

时间:2023-06-30 19:16:50 夏仙 英语作文 我要投稿




  面对挫折英语作文 1

  As we all know, "Failure is the mother of success." But few people can really understand what the saying means.

  In the world, I am sure that no one dare say he hasnt met any trouble all his life. So we must face failure. In fact, failure is not fearful, but important thing is how to face it correctly. Facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.They will try their best to work harder and harder until at last they succeed.

  Not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success. So they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all day and all night. In fact, they lose the chance of success themselves.

  My friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, "Failure is the mother of success."





  面对挫折英语作文 2

  There are inevitably setbacks in ones life, but what should we do when encountering setbacks? Are we hesitant, willing to fail in times of difficulty, or persistent? A person inevitably experiences a hint of fear and worry when facing setbacks. If it were me, I would choose to face difficulties and rise up.

  In front of a "gift" bestowed on you by heaven, you should develop curiosity.

  Think about what was actually included in that gift, perhaps you will get new surprises and discoveries.

  When facing setbacks, we should also maintain a curiosity. The success that comes after overcoming setbacks will greatly benefit you. Turning around, we will think about your journey of overcoming setbacks, which may be thought-provoking. Along the way, there will inevitably be some ups and downs. But without experiencing wind and rain, how can one see a rainbow; Sunshine always comes after wind and rain, so when success is achieved, the weight of success further increases in the heart.

  Perhaps we only feel the joy of success at that time, bathed in the sunshine brought by it, but have you ever thanked the people who tripped you up or caused you setbacks? Perhaps without them, you would not have experienced the scenery of success.

  Facing setbacks, perhaps you are a star, and the difficulty you encounter is that you are not shining enough. Say to yourself loudly, "Its okay." Because Im at least myself, being myself and following my own path in life can give me my own light - success. When encountering setbacks, the most important thing is not success, not only success that shines, but the choices and gains on the way when facing setbacks, which is the most important. Wherever you walk, you will complain that there are no flowers next to you; You will linger, miss, but the past will not come back. You can only be grateful for your success now, but that success is empty because you havent picked every bit of it on the way.

  Lets overcome setbacks together! Believe it, happy days will come, lets taste the joy of success together!








  面对挫折英语作文 3

  Everyone in our life should face something we hate,or some one we never want to face.

  So,how can we face the difficulties.

  Difficulties happen all the time,but do not be afraid of difficultys.Just go ahead withe what we are doing with a smile.Do cry and have a smile ,which is the best way we can use to beat difficulties.Never give up and do your best for tomorrows sunthine.Trust yourself ,believe in that tomorrow will be better.

  You see,no matter what difficulties we face,we always smile,dont we?So,earthquake we are not afraid because of our smile;H1N1, we are not afraid because of our smile....

  Together forever no matter what happens,and, with a smile,trust that everything can be soved!






  面对挫折英语作文 4

  People always say in one life, they can’t be sailing plainly, it means people will meet all kinds of difficulties and they are easy to feel frustrated, the one who gets over frustration, the one who becomes successful.

  When we meet difficulties, we must learn to face it in the optimistic way, so we can see the hope and have the faith to move on.

  The difficult moment is just the small interlude of our lives. As the saying that failure is the mother of success, so we need to learn lessons from failure and then when the time comes, we will get successful. Facing frustration is unavoidable, if we can handle it well, we will win.




  面对挫折英语作文 5

  It is everyone‘s wish to have things go their way. Yet the journey throughlife is not always the case and we should be prepared for the twists and turns it offers us. This is certainly the case as shown in the cartoon.

  Twists and turns are a part of life and setbacks often happen. For many reasons, we often have to encounter failure in a complex society. No one can avoid or escape these unexpected changes in our daily lives; however, failure may be aroute toward success. This causes us to reflect about what happened and as a result we build up and accumulate experience. We are then more likely to come up with a possible solution, and so twists and turns can turn into treasures. Edison,for instance, the inventor of the electric light bulb, made hundreds of models that failed before he came up with the right one. In general it is failure that encourages us to work harder which eventually leads to success.

  Twists and turns in life are unavoidable and are not always bad. We should have a more optimistic view on life and try to make the most of it and draw lessons from the bumps and turns ゛long the way.




  面对挫折英语作文 6

  In the black and white drawing above, a youth gravely contemplates a narrow winding path heading into a forest. Perhaps he thinks that his own future may be much like this path; full of bends and curves, thorns and traps. The road to success is never anything but uneven and difficult.

  In fact, one could even say that the more successful one‘s life is, the more problems and hardships one must have overcome. The ability to work through difficult situations and unfortunate events only makes one stronger and more capable. Given that the road to happiness always contains obstacles and setbacks, we should be well prepared for the hardships that life inevitably brings, and abandon the idea that life is smooth or easy. We must accept the fact that failures are unavoidable, whether they are failures in examinations, in finding a job, or carrying out a task. People who accept that their life will not always be simple or calm are better able to handle problems when they arise. Those who are upset by each and every small setback — and there are many people with such attitudes— do not have much potential. Failure is mother to success as it can strengthen one‘s will. Those who can draw lessons from failure are destined for success.



  面对挫折英语作文 7

  The road of growing up is not always smooth. The failure of examinations may be the biggest setback for us as students.

  Tears snapped through the 60 point paper, and I kept thinking about those sleepless nights when I was reviewing my lessons. I recited all the formulas and knowledge points in the book, and finished all the exercises that I should have done, but my grades didn’t go up but also went down. I feel that I have no talent for mathematics at all, and no amount of effort is in vain.At this time, a little green insect came into my sight, walked back and forth on my paper, like walking, and twisted to me from time to time, as if mocking me: “your score is really low!” I would use the tip of my pen to flip it to the ground, look at its heart contemptuously and say: “little guy, dare to offend human beings, get punished!”

  It seems to understand me, but what does it want to prove? He turned his body to one side, then with a kick of his leg, a shiny air turned over and stood up, and quickly climbed to the striking 60 minutes, turning around the 60 handwriting. I think it‘s demonstrating to me. It’s humiliating me. It‘s mocking me that I’m not as good as a little reptile. I‘ll never get over a setback. I, how can a decent human being be bullied by a small reptile, so I picked up a piece of rubber and threw it hard, but it has disappeared without trace. When I picked up the rubber again, I found it was squeezed tightly into a small hole in the rubber. It has eight delicate legs with silky hair. It tries its best to figure out the whole body and then reveals two legs. It first uses two front legs to hold the hole, and then uses the other legs to hold the inside of the rubber tightly. It climbs up persistently and finally climbs out of the “Valley”.

  The persistence of the bug moved me. The strong willpower released by the weak life made me wake up completely. Facing the test paper soaked in tears and the confidence almost disappeared, I perked up and thought of what old man Bing Xin said: “the successful flower, people only admire her current brilliance. However, at the beginning, her bud, soaked in the tears of struggle, spread all over The blood rain of sacrifice.

  Another test failure can only show that I am not hard enough, I believe that as long as I face every setback and don’t give up, and strive to move forward, I will be able to reap the glory of the rainbow after the wind and rain.



  它似乎理解我,但它想证明什么?他把身体转向一边,然后用腿踢了一下,一股闪亮的空气翻了个身,站了起来,迅速爬到了引人注目的60分钟,转过了60字。我认为这是在向我展示。这是在羞辱我。它在嘲笑我不如一只小爬行动物。我永远无法克服挫折。I、 一个体面的人怎么会被一只小爬行动物欺负,所以我捡起一块橡胶使劲扔,但它已经消失得无影无踪。当我再次捡起橡胶时,我发现它被紧紧地挤在橡胶上的一个小孔里。它有八条纤细的`腿和丝滑的头发。它尽力弄清楚整个身体,然后露出两条腿。它首先用两条前腿夹住洞,然后用另一条腿紧紧地夹住橡胶的内侧。它坚持不懈地往上爬,终于爬出了“山谷”。



  面对挫折英语作文 8

  If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to profit by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking. Confuse defeat with failure, and you are doomed indeed to failure. For it isn‘t defeat that makes you fail: it is your own refusal to see in defeat the guide and encouragement to success.

  Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. They are routine incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without humiliation, analyze it and learn why you failed.

  Defeat, in other words, can help to cure its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success, but nothing can arouse within us such a compelling desire to succeed. If you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away, he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended. It is this same reaction which should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated. If you exploit the power which defeat gives, you can accomplish with it far more than you are capable of.




  面对挫折英语作文 9

  The failure is the mother of success.But how many people are actually able to grasp the mystery?

  General speaking, people are afraid of failure.What should we fail to face?The key issues were to fail.We understand and transform the world, the defeat was inevitable.Brave in face of failure is the only correct way to success of our guide.We can sum up the lessonfromfailure.After many mistakes, we should be close to success and believe that failure is only temporary.The failure of the people tendto be alone, around on his support, evena comforting word, can add to his great power.

  In a word,failure are not terrible. Horrible is you dont have the courage to face defeat feeling!




  面对挫折英语作文 10

  Failure is a common thing in our daily life. There are times when we fail to do satisfactory work. In short, failures happen naturally and almost everyone has such experience.

  However, there are different attitudes toward failure. Some people lose confidence in failure. Some people dont take failure seriously and they just let it be, while some others learn much from failure, and therefore see the light of hope through failure.

  In my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and do after failure. As long as we dont give up and believe in ourselves, and in the meantime learn something from failure, well certainly make our marks in this world in the end.




  面对挫折英语作文 11

  Why are so many people afraid of failure? Quite simply because no one tells us how to lead failure experience to growth.We forget that failure is part of life and that every person has the right to fail.

  Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from it. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her childs hurriedly-made table as "perfect!" even though it couldnt stand on uneven legs. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails the exam, his teacher is unfair or stupid.

  The trouble with failure-prevention methods is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time.its possible to enjoy a game even when you dont win. A child whos not invited to a birthday party or enrolled in the baseball team feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick comfort prize or say, "It doesnt matter" because it does. The young should experience disappointment and master it.

  Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grown-ups and children exactly alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is to ask, "Why did I fail?" Control the natural impulse to blame someone else.Ask yourself what you did wrong, how to improve. If someone else can help, dont be shy about asking them.Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grown-ups and children exactly alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it.






  面对挫折英语作文 12

  Frustration is the best discipline for a person, and everyones growth process is bound to have setbacks. It is impossible for everything to go smoothly.

  I remember in first grade, the school held a storytelling competition, and the teacher selected me to participate. At that time, I was very excited because I had never been on stage before. I was a bit sad that I didnt get named that time. At that time, my movements, expressions, and props were not enough, so I made up my mind to work harder in the second grade competition.

  In my second year, I had the opportunity to participate in a storytelling competition and gained previous experience, so I made great preparations and strengthened my work in terms of facial expressions, movements, and props. The first thing I do when I return home from school every day is to recite stories and practice in front of the mirror. My family has become my loyal audience. After dinner, I tell stories in front of my family. My parents often help me cheer and become my spiritual pillar, which gives me immense confidence. Before the competition, the teacher often took time for me to practice storytelling, courage training, and typhoon training on stage, providing me with many suggestions for improvement and correcting my shortcomings.

  Although there were some minor interruptions during the official competition, due to sufficient preparation before the competition, the minor mistakes were not very obvious, and I still achieved good results. When I announced my ranking, I was so happy that I flew to the sky. I felt that all the efforts before the competition were worth it.

  After the experience of this competition, I am very grateful to the teacher for giving me the opportunity to face setbacks and challenge myself. I am also grateful for the support and companionship of my parents, which allowed me to work hard and not retreat when encountering setbacks. It also made me realize that setbacks are just a small stumbling block on the journey of life. As long as I can stand up strong after a fall, face it, overcome it, and the future will be bright.



  二年级时,我又有机会参加说故事比赛,有了之前的经验,所以我在表情、动作、道具方面做了很大的准备和加强工作。每天放学回到家的第一件事情,便是背故事,并对着镜子练习,家人都成了我的忠实观众,晚餐后,便在家人面前讲故事,爸爸妈妈常常帮我加油打气,做我的精神支柱,使我产生无比的信心。在比赛前, 老师也常常抽时间让我上台练习说故事、训练胆量和台风,给了我许多改进的意见,让我修正我的缺点。



  面对挫折英语作文 13

  It is not a bad thing or a shame for a person to take a detour or make mistakes on the path of scientific exploration. You must have the courage to admit and correct mistakes in practice. Yes, on the path of life, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks, depending on whether you can overcome them. If you are defeated, you are a hero and a strong person in life.

