

时间:2022-06-16 15:00:24 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  both the arts and protecting the environment are important causes, and both are often underfunded. they depend on government grants and private donations in order to continue. if a company were to give a sum of money to one of these causes, it would be difficult to choose between them. however, i believe that the company should put the money toward protecting the environment for the following reasons.

  first, the state of the environment affects everyone, and it affects people in a very important way. if mankind destroys the environment, we will not be able to survive. the arts are important to our quality of life, but the environment is important both to the quality of life and to life itself. second, because industry causes much of the damage to the environment, i believe that companies have some responsibility to support conservation and cleanup efforts.

  finally, protecting the environment is a bigger problem, and so requires a higher level of funding than the arts. a company’s donation to the arts may be more visible, but one to the protection of the environment would be more meaningful.

  in conclusion, while both the arts and environmental protection are worthy causes, i believe the company should make its donation to an environmental cause. the environment affects everyone in important ways and protecting it is a big job. hopefully, private donations will help to improve both our environment and our lives.

英文作文 篇2

  1、A country full of illiterates would suffer from poverty, ignorance and backwardness, and would have no escape from humiliation, as is the case with old China.一个充满文盲的国家将会承受贫穷、愚昧种落后,蒙受耻辱,就像旧中国一样。

  2、Although there are some disadvantages to going abroad, the advantages seem to me outweigh the disadvantages.虽然出国有一些缺点,但在我看来似乎优点多于缺点。

  3、As far as I am concerned, I am fond of living at college. 就我而言,我喜欢住校。

  4、By contrast, those who are against keeping pets believe pets can not only pollute the human environment but also threaten people’s health.相反,那些反对养宠物的人相信宠物不仅污染人类的环境而且威胁人类的`健康。

  5、Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages.和汽车相比,自行车有很多优点。

  6、Deciding all the things for the children will only make them a passive listener and dependent doer, which will do them no good in the long run. 事事替孩子做主,只会使孩子被动的顺从,不能自立,从长远观点来看,这对孩子并无好处。

  7、Despite the popularity of a newer source of information ---television, reading a newspaper is still our most convenient way to find out about the world around us. 尽管一种更新的信息来源——电视一分受欢迎,读报纸仍然是我们了解周围的世界最方便的一种方式。

  8、For the sake of public health it is time to take actions to eliminate this cause of death.为了公众的健康,是采取行动消除这种引起死亡原因的时候了。

  9、I think one of the main problems with today’s education is that too much emphasis is placed on test scores..我认为当今教育的主要问题之一是过于强调考试的分数了。

  10、In choosing a hobby that will suit our individual needs we have to take account of several factors.要选择一个适合自己需要的业余爱好,我们得考虑几个因素。

  11、It is evident that traffic accidents may not only cause a lot of deaths but also produce economic losses.很明显,交通事故不仅能引起众多死亡,而且会造成经济损失。

英文作文 篇3



  I. 常见的开头形式

  1. 记叙文类


  20xx年北京卷的第一节情景作文是要求介绍你班两位同学竞选班长的过程。Last Monday, our class held a monitor election. 就把时间和事件交代得非常清楚,使人一看就知道文章的大致内容。

  2. 议论文类


  20xx年辽宁卷高考英语书面表达主题是“健康成长”,其开头是: We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for the goal we must do several things.

  3. 图画类

  看图作文所提供的材料是一幅或几幅图画,对于看图作文,主要是看清楚题目要求,读懂画面内容,再进行写作很重要。如要求对图画发表议论,那么开头就要先对图画进行描述。如要求写一篇日记或故事,直接以叙述故事的形式开头,比如One day, ... 等。

  II. 常见的结尾形式

  1. 记叙文


  We were tired but happy. 或Though tired, we had a wonderful time that day. 语句虽短,但却表达出大家虽劳累却高兴的心情。

  2. 议论文


  (a) Finally, therefore, in a word, in short, in the end, as a result, in all ...

  (b) Generally speaking; As has been stated ...; As we (you) all know ...

  以20xx年上海卷为例,班长希望大家积极参与学校组织的`集体舞比赛,对此谈谈你的看法。其结尾是For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition.

  3. 图画类


  20xx年辽宁卷的图画作文要求描述李明和爷爷从养鸟到放鸟的一段经历,其结尾是:The bird was set free. Grandpa and the children were very happy to see the bird flying away into the sky. 以此结尾使全文更具有积极意义。










