

时间:2022-10-02 22:40:12 英语作文 我要投稿




  家庭的英文作文 篇1

  With the advance of science television has played a vital part in the day-to- day life of the people in developed or developing countries and its influence is simply astounding when I was young my family did not own a television set; so whenever we were free my younger sister and I would slip to a neighbors where to watch their TV awhile Al though TV programs in those days were generally inferior we still had a good time for as young and indiscriminate children we were interested only in novelty and excitement Not until my family had bought a television set did I quit the habit of fooling around with my younger sister then this wonder of scientific wonders did do us a great service we now had more chances to chat with each other in front of the box I hope our television companies will keep on upgrading their programs so that the viewers can be benefited both morally and intellectually I t is our conviction hat television in addition its entertaining aspect should be educational as well.

  随着科学的进步,电视中发挥了重要组成部分 每天到人们的日常生活是发达国家还是发展中国家,其影响力让人吃惊,当我年轻时 我的家庭没有自己的电视机,所以每当我们是免费的我和妹妹,我滑到邻居家在哪里 看着自己的电视一会儿基地在那些日子里,虽然电视节目普遍不如我们仍然有一个为年轻的好时机 我们只有在新鲜和兴奋不感兴趣,直到我的家人买了一台电视机没有滥用儿童 我放弃了在外面混了我妹妹那么这个科学奇迹,我们不知道他做一个伟大的服务,我们的习惯 现在有更多机会互相聊天了在中,我希望我们的电视公司将不断提高方面的其他的 的节目,使观众能够受惠在道义上和理智上,我t是我们的信念,帽子电视 此外它的娱乐性方面应该是教育也。

  Many people think that TV cant teach you anything and most TV programs are just silly. True, there are a lot of shows that are anything but good. But if you watch, you will find that TV is still a powerful educational tool. With the emergence of the public TV in our country we now have more helpings of food for the mind. Take the travelogue "the world we live in" it provides us not only with vicarious travel experience but also with the histories and cultures of various nations. Spec live, what they wear and how they talk even though I can’t afford to travel to those countries. My family often sit together to watch a program and discuss it afterward. Sometimes my parents ask us what we would do in a similar situation and this gives us the opportunity to rethink. We should not forget that TV can be an excellent teacher. In this era of mass media we believe that TV, if guided into the right channel, can really fire our imagination and contribute to family cohesion.

  很多人认为,电视不能教你什么 和大多数的电视节目都是愚蠢的。诚然,有很多的节目是什么,但大有好处。但是如果你看,你会 发现,电视仍然是一个有力的教育工具。随着我国公共电视,我们现在有更多的出现 粮食你们帮助的想法。采取游记“的世界里,我们在”它不仅使我们的生活替代旅行 经验,但也与历史和各民族的文化。规格生活,他们穿什么和如何讲,即使 虽然我不能前往这些国家。我的家人经常坐在一起观看了节目,并讨论 之后。有时,我的'父母问我们,我们会做类似的情况,这使我们有机会重新思考。 我们不应该忘记,电视可以是一个优秀的教师。在这个大众传播媒介,我们认为时代,电视,如果引入了 右声道,才能真正火我们的想象力和促进家庭的凝聚力。

  Whatever people may say to the contrary, I have on use for TV. I know there are many people who go along with me, even though they seem to be willing to fall under the spell of the box every time they turn it on. What a waste of time! Let me count the ways TV plays havoc among the members of my family who are all bitten by the TV bug. First, we keep our eyes on the TV screen, forgetting what are in the dishes at suppertime. Second, on occasion we quarrel like anything with one another over which program to watch. Third, as long term faithful TV viewers we all wear glasses—a sad phenomenon for which we alone are responsible. Fourth, sometimes, misdirected by what we see on TV, we lose our sense and go against our parents wishes. These are the things I hold against TV, and there are many others;. In fine, TV does d9isturb the peace of my family and for the sake of my family I really wish my mother could throw away that damned thing wrongly dubbed "the greatest invention of the twentieth century."

