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  维护网络安全英语作文 1

  Nowadays cyber criminals seem to be everywhere, with a few clicks, committing all kinds of cyber crimes.To illustrate, some commit fraud or lift intellectual property.Others subvert deals, snatch passwords or disrupt e-commerce.Still others unleash viruses to crash computers.As a result, these hackers do a great damage to companies and computer users, causing computer losses up to 10 billion dollars per year.

  Naturally,there are many causes for the cyber crimes.In addition to the wicked nature of the hackers, the fraihies of Internet partially nourish the crimes.Just because there are holes in Internet, the complex software is buggy and often infested, the cyber vandals can find out the weakness in the Website software programs and IV manipulating software glitches, gain access to Website, committing all kinds of crimes.

  However, we shouldnt tolerate these cyber criminals any more.And its high time for us to take all the effective steps to battle the cyber crooks.First we should reinforce the cyber laws to protect the Web, the powerful engine of economy.Besides,we should use high techniques to improve intrusion detection, encrypfion and computer security.Finally, we should train more talented people to build up more firewalls so as to make the net immune to all kinds of viruses and unalienable to all kinds of cyber criminals.




  维护网络安全英语作文 2

  We live in a technology era, the network has gradually replaced the telephone and television, brought a lot of convenience to our lives, has become an indispensable part of our life.However, with the development of network technology, the network application becomes more and more popular and the crime base on the network also come gradually.

  The proportion of companies’ computer security violated is 50%.In 1998,our country the public security cracked hacker case nearly 100,the purpose for economy of computer crime accounted for 70%.The cyber crime can make a business failure, leakage personal privacy, or the paralysis of a national economic, this is not alarmist.Thus the network security becomes more and more important.There are various reasons of cyber crime.First,the computer users security awareness.Many computers do not install antivirus software and firewall, or can not guarantee the antivirus software updated daily, which give the computer criminals an opportunity.Second,for illegal money online.

  The implementation of network crimes is various, but from the quantitative analysis,for money, gain on the majority.Third, the difficulties to get the evidence.The limited evidence of network crime left most also only have electromagnetic records, but there is no fingerprint or DNA evidence, but such evidence is also very easy to destroy.Fourth,the crackdown is not great on the computer in majority of countries.The laws of most countries do not make efforts on the prevention and control of network crimes,and the law is not sufficient to constitute a real threat to the Internet crime.

  In my opinion, the prevention of cyber crime we should first of all from the establishment of a sound outlook on life and values in the daily life, but not his.The network will occupy an increasingly important position in our future life, we should use the knowledge learning in school and life experience, to prevent and avoid being deceived.Accumulating enough Internet experience and prevention awareness of cyber crime, fully protect ourselves, away from the infringement of network crime.






  维护网络安全英语作文 3

  We always hear from our parents and relatives that this is an era of information, and we cannot do without the internet and information data. However, we overlook that the internet is a double-edged sword, with both advantages and disadvantages. The teacher told us in class that you should also pay attention to network security when surfing the internet, and not let the internet become your master. We may not have noticed that the internet is filled with a lot of dirty and violent information, which may seem insignificant, but is also plagued by security issues.

  I have seen more than once in the news about online violence causing young people in their prime to commit suicide. Every time I see this, I hear my parents standing by my side and exclaiming, "What a good child! Its a pity that he committed suicide like this because of internet issues." They also earnestly educate me, "You see, this is the internet. You must pay attention to using it properly, pay attention to the security issues of the internet, and not fall into the abyss of internet insecurity."

  As a young person, I always seem to understand things, but I still want to keep these words in mind. Security issues should not be taken lightly or taken lightly, as safety is not a trivial matter.

  In the face of the new era and new network security issues, as teenagers, we should pay more attention and often tell ourselves to wake up to any security related issues. This way, we can better utilize the internet and live a better life!





  维护网络安全英语作文 4

  The internet is a widely used tool by humans, which allows us to see things around the world and connect with distant relatives and friends. As the saying goes, "A scholar who does not go out can know the worlds affairs."

  Long term use of computers can affect peoples learning and knowledge. Although computers are very convenient, there are many hidden dangers, such as "online dating, online fraud, viruses, etc." Therefore, we need to be vigilant and prevent viruses from entering the computer.