  When I was young, my father paid more attention to my courage in facing setbacks. So my father often took me to climb mountains, and from then on, I fell in love with mountaineering. I remember one time when I was going to climb a mountain, my father and I came to the foot of a big mountain. A narrow and steep path surrounded by many rocks and weeds. This is probably the most dangerous mountain I have climbed since I was young. I started crawling, holding onto the stone by the roadside with one hand. The other hand was grasping at the weeds on the roadside. I use both hands and feet like this. Despite numerous difficulties, I still feel very happy in my heart. Because I enjoy taking risks and challenging my limits.

  But as we climbed higher, the terrain became steeper, panting and unable to hold on, so we sat on the rock to rest. At this moment, the mountain breeze was blowing in my ear and I was saying, "Dont give up, climb up, there are many beautiful scenery waiting for you to enjoy on the mountain." Yes, the infinite scenery on the mountain is difficult for us to appreciate. Thinking of this, I had a brainstorm and grabbed the weeds on both sides to climb up. Finally, I climbed halfway up the mountain, rested for a while, and continued walking. After a lot of effort, I finally climbed to the top of the mountain. Ah, the mountaintop scenery is so beautiful!

  White clouds are like a pile of marshmallows, making me salivate. The trees on the distant mountain, a silver belt stretching along the road on the mountainside. At the foot of the mountain is a small river, sparkling in the sunlight. Frustration. Frustration is an opportunity to exercise willpower and improve abilities. Speaking of this, I also want to express infinite gratitude to those who have tried every means to frame me! I will become stronger, remember, learn to face setbacks bravely!




  白云就像一堆棉花糖,让我垂涎三尺。远处山上的树木,一条银色的腰带绵延着山腰的道路。山脚下是一条小河,在阳光下闪闪发光。 “挫折。挫折是锻炼意志和提高能力的机会。说到这里,我还要对那些千方百计陷害我的人表示无限的感激!我会变得更强大,记住,学会勇敢面对。到挫折!

  面对挫折英语作文 14

  There are many difficulties around us in life, which are obstacles on your way forward. They can become stumbling blocks for us, but when we face them, we should smile and face life with a smile. It is an attitude, a calm expression, a tolerant and broad-minded expression, and a confident expression. When you fail, you should face it with a smile because a smile can give you confidence, give you strength, and lead you towards success. When you fail, dont just be sad and sad. Instead, adopt a different attitude towards life and face it optimistically and positively. Frustrations in life are stumbling blocks, because people cannot grow up in a warm cradle, and we face them with a smile.

  When you succeed, you should face it with a smile; Because a smile can make you handle things calmly, because when you receive applause. When hugging and praising, you are easily proud, so when you smile calmly, everything is a floating cloud in your eyes. At this point, you will achieve greater success and be happier, winning the trust of others and smiling; Actually, it is also a calm attitude. Regardless of whether you face success or failure, you cannot be angry, give up, or show your cowardly side. You should smile and treat your life with a smile. You will get the happiness in life, because no matter how depressed you are, you must face setbacks. Why not smile and face it? Facing life with a smile will only make you stronger and make your life better. Smile and face life! Facing life with a smile, you will find that you always have a smile on your face. Smiling is a kind of spirit, an open-minded attitude, and even a kind of temperament that has been through learning.

  Life always encounters difficulties and setbacks. When things dont go well, why not try to laugh them off and face them? Dont negate the sunshine of tomorrow because of todays wind and rain.




  面对挫折英语作文 15

  In the process of growth, it is inevitable to encounter some setbacks. Many people choose to give up because they cannot overcome difficulties, and even harm others by any means in order to seek revenge, endangering society.

  Everyone will encounter setbacks, and I am no exception. Every time the teacher gives us an essay title or thoughts, we feel very annoyed because every time we write an essay, we have to think about it all the time, and it takes a long time to come up with it, which makes me almost angry. But I persist in patience, perseverance, and perseverance, so I will eventually complete the homework given to me by the teacher.

  Helen Keller is an invisible and inaudible girl, but she never complains or abandons herself. She worked hard to overcome all obstacles and finally learned to speak. The famous inventor Edison spent most of his financial resources to establish a huge laboratory. But a merciless fire destroyed all his lifes research and new blood. Everyone thought that this blow might seriously hit Edison. But he said, "The fire has burned away all the mistakes, thank God, we can start over again." Edisons optimistic attitude and unwavering spirit finally achieved a great invention.

  Watching TV and reading newspapers, there are many negative news. Many people encounter setbacks and do things that are detrimental to others. Many people use death to solve their card debts, causing concern and sadness for their loved ones. Some people are not cared for by their families and suffer from abuse. They start smoking, taking drugs, fighting, causing trouble, and doing harmful things to show their resentment.

  I think when encountering setbacks, dont run away, face reality, and then, like Edison and Helen Keller, face setbacks optimistically and bravely. Not only can it help me learn more knowledge, but it can also increase my courage to face difficulties without avoiding them.






  面对挫折英语作文 16

  Frustration is like a barrier on the road of life, how should you face it if you are tripped? Is it disheartened, or is it facing it bravely with a smile?

  I have also been tripped before, when I was in second grade. My academic performance was consistently among the top in the class, so I served as a member of the class squadron. Gradually, these honors made me become arrogant, always feeling like I was the best and no one could match me. I have become indifferent to my classmates, and my homework has started to get sloppy, even my grades have declined. Finally, in the new round of squadron committee selection, I was defeated. The teacher also criticized my recent poor performance, which was disappointing. Faced with sudden setbacks, I became disheartened and felt that the teacher no longer trusted me. My classmates looked at me as if they were mocking me. I became silent, lacking confidence, and unable to lift my spirits when doing anything. Mom found out and asked me what was going on, but I told her about my defeat. My mother smiled and said to me, "In the face of such a small setback, did you just give up? Think of the children in the Wenchuan earthquake who didnt flinch in the face of such a big setback and bravely faced it. Compared to them, arent you too insignificant? Do you want to hide like a turtle when facing difficulties?" After listening to my mothers words, I woke up from a dream and began to cheer up again. I study hard and am willing to help my classmates. Finally, with my hard work, I unanimously passed the squadron committee election. In the face of the teachers praise and classmates congratulations, I just smiled back at them.

  After this incident, I believe that setbacks can actually hone a persons willpower. Facing them, we cannot be timid or hesitant, but we must face them bravely with a smile.




  面对挫折英语作文 17

  Frustration is a sudden shower on a clear afternoon; Frustration is the regret of being unable to attend a confident exam due to abdominal pain; Frustration is the heartache of working tirelessly for a lifetime, which cannot bring happiness to family members; Frustration is unavoidable in every life. And with such a towering wall in front of us, should we move forward or stand in place?

  Have you ever shed tears over your grades? Have you ever felt powerless due to failure after hard work? When we think that the heavens take the hindmost and the earth perish, that everything is meaningless, and we cant even work hard to succeed, then what can we trust in the world? In fact, tomorrow will still come, time will still run, and when the whole world is turning, please let us also turn our hearts!

  There is no lifetime of failure, as long as you are willing to step forward, you may shatter the wall. Just like back then, when Edison invented the electric light, did he know he would fail over a thousand times before succeeding? Of course not, but he did it anyway. Even if you fail in the exam, what happens? Next time, youll still be a hero! "Said a teacher in class. And it was this passage that gave me the courage to face setbacks at that time. The lesson to learn from failure is not a sad mood, but a reason for setbacks.

  The head is like a conveyor belt, conveying feelings to the heart. Frustration is one of the feelings, but when it is delivered to each individual body, it will produce different reactions. Every industry and character has their own challenges to overcome. If we view setbacks as a challenge and climb that high wall with a conquering spirit, the world will surely be filled with joy. Why not do it?





  面对挫折英语作文 18

  There was also a Final examination. I had read almost all the content the day before the exam, but I didnt play well in the exam, and the nouns slipped badly. I cried for a long time over this matter. At this moment, my mother came over and handed me the earphones to listen to the music inside. I put on my headphones and heard a joyful melody coming from inside. I felt like I had seen it before, so I asked my mother, "What kind of music is this?" But my mother pretended to be mysterious and said, "Just listen to it and youll know." After finishing, the lyrics came out: "Every time, Im strong in solitude. Every time, even if Im very hurt, I dont shed tears. I know, Ive always had invisible wings, It was Angela Zhangs Invisible Wings. At this moment, my mother said, "You hear me, I hope you can also be strong in wandering and lonely, even if you are injured, you wont shed tears. Its okay to fail once, and its okay to be discouraged. As long as you work hard, you can still win next time." I think my mothers words are very reasonable, so I made up my mind to study hard during the vacation and get good grades next time. Then, my mother saw that I had nothing to do and went out. I lay in bed and continued to listen to this elegant and heartwarming music. Listening, I unconsciously fell asleep.

  I finally see all my dreams blooming, and the young songs I chase are so loud. I finally soar, gaze with all my heart, not afraid, fly as far as there are dreams! "Thats right. When faced with setbacks, dont give up, persevere, and persevere, you will definitely see all your dreams bloom. When we face setbacks, we should be like the song says. Lets move towards the sea in our hearts together!



  面对挫折英语作文 19

  Frustration, what is setbacks? People who are afraid of hardship say: Frustration is an unattainable mountain; Cowardly people say: Frustration is the darkness where one cannot jump; And I want to say: Frustration is a tonic that lifts you up; Its a magic weapon that can inspire you!

  You should know that a persons life cannot be without setbacks, and it is normal for them to have some ups and downs; You should know that a persons life cannot be smooth; Just like people always fall down

  For example, Helen Keller is a world-renowned writer and educator. Although the God of Fate took away her sight and hearing, this woman tightly held fates throat with diligence and perseverance. Now, her name has become a symbol of resilient will. Her legendary half life became a huge spiritual force that encouraged people to overcome adversity.

  However, on the contrary, we also need to thank these setbacks, setbacks, and failures that have appeared in our lives. It is they that have taught me a lot and grown a lot

  Anyway, the ups and downs are good! Frustration is also good! For a person, to overcome it, they must first overcome themselves. What is difficulty? What is pain? What is misfortune? These will only be the dazzling scenery on my way to success!

  Face setbacks head-on and overcome yourself. This is a test of perseverance and courage. As long as we have the spirit of perseverance, there are no invincible peaks. As long as we have the courage to move forward, there are no insurmountable obstacles. Lets face setbacks with a smile and hardships with a smile. Use setbacks to hone oneself and write a magnificent chapter for ones life!







  面对挫折英语作文 20

  If life is a beautiful piece of music, then difficulty is an indispensable note; If the path of life is like an endless sea, then setbacks are the waves rising on the sea; A persons life cannot be smooth sailing, always encountering difficulties and setbacks.

  Some people give up their goals and ideals as soon as they encounter setbacks, doing nothing and ultimately achieving nothing. Some people have unstable consciousness, are pessimistic, frustrated, and resentful in the face of difficulties. These people are afraid of encountering setbacks when doing things, hoping for a peaceful and peaceful life, and all the best. On the contrary, those who persevere in the face of difficulties have a firm belief and will, and the more they fight, the braver they become. Just like Edison, Beethoven, Steven, Hawking, Zhang Haidi... Their achievements come from their study and efforts in adversity.

  Our personal experiences all tell us that our growth requires setbacks, and setbacks are the necessary path to success. If a persons life can only be spent in prosperity, that is to say, the flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand strong winds and waves, and they sway and waver only when they encounter a slight breeze.

  In fact, difficulties are like a spring. If you are weak, then it will be strong; If you are strong, it will be weak. Who doesnt want to become a successful person and a strong person? The person who dares to pursue setbacks and face them is the wildflower that can withstand wind and rain.

  I believe that a life without setbacks and struggles is not a complete life, because a persons will will will fade and their spirit will shrink. If there are any storms in life, they will not be able to withstand the challenges of fate and will pass away in pain and regret!

  Yes, success is beautiful, but if "success" and "setbacks" make me choose, I will still choose "setbacks" because I will be friends with setbacks forever!







  面对挫折英语作文 21

  “Seize every minute of life, give our all to the dreams in our hearts, how can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, no one can casually succeed... "The path of life is not smooth sailing, often going through many setbacks and misfortunes. In the face of setbacks, some people cower, some lament, but some see setbacks as the cornerstone of success.

