and afforestation, and implementing the Five Waters Governance... By persistently doing these things well, the troubles brought by technology can be gradually reduced.

  Overall, the benefits of technology outweigh the drawbacks. As long as we make good use of technology, one day it will better serve humanity.
















