

时间:2022-05-12 20:00:57 英语作文 我要投稿




优秀英文作文 篇1

  Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year. Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died.

  On New Year's Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai. Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them.

  Other foods include a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity. The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life.

  In south China, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed leaves), another popular delicacy.

  In the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and small meat dumplings were the preferred food. The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household.

优秀英文作文 篇2

  Listen Read Learn

  The ideal life is one that many people would like to pursue, yet few achieve. The balance between dreams and reality is one that is difficult to overcome. Many people choose a vocation in the hopes that it would bring them wealth and success. However, after years of labor in their chosen field, they begin to hate their jobs. This is mainly because they have neglected other parts of their lives in search of this success. These people devote their lives to working and are unable to separate themselves from their work. They find that it may not be enough. Some have jobs where their principles and emotional health are challenged by dishonesty or bad work environments. These people can begin to become influenced by the environment in which they work, leading to personal or health problems. This choice is not a permanent situation, however, as many people have chosen to change the values of their lives. There are many different paths open to them. For example, they could go back to school to study something they enjoy, instead of for how much money it can bring. This is not impossible as you are never too old to study. Other people may look for more fulfilling relationships with their friends, relatives, or those who truly love them. Each or these is an excellent path for an ideal life as these goals will give each of us a much fuller life as well as an ideal one.



优秀英文作文 篇3

  My New School 我的新学校

  I have moved to my new school since Septmber. It is a modern and nice school which is in city. It has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. It's quite different from my old school. It's larger, much more modern. This is why I love my new school. If you are free, you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look.


  My View on School Education 学校教育之我见

  some schools onlywant their students to study hard at their lessons but ignore the educating onstudents' ability of practice, communication and organization. These schools regardstudy as the most important thing but other abilities such as communicationskills, public-minded awareness, are not useful to them.

  This idea is one-sided. We should take everything intoaccount in students' education. If a school has such an idea, it is not goodfor their students' future development. In the current society, people musthave an all-round ability to adapt to society. If not, students will find itdifficult to find a good job. Besides, book is not the only way to success. EQis sometimes more important than IQ. So students should develop such abilitiesas communication, organization, public relation, and creativity.

  As far as I am concerned, on the one hand, it is importantfor us to study from books well and achieve excellent academic scores; on theother hand, it is more important to develop other skills. One should besociable and capable so that he can be socially useful.




  健康快乐学习措施 Healthy and happy learning measures

  Dear Headmaster, I’m very glad to write a letter to you. These days we are talking about how to have a better school life. Here are some of my suggestions. First, I hope our school will open the library more often. Second, I think our school can organize more after-class activities. Next I hope our school will give us more time for sports, art and music. And I suggest our school should organize fewer exams as well. As for our teachers, I hope they will be our friends and make classes more interesting. And if they can talk less but more clearly in class, we will be more interested in studying and have more time to practice. What’s more, I hope they will give us less homework and finish classes on time. Hope my suggestions will be helpful. Thanks for reading my letter! Yours sincerely, Liu Bo


  大学生是否应自行选课 Whether college students should be on their own course

  Some people think that university students should be able to choose whether to go to classes or not. I could not disagree more with this idea. Even though students can have excused absences, for example, when they are sick or have something emergent to attend, generally they should be required to go to classes. In fact, attending classes has many advantages, three of them most important: learning from the teacher, interacting with classmates, and developing responsibility. Attending classes has the benefit of receiving the best that a teacher can offer. Good teachers review the difficult and key pints of the material in the course textbook. The best teachers do more than this. They conduct group discussion of the material, and present alternative points of view on the same issue. This increases students' real understanding and critical thinking. Moreover, teachers supplement the textbook material with information provide by guest speakers, which further enhances students' understanding. All this implies that, if students are absent from class, it is tantamount to forfeiting their right to full benefits of teacher-guided learning in class.


  Going to classes also helps students learn how to work with their classmates. In class, students need to put forward their ideas. They have to take questions from their classmates and when their classmates have a different point of view, they have to defend their own. All this is conducted in a friendly manner. Interaction of this kind teaches students about how to work with other people. Finally, going to classes enables students to develop responsibility. Having to finish all the assigned readings before class helps prepare them for getting a job. So does the requirement of being punctual for class. Similarly, having to complete assignment on time for class helps them to foster responsibility. Admittedly, students can obtain information from books, but they benefit a great deal more when they go to classes. They have the advantage of learning from their teacher, of interacting with other people, and of developing the responsibility required of a good worker as well as a good student. If these skills in life are in no sense optional, how can attending classes in a university be optional?


  A model student 模范学生

  Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student.

  However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him.



  新学校的生活 New school life

  Thanks for your last letter. Don’t worry about my new school life here. I’m fine here because I like my new school life. My new school life is busy but interesting. Every day I get to school at 7:00 am and go home at 4:30 pm. We have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. My favorite day is Thursday, because I have English and art that day. The two subjects are my favorite. But I don’t like math, because it’s difficult. At school, I also have a new friend, Zhang Qiang. He often helps me with math. After school, I often have art club with him.


优秀英文作文 篇4

  However, communications being what they were in the days when news traveled by foot, many people did not receive the news for several years. Others, the more obstinate crowd, refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebrate the new year on April 1. These backward folk were labeled as "fools" by the general populace. They were subject to some ridicule, and were often sent on "fools errands" or were made the butt of other practical jokes.

  This harassment evolved, over time, into a tradition of prank-playing on the first day of April. The tradition eventually spread to England and Scotland in the eighteenth century. It was later introduced to the American colonies of both the English and French. April Fool's Day thus developed into an international fun fest, so to speak, with different nationalities specializing in their own brand of humor at the expense of their friends and families.

  In Scotland, for example, April Fool's Day is actually celebrated for two days. The second day is devoted to pranks involving the posterior region of the body. It is called Taily Day. The origin of the "kick me" sign can be traced to this observance.

  Mexico's counterpart of April Fool's Day is actually observed on December 28. Originally, the day was a sad remembrance of the slaughter of the innocent children by King Herod. It eventually evolved into a lighter commemoration involving pranks and trickery.

  Pranks performed on April Fool's Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoe's untied, or I accidentally stepped on your glasses!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommate's alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"

  Practical jokes are a common practice on April Fool's Day. Sometimes, elaborate practical jokes are played on friends or relatives that last the entire day. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool's Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees.

  April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!

优秀英文作文 篇5

  The future school in my eyes is a place where students can enjoy tremendous amount of freedom and the pleasure of study.

  As we all know, schools nowadays do not provide students with good environment to study and to grow up. Therefore, I hope that the future schools will focus more on that and help students to fully develop themselves.