  People always create brilliant achievements in setbacks. Although Helen Keller was a deaf, blind, and mute person with disabilities, she did not give up on herself and still persisted in learning. With perseverance beyond ordinary people, she completed the content that normal people may not be able to learn, and wrote the inspirational masterpiece "If Give Me Three Days of Light"; Hawking was seriously ill, with only his eyes and two fingers moving all over his body. However, he did not give up and lay in a wheelchair exploring the mysteries of the world, finally becoming another great scientist after Einstein. In the Spring and Autumn period, the State of Yue was defeated by the State of Wu, and Goujian, the King of Yue, was taken to the State of Wu, where he was tortured and insulted. In order to stimulate his fighting spirit, Gou Jian slept on firewood, hanging a bitter gall next to him, and tasted the taste of bitter gall every day. After long-term preparation, the State of Yue finally defeated the State of Wu... In fact, there are far more examples of overcoming setbacks and achieving success. Throughout history, countless people with lofty ideals have faced setbacks without fear, never retreat, bravely faced them, and ultimately achieved success. Indeed, everyone hopes their career path will be smooth sailing, but how many children who grow up in a comfortable environment can withstand the ups and downs? Although a greenhouse is good, the flowers in it cannot withstand wind and rain; Although the nutrients in the flowerpot are good, how many seedlings in the flowerpot can grow into towering trees?

  Facing setbacks correctly makes one feel that they are not terrifying. Failure is the mother of success, and setbacks are also the cornerstone of success.

  Lets face setbacks bravely, they will bring you an infinitely beautiful future.





  面对挫折英语作文 22

  On our path of life growth, we always encounter setbacks of one kind or another. These setbacks can make us feel unhappy, make us irritable, and make us anxious. But no matter what, we must face setbacks with a strong smile.

  Perhaps for those who are currently in adolescence, our thinking is still immature, and we are unable to face setbacks correctly. This is a normal phenomenon. When we were young, we experienced too many things that went well with us. Our parents always responded to our needs, and we had a group of good brothers playing together. This made it even more difficult for us, who were accustomed to enjoying life from a young age, to accept setbacks. We would find various excuses to prevaricate and refuse to admit our cowardice. To change everything, we need to accept the baptism of setbacks, which can be understood as allowing ourselves to experience a major failure. Only after experiencing the baptism of failure can our hearts truly grow.

  Perhaps you may not believe that in your life and eyes, you must know some peers who seem to have a better life than you, a smoother life than you. This long-term jealousy makes you choose to believe that your setbacks are only the result of inferior skills. Little do you know that even the great celebrities in history have their setbacks one after another, let alone others? Its just when you didnt notice their setbacks. The ancients said that the great responsibility of heaven falls on the people of this country. They must first work hard on their minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their body and skin, empty their bodies, and disrupt their actions. Therefore, they must be patient and enhance their abilities. Always remember that setbacks are a test of heaven on us, a test of heavens selection of talents and mediocrity. After overcoming them, they may not be considered talents, but they are definitely not mediocre. If we choose to avoid them, they must be mediocre, and future achievements will be difficult to make much progress.

  So, you who are still shedding tears, please smile and face setbacks with a smile.





  面对挫折英语作文 23

  Since preschool, I have never been criticized, punished, or even insulted myself. But when I was in fifth grade, the teacher made me suffer a setback because

  At that time, I was doing my homework, and Lai Yunmei and Liang Yanfen didnt know why. Touching my face hard, I was extremely angry and went after them both, chasing them in the classroom for several minutes. Unexpectedly. Liu Jumei told the teacher. The teacher was right next to me, talking about me in front of the whole class. My heart seems to want to kill Liu Jumei. Then, I dont know why? Feeling so aggrieved, tears suddenly welled up. After class, I thought for a moment: Its not my fault, why did the teacher say about me? Im right, the teacher has no reason to talk about me. After a day or two, I felt like I was fighting with the teacher, not listening to her classes, and not paying attention to her homework. Actually, I also know that this is not good for me. Perhaps my self-esteem is too strong!

  Until the sixth grade, the math teacher asked me in class, "Hello Lan Jin, what would happen if the teacher scolded you?" I felt very strange, which reminded me of that incident again. I said, "I will fight against him and not listen to his class." After the teacher listened, he felt very strange, so he told me, "Teachers sometimes misunderstand some students. However, the teacher criticizes and educates you, hoping that you can learn well." After listening to the teachers words, I no longer hate any teacher, I no longer hate that classmate.

  When I faced setbacks, I made a wrong choice. Now I dont do such foolish things anymore. Thank you, teacher. It was you who made the correction on my path in life. I will definitely repay you when I grow up.





  面对挫折英语作文 24

  Life is like a song, with more vigorous notes and less withered melodies; Life is like a painting, it should have more bright colors and less gray tone of life; Life is like a poem, one should express more passionate emotions and less sorrowful sighs. The joy of Kaixuan Noodle Market, Sangma brings you a good mood; The accident of Often Remembering Night Listening Under the Sunset, Drunken Not Returning brings you a good mood; There is no way out, the surprise of Another Village will bring you a good mood. In life, setbacks often occur, but a good mood is everywhere.

  When encountering setbacks, some advice and teasing from friends can bring you a good mood. Friend, its okay. Although you failed this time, dont be discouraged. You will definitely succeed next time, come on! "Please bloom your smile. When you encounter setbacks, some encouragement and help from your parents can bring you a good mood. Child, its okay, this failure wont explain much. Well always stand behind you, come on! "Please bloom your smile. When you encounter setbacks, some of the teachers education and trust can bring you a good mood.

  You need to find the reason for this failure. The teacher believes that you will continue to work hard, come on! "Please bloom your smile. When you encounter setbacks, nature can also bring you a good mood. Listen to the crisp sound of the bird, it is telling you to "come on"; Look at the flowers and plants, they are smiling and waving to you... Please bloom your smile. Perhaps you are now tired of testing failures; Perhaps you are now feeling aggrieved by the teachers criticism; Perhaps you are now worried about your parents lack of understanding; Perhaps

  Now, please bloom your smile and let a good mood replace it!


  遇到挫折时,朋友的一些忠告和调侃,会给你带来好心情。 “朋友,没关系,这次虽然失败了,但不要气馁,下次一定会成功的,加油!”请绽放你的笑容。当你遇到挫折时,父母的一些鼓励和帮助会给你带来好心情。 “孩子,没关系,这次失败也解释不了多少,我们永远站在你身后,加油!”请绽放你的笑容。当你遇到挫折时,老师的一些教育和信任会给你带来好心情。



  面对挫折英语作文 25

  There are inevitably several setbacks in life, and only those who have withstood the hardships of strong winds and waves will mature.

  The beautiful rainbow is incredibly beautiful in peoples eyes, with colorful colors, like a miraculous painter in nature, using a paintbrush to draw this amazing myth. However, although this rainbow is beautiful, it has been blocked by countless storms. Every time a rainy day clears up, in any corner, a rainbow of golden light rises, and this is exactly what has been showcased by the heavy rain washing.

  Beside me, there is also a story of facing setbacks. It was a rainy day, and I walked on the way out of school with my weak umbrella. The heavy rain washed the world away, and I looked like a insignificant little person in this huge rain. At this moment, a strong gust of wind blew in, causing the rain to fall in a disorderly manner. It was like a "rain splattering" and a headless shell like a fly. The attackers, me and the poor umbrella, suddenly "blossomed". Suddenly, the support inside broke, and the "coat" of the umbrella fell off. I quickly caught it and continued to fight against the heavy rain.

  After a few minutes, the heavy rain still crazily attacked me, and my clothes and pants had been beaten into "wounded". I held the umbrella with both hands and covered my head with the cloth on the surface to prevent the heavy rain from continuing to attack. On the other hand, I also abandoned the brace and stood in front of my face, struggling to move forward.

  In this way, I fought with the heavy rain for dozens of minutes, and finally arrived home with "scars". Looking at the rain, I couldnt help but wipe the raindrops on my head again.

  Dont step back when encountering setbacks, but move forward against them and use your own strength to defeat them.

  Frustration, frustration, looks like a huge monster that threatens you. Its just a piece of paper, and people are often scared by its appearance. However, as long as we have the courage, we can defeat this piece of paper!



  在我的身旁,也有着面对挫折的故事,那是一个雨天,我撑着那弱不禁风的雨伞,走在放学路上,大雨洗刷着世界,而我在这庞大的雨中好似微不足道的小人儿。这时,一阵强劲的大风吹来,将雨丝吹得凌乱不堪,简直是一片“雨花四溅”,又 似无头苍蝇般的炮弹,袭击者我和那可怜的雨伞,突然间,雨伞“开花”了,一下子,里面的撑架断裂,那雨伞的“外套”掉了下来,我连忙接住,继续跟大雨拼搏。





  面对挫折英语作文 26

  On the road of life, who has not experienced setbacks. Frustrations in life, study, work, and emotions... A life without setbacks is an incomplete one.

  I also have my setbacks. I remember in fifth grade, my grades were not ideal, I often failed the exams, and even for a period of time, I was very discouraged. I couldnt help but think: Can I never succeed? Is God so unfair to me? The more I think about it, the more angry I become, and I gradually fall into inferiority complex. Sometimes, I wonder if my life will continue to be so bad.

  Suddenly, I seemed to understand something. Instead of complaining and getting discouraged, we should turn complaining into strength and try to Mae Nomeri to climb our own mountain top. I began to brush through my exam papers and do exercises day and night. If others do it for two hours, I will do it for four hours. Once, I was so engrossed in doing a question that I forgot the time. I didnt even hear my mother call me to sleep, and I was completely intoxicated. It wasnt until a big hand touched my head that I wandered out of the sea of questions. I seemed to turn all my thoughts into a firm idea - I wanted to climb my own mountain top.

  The effort pays off. In the Final examination, I got the fifth best result in the class. At that time, I understood a truth: the rope cuts through the wood, and the drop of water wears through the stone. As long as your beliefs are firm enough, you will always overcome setbacks, perform well in exams, and realize your dreams.

  As the saying goes, encountering setbacks is not terrifying. What is terrifying is that when you encounter setbacks, you become discouraged and complain about life. As long as you face them bravely and have firm beliefs, you will reach the peak of your life. In ones life, one must exert all ones strength to climb to the top of ones own mountain.

  Facing setbacks is the only way to overcome them!







  面对挫折英语作文 27

  There will inevitably be ups and downs on the way forward. If I choose to give up, I will definitely end up in failure. As long as I have firm faith and perseverance, success will smile at you.

  Once, I excelled in my essay exam. My mother bought me a box of puzzles as a reward. When I arrived home and opened the packaging box, I saw an endless prairie. There are horses galloping on the grassland. The blue sky and green mountains are particularly conspicuous, and several Yurt can be vaguely seen on the grass. I was mesmerized and seemed to be on site. After a while, I came back to complete this massive project. I looked at the "1500 yuan" on the package, but I still didnt give up. Lets spell out the blue sky first. I am searching for the blue sky in the ocean of jigsaw puzzles. A day has passed, and the blue sky is clearly visible. After several days of struggle, a jigsaw puzzle game was born immediately. I can imagine my state of mind. However, just before the completion, an unexpected thing happened. That day, my cousin and her cousin came to my house. When I went to the living room to drink water, that mischievous cousin slipped into my bedroom. There are many natural disasters. When I returned to the bedroom, the puzzle on the table was already scattered on the ground. I want to give up! Maybe I dont have the chance to play this game, maybe God wants to torture me. I raised my hand and hit my brother in the face. However, looking into his brothers helpless eyes, he raised his hand and put it down again. Then I thought: He is just a three year old child, not sensible. At this moment, I thought of Tan Qian. His efforts of over 20 years were in vain, but he did not give up, but started anew. After several days of struggle, a beautiful mystery reappeared before me.

  On the way forward, there will inevitably be ups and downs. As long as we have firm beliefs, the light of expectation will dispel the clouds of despair!




  面对挫折英语作文 28

  Success is defeating oneself, and on the journey of life, there is no enemy greater than oneself. Because it was oneself who defeated oneself.

  Difficulties and setbacks are a wealth for aspiring individuals. The Book of Changes was written by King Wen of Zhou when he was in prison; The Spring and Autumn Annals were written by Confucius after he was disappointed in his official career; Qu Yuan created Li Sao when he was exiled; Zuo Qiu became blind and learned Mandarin; Sun Bins knee bone was cut off in anger and he wrote a military book; Lü Buwei moved to Shu and handed down from generation to generation Lv Lan; Han Feizi, a prisoner in the State of Qin, wrote a difficult and lonely story; Sima Qian was sentenced to court punishment and wrote historical records.