  无论人们会向 相反,我对电视的使用。我知道有很多人谁跟我一起去,虽然他们似乎愿意 属于法术的方块每次打开它。什么是浪费时间!让我来逐一电视剧浩劫中 谁是我的家人都是错误的电视咬伤的成员。首先,我们一直在电视屏幕上我们的眼睛,忘记了是什么 在吃晚饭的菜肴。第二,有时我们吵架彼此喜欢在哪个程序看什么。三, 作为长期忠实的电视观众,我们都戴眼镜,一个可悲的现象,我们完全负责。第四,有时, 对于我们在电视上看到有偏差,我们失去了意义,违背父母的意愿。这一切都是我认为对 电视,还有许多其他的;。在罚款,电视不d9isturb我的家庭和平和我的家人为了我真的希望 我的母亲可以扔掉那该死的东西误称为“二十世纪最伟大的发明。”

  With the rapid progress made in mass media the television set has become one of the most important appliances in a home and there is every indication that TV is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. TV can provide us with he quickest and most convincing information. We can stay at home and know what is happening around us or hundred miles away. Watching TV programs has become one of the major activities in many homes today. A wide range of TV programs can cater to different tastes. My folks always sit side by side after supper in the living room to watch evening news and, while listening to the newscaster, air their own views. In addition to news programs, my family are also aficionados of sports programs. When a sports program is due on the air, we would prepare some refreshments and drinks and when it really appeared on he screen we would watch it with rapt attention like a group of crazies. If a team representing our country scored or missed, father or brother would get excited and yell and sometimes the dog next door would bark after them. On such occasions I think commercials are not made to appear for nothing for, among other things, they do serve as a tranquilizer when TV watchers are beside themselves with excitement. At times a contest was not yet over while mother had already prepared her meal. Mother would wait till the end of the contest if we were not hungry, and then we would begin to dine. TV provides us with not only information but also entertainment and through TV we can also learn a lot about modern life. Incidentally, TV also plays a role in keeping a family together and that is another reason I like it.

  随着 的迅速进展,电视机已成为家庭中最重要的设备之一,大众媒体在那里 种种迹象表明,电视是发挥我们的日常生活中越来越重要的作用。电视可以说我们提供最快 最有说服力的信息。我们可以留在家中,知道什么是我们周围发生的事情或几百英里以外。看电视 项目已成为许多家庭的主要活动之一。一个电视节目能广泛满足不同 口味。我父母总是并存后,在客厅看晚饭晚间新闻,虽然听着 新闻广播员,空气自己的看法。除了新闻节目,我的家庭也是体育节目爱好者。当 体育节目是在由于飞机在飞行,我们会准备一些点心和饮料,当他真的在屏幕上,我们似乎 会看的像一个疯子组凝神它。如果一支球队代表我国取得或遗漏,父亲或 弟弟兴奋和呼喊,有时隔壁的狗后,他们将树皮。在这些场合,我觉得 广告是没有什么出庭,除其他外,他们作为镇静剂的时候看电视 忍不住心情激动。在次比赛尚未结束,而母亲已准备饭餐。母亲 要等到比赛结束了,如果我们不挨饿,然后我们将开始吃饭。电视不仅提供了我们 信息,而且还通过电视娱乐和我们也可以学到很多关于现代生活。顺便说一句,电视也发挥了 角色保持家庭在一起,另一个原因就是我喜欢它。

  家庭的英文作文 篇2

  There are five people in my family, father, mother, sister, brother and I, my family lives on the third floor, I know many neighbors, they are good to me.

  My father work in a motor company in linkou, he have to go to work every day to seven, eight o clock in the evening to get back home, mom didnt go to work, so she stays at home every day doing housework, send us adding and dropping classes, help my sister do lunch at noon.

  My sister has been on the junior high school, she has to get up at six more, when I get up every day so when all could not see her, the elder sister my homework is very good, I have no questions, she will be very patient to teach me. My brother how didnt go to the kindergarten class at eight o clock in the morning every day, sometimes I go to class when he is still in bed!

  My father and mother are all very concerned about me, I dont work, would they?? I, but also teach me how to do a lot of housework.

  I like my family because mom and dad are very love me also very concerned about me, although my mother is very fierce, I exam will be punished when Im bad, but I know they are good for me. Im in a bad mood, they will ask me what is, why is the mood bad?

  I think my family is very warm and happy, so I love my family and the family.