  The advantages of the internet: "It is an essential tool for peoples daily life and work, and can be used for communication, investment, research, teaching, shopping, entertainment, and other activities." The disadvantages of the internet include: "It may hinder peoples ability to learn from multiple perspectives; excessive addiction to the virtual world of the internet can reduce their ability to interact with each other, hinder the normal development of interpersonal relationships in the real world, and also easily fall into the trap of online fraud and be victimized." Therefore, everyone should use the functions of computers and the internet to assist in learning, absorb knowledge, cultivate skills, and avoid addiction to online games and abuse of online socializing.

  We need to use computers with caution because there are many hidden crises on the internet. Therefore, we should not get stuck in the quagmire, operate computers with caution, and avoid accessing websites from unknown sources. More beneficial to our website. In summary, the internet has its advantages and disadvantages, both good and bad. We need to draw on the advantages and avoid the disadvantages in order to "be cautious about network security."



  网络的优点:“人们生活、工作必备的工具,可通过网络从事通讯、投资、研究、教学、购物、娱乐等活动。”网络的缺点有:“可能阻碍人们多方学习的能力; 过度沉迷在网络虚拟的世界,会降低人与人之间相处的能力,妨碍现实世界中人际关係的正常发展,也容易陷入网络诈骗的陷阱而受害。”因此,大家应该将电脑和网络的`功能运用在协助学习、吸收知识、培养技能等方面,并避免沉迷网络游戏和滥用网络交友。


  维护网络安全英语作文 5

  The Internet is a magical network, which tightly ties everyones heart together, because with this network, human life will be better. The Internet has given us a lot of knowledge, so that we can "stay at home and know the world", which is really fast and convenient. And there is also a downside to this magical website, which is that some unhealthy websites can bring unnecessary trouble to humans.

  There are some malicious individuals on the internet who, due to the strong curiosity of teenagers, will seize this opportunity to lure them. Even sending some vulgar information. I also have an account on QQ, and there are so many people on it that I dont know which one to add. Coincidentally, some of my classmates, teachers, and relatives also have QQ accounts, so I added them. Then they introduced me to some friends. This is also a good way to make friends.

  Perhaps you will see in the news how much money a certain teenager was scammed out of seeing netizens, which is also a common occurrence. On the internet, some people may pretend to be very knowledgeable to deceive others. Sometimes they may invite you to meet, but you must not go. Even if they are a good person, they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

  Network ethics are also very important. If you want to make close friends online, you must abide by network ethics. I have also experienced it firsthand. I registered an account on the BBS forum, and one day, while feeling bored, I messaged on the forum. The people on the forum were very worried and wanted to kick me out. They said to me, "If you post, Ill kick you out." I didnt believe it, so I continued. In the end, I was still kicked out.

  Only by paying attention to network security and valuing network ethics can one smoothly navigate the internet.

  Lets build a civilized network together.







  维护网络安全英语作文 6

  With the development of information technology and the increasing popularity of computers, the internet has become an indispensable part of life. It not only fully utilizes the diverse functions of the internet, but also closely integrates technology with life, providing people with a more comfortable and convenient information life. As long as you tap the mouse at home and connect to the internet, you can stay at home and stay informed about the worlds affairs. Even food, clothing, housing, transportation, and entertainment can be easily taken care of.

  I really enjoy surfing the internet and often go online, but I am always very careful. Although the online world is diverse and diverse, with many novel things, there are also many hidden traps. Like Trojan viruses, not only do they slow down computer operations, but personal information can also be stolen, and important information may also be stolen; There are also some malicious websites that, if left to be viewed by underage children, can cause significant harm to their physical and mental health; Some online friends and games can easily be deceived by unknown netizens, and even result in financial losses! Such examples are everywhere, and the victims are not only limited to children, but even adults suffer deeply.

  As the saying goes, "Water can carry a boat, or it can capsize a boat." The same goes for the internet, and it depends on how users handle it. If used well, it will be a good helper in work and life; If not used properly, it is very likely to harm oneself and leave only regret. In order to keep malicious websites away from us, avoid harm to our physical and mental health, and refuse virus intrusion into personal computers, we should pay attention when surfing the internet, and ensure that we do not download unknown or illegal software, do not open unknown links, do not disclose personal information, and do not go out with netizens, in order to protect personal safety and enjoy the online world.