  If these ancestors had all retreated due to difficulties and setbacks, then there would have been no such popular works today.

  I believe that failure is the stepping stone to success, and the toughest environment cultivates the most outstanding talents. I am not a student of Xiu, but I believe I am the student who studies the hardest. From childhood to adulthood, I have experienced countless failures, but I have overcome the pain of failure with a smile. Therefore, along the way, I have overcome my various shortcomings, and I firmly believe that success is not far ahead. I found that there are no petals behind me when I grew up, only a progressive heart.

  The pursuit of success should be integrated into the path of sustainable development in life, otherwise success will become a waterless boat.

  With a focus on the process, the charm of the goal will not be diluted by smoothness and obstacles, and our desires will not be blocked by hardships and difficulties. We will look at the scenery created by ourselves with appreciative eyes, and smooth the wound Mae Nomeri. The process is also a success, proving that we are better at pursuing and understand how to live.

  No ones life is smooth sailing, with the stepping stone of failure, success is also one step closer. From where you fall, and from where you rise again, this can prove that you have overcome failure and are about to embark on the path to success.

  Smile and face failure! Failure is also another form of success.









  面对挫折英语作文 29

  Every setback will take people a big step forward, and every celebritys path to success also has a bitter history of setbacks.

  Cui Wanzhi is also considered a wealthy person. The cheongsam he made is truly beautiful, but he still has a pitiful experience that is unknown to everyone. When he was young, he suffered from polio. It may only take two minutes for others to run around the playground, but his speed in a lap is five times that of others and may be even more. When he was at school, there was a dry stream between his home and school that others could jump over, but it took him a lot of time. First squat down, then climb down, and then climb up.

  After he grew up, the bookstore he opened was burned; The store opened has been robbed; The internet cafe he opened has caused human death... for this reason, all the hard money he earned over ten years has been soaked in soup. But this also cannot stop his path to wealth. He habitually turns sadness into gasoline for progress, while his car keeps moving forward. The cheongsam he made can be said to be a world no. 1. He put his designed cheongsam on "Tmall" and earned one million in just one week - this is the story of "Folding Wings Rich Man".

  Why did he succeed? Why is he so wealthy? Its all because he has a persistent belief and never gives up in the face of setbacks. In the end, fate did not abandon him either!

  Around us, there are also those who have struggled and worked hard due to setbacks. For example, there is a Song Ligang in our school. He was hit by a car on the way to school and his feet were broken, but he insisted on coming to school. I often see him walking on crutches, its so touching!

  God closing a door for you doesnt mean you dont have a chance, but he will open a window for you. Dont be afraid, even if there are setbacks, you must persevere!







  面对挫折英语作文 30

  My heart sank, and the azure sky was replaced by a dark night. There were no stars, only the purest darkness. The original plan was interrupted and tears welled up. Despite the immense sadness, time does not wait for anyone. Only by regaining ones composure can a solution be found.

  The math Olympiad has always been my goal. For this reason, I have been dabbling in high school textbooks since my second year of junior high school. Every day, I struggle with those difficult theories and wander among the stacked books like mountains. Despite my hard work, I enjoy the joy of absorbing knowledge. Getting into the palace of science always makes me happy, and all my preparation is just to achieve my goal. However, I was defeated in the third grade school primary, and the anxiety and unease before the exam made it difficult for me to calmly read the topic; It makes it difficult for me to judge right or wrong correctly. The efforts of the past year have been in vain, and the process has become meaningless when encountering results, leaving only a plethora of regrets.

  The teacher once told me, "A momentary failure is not a big deal, the key is the process of effort and the ability to start over from it." I also understand that I dont have time to waste on self-pity for myself. I can only recognize my mistakes and move towards the next goal, bit by bit, allowing time to smooth over my sorrows. This experience has helped me identify my weaknesses and shortcomings, and I firmly believe that everything that comes is good.

  After the storm and rain, the sky is clear; In the dead darkness, there is always a glimmer of hope that can help people overcome their pessimistic emotions. Faced with difficulties, if you just hide in a corner and feel sorry for yourself, all your previous efforts will be in vain. Life is a long river, and the failures at this stage seem insignificant when looking back in the future. The only way to solve the current problem is to maintain hope and move forward optimistically.





  面对挫折英语作文 31

  The sword edge comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold. How can plum blossoms become fragrant without some piercing cold? We should face life with a broad heart and a smile.

  Since ancient times, heroes have emerged in large numbers, and many great people from all over the world have succeeded in difficulties. For example, the famous musician Beethoven was deaf in both ears, but he did not give up. He defeated himself with tenacious perseverance. He failed many times, learned from repeated failures, and ultimately became a world-renowned musician. Edison also achieved success after experiencing countless failures.

  Seeing this, many people will say, They are great people, how can we compare with them?? If you want to think that way, Ill tell you, youre wrong. Einstein, a world-renowned celebrity, was regarded by countless people as a dedicated child when he was young. When I was a child, the teacher asked my classmates to come home and serve as benches. The next day in class, the teacher looked at their work and told Einstein that there was no worse bench in the world than this. However, Einstein took out two benches from the drawer, which were worse than either of them. Originally, this was the third stool she had made, and he proved himself with his own practical actions.

  Sima Qian, a famous Chinese historian, created the Historical Records with historical value in adversity, leaving precious wealth for future generations.

  Whether in our daily lives, studies, or our own way of life, we should learn from their spirit of tenacious struggle, facing difficulties, and striving for their dreams.

  Life requires a smile everywhere, face life with a smile, face life with a smile, and face every day with a smile. The path of life is full of setbacks and bumps. We strive to overcome difficulties and face every hopeful day with a positive attitude.







  面对挫折英语作文 32

  In the mid-term English competition exam, I was far from achieving the expected results. I am aggrieved, why did I give so much, but didnt get anything? I blame heaven for unfairness. I sat alone at my desk, letting tears drip down my English textbook. Why, why, am I not good at learning English?

  Oh, dont think about it anymore. Take a look at your extracurricular book and find that there are crumbs of bread that I have crushed moving on the desk. I can only see a few ants moving crumbs, and the crumbs move and stop, as if they are very difficult to move. Its really interesting! I brought a magnifying glass and wanted to take a closer look at these small things. I want to set some obstacles for them. I placed the eraser in front of them and saw that they were about to change direction, but I ended up surrounded them with erasers. Lets see what they do this time! I carefully observed with a magnifying glass, and an ant first climbed onto the rubber, just like a commander. Several ants climbed up one after another, trying to lift the crumbs with force. The leading ant lifted the crumbs, while the following ants pushed hard. It took a long time, and finally the crumbs were transported by the ants from the rubber.

  I suddenly realized that even such a small ant is not discouraged in the face of setbacks, and we humans should even dare to face them. I remember Edisons laboratory was bombed. In the face of setbacks, Edison did not lose his fighting spirit, but in just three weeks, he successfully invented the Phonograph; Beethovens deafness in both ears was undoubtedly the biggest setback for a musician, and in the face of setbacks, Beethoven did not show any hesitation. Thus, Beethoven created the world-renowned "Fate" symphony.

  Get up wherever you fall. As long as we strive and strive, there must be gains waiting for us.

  These deeds are good things for me, and they have precisely honed my willpower and character.






  面对挫折英语作文 33

  In life, setbacks are like obstacles on the road ahead; Like a storm in navigation; Like an unavoidable cage. However, without failure, one cannot succeed. Perhaps your great and profound success comes from your insignificant calmness.

  The great Edison developed world-renowned electric lights for us. But who knows how many setbacks he has experienced, how many failures he has tasted, and how many times he has felt helpless in this process. However, he did not give up on himself, but faced it calmly. In thousands of recent experiments, he regarded every failure and setback as valuable experience, and in the end, everything paid off. He successfully invented the electric light. Isnt this the relationship between smiles and setbacks? Yes, sometimes success or failure may really depend on whether you choose to give up or accept with a smile.

  Pando is the first woman in the world to climb Mount Everest. In the snowy mountains, the thin air, piercing cold winds, and ice and snow devoured her body like beasts. In such a harsh environment, I dont believe she hasnt suffered setbacks, I dont believe she hasnt felt hopeless, I dont believe she hasnt given up! However, in the end, she did not choose to bow down to setbacks. On the contrary, she displayed her strong and unyielding spirit with a sunny smile. Yes, she succeeded, defeated Mount Everest, and showed the world the power of women! Not everyone can reach the highest position, but she did.

  Smile in the face of setbacks, even if you fail, can success still be far behind? We should learn from the examples of Edison and Pando: overcoming seemingly insurmountable difficulties in life and showcasing the brave side of life.





  面对挫折英语作文 34

  I am already twelve years old. During this twelve year period, there were both unpleasant and pleasant experiences, some unforgettable things that are still vividly remembered to this day. They are like the stars in the sky, each shining with light, leaving an endless aftertaste.

  I remember it was a sunny day when our family and three younger brothers went to Xiangzhigou. Just as I arrived there, a fresh and natural breath ran into my nose. There is surrounded by mountains on all sides, with picturesque scenery that makes people feel relaxed and happy. In a moment, the younger brothers turned their attention to the bicycle rental shop not far from us, and each of them rented a bicycle. But I still hesitated because I couldnt ride a bike yet. In the end, I still rented a womens bike.

  At the beginning of school, when I stepped on it, the faucet of my bicycle tilted, and sometimes I fell before I could stand firm. In the following time, I worked even harder and devoted myself wholeheartedly to my studies. I first climbed my left foot up, found my center of gravity, and then climbed my right foot up, but I still fell again and again. Just as I was feeling inferior, I saw my cousin who was also practicing. She had not put her foot on it before she fell. Watching her fall again and again, I finally understand that I am not the most miserable yet. So I practiced again, and gradually I found a feeling that I could ride on the road. Although it was still crooked, I was still quite happy. After half a day of hard work, I have become completely proficient and have learned how to go uphill and downhill.

  After this incident, I finally understood that even in the face of setbacks, dont give up, because the sunshine always comes after the wind and rain.





  面对挫折英语作文 35

  The sword edge is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Without a bitter cold, how can plum blossoms smell fragrant. We should face life with a broad heart and a smile.

  Since ancient times, heroes have suffered many hardships, and many great people from all over the world have achieved success in difficult situations. For example, the famous musician Beethoven, who was deaf in both ears, did not give up, but overcame himself with his tenacious perseverance. He failed countless times, summarizing his experience through repeated failures, and ultimately became a world-renowned musician. Edison was also successful after experiencing countless failures.

  Seeing this, many people will say, They are great people, how can we compare with them?? If you want to think that way, then Ill tell you youre wrong. A world-renowned celebrity - Einstein, who was once considered by countless people as a child with intellectual disabilities. When he was young, the teacher asked his classmates to go home and make benches. The next day in class, the teacher looked at their works and told Einstein that there was no worse bench in the world than this. However, Einstein took out two more benches from the drawer, which were even worse than that. Originally, this was the third stool he had made, and he proved himself through his practical actions.

  Sima Qian, a famous historian in China, created the Historical Records with historical value in adversity, leaving precious wealth for future generations.

  We should learn from their tenacious spirit of striving, overcoming difficulties, and striving for our dreams, whether in daily life, learning, or on our own path of life.

  Life requires a smile everywhere, face life with a smile, face life with a smile, and face every day with a smile. The path of life is full of setbacks and bumps, and we should strive to overcome difficulties and face every day with a good attitude full of hope.







  面对挫折英语作文 36

  I often hear classmates say, Learning is hard, learning is tiring. Why is it so hard and tiring? The reasons are multifaceted, but the important point is that they do not enjoy learning. Enjoying learning is a good medicine that will heal your restless mind and body; It is a clear spring that purifies your soul. Therefore, I believe that as students, we should learn to enjoy learning.

  Enjoying learning is a progressive trend. The first thing we need to do is enjoy the learning process. Sima Qian was able to write Records of the Historian because he enjoyed the process of visiting the people and collecting information; The reason why Edison was able to search for suitable filaments day by day for several years was because he enjoyed the process of exploration; The reason why Lu Xun became a literary magnate was because he enjoyed the process of writing... Throughout history, it seems that no successful person has been refined through the process of enjoyment. We are just students, and there is no need to enjoy invention and creation like them, but it is very necessary to enjoy the learning process. Only in this process can we continuously accumulate, enrich our minds, and overcome the ideas of learning hardship and fatigue through enjoyment.

