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  写鲸的初二英语作文 1

  Whale are huge animals. They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life. One intere sting fact is whales can jump high out of water. Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them formeat,fat,and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap. Whales are also in danger from water pollution. We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea. I think people should learn more about whales.


  写鲸的初二英语作文 2

  Nowadaysthe whales is in danger.Because many countries kill them for different usethey are dying out.


  To protect our earth and oceanespecially the diversity of creatures.we must realize that we should take effective measures to protect them.If the whales died outit would have an important influence on other animals in the sea.Alsothe environment will be changed.


  I sincerely hope that we can make our effort to save them!


  写鲸的初二英语作文 3

  Whale are huge animals.They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life.


  One intere sting fact is whales can jump high out of water.


  Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them formeat,fat,and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap


  Whales are also in danger from water pollution.


  We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea.I think people should learn more about whales.


  写鲸的初二英语作文 4

  Whale is the biggest animal in the world, but Blue Whale is the greatest whale.


  As we all know, a bus is about 15 tons, but some Blue Whales are more than 100 tons.


  A bus could be 45 feet long, but some whales are about 100 feet long.


  Recently, the number of whales on the world is decreasing signally.


  We have the Protect them as one of our duties, for a better world.


  写鲸的初二英语作文 5


  The reason why killer whales become sea kings is because they have corresponding conditions: firstly, they have sharp teeth that bend inward and backward, and their upper and lower teeth are interlocked, making it difficult for prey to escape, and they can also tear and cut prey; The second is the ability to quickly and accurately pursue prey. The tall dorsal fin of killer whales can act as a rudder, ensuring body balance during pursuit; Thirdly, it is insatiable and specializes in predatory carnivorous life. Almost all other animals in the ocean can be its food, and it is very cunning, sometimes dying to lure prey; Fourthly, killer whales are group dwelling animals that often move in small groups of 3-4, sometimes reaching 30-40. Collective hunting naturally increases their power.


  In addition, killer whales have a unique hobby of eating whale lips and tongues. Someone once observed 35 gray whales caught and found that 7 of them had their tongues partially or completely eaten by killer whales, indicating that these gray whales had been attacked by killer whales. Sometimes, when a giant whale is killed by whaling shells and floats on the sea or is towed by a ship, killer whales will take advantage of the fire and burrow into the mouth of the dead whale, devouring its lips and tongue. Even if they cannot be driven away by shelling, it is truly laughable.


  It is amazing that such a ferocious killer whale is actually the "language master" in the whale kingdom. Research has shown that killer whales can produce 62 different sounds, and each sound has different meanings. The killer whales living in different sea areas, and even different groups of killer whales, have varying degrees of differences in the tone of their language, similar to human dialects. Therefore, researchers refer to it as the "killer whale dialect". Sometimes, a large number of fish schools appear in a certain sea area, and killer whales come from all directions to forage. But their calls are different from each other. Researchers speculate that killer whales can communicate with each other through language, and it remains an unsolved mystery how they understand each others dialects and whether they also have translations like humans.


  It is worth mentioning that although killer whales are exceptionally ferocious, they have never witnessed or heard of killer whales harming humans. Moreover, domesticated killer whales have a gentle temperament and even perform many exciting performances.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 6


  Blue whales are the worlds largest mammals, found in various oceans and seas around the world. It can grow up to about 30 meters in length, weigh about 170 tons, and can open its mouth wide enough to accommodate 10 adults to freely enter and exit. The blue whale has a light blue spine and a wrinkled belly with ochre yellow spots. Its tail is wide and flat, able to swing freely and flexibly in the water, serving as both a driving force and a rudder, with a speed of up to 27 kilometers per hour. The feeding mode of blue whales belongs to the "swallowing type", mainly feeding on plankton such as shrimp, jellyfish, and diatoms. It often opens its bloody mouth on the water surface, swallows shrimp and seawater together, then closes its mouth and filters out seawater, swallowing the shrimp into its belly. A blue whale eats about 4 tons of krill every day. If its stomach contains less than 2 tons of food, it will become hungry and panic, as if it will never be full. So it often dives into depths of 30-40 meters to search for food. Due to staying in the water for a long time, every time I float to the surface for air exchange, a water column of about 15 meters high is sprayed out from my nostrils, which looks like a fountain from a distance. The strength of a blue whale is very strong, approximately equivalent to the pulling force of a medium-sized locomotive. It is said that a blue whale once towed a whaling speedboat that was over 27 meters long and ran for over 70 kilometers, while the speedboat was driving backwards at full power.