  I hope everyone can enrich their knowledge and literacy on the internet in their daily lives, so that they can soar freely in the online world and absorb the rich resources brought by the convenience of the internet without fear of network traps.

  随着资讯科技的发达,电脑愈来愈普及,网络早已成为生活里不可或缺的一部份,不仅将网络多元功能发挥的淋漓尽致,更让科技与生活紧密结合,提供人们更舒适、便捷的资讯生活。只要在家轻点滑鼠,连上网络,就能“秀才不出门,能知天下事”,甚 至食、衣、住、行、育乐等生活所需,也都能一指搞定。

  我很喜欢上网,也常上网,但我总是非常小心。因网络世界虽然五花八门、包罗万象,有 很多新奇的事物,不过潜藏的.陷阱也很多。像木马病毒,不仅让电脑运作速度变慢,个人资料也会跟着外,重要资料也可能被盗取;还有一些不良网站,若让未成年儿童浏览,对身心造会成莫大的伤害;更有一些网络交友、线上游戏,一个不小心就可能被未谋面的网友给骗了,甚至人财两失!这样的例子比比皆是,受害者还不仅止于儿童,甚至是成年人也深受其害。



  维护网络安全英语作文 7

  With the popularization of the internet, we have entered the 21st century of the information age, and computers have become essential in everyones lives. People can access all social information on the computer without leaving their homes. We have achieved the goal of eating on the computer, wearing on the computer, shopping on the computer, and even making friends on the computer. Computers and the internet have become omnipotent tools, bringing us a lot of convenience in our lives. However, the internet is not without risks, and there are also some security issues in the network. When you are engaged in online activities, your computer may be at risk and your personal information may be leaked. Therefore, while using computers, we should also pay attention to whether our computers are in danger.

  Nowadays, "knockoff" websites are rampant on the internet, and you cant distinguish which is true between genuine and fake versions. The knockoff version has reached the point of confusing the real with the fake, and many people have been deceived by it. When browsing web pages, everyone should pay attention to their layout and not be deceived.

  Although the internet is good, it is not omnipotent. There are many traps and scams on the internet. When you open a webpage, you should pay attention to whether it is legitimate and not fall for the scams of criminals. If you are cheated of money and property, pay attention to yourself and the information you have posted on the internet. Do not open those unsafe networks, and pay more attention to the security of your account when making payments. Hackers should be more careful, as the Panda Incense Virus has invaded many peoples computers.

  Although the internet is good, everyone should also pay attention to the security of their information and accounts, and not be fooled by others. Always pay attention to things related to oneself. Pay attention to your own security, understand the security of the internet, lay the foundation for your healthy internet access, and also provide security guarantees for yourself. Develop good habits of healthy internet browsing, and avoid giving opportunities to those who have organic content. This not only strengthens ones own security, but also prevents oneself from worrying about information on the internet.





  维护网络安全英语作文 8

  Now - in the 21st century, the internet has become a must-have for everyone. The internet is like an invisible web, turning the entire earth into a global village. It not only narrows the distance between people, but also between countries.

  Of course, everything has two sides. As the saying goes, "Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it." For example, in daily life, almost every student has their own QQ. At the beginning, QQ was just a communication tool between people. Slowly, some students began to curse and swear

  In the process of learning, everyone will encounter problems they dont know how to solve or need to search for information, and then we will use Baidu search. At this point, some unscrupulous individuals took advantage of the situation and jumped out of some "yellow" junk websites. In this situation, we cannot click to enter to prevent malicious elements from taking advantage of the opportunity to steal their important information, and it can also effectively prevent ourselves from becoming obsessed and taking the path of crime.

  When making friends with QQ, we must think twice and choose carefully. Never add friends indiscriminately, otherwise it will create some unnecessary trouble. There is a living example around me: once, a little girl met a "friend" online, and they quickly became QQ friends. Later, the friend asked her to go to a place to play, and the little girl readily agreed and walked out of the house alone. At the last glance, it turned out to be some unscrupulous individuals, completely different from what was said on QQ, and so she was mercilessly captured.

  Of course, the internet still has more advantages than disadvantages. Many websites are legitimate green websites, and there are also many websites similar to security education platforms. These websites can enhance your awareness of prevention and broaden your horizons. Even many studies and jobs cannot do without the internet. With the internet, we can stay at home and learn about the outside world.