  If you have achieved little in the process of learning, then it is time to enjoy the learning outcomes. Some people may think that they are stupid and wont have any results to enjoy, but in fact, they are not. Although the fruits of success are worth enjoying, why not fail? If you fail, just look at the reason and how to do it in the future, which is also a kind of enjoyment. Enjoying learning outcomes will enable you to accumulate experience on the basis of rich knowledge and gain gains on the basis of changing your learning attitude.

  Therefore, students, dont talk about studying hard or tired anymore. Please open up this knot, learn to enjoy the learning process, and enjoy the learning results. As long as you achieve a little change, you will find the most correct path and climb higher along it until the peak.





  面对挫折英语作文 37

  Life is like a drama, where we play different roles on the stage of life. Through ups and downs, we taste the flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. Enjoy the joy, pain, sweetness, and sadness of life

  Behind happiness is always sorrow, hidden deep within our hearts. Sometimes, when we cant bear it, it will be released. However, one thing we must remember is that "sunshine always comes after wind and rain, and there is a clear sky above dark clouds

  Life is not always smooth sailing, and there will be obstacles along the way. After the wind and rain, the grass remains tender green; The small flowers are still bright; The small tree is still tall and upright; You are still you. When we encounter difficulties, setbacks, and failures, we need to face them and overcome them with composure, calmness, and wisdom.

  The famous German musician Beethoven, at the peak of his career, was suddenly deaf in both ears, but he was not defeated. He faced reality, bravely faced setbacks, and stood at the forefront of music again with wisdom. When he practiced the piano, he placed wooden chopsticks on the keys and played them, causing them to vibrate and spread to the nerves, feeling the beauty of the music. At the same time, he also created widely circulated "The Symphony of Heroes" and other works. With his indomitable will, he overcame the unprecedented hardships on the Musical road. After setbacks, he no longer feared and bravely marched forward, composing classic movements with a smile.

  When we encounter difficulties and setbacks, we should turn them into motivation, forget the pain they have brought us, and overcome the rough waves we encounter on the way to study with confidence and hope. We should believe that the waves and rocks will collide into white and confident waves between heaven and earth.






  面对挫折英语作文 38

  n life, there are things that make people happy, things that make people bitter, things that succeed, things that fail, and there are inevitable setbacks.

  Some people are at a loss when faced with setbacks, and they become disheartened and hopeless because they cannot withstand the pain caused by setbacks, making their lives dim.

  Some people face setbacks calmly and never panic. Even if they fail, they never despair. They still smile and learn from them to lay the foundation for their next struggle.

  I once read a story in a newspaper about a little girl and her younger brother in a poor mountain village. Their parents died in a car accident, and the poor little girl supported the family with her thin shoulders. They had no source of income and always couldnt eat enough. Her younger brother didnt even remember the taste of meat.

  There are many kind-hearted people in the village, and people often send them rice and firewood. The siblings have been living tenaciously.

  When the reporter interviewed the little girl, she couldnt help but shed tears and revealed all her grievances and sadness. Yes! Its not easy for a poor little girl to support a family, but she knows very well in her heart that the days have to go on and the sun will rise tomorrow, so she cant let her younger brother go hungry. This is such a strong life.

  Perhaps it is impossible to have such a tragic experience in our lives, unable to feel the pain caused by such setbacks, but we can be moved by the calm attitude of the little girl.

  Frustration sometimes becomes beautiful due to stubbornness, and sometimes becomes passionate due to hope. Lets face setbacks calmly, which will make your life exciting due to setbacks!









  面对挫折英语作文 39

  Without experiencing wind and rain, one cannot see a rainbow.

  Rainbows are beautiful. Every time people see them, they praise them, praise their colors, praise their brightness, but how many people have truly praised their strong qualities

  Frustration is indispensable in life, just like the beautiful songs along the way of life, constantly accompanying us. Some people say that setbacks are like sitting on a mountain, crossing over, and there is the other side of the ideal. Some people say that setbacks are like building blocks without their foundation, success cannot be talked about. Frustration is accompanied by success, and success arises from setbacks.

  President Lincoln of the United States was once a stuttering and stuttering person. During the presidential election, he was repeatedly ridiculed and lost. But he was unwilling to yield to fate and lobbied around the country, accumulating experience. After multiple failures, he was elected.

  Failure is also an important song in life. As the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success." Without this failure, there would be a better success next time. Success is indeed commendable, and failure does not have to be sad. When there is failure, there must be success. Success and failure always exist together.

  The great thinker Mencius once said, When a great task is assigned to a person, the heavens must first work hard on their own will, strain their muscles and bones, starve their body and skin, and empty their body, so as to enhance what they cannot. Is this true?

  Frustration and failure are like a Bingdi lotus, like two wheels of a car and two wings of a bird. If we can stay above the two wheels, between the two wings. So why doesnt the wreath of victory belong to us?








  面对挫折英语作文 40

  The process of growing up is actually the one where I taught us how to face setbacks with a smile.

  I have always felt that the gifts given to us by growing up have actually been reflected in us, but in our daily lives, we are too focused on life and do not notice the details beyond it. Its like we always focus on the beautiful scenery while walking on the road, without paying attention to potential dangers.

  Even if one does not pay attention, it does not mean that those dangers are non-existent. Perhaps if you are walking on the road and there is a manhole cover that is not properly covered, you should take the initiative to cover it, because it is easy to get injured when others cannot see it.

  Its like on weekends, you dont want to leave an impression at home and go out for a hot pot with your friends. You want to go out with everyone to see Baihua Park, see spring, and experience the natural beauty. Perhaps this is not a very difficult thing, but for you who were not willing to go out at all at the time, it was very difficult.

  There are a lot of setbacks in life, but it depends on how you treat them. Sometimes you always say Usseewa when facing those troublesome things. But if you change your perspective on this matter, you will feel that it has actually taught you a lot.

  At the arrival of this beautiful spring, I hope you can also grow up one year.

  Recently, the American drama "The Queens Chess Game" has been widely promoted, and you have also watched it due to the recommendation of your classmates. At first, there was actually no emotion, just feeling that the growth experience of a talented girl was so shocking and enviable, but behind this, his dependence on sedatives was also his own demons. For himself, it is also a setback that needs to be constantly overcome.

  Facing setbacks with a smile is actually more of a brave growth experience.









  面对挫折英语作文 41

  The journey of life is long and long, with ups and downs, ups and downs. And this trip was not smooth sailing. We all face setbacks sometimes, and this time is also a test for us from heaven.

  It was a night of lightning, thunder, and rain. I was alone at home, sitting alone by the window, watching the sudden pouring rain outside. The raindrops were like long whips, lashing hard against the window. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and my hand unconsciously touched my forehead. At the moment I touched it, I knew I was running a fever.

  But my parents are not at home, what should I do? Take Antipyretic? No, you cant take medication without understanding your condition. I looked back at the clock face and now its 7:30 pm. I looked back at the terrible weather outside and couldnt help but muster the courage to walk out of the house.

  All the way, I was struggling to run. Of course, I always have to fantasize about it. If only someone could lift me in the sedan now. I held up my umbrella and finally ran to the community health service station. After my aunt hung a bottle for me, she called my mother. Unconsciously, the bottle was hung up, and my fever gradually subsided. After returning home, my consciousness gradually woke up, and the experience just now seemed like a dream······

  We all face setbacks sometimes, and precisely at such times, we should be in a state of fearlessness in the face of danger, in order to overcome difficulties.






  面对挫折英语作文 42

  Seize every minute of life, give our all to the dreams in our hearts. Without experiencing wind and rain, how can we see a rainbow? No one can casually succeed... "Whenever I sing this familiar melody" True Hero, "I always remember something deep in my memory, which is still fresh in my memory to this day.

  I remember that time when I just started learning roller skating, I was a beginner. Although I already knew how to skate, I was not very proficient. However, I had already dared to "gallop" on Jinming Square. Once, I was so proud that I slid faster and faster. As a result, I leaned back and fell onto the hard ground. At that time, I was in great pain, with a big bump on my head and a little congestion, but it was not a big problem. Through this incident, I have come to understand that all things cannot be achieved with only a superficial understanding. Since then, I have developed a great interest in roller skating. Every Saturday and Sunday, my mother takes me to learn roller skating, learn the accurate posture of roller skating, and learn how to skate quickly and steadily... At that time, if it werent for not being able to wear roller skating shoes for school, I would have worn them every day and practiced roller skating every day, which has taken my roller skating skills to the next level and made more progress. Until now, I have participated in two 5-kilometer roller skating shows held by the Zheng Kai Marathon. Although the results are not very good, the key is to participate. Playing with those roller skating masters can make me progress quickly.

  Yes, without experiencing wind and rain, how can we see a rainbow? Failure is the mother of success. Only after experiencing setbacks and hardships can we get closer to success. Lets seize every minute of our lives and give our all to our dreams!



  是啊,不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,失败是成功之母,只有经历了挫折与磨难,才能离成功越来越近。让我们把握生命里的每一分钟吧, 为自己的梦想全力以赴!

  面对挫折英语作文 43

  Frustration is like an invisible Dr.Web weaving a dense web in the corner of the losers heart, which catches peoples laughter and leaves a string of lingering and pain that is difficult to get rid of. There are two choices between wandering and suffering: either to stand up and move forward again, or to never recover from it. Which one should I choose?

  Faced with setbacks, those who are depressed give up on themselves; The brave man calmly brushed off the dust from his body and said, "I still have a chance!" The young man said, "I still have time and a chance; The middle-aged person said, I still have passion and opportunities.. The elderly said, I still have a chance when my heart is still beating vigorously.. Opportunities always belong to the creators of opportunities, and only creators can calmly face setbacks. Faced with setbacks, one should not yield, let alone stop in the same place. One should calmly search for the reasons for failure, accept the lesson, bid farewell to the disappointed yesterday, and enter a new world with confidence.

  Frustration is not terrifying, what is terrifying is only cherishing oneself. Time brings new things every day, allowing vision to transcend oneself. In the face of setbacks, tears are foolish things, because fate never believes in tears. Wipe the tears dry and dont let them wet the will. If you fall, stand up again, heal the wounds of failure, put wings of hope in your eyes, and through the darkness, you will see the dawn again.

  Please dont wish yourself a pleasant journey. The future is not smooth, overcoming a setback is accumulating experience, and the pace of life is once again steady.

  Facing setbacks, we must smile calmly and move forward again!






  面对挫折英语作文 44

  In recent days, I read a story about a person who went to interview a hurdler, but found his only weakness: he loved to cover up his mistakes and avoid setbacks. Recently, he had a game but was not able to make it to the semi-finals, so he couldnt recover from it. When he went to interview this expert, he was depressed.

  He suggested that he visit an eminent monk, who said calmly, "If you cant avoid him, knock him down like a hurdle." He suddenly realized and remembered this sentence in his heart. Later, he succeeded in one fell swoop and never failed again. When facing numerous reporters interviews, he smiled and said, "If it werent for this monk, I dont know what to do." In fact, not far from the reporter, the monk stood there, smiling at him.

  Yes! Life is never like this! Think of your life as a hurdle, that path is the path of life, hurdles are difficulties and setbacks. If you cannot cross this hurdle, bravely kick it down and knock it over. Until you think you can continue.

  After listening to this story, how will you, including me, feel! Actually, everyones life path cannot be smooth sailing. When encountering difficulties, some people will try to avoid them, while others will choose to face them. I admit that sometimes when I encounter difficulties, I also choose to detour, give up, and avoid, but this is not the solution for self driving! So, when you encounter difficulties, put in your own efforts and solve them!

  When you once met the story I told you at the beginning, standing on the starting line of lifes hurdles, you would choose to jump over and reach the finish line without any injuries; Or knock it over and end up with scars?






  面对挫折英语作文 45

  Today, we have bid farewell to our childish and ignorant childhood and ushered in a vibrant sunrise. We have grown up in care and setbacks.

  I still have some nostalgia when I recall the time when I first started school. Although the school was fresh and novel to us at that time, seeing his tall and majestic figure made us feel a bit scared of him. When I first started school, I was a bit afraid of going to school because I wasnt used to every forty minute class or the quiet classroom... This was also a setback for us at that time. However, we all survived and overcame setbacks!