  家庭的英文作文 篇3

  Hello, everyone, welcome to my home. Ma Chi I am positive and optimistic, I am a boy, I was nine years old and a half. My birthday is November 26, so I can eat delicious cake soon. There are five people in my family: look, my grandfather, my grandmother, my father mother and I. Although I dont have a brother and sister, but I live also very happy. Our house is very spacious, there are two bedrooms, a living room and a new study.My grandma and grandpa are nomads, but its already retired, they look very young, I hope they healthy forever.My father is a very good driver, hes tall and strong and has a kind heart. My mother is a particularly good secretary, shes hard-working and ingenuity.I am a lively and active fifth-grade elementary school students, but we like to play volleyball, table tennis, also enjoy doing manual, rollerblading. I love to eat pineapple, sweet and sour, it is very delicious. There are many books in our house, I also love reading all the more, every weekend I would forget all about eating and sleeping.My mom and dad love me very much, I also love them very much. Dad at leisure, sometimes will take our family of five to foreign travel, mountain climbing, climbing in the desert. As long as you are a free and I will give them to tell jokes, let them relax. Grandma and grandpa kua I am a sensible child, every time at this moment, my heart joy bloom.I hope everyone has such a harmonious family.


  家庭的英文作文 篇4

  I live in a happy and caring intersection of home, we do not have magnificent buildings, only laughter house, which lives in love my parents, as well as good sister and naughty me.

  The Chinese New Year holiday, we use the sun of the day, the family decided to go everywhere, our one family sat in the father opened the car, listen to Dad jokes, my mother and sister, grinning; or we three people chorus of a song of pop songs, open happy heart imperceptibly, we have to.

  Well go to Confucian Temple for a walk, in addition to the main monuments here to look for, but also for my sister for exam shipped to prosper, because l senior sister will participate in the college entrance examination this year, I silently blessing sister admitted to the ideal school, also want to strive for further improvement; parents also give us full blessing.After visiting the antique Confucian Temple, in the evening, my parents took us to taste the local snacks, although the restaurant is not eating the delicacy, but we are very satisfied, because my parents are little sister favorite dishes, we enjoy the delicacy "".

  Then, I walked around, suddenly heard, as if from the nature of the music, it was street performers in the show, we stopped to listen, mom and dad to listen to intoxicated, I also play with my sister time.Somehow, after a long time, the performance was over, and we dispersed with the crowd, ready to go home.

  The annual summer vacation, I travel abroad door although not rich, there is no luxury resort hotel, but my dad will take my family to the country scenery spots, or at home to enjoy the warm time we belong to a family of four, although simple, but I have great love.

  家庭的英文作文 篇5

  My family is a family of four. Have papa, mama, I and there is a naughty lovely little sister. My home is not rich, but we have a family of four of sweet and happy, happy.

  My father is of middle height, not fat or thin, is a man of letter words, but sometimes also very humorous, labor back every day, often playing with our sisters, told us the story, teach me to sing. The mainest is father is a farmer, my household income depends on the fathers hard work.

  My mother is a smart housewife, all the housework by my mother, mother, quick, do delicious food, I often boast mom and dads good cooking skills. Mother discipline is very strict with my studies at ordinary times, often come to my ears wordy, she study for my broken heart, as to contribute to the family.

  And my sister, long very lovely, often rob small food with me and fight for toys, mom and dad to her teacher, sometimes I really want to mercilessly beat her, but the sight of her naughty, my spirit all disappear, see shes cute.

  This is my family, for life in this sweet and happy family, I feel proud, I love my family, love my family!






  家庭的英文作文 篇6

  My family

  I love my family,because I have a happy family.

  My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.My mother is a teacher.She is very kind and nice,and she is thirty-seven.I love my parents!

  On Saturday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano.My father go to play basketball.Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home.

  I love my family.Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!







  家庭的英文作文 篇7

  I have a happy home.

  My mother is a small family as an understanding wife and loving mother, the mother is responsible for everything.

  Daddy's nothing. Although no prestige, but to me and my brother is very good. Dad funny humor, always make this home every night full of happiness.

  For me, learning achievement is good, every year named ""three good"student". Sometimes to do housework at home, will not be convinced. Because they broke my interest.

  The younger brother is a little naughty, but very cute. Naughty when, black face, like Bao; lovely when, like the rabbit.

  "My family is so cute and lovely." This is my family.

  My family is very cute, very happy.

  家庭的英文作文 篇8

  I have a happy family.Do you want to know?Now,let me tell you.

  There are four people in my family.They’re my father,my mother,my sister and I.My father is a businessman,but he wants to be a policeman.Because he thinks it’s an exciting job.He likes reading newspapers very much.He reads newspapers every morning.My mother is a businesswoman,but she wants to be a doctor.Because she thinks it’s a great job and doctors can save people’s lives.She’s very busy.She cooks meals and cleans the house every day.I think she is very tired.She likes watching TV.My sister is a student.She wants to be a singer,because ahe thinks it’s fun.She likes dancing.She can dance well.I’m a student,too.I want to be a actress.I think it’s interesting.I like listening to pop music and reading.