  The internet is like a double-edged sword. If used well, it can be used to perfection, but if not operated properly, it can put you in danger. So, we must keep our eyes open during use.







  维护网络安全英语作文 9

  The term "internet" is not unfamiliar to me, and playing computer games is a set of things. But have you ever thought about the dangers of being addicted to online games while playing?

  For example, on March 1st this year, students from Class 5 of Grade 1 in Huilong Town Middle School, Shaba District, Chongqing fell asleep on the railway tracks after playing games overnight in a "black internet cafe". Two of the students were run over by a train and killed. It is unbelievable that 14-year-old Luo, who was awakened by the train and fled to his death, witnessed his companions being crushed to the point of being flesh and blood. On the day his companions were crushed, he still couldnt help but play computer games in an authentic internet cafe.

  Seeing this, you should have "experienced" the horror of being addicted to online games, but this is just one of thousands of terrifying examples.

  In December of last year, eight teenagers in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, who were obsessed with the internet, were killing in the virtual world in a daze. They turned their attack on a 14-year-old high school student with flesh and blood, until the target fell forever

  Arent these heart wrenching examples enough to illustrate the dangers of being addicted to online games?

  The internet is just a tool for our communication, not a game console. To achieve network security, we must do the following:

  1. Use the internet more for communication and learning.

  2. Play games less online.

  3. It is not advisable to use the computer continuously for too long.

  4. Do not spread false information online, do not spread or click on yellow information online.

  If these points are achieved, going online will be safe, healthy, and happy.

  When I usually go online, even if I play games, I dont spend more than half an hour online each time. I also set a rule for myself, which is to only play for a maximum of one hour per week, and not exceed half an hour each time. Even if I use it all at once, I still need to relax for 10 minutes in between. When I play games, I also have choices about the game content, and I absolutely dont like violent or yellow content; Not going to unhealthy websites; Play green, large childrens games when you have free time, such as Moores Manor, Sail, and so on.

  In short, for the sake of your and your familys physical and mental health, surfing the internet should be safe, healthy, and joyful. Please do not indulge in online games.














  维护网络安全英语作文 10

  When there was no computer before, people always tried to search for information using books. Nowadays, with computers, we dont have to work so hard to find information.

  The internet is a very vast world. If you want to search for information now, just turn on the internet, type in the search area, and easily press search. Millions of answers will be presented one by one, whether you are looking for auction items, local landscapes, zodiac signs or looking up dictionaries, everything will immediately appear. This is the convenience of the internet now.

  Although the internet has brought convenience to life nowadays, there is also a scary side to the internet, such as viruses, data leakage, fraud, or addiction to games, which are all very scary phenomena, especially personal data leakage. If data is leaked, there will be some fraudulent phone calls to your home, which is also the most frightening thing.

  The online world is diverse and very convenient, but the internet has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it brings convenience to life, while the disadvantage is to be careful of being scammed. If you can use the internet safely, then you are a powerful information expert.





  维护网络安全英语作文 11

  Nowadays, the use of the internet is becoming increasingly frequent, and the internet is also another teaching mode. We can quickly obtain information through the internet, and the internet has also opened up new horizons for us. The functions of the internet include shopping, making friends, news, knowledge, games, etc. Modern peoples lives are inseparable from the internet.

  Even though the internet brings convenience to peoples lives, it is also full of many dangers and precautions. When we use online resources, we often overlook whether the information on the internet is protected by copyright, and accidentally violate the law, such as arbitrarily reposting other peoples works, uploading inappropriate movies and photos, etc. In addition, personal information cannot be leaked, and at the same time, it is necessary to prevent the invasion and means of fraud groups; If threatened by netizens, please ask your parents or teachers for help, and do not have any financial dealings or social interactions with netizens, let alone buy things from unknown sources to protect your own safety.

  Although the internet is developed now, some online information may not be accurate, so it is important to make correct judgments and use the internet with caution to avoid violating the law or being scammed!




  维护网络安全英语作文 12

  Be careful with network security. There is a sequence for shutting down the internet, but be careful if the sequence is wrong, as terrifying viruses may come to you. Personal information should be kept confidential and never leaked. Computer poisoning should be repaired, and when searching for information online, attention should be paid.