  After several years of hard work and hard work, we have come to the end of primary school. We are about to graduate from primary school, and what beckons to us is the graduation exam. Looking forward to the upcoming graduation exam, we have to work hard and strive! We must use our best form and fullest preparation to welcome this battlefield without gunpowder. We need to conquer those Olympiad math and difficult English questions, which are setbacks, but we have overcome these setbacks and achieved success in our graduation exam.

  One success does not necessarily mean eternal success.

  Immediately, we entered the gate of junior high school. Middle school and primary school are vastly different. In junior high school, we need to learn to stand on our own and learn independently. Without too much supervision from teachers, we need to learn to "do it ourselves"! All of this is a new beginning, a new starting point. To overcome the dependence of primary school and adapt to the independent life of middle school, when can we overcome such a big setback? All of this can only be done by oneself! Perhaps it wont be long before we can overcome setbacks and usher in light.

  In fact, we grow up in setbacks. It may seem like there is too much bitterness and too much hardship, but only by overcoming setbacks can we usher in a long-lasting fragrance and sweetness. Frustration is not scary, because we can hold our heads high and grow in setbacks!







  面对挫折英语作文 46

  As the saying goes; A calm lake cannot cultivate a skilled sailor, only a bloody finger can play the ultimate song of the world. Therefore, we must find the strength to overcome it in setbacks, like wintersweet blooming proudly in the cold winter!

  Life cannot be a plain and light white paper, smooth and unimpeded along the way, accompanied by ups and downs in difficult times. Therefore, we should be strong enough to face all difficulties and obstacles. We should have the strength to overcome them and the confidence to challenge them, because only then can we achieve success in life.

  Who would understand how much hardship each successful person must put in behind it? Only by giving can there be rewards. Only by constantly overcoming the difficulties in front of us can we highlight the brightest side of human nature. Growing up in adversity, finding the strength to move forward through setbacks, daring to challenge and practice, can we become more successful!

  Difficulties and setbacks are not terrifying. What is terrifying is the loss of confidence and courage in facing them. Remember, at all times, we must be strong and face everything in life with the same strength as wintersweet. We must bloom proudly in the cold winter and compete for our own glory. Therefore, we must go against the current, use all our strength, and create our own legendary dream!

  Beat the dust on our bodies, search for our strength in the wind and rain, soar freely in the sky, and become more powerful in adversity. Flying against the wind, we must be able to forge a pair of strong wings and create our own glory!






  面对挫折英语作文 47

  Life is bound to encounter various setbacks. Major setbacks, such as investment failure, are incurable; If you fail the exam, you will fall when walking. Facing various setbacks in life, we should smile and overcome them with a tenacious will and optimistic attitude. As long as we can endure the past, the light is ahead.

  In modern society, competition intensifies and setbacks are everywhere. Faced with setbacks and failures, we should believe that setbacks are the most precious wealth of life, the proudest experience of life, and the most beautiful memories of life. It is setbacks that give us the motivation to move forward in life. Frustration has given us valuable experience and a ladder to success. The great musician Beethoven was completely deaf at the age of fifty. What a heavy blow it is for a musician! However, Beethoven raised his head like a lion, shouted "I want to seize the throat of destiny", and created the most brilliant ninth symphony, "Ode to Joy". Beethovens spirit of facing setbacks has become an example for future generations to learn from.

  Many people magnify their pain in the face of setbacks. Some people believe that this is fate and cannot be changed. From then on, they will be depressed, but they will be depressed. Some people cannot accept failure and shock, lose their sanity, and become perverts who dislike society and humanity. These people will never be able to overcome setbacks and will always be failures. For example, a young person likes a girl. After being rejected, I became psychologically unbalanced, first killing someone else, then killing the whole family, and then committing suicide. It harms both oneself and others. Such setbacks can only be a joke and a negative textbook for everyone.

  The most difficult thing for a person to overcome is themselves. As long as we can overcome ourselves, we can face setbacks and laugh at life.





  面对挫折英语作文 48

  All living beings, no life is always smooth sailing, and they will encounter setbacks of all sizes on the path of life. And it is precisely these small and large setbacks that compose the ordinary and beautiful song of life.

  Countless historical facts and social practices have proven that setbacks almost follow the entire process of life. They are like mischievous ghosts lurking on the journey of life, inadvertently stumbling you in a big or small way, causing you to fall into the gray circle of life and feel anxious, even lost and lost, difficult to extricate yourself.

  Faced with setbacks, those who strive for self-improvement will eventually realize that this is a stumbling block that needs to be removed on the road of life, and they will be able to experience the joy of overcoming difficulties and surpassing themselves. Ostrovsky put it well: "Human life is like a flood surging forward, without encountering islands and dark scorches, it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves." If everyone bravely attacks in the face of setbacks, then life will be a colorful world. Just like Balzacs metaphor: "Frustration is like a stone. For the weak, it is a stumbling block that stops you from moving forward, but for the strong, it is a stepping stone that will make you stand higher

  In the face of setbacks, everyone should not have a fear mentality, but should not be upset or confused to unravel the past, face the reality, and create the future. From setbacks, people understand that life is not easy, and therefore cherish every gain. Napoleon once said, "The most difficult time is not far from success. Success is the result of multiple trials and tribulations, so everyone should cherish it well. When encountering setbacks, everyone only needs to believe in themselves in order to have the courage to face challenges and not retreat in the face of difficulties and setbacks. Mastering the face of setbacks is also a gift of life, and because everyone really stands up, it often starts after setbacks.





  面对挫折英语作文 49

  Failure is the mother of success. Life cannot be smooth and profitable, and setbacks are something that everyone must face. The first time I faced setbacks in my life was when I took the Midterm exam in Grade 5.

  That time, I was well prepared and confidently walked into the exam room, answering questions quickly, and sitting leisurely after finishing writing. I am finally about to release my mid-term grade ranking, and I am quickly searching for my name on the list. Whats going on? I wasnt even in the top five of grade, and I was even ranked after ten. What happened? I, who had always been in the top five of my grade, was so scared by the huge impact that I almost fainted. I walked back to the classroom on tiptoe, feeling dejected and sitting in my seat, ignoring anyone who asked me, as if the whole world had nothing to do with me. I spent the day in a daze. In the evening, when I returned to my dormitory, everyone was chattering about the exam results. Every word from my roommate was stimulating me, and I hurried to the bathroom so that I wouldnt hear their discussion. I only returned to the dormitory when the teacher called me to go to bed. I got into bed and lay quietly in bed thinking, Why dont I want to hear the words grades?? They have no grudges or grievances with me, just because I didnt do well in the exam? No, its not true. The results are only temporary, not lifelong. Besides, this is just a small Midterm exam. Why should I be sad about it? Now the most important thing is the Final examination. Ok, forget this time! Face every day happily and face every setback squarely. So I put a smile on my face again.

  Failure is the mother of success. Everyones path in life is bound to have many setbacks. Dont let these setbacks hinder our path forward. We should overcome setbacks, overcome them, and make them our stepping stones, constantly moving towards the pinnacle of life.




  面对挫折英语作文 50

  No ones life is smooth sailing, no ones life is without experiencing ups and downs, but many people face setbacks but still cannot find a correct attitude.

  Some people think that the setbacks in life are the tempering of themselves, and people will also work hard with their heart and soul when the sky is about to fall. Therefore, they will learn from the setbacks, sum up experience, and better take the road of the future.

  But some people may feel that setbacks are a manifestation of fates unfairness towards themselves, and they may wonder why others lives are smooth sailing, and why they may struggle to do anything smoothly. Destiny is too unfair to them.

  Some people may even give up and fall down after experiencing setbacks, simply breaking the jar and falling. Anyway, this is how they live their lives. Its better to lie down for a while or even sleep if they fall down.

  But such an idea is wrong. Perhaps the setbacks in life will make us feel that life is very difficult, but we should not have a discouraged attitude, let alone break the jar.

  After all, if we work hard, there are still infinite possibilities in life. No one can casually succeed, and those who succeed have also experienced setbacks and hardships behind them. In fact, many of us see the brilliance on the surface of the other party.

  Therefore, in the face of setbacks in life, we should have a correct attitude and an open-minded attitude. We should not be knocked down by setbacks once or twice in life, persevere in setbacks, and remain humble and unyielding in setbacks. One day, you will find that life has become stronger due to experiencing these setbacks.

  Due to these setbacks, your life becomes even more determined. Your path in life is more steady and steady!









  面对挫折英语作文 51

  A persons life cannot be smooth sailing, and occasionally there may be headwinds or encountering hidden reefs. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. If you only have confidence and work hard, then you will definitely overcome these setbacks.

  Some setbacks cannot be easily smoothed out, and it may take several days to come out of the shadows. For example, the last time we trained on a football team and played games, we had fewer players and more opponents, but most of them were in fourth grade. In the first half, we made several one-on-one breakthroughs, but as a result, we were all squeezed together by seven or eight other players and couldnt move at all.

  In the second half, we made a defensive mistake in the back. A player handball and was awarded a penalty by the referee. The other teams main player scored with a single kick. Our goalkeeper judged the right direction, but did not determine the right height. Passing the ball, the ball scored. Then in less than a minute, the other party won. We lost very unconvinced, and for several classes afterwards, we were quite restless and didnt take it seriously. After playing a fierce football game, we felt the excited expression of watching others, but we felt that it had nothing to do with me.

  But after a while, we felt that playing football is for myself, because I like it, so winning or losing is not a miracle. Then we happily played football, regardless of whether we lost or won.

  In fact, there are many such things in life. Frustration is just God testing you, and the sun always shines after the wind and rain. As long as you dare to face it, dare to challenge it, and face it with your heart, you will feel that setbacks are a part of life. With them, life will be full of flavor. With it, we can overcome more difficulties and obstacles!

  Facing setbacks is a noble behavior, and the joy of overcoming them is even more rare. So we must dare to face setbacks and overcome them more often!







  面对挫折英语作文 52

  There are many setbacks in a persons life, and what we need to do is face them and defeat them.

  Zhang Yina, the bicycle I bought online has arrived. Come and ride it! "My mother shouted at me. Here we go! "I walked out and came to the bike." But I dont know how to ride yet. What do you think I should do? "" If I dont know how to learn, Ill just learn. I wont be able to learn, "my mother patted my shoulder and replied. I have no choice but to learn.

  At first, I held the handle with one hand and supported the wall with the other, slowly riding on it. Take your time, dont worry, keep it steady first. "Mom supported the back seat and looked at me from behind. Gradually, I was able to move freely by the wall, so I proudly said, "Mom, you see how powerful I am by the wall. You can ride away from the wall now. Okay, okay, listen to you. "But for some reason, after I left the wall, the bike seemed unwilling to be controlled by me, swaying left and right. In a short while, it overturned me to the ground.

  It hurts so much! "I covered my knee and said," I wont practice anymore! "My mother walked over and said to me earnestly," Zhang Yina, if you give up, then you can never succeed again. I know you dont want to give up halfway, right? "I thought about it and got up and started learning again. This time I learned from the previous lesson, rode slowly, tried to maintain balance, but fell again, and I got up again and again. I succeeded, and the bicycle finally "surrendered". On the vast land, I flexibly got up and rode, feeling extremely happy.

  Faced with setbacks, as long as we persevere and work hard to the end, we will definitely be able to overcome and defeat them in the end.






  面对挫折英语作文 53

  The path of growth does not have broad and flat roads, only winding and bumpy paths. Growing up involves sadness, grievances, cruelty, gains, setbacks

  I was criticized by the teacher in my physical education class. The reason is that in fifth grade, we need to practice volleyball, so we practice pressing the ball down in physical education class. I always thought my movements were right, but I didnt notice that my other classmates movements were different from mine. Thats how I kept patting and practicing on my own. When the teacher came to inspect my side, he couldnt help but snort, his eyes narrowed, his mouth tilted to one side, and harsh words squeezed out from between his teeth: "Oh, this little girl is doing terrible!" I searched for all the wrong movements in my mind, and I worked even harder to press the ball. The teacher saw that I didnt know how to do it, so he showed me a ball, but I still made the wrong move without moving. The teacher turned around and left with a look of hatred. Originally, when pressing the ball, I required my wrist to sway up and down, and my arm to sway slightly. However, my movement was that my wrist did not move at all, but my arm was swinging significantly. My movement was almost like pumping gas, no wonder the teacher criticized me. I wiped away my tears and regained confidence to practice.