  I like my family very much.

  家庭的英文作文 篇9

  There are 5 members in my family, my father,mother,elder brother, elder sister and me.My brother and sister were married,my brother has a 4 years old daughter. We moved to Shanghai when i was 3 years old, my parents are running business in a company until now. My father is a little bit childish, he feel that nothing is important than children happy, so he always satisfy to what we want since we were small. my mother take much care to this family, i used to feel than my mother is annoying, but now i understand what my mom did was for our own good. My brother is cuteand very tolerate, my sister is a strong-determination women, we fought everyday when we were small, but our relationship is close.

  I feel happy to have such family.

  家庭的英文作文 篇10

  I have a lovely brother. His name is Wang Yun. He is only one year old. He has a round face, a small nose and two big eyes. His eyes look like grapes,and his hair is short and black. He has many different kinds of toys like Mickey Mouse,elephants and so on. He likes playing with balls, but he can't play well, and just runs after balls.

  He seems to have a pecial interest in music.

  Any time he hears the music he will dance. Though he dances badly,he still loses himself in the music. I think he will be a good dancer in the future.

  Now he can read some easy poems word by word, so all my family think he is smart. His favourite sport is climbing up and down the chair like a monkey.

  We all like him. This is my brother. What a cute boy!

  家庭的英文作文 篇11

  In a few days, Thanksgiving Day is coming. In my life, there are many people who gave me help. But I would like to say thanks to my family. I love my family. Because when I am in trouble my parents will help me and let me be brave. My grandparents would tell me a lot of things that I need to pay attention to. And my little sister gives me a lot of happiness. My family gave a lot, so I want to say thanks to my family.

  My class is my second family. In this family, I met a lot of friends. They are so sweet! And when I need help, they would be the first to help me. When I am sad, they will comfort me. Most of the time, they are more close than family. We have a lot of good memories that will be unforgettable in my life. Teachers are very important members in the class, they affects us. They teach us how to be a useful person and let us know what is dream. And when we make.

  家庭的英文作文 篇12

  Goethe said, He is the happiest, being king or peasant, who finds peace in his home It is true. Home is the warmest place in the world. Home is the harbor.No matter where you are, you would like to be back home in the end.

  Home is the place which we often need to build. In order to create a kind of warm and intimate atmosphere, we must respect and understand each other.As a member of the family, it is not right to demand perfection from each other. The proper way is to cultivate flexibility, patience, and sense of humor. Parents can be more open.minded and trust their children, and the children should understand their parents pains. If we have spare time after supper, we may often communicate with each other and talk about what happened in the daytime. This type of conversation, called small talk, is of great importance because it often helps deepen the feelings between parents and children.

  If we do so, I believe our home will always be sweet.

  家庭的英文作文 篇13

  I am Ma Yuanhao. Now let me tell you something about my family. My family has seven people in it, my father, my mother, my brother, my sister, my uncle, my grandfather and I. My grandfather is a driver. He drives a bus. He works in Beijing. He has two kids. They are my father and my uncle.

  My father and my uncle are both office workers. They are in the same office. My brother is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He works in Shenyang.I am a student. My sister is a student,too. We are in the same school, but in different grades. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. We live in Beijing now with my parents.

  I often have bread and milk for breakfast. I like eating hamburgers, too. And for lunch, I usually have some chicken with vegetables and rice. Jiaozi is my favorite food. I usually have Jiaozi and an apple for dinner. I think I can eat healthily.

  My mother cooks very well. She often cooks nice food for us.

  I love my family!

  家庭的英文作文 篇14

  I have a happy family. My dad and mom love me so much.

  there are six people in my family, my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my sister and me.

  My dad is a boss. He is 39 years old. Hes tall and strong.

  He is very strict, too. He likes cars. I always goes to car show when he has time. My mom is my dads assistant. She is in charge of the company. She is 34 years old. She is tall, thin and very kind. She likes going shopping and reading books.

  My grandfather live with us. Hes old, short, and a little bit fat. He loves us very much. He likes listening to the Yue-Opra. My grandmother lives with us, too.

  She is old, short, thin and very kind, too. She likes planting trees and flowers. My younger sister is only three years old. She isnt a student. She is very lovely. She is in Media Kindergarten. She likes watching TV. I am a student of Grade Six. I study very hard now.