  Dads lightweight "divine brain" has also had experience of poisoning. Afterwards, when using a computer, I also need to pay attention to the rules of network usage and not easily use data and software from unknown sources, so as to protect my computer.

  Although computers are very convenient and bring us broader, freer, and faster information in our lives, we cannot easily encroach on other peoples information due to the convenience of the online world, leaving intellectual property without any protection; Even some people use online fraud, drug trafficking, and virus dissemination to make the online world very insecure, even terrifying!

  So whether its oneself or others, everyone should maintain network security and use it with caution. So, the online world will be both convenient, fast, and incredibly happy!





  维护网络安全英语作文 13

  Today is the era of the internet, which brings both convenience and harm to people. The internet has become an important component of peoples lives, serving as the main channel for entertainment, making friends, learning, and other activities.

  There are also many forms of online harm, and the main target of online harm is minors who have poor control. In addition, parents and schools lack strict discipline, leading to a series of tragic incidents.

  The main ways of network harm include: harmful information, rendering of violent games, and so on.

  The internet may not be secure, and you may have experienced situations where you download something from the internet that cannot be used, but instead cannot be d, which inexplicably wastes time and energy. Some of your secrets were stolen by others because you downloaded it.

  Network security is also an issue that cannot be ignored! Now is the era of the internet! This not only depends on the supervisory department. We still need to rely on all of us to maintain the network. Create a safe internet environment for minors.






  维护网络安全英语作文 14

  It is undeniable that the internet is a double-edged sword. In todays society, cybersecurity has to attract the attention of many people. The impact of the internet on todays society is still significant. Is the internet more beneficial than harmful, or is it more harmful than beneficial? This is a thought-provoking question.

  Firstly, the internet has indeed brought many conveniences to people. People cant go out, but they know the worlds big and small things. You can also shop online, chat online, listen to music, and so on. Due to the development of the internet, a series of thorny problems have emerged one after another. For example, some people are unable to extricate themselves due to their addiction to the internet. In the real world, there are not many cases of teenagers suddenly dying in internet cafes, which has aroused peoples high attention to network security.

  But it has to be said that computers are a great invention because you can almost find the information you are looking for online. But also due to its development, many people become overly excited while playing and sleep forever underground. So, the internet is also terrifying.

  Network security has become a concern for many people, and many have raised sincere questions: "How to use the network for security?" I believe that the self-control of who is involved is closely related. Listening to songs appropriately after fatigue can help people relax. But some people play without restraint, which not only fails to have an effect, but also makes people more demoralized. Isnt this against their ultimate will?

  Some businesses invent games with bloody scenes for personal gain, but they can attract a large number of teenagers. They are just seeking stimulation. But this has had an impact on their physical and mental health, causing their hearts to become distorted and allowing the Buddha to immerse themselves, making it difficult to distinguish between reality and reality. So its not enough to say that the internet is fictional.

  I think we should use the internet to learn knowledge and stay away from unattractive materials. But when we search for information, boring advertisements often pop up, which has a great impact on us because we are lost and curious during adolescence. But this often leads us to fall off a cliff. When it comes to this, we should seek help from teachers, parents, and people we trust.

  However, the internet is also exciting, what we see is how we can make use of it. For example, we can send emails to chat with people from other countries. We dont have to worry about not being able to chat because there are translation software available online, so we can also learn about foreign cultures.

  But there are also some people who do not take their work seriously and post a lot of negative information online to mislead others thoughts. So the internet is a double-edged sword. It can help a person, but it can also destroy a person. What we see is how we use it.

  Many people have weak awareness of cybersecurity and casually give their numbers and addresses to strangers they meet online, giving criminals the opportunity to commit crimes. Little do they know that this poses a hidden danger to their own security.

  Some people have processed (vilified) other peoples photos and posted them online, which not only violates the portrait rights of the parties involved, but also undermines the personality of others. However, we can also find this person online and sue them to protect our own interests. The various types of software on the internet bring us convenience, but also have adverse effects.

  Network security still has a significant impact. We should pay attention to issues related to network security. You should consult information to better protect yourself. The benefits of technological development have also brought about unknown drawbacks. The impact of cybersecurity is crucial for the development of our physical and mental health, and we should take it seriously.

  Lets further explore the impact of cybersecurity. Create a better and more civilized world, making our motherland stronger.





