  As soon as I finished my homework in the evening, I picked up a ball and started practicing. I didnt miss out on the morning time and often practiced until my back was sore before resting. I just want to prove to the teacher that I can do it! Finally, I was looking forward to my physical education class. The teacher came up to me and watched my movements. I had already learned them, and the teacher praised me and said, "Hmm, thats right. Thats great

  Face setbacks bravely! Like a small silkworm pupa struggling in its cocoon. As it grows, it also bears the pain and suffering of growth. However, when it finally breaks out of its cocoon and transforms into a beautiful butterfly, it is rewarded with envious eyes and a satisfied smile.





  面对挫折英语作文 54

  In learning, everyone will encounter setbacks. Do you choose to avoid them or face them bravely? But I successfully defeated it.

  The worrying exam results have come out, and the students are happily holding it home, hoping that their parents can give them gifts. But I shed tears, which are sour, bitter, tasteless, and painful... These tears cannot express the unease in my heart. I was holding the test paper, with an indescribable smell. Looking at the big 76 written in red ink, I lowered my head.

  This small test paper, this small score, has given me a huge setback. I feel like I have no way to go, this setback has buried my path forward, this setback has destroyed my confidence

  As I lowered my head, I remembered what my father had said: "You have taken countless exams and faced countless difficulties. This is just one of them, you must face it bravely!" I gently lifted my head, wiped away my tears, and felt incredibly warm!

  Day by day, I achieved a satisfactory score of 99 in this final exam. I smiled, sweetly. This is the encouragement of love, which has enabled me to overcome setbacks and stand on the track again, not being hurt by it.

  I have grown up day by day, and I remember how weak I used to be... So, on the way forward in the future, I will be as brave and brave as that time!

  Frustration is just one experience in life, so you must bravely overcome it and not be defeated by it!








  面对挫折英语作文 55

  Frustration, in the eyes of some people, is often an insurmountable gap that people do not want to face. In the eyes of some people, it is the magic weapon for forging successful individuals, and every successful person must experience a life test - setbacks.

  There are many types of setbacks in life. In the eyes of those who have a heart, a difficult problem is a setback. They first think seriously or discuss seriously with others.

  In an English competition, I calmly obtained the test paper, but after browsing it, I found many difficult problems. I carefully examined every question, every letter, and every stroke. At the same time, my brain was also spinning, constantly pondering each question, treating it like a mountain. Only by climbing the peak can we enjoy the most beautiful scenery. After submitting the paper, I waited... After a few days, it was published, and I won the second prize.

  In this competitive society, it is also difficult to find jobs, and there are many college students nowadays. If you shrink back when encountering such setbacks, you will be very regretful. Frustration is a topic worth discussing and thinking about. If we fail to overcome some psychological and life barriers, we will lose the courage and confidence to face life. We not only need the courage and confidence to overcome setbacks, but also a resolute personality and strong willpower.

  If we want to compete with setbacks, we still need profound knowledge to face the challenges of life. Therefore, we should strive to learn knowledge now and lay a solid foundation for facing setbacks when we grow up.

  We must bravely face the setbacks and hardships of life, and shout for reaching the peak one day earlier!







  面对挫折英语作文 56

  Frustrations are ubiquitous in our daily lives. Sometimes they may destroy our consciousness, but sometimes they may make us stronger. Smiling is an attitude, an optimistic attitude towards life. We need to face setbacks with a smile, accept our failures calmly, and then turn it into a driving force for us to continue moving forward.

  We should face setbacks with a smile, because setbacks can bring us many benefits. When we need to complete a task, setbacks are often obstacles that hinder our progress. However, if we handle setbacks and overcome them, our willpower and abilities in all aspects will be strengthened. When we face the next task, we will become more fluid and adept. Frustration is not terrifying because it can overcome setbacks, and it exists because it waits to be overcome. If you are defeated by setbacks, then setbacks really become stumbling blocks and have no effect on our success, but if you have the heart to overcome them, then setbacks are not scary at all.

  We should face setbacks with a smile, because setbacks are not scary. There is a word called retreat when facing difficulties, and another word called the more setbacks, the braver . If we were to choose, no one would choose the former. Of course, we would all choose the latter. We hope that we can become braver and more frustrated, and that setbacks can be turned into motivation for us to move forward. This way, setbacks are not less terrifying. Some people feel afraid to move forward and stop when they hear setbacks, but I think this is a very wrong behavior. We should face setbacks with a smile.

  So lets face setbacks with a smile. In future learning and life, setbacks will definitely become a part of our lives, but they will not become a stumbling block in our lives. As long as we strive to overcome them, they will turn into a driving force for our progress.





  面对挫折英语作文 57

  I really appreciate a boy named "Smiling Little Angel". One of the big reasons is that he has a very transparent positive energy, especially when facing difficulties and setbacks, he is a very clear person.

  I remember someone asking him, What would you think if your efforts were not rewarded??

  He replied, Its normal for us to give without return. Not everything we do may have a return, but as you go through it, those things will settle for you. As you accumulate step by step, you are actually achieving better and better things..

  When I saw his answer, I thought of the sentence Smiling in the face of setbacks, and he has always done the same.

  I remember there was a time when he innocently got involved in a rumor storm. Although he didnt do anything, the crowd spread the word, and even a hundred words couldnt argue. During that time, he silently endured everything, and when he reappeared, his face was still full of smiles.

  During that silent period, he had been studying and polishing himself, without feeling down. Later on, when he spoke, although he didnt quite understand why others were treating him like that, we couldnt deny ourselves because of others misunderstandings. He regarded this experience as a small setback in life. Whether you want it or not, since it has appeared, dont ignore it or be timid, and choose to overcome it in a better way.

  He really faces those rumors with a smile and resists setbacks with a smile, which is also what I learned from him.

  When you feel stressed and a bit depressed in life, you might as well tell yourself that you can give yourself a smile and everything will become better.









  面对挫折英语作文 58

  Classmates, we all have setbacks. When we fail, it is often this kind of frustration and failure that allows us to understand more knowledge; Some people also want to find setbacks when they can tell us the truth of life. The true truth is that there is always sunshine after the wind and rain. No one can easily succeed, and it is always through the wind and rain that we can see the rainbow.

  On television, some people strive to do business for their ideals. There is a person who wants to raise snakes. He works outside and earns some money, buying dozens of snakes. He wants to become rich through his own efforts. In less than half a month, all the snakes died, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly. After careful consideration, he did not lose heart or give up. He borrowed money from his family and friends, pondered and summarized his experience in raising snakes bit by bit, and worked hard for the healthy and rapid growth of snakes. But just then, a merciless snake bit him. After being cured, he finally recovered. After repeated setbacks, he stood up again and came up with a new method. His business prospered and he became the famous snake king in the area.

  There was a period of time when my math grades were a bit poor because I felt it was too simple and knew how to do it, but I didnt listen well in class. I didnt follow up and review after class, and my homework was careless. It wasnt until I handed out the test papers that I scored 85 points that I remembered how I learned this unit. It was too impulsive. With the help of my parents, I first developed a study plan that suits me, so that I can allocate my study time reasonably. With clear learning goals, I will strictly follow the plan. I bought two sets of comprehensive test papers at the same time, and through more practice, I truly mastered the key knowledge points that I had not mastered before; Do two pages of mental arithmetic every day to improve speed and accuracy. Through ones own efforts, the exam score for the next unit has skyrocketed, and then one truly realizes that "every effort pays off" and "as long as one works hard, there will be rewards.

  How can you see a rainbow without working hard? How can there be gains without giving? Lets work hard.





  面对挫折英语作文 59

  Frustration is something that everyone experiences. Like great people, they encounter more setbacks and difficulties. They are great people because they have more perseverance than ordinary people to overcome setbacks. Take the genius inventor Edison as an example.

  Edison failed many times when he invented the light bulb. When he conducted his 1000th experiment with over a thousand materials, his assistant said to him, "You have failed over a thousand times. Give up, there is little hope of success." However, Edison said, "But I think my gains are still good, at least I have found that over a thousand materials cannot be used." Finally, after more than a thousand experiments, he finally succeeded. After repeated failures, Edison gained enough experience and perseverance to invent the light bulb, bringing light to humanity in the dark.

  In ancient times, ancient people also had to face setbacks. During the Warring States period, Su Qin wanted the King of Qin to adopt his political ideas, but the King of Qin did not adopt them, so Su Qin returned home in despair. His family looked down on him, his sister-in-law didnt cook for him, his wife didnt weave for him, and his parents didnt talk to him. At this moment, Su Qin was stimulated and swore to stand out, so he read angrily and hung his hair on the beam. When he was sleepy, he used needles to pierce his thighs, causing blood to flow, so that he wouldnt feel sleepy. Finally, he achieved his career and gained recognition.

  Everyone should be grateful for setbacks, because setbacks tell us not to give up; Frustration tells us to believe in ourselves; Frustration tells us to be strong... In short, setbacks make me grow. Thank you for setbacks, thank you for making me grow.





  面对挫折英语作文 60

  A person faces many setbacks in their life, and no one will smoothly complete their life. Why do elderly people have more experience? It is because the elderly have faced many setbacks, failures, and difficulties throughout their lives. With more experience, they will do better and better. Experience is accumulated bit by bit.

  As the saying goes, "Sunshine always comes after wind and rain." Indeed, without experiencing wind and rain, how can we see a rainbow! There is a person in the United States who, between the ages of 21 and 52, suffered one setback after another: failure in business, departure of his beloved wife, failure to run for Congress, failure to run for Congress again, failure to run for membership, and failure to run for Vice President. Perhaps you will ask, why is this person so unlucky in his life! Indeed, he had too many setbacks in his life, but he did not give up on himself, but persisted. Finally, at the age of 52, he ran for the 19th President of the United States. He is Lincoln. Although he has failed many times, he did not give up halfway, otherwise, he will never succeed.

  Learning is also the same. If you dont do well in the exam a few times and give up, you wont study anymore, which is not right. I am not naturally stupid. As long as I listen attentively in class and study more after class, how can I not learn well? There are no difficult times in the world, only those with a heart. No matter how difficult it is, as long as you work hard, you will definitely succeed. Success lies in heaven, and planning lies in man. Classmates, dont be afraid to face setbacks, as they can add some beautiful points to your life. Make your life a beautiful picture!




  面对挫折英语作文 61

  Life will not be smooth sailing, there will always be setbacks. When you encounter setbacks, will you face them or avoid them? I will choose to face them and overcome them.

  Frustration is everywhere, it is because of setbacks that there is motivation to move forward. I have also encountered setbacks, which may be easy for some people.

  The physical education test is about to begin. The teacher will give us a test first, so that we can compare our grades with the next time. The Sit-up were tested. I worked hard one by one. Time passed quickly. I only did 31 sit ups, and Im not good yet! I must practice more and strive to repay myself with excellence next time.

  As night fell, cute and mischievous stars emerged one after another. The night was originally so beautiful, but for me, it was so terrifying. "You can do Sit-up now." Mothers Lion Roaring Skill came again. Reluctantly, I climbed into bed and practiced Sit-up. I did them quickly first. At first, it was like a runaway wild horse, quickly starting to do it, but it couldnt hold up until it was in its twenties. Then, I began to do it slowly, accelerating vigorously until it was in my twenties, but my physical strength clearly couldnt keep up. I still didnt want to, so I decided to do it at a constant speed. Sure enough, it was both labor-saving and fast, and it didnt take much effort to do it. Suddenly, I crossed the thirty level. In the sports test, I successfully exceeded 40 and achieved excellence!

  Facing setbacks, we should strive to overcome them and come up with various ways to solve them, in order to succeed and give ourselves more confidence!






  面对挫折英语作文 62

  I have to go through countless failures and successes in my life... What do I do when faced with failure?

  That day, the Olympiad math teacher selected me to participate in the citys Olympiad math competition. Of course, I was very happy, but you should know that to get into the top few, you must take the exam twice, in the preliminary and preliminary rounds.

  The preliminary round was quite good, I passed the level smoothly, and from the bottom of my heart, I am happy.

  I know, the preliminaries, but choosing the talent among talents level is not easy! So in the past few days, I have doubled my studies and will never relax.