  I love my family. My family love me, too.

  家庭的英文作文 篇15

  I have a happy family. My dad and mom love me so much.

  there are six people in my family, my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my sister and me.My dad is a boss. He is 39 years old. Hes tall and strong. He is very strict, too. He likes cars. I always goes to car show when he has time. My mom is my dads assistant. She is in charge of the company. She is 34 years old. She is tall, thin and very kind. She likes going shopping and reading books.

  My grandfather live with us. Hes old, short, and a little bit fat. He loves us very much. He likes listening to the Yue-Opra. My grandmother lives with us, too. She is old, short, thin and very kind, too. She likes planting trees and flowers. My younger sister is only three years old. She isnt a student. She is very lovely. She is in Media Kindergarten. She likes watching TV. I am a student of Grade Six. I study very hard now.

  I love my family. My family love me, too.

  家庭的英文作文 篇16

  I have a big family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my sister and I. Though my grandparents and my parents are in different generation, they respect each other's lifestyle, so I barely see them have conflicts. I feel so lucky to live in a harmonious environment. Today, the TV shows always present the negative relationship between different generations, but it is not happening in my family. I learn to respect each other. My parents set the good example for me. So sometimes when my sister and I have argument, I won't shout at her. When we calm down, we can talk to each other peacefully. I love my family.



  家庭的英文作文 篇17

  Who is for the sake of our hard work? Who is for the sake of our belt? Is a family, our dearest family. They are so hard, to be us happy. You cherish the love?

  Grandpa cherished xiaomao. Xiaomao love to eat ice-sugar gourd. Grandpa will be bought him every day. But xiaomao grew up not to listen to my grandfather's words, not to cherish the love. Can be a few weeks later, my grandfather died. Xiaomao knows the meaning of "love", see grandpa love for him.

  How moving the story! When I got seems to taste the "bitter" warm ice, sugar was grandpa on xiaomao deeply love. "When I was a child, xiaomao love to eat ice-sugar gourd, grandpa took xiaomao to buy every day, every day also told xiaomao love is bought him ice-sugar gourd." As long as xiaomao love, grandpa would give him anything. And we who are not so? As long as we speak to want what, family will buy back, because they love us!

  家庭的英文作文 篇18

  The table gives information about poverty rates among six types of household in Australia in the year 1999.

  It is noticeable that levels of poverty were higher for single people than for couples, and people with children were more likely to be poor than those without. Poverty rates were considerably lower among elderly people.

  Overall, 11% of Australians, or 1,837,000 people, were living in poverty in 1999. Aged people were the least likely to be poor, with poverty levels of 6% and 4% for single aged people and aged couples respectively.

  Just over one fifth of single parents were living in poverty, whereas only 12% of parents living with a partner were classed as poor. The same pattern can be seen for people with no children: while 19% of single people in this group were living below the poverty line, the figure for couples was much lower, at only 7%.(150 words, band 9)

  家庭的英文作文 篇19

  My father is a big fat man, about 1 meters 65. Like oil, a kind of junk food such as kfc. My brother and I inherited all the characteristics of dad, but one thing was the common feature of my brother and me. It's like playing computer games, especially violent games. Grandpa is different from dad. Grandpa uses food and clothes badly, but dad is a big one. He always uses luxury and luxury. Mom is a very serious person. In bad words, she's a tigress. We manage very strict, not I boast, she can say you dozens of times a day, nagging for hundreds of years ah. My aunt is a successful person, went to college, got a job, became a white-collar. I'm an introvert, and I always do what I have to do or what I promise to do. Brother every day was too, they are the boss at home, who refused to listen to his fierce fierce cry cry. Until someone agrees.

  This is my happy family.

  家庭的英文作文 篇20








  Hello,everyone! My name is Meiri Guli. I'm a girl. I'm twelve. I'm a student in No. 1 Primary School. I'm in Class Two,Grade Six.

  Now let me tell you something about my family. There are four people in my family. They are my father,my mother,my sister and I. My father is a worker. My mother is a worker, too. My father likes reading. My mother likes reading and cooking. I like English and computer a lot.

  My parents go to work from Monday to Friday. They work hard. I go to school on weekdays. All of us are very busy, but we enjoy ourselves.

  At weekends my parents and I often go to the park. Sometimes I go shopping with my mother.

  I have a very happy family!

  家庭的英文作文 篇21

  My family lives in ShenZhen. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is an independent girl. She is very graceful. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot.