  Finally, the preliminary round began. Although I was nervous, it wasnt because I was afraid, ah! The question is so simple! So in less than 20 minutes, I finished it with great speed. After I finished writing, I didnt like to check, so I handed in my paper and left. Along the way, I jumped and danced, extremely happy, humming small songs from time to time

  Ah! Finally, I was about to hand out the test paper. When I received it, I was shocked and only passed the 80 exam myself. With tears in my eyes, I ran back home. It was an abyss of failure that I once fell into. I locked myself in the cabin, it was very quiet inside. In the pitch black night, looking out of the window, there is no hope, no sunshine, no joy of success, no sweetness of harvest, only sighs, sadness, and regret. I was defeated by failure, amidst endless regrets, but I gradually came to understand that perhaps failure is a good thing. With the experience of failure, I will cherish it more and strive for it even harder.

  Dont regret failure, stand up bravely. Zhang Haidi said that he would stand up from a hundred falls to a hundred and one falls!








  面对挫折英语作文 63

  Every setback or unfavorable mutation carries the same or greater favorable seeds, "said American writer Emerson.

  A smile is a flower that will never wither.

  Smile is the most beautiful language in the world.

  Give the pain a smile and it will gradually disappear.

  Give tears a smile, they will become stronger.

  Smile, we will find that a smile is so beautiful.

  Life is like a long road, difficulties and setbacks are just small pits on this road. All difficulties and setbacks are only temporary, just a storm. On a clear day, a beautiful rainbow will still unfold in the sky. At that time, we will all find that difficulties and setbacks are just a test, a trial.

  There is a true story that tells the ups and downs of a little girl. This little girl lost her arms in an accident when she was a child and became disabled. On her journey of growth, taking care of her mentally ill mother, struggling to study, and other misfortunes all came to her like nightmares. However, she faced all difficulties and setbacks with a smile, and in the end, she was exceptionally admitted to a university. Surprisingly, the girl also wrote an article titled I am the happiest. The girls life is full of too many misfortunes, but she never complains about the unfairness of fate. In the face of difficulties, the girl did not flinch, but faced them with a strong and optimistic attitude.

  This story tells us that setbacks are just a stumbling block on the road to success. Compared to girls, our setbacks are nothing to mention. We dont need to shrink or be afraid. As long as we face them with a smile and an optimistic attitude, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

  Lets face setbacks with a smile!











  面对挫折英语作文 64

  On the road of life, there are always forks, which brings confusion about which one to choose. In the face of wind and rain, should we stop? Should we continue walking in the wind and rain? A fall on the way is a setback. In ones life, it is inevitable to encounter setbacks, which bring many difficulties and frustrations. Some people choose to face these problems, while others choose to avoid them.

  People who evade are always weak, afraid to face setbacks, and give up halfway when facing difficulties. However, setbacks will closely follow and always accompany them. So, what should life do? Has his life been like this, constantly avoiding setbacks? What a pity! The person who bravely advances in the face of setbacks is the strongest. He will not run away at any difficulty, setbacks will always be dissolved by him, his life will always be colorful, his life will always be beautiful and happy, and he will not be as painful as those who dare not face setbacks.

  Lifes setbacks can be good or bad, not always painful, but once you have setbacks, you must face them and not avoid them. Otherwise, setbacks will follow you and be inseparable forever, and the consequences will be unimaginable! Edison went through many failures and setbacks in order to make people active at night by making electric lights. However, he bravely faced them and ultimately achieved the fruits of success, illuminating the world of human night and bringing light. Edison overcame setbacks, and it seems that setbacks are very important to him, because without setbacks, how can success be achieved? The experience of failure becomes the cornerstone of his success!

  To achieve ones ideals and desires, one will inevitably encounter setbacks, but how to overcome setbacks and achieve success is ones own decision. Only those who overcome setbacks can have a victorious and successful self. I know setbacks will accompany me through every day. I must face them bravely and work hard to resolve them, in order to become a well-known example of success like Edison.



  人生的挫折有好有坏,不是每次都痛苦不堪,但是有了挫折就要面对,不可以逃避,要不然挫折就会跟着你,永远形影不离,那么后果就不堪设想了!爱迪生为了让人 们在夜晚活动,制造电灯,经历了许多失败和挫折,但他还是勇敢的去面对,最后得到成功的果实,点亮了人类夜晚的世界,带来光明。爱迪生跨越了挫折,看来挫折对他很重要,因为没有挫折怎么会有成功?失败的经验成为他成功的基石!


  面对挫折英语作文 65

  Frustration is a stepping stone on the path of growth. It may lead you to a complete defeat, but it also motivates you to grow and guides you towards success. When I face setbacks, I never feel discouraged.

  As the sun sets, my transcript is restlessly swayed by the wind in my hands, and the sound of it fluttering is like sharpening a knife, stirring up the pool of disappointment in my heart. A beam of sunset shone on my face, but it was still so red hot. The scorching air cut me off from laughter and laughter, and all I could hear was mockery and sarcasm. Looking back at the teachers gaze, I couldnt forget the anger in disappointment, and the numbers on my transcript seemed to have stabbed me hard in my heart.

  On this scorching summer day, I was defeated by setbacks.

  Late at night, several solitary lights flickered in the silence and darkness, so fragile. The sound of the pen nib rubbing against the paper is like a mother singing softly in her ear, and a gentle breeze brushing a curtain by the window. Moonlight sprinkled on the table, flickering in and out. The hand holding the pen is a bit sore, but it is still mechanically swinging. White and black characters, like raw characters, make people drowsy. My eyelids seemed to be filled with lead, and my eyes gradually blurred. My consciousness gradually disintegrated in the continuous yawning sound - but that day the scorching wind seemed to blow by, and the unforgettable gaze flashed quietly. I had to continue writing, fighting against setbacks, until……

  In the stillness of the night, the ticking sound of the clock accompanied by steady breathing echoed in the darkness.

  A cool summer breeze brushed past my ear, sitting in the shade of the playground trees, watching the shadows gradually fade away under the setting sun. The failure in my heart was carried away by a gentle breeze. The fatigue on his face dissipated and he smiled confidently, waving to his distant classmate.

  When I face setbacks, I never feel discouraged. When I welcome success, I burst into laughter.








  面对挫折英语作文 66

  Frustration is like a stumbling block in life, a thunderstorm in the sky, and a tornado in the sea. Frustration can enrich our lives, exercise our rationality, and cultivate me in how to face life. Because life will not have smooth roads, calm waves, and even less smooth sailing.

  When I was a child, I was a fragile child. Whenever I encountered something, such as falling or losing chess, I would cry. Once, when I played chess with my mother, I lost and was very dissatisfied. I cried and said, "I didnt lose, another game! I dont believe it anymore." My mother said, "Ive played dozens of games now, Im not free! Come back next time." I reluctantly said, "No... I must win you!" My mother still didnt accompany me. I picked up the chess piece angrily and threw it onto the ground. I lay on the ground, feeling more and more unconvinced as I thought about it: other peoples mothers would let their children, but my mother never let me. If I lost, she wouldnt play with me. I felt reluctant and cried loudly, "I didnt lose! I want to play chess

  When Im tired from crying, my mother brings me a small chair, Sitting in front of me and saying: Child, losing is not scary. You should have been praised for your unyielding spirit, but you must first learn to give yourself time to think about why you lost, learn from your failures, and carefully summarize your experiences in order to succeed! Instead of being like this, playing tricks and crying, which is a sign of weakness. Everyones life cannot be smooth sailing, and you will often encounter failures and setbacks like this. Mom hopes that You can become strong and learn to laugh at setbacks. To overcome difficulties and become a brave person in life After listening to my mothers words, I felt very ashamed. I told myself to face setbacks bravely.




  面对挫折英语作文 67

  To have a strong physique and a healthy body, one must persist in exercising. Long distance running is a compulsory subject for our middle school entrance examination.

  Every time I run a long distance, I always cant hold on and want to stop and rest. At the beginning of the run, I ran very fast and everything went smoothly. Winning seemed so simple and easy, but I forgot that I had a fatal flaw My endurance is poor, and I always feel exhausted and have difficulty breathing when Im halfway there. I dont have the strength to continue running, and I cant persist every time. Over time, it has become my habit to stop halfway, so my long-distance running performance has not improved.

  After participating in the Sunshine Sports long-distance running activity, I realized that not running fast and not persevering was a major setback I faced. We cannot retreat. In the face of setbacks, we must be strong and strive. Only through unremitting efforts can we achieve success. In the face of setbacks, do not complain, do not be passive, and overcome the challenges of fate with courage and fearlessness. Persistence is victory! With the support of this belief, my long-distance running performance has made a new breakthrough. I believe that as long as I bravely face setbacks, my performance will definitely take it to the next level. Thank you to Sunshine Sports. It has taught me that in the face of difficulties, we must bravely face them!




  面对挫折英语作文 68

  Just like a ripple rippling on a calm lake, like a shooting star gliding through the tranquil night sky, like a delicate flower blooming amidst the tangled thorns. The fate of life is always like a green vine, blooming lovely buds in the process of struggle.

  In time, life may be a beautiful piece of music, but pain is one of the indispensable notes; Life may be an endless ocean, but setbacks are a sudden surge of waves; Life may be a azure sky, but disappointment is a floating white cloud.

  I once witnessed with my own eyes the different fates of two wintersweet trees on a snowstorm night due to their different attitudes towards setbacks. In the environment of cold wind and heavy snow, one of the wax plums stood tall and bravely fought against the blizzard, without losing any strength or determination; The other one timidly shrank away, letting the cold wind mercilessly ravage it, but never daring to face it. I think the final result is self-evident.

  I dont think you would be willing to do the latter. But in the face of life, how many people can confidently promise that they will always do what they say? Setbacks in life are essential, and the key is how you face them. In my opinion, only by calmly moving forward can one have enough courage to defeat it; On the contrary, you can only be defeated by yourself. When disappointment strikes, please dont give up, cheer up, and believe that the dawn is not far ahead. Riding a boat and sailing, when you see the sea and mountains again, your soul will surely surge, because at this moment you are sailing towards the other shore of victory.

  A single star falling cannot dim the entire starry sky; A single flower withers and cannot be barren for the entire spring. No matter how many tears and sweat you shed, no matter how much pain and suffering you experience, they are all a kind of discipline for you. Please believe that you will be the embodiment of strength.






  面对挫折英语作文 69

  In our lifetime, we will experience many trials and tribulations, and we will definitely encounter many difficulties. What should we do when facing difficulties?

  When I face difficulties, I first look at whether I can handle and solve the problem. No matter how difficult and incomprehensible it may be, I will bravely try and face it. For example, once, the teacher led the students to visit Qicheng Park, but the condition was to walk there. At first, everyone thought that this journey was far away and they would definitely not get there. But later on, thinking about it, it was a test of my own will, so I braved difficulties and embarked on a journey, finally reaching my destination. So in the face of difficulties, we cannot be afraid or retreat, because choosing to give up will only bring failure.

  But if this difficulty is dangerous and cannot be solved by myself, I should learn to seek help from others instead of recklessly facing it myself, because it may harm myself while the difficulty is not solved. For example, unexpected situations have occurred in certain places, such as a fire.

  Life is like a hundred flavors bottle, filled with all the joys and sorrows. Everyone will encounter difficulties, experience success and failure, and have experienced sadness and happiness. So, when facing difficulties, we must remain calm and calm, so that we can best cope with them, which is the fundamental solution to the problem.





  面对挫折英语作文 70

  Someone once said, "From ancient times to the present, all successful individuals have endured hardships and completed self-education through failure, which has naturally led to successful careers." We all know that Edison searched for the ideal filament for the invention of the electric light and experimented with tens of thousands of materials; Nobel conducted countless experiments throughout his life, most of which ended in failure. What exactly does this mean? This illustrates an important truth: "Failure is just a process, and setbacks are also just a process. As long as you still face it with your brilliant smile, you will definitely succeed

  If it werent for the cold and desolate winter, how could one perceive the value of summer? If it werent for the selfless dedication of fallen leaves, how could one feel the brilliance of green? If there is no failure, how can we comprehend the greatness and strength of this life? A winding and secluded path, only in its twists and turns, can it evoke our heartwarming longing. A huge wave, when the tide rises and falls, can it make a thrilling sound. A story, only in that regret, sadness, beauty, and desolation can it have sadness. Everyone has an insurmountable mountain in their heart, what was that time? It is a setback, and many people are afraid and hesitant towards this mountain. Therefore, they have lost the courage to raise their ideal sail, the belief to overcome setbacks, and the ideal in their hearts.

  Therefore, they cannot appreciate the magnificent sea beyond the mountains, let alone feel the satisfaction from their hearts.