  Blue whales breed in winter. The mother whale gave birth to a baby whale after being pregnant for a year. The newborn whale has a body length of about 7.5 meters and weighs about 6 tons. After 24 hours of feeding, its weight can increase by about 100 kilograms, with an average increase of about 75 grams per minute. After 7 months of breastfeeding, the juvenile whale can reach a weight of about 23 tons and a body length of about 16 meters, and begins to learn to open its mouth and swallow various plankton. Little blue whales do not reach adulthood until they are 5 years old, and their lifespan is approximately 20-30 years.


  Blue whales are full of treasures, and their fat can be used to make soap; Whale meat is delicious and edible, rich in nutrients; Whale bones can be used to extract glue; Whale liver contains a large amount of vitamins; Blood and internal organs are also high-quality fertilizers. Therefore, blue whales have been repeatedly hunted and killed indiscriminately by humans. At present, the number of blue whales is rapidly decreasing, almost reaching the brink of extinction.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 7


  Born in the sea, belonging to the sea, growing in the sea, hidden in the sea.


  I always like to lean on a small wooden chair and watch the sea quietly by myself. The waves hit my leg, and I was taken aback. Then another wave hit the nearby beach.


  I think of whales, those lonely animals.


  Whales, born and raised in Sri Lanka. They are accustomed to living alone upstream on the sea. They have no companions, let alone small fish to accompany them, only endless seawater to accompany them for a lifetime. The sea is their best friend.


  They like to swim freely in the azure sea, occasionally jumping out of the water, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and then slowly falling into the water, causing a large splash of water. In the quiet of the night, they sing a song to the passing ships, the ethereal and melodious sound that comes from ancient times. Unfortunately, the terrifying fate of ancient times imprisoned them, and they sighed and sank to the bottom of the sea.


  With a long roar, they closed their eyes and the heavy corpses slowly sank into the deep sea, adding a romantic touch to their deaths. Are they regretful? Unfortunately, they are an extremely gentle kind. They sink to the bottom of the sea, feeding creatures with their bodies. Their fate lies in the deep sea, which for whales is death; But for other organisms, it is rebirth. When a whale falls, all things come to life. This is the last gentle touch left by whales to the sea.


  Gary Snyder once said, "Whales fall to the bottom of the sea and feed the beings of the dark realm for fifteen years." It passed away but never left, disappearing but ubiquitous. It has not died, its soul has been reborn, it dares to take on the role of that pioneer, and its greatest beauty lies in selfless dedication.


  The beauty of a whale falling slowly fills my heart, inspiring me in my youth to relentlessly pursue my own dreams, uphold my original aspiration, and take on my own social responsibility. Although I am alone, I do not feel lonely at all.


  The meaning of life is generally the same. Life should rise like a Peng, and eventually fall like a whale.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 8


  Like a fish but not a fish, forever in the sea; From a distance, it looks like a fountain in a garden, but up close, it looks like a small island. Do you know who this is? This is us - the blue whale.


  We whales are mammals because they look like fish but not fish. Originally, our ancestors, like the ancestors of cattle and sheep, lived on land. Later, the living environment changed and our ancestors lived in shallow waters. After a long period of time, our bodies underwent earth shattering changes. Our forelimbs and tails gradually became fins, while our hind limbs completely degenerated. Our entire body became like a fish, adapting to marine life.


  We have many types and can be divided into two main categories. One type is baleen whales like us, and the other is toothed whales with sharp teeth. Although our baleen whales are calmer than toothed whales, their food intake is not small. We can eat over 2000 kilograms of small fish and shrimp in one meal. The toothed whale is much more ferocious than us. Focus on a sea beast and open its sharp teeth to bite, and the sea beast will perish in the underworld. There is also a type of killer whale known as the "tiger of the sea", which often surrounds one of our companions with dozens of heads and eats it as food. Whenever this happens, my heart feels like a knife.


  We breathe with our lungs like humans. Our nostrils grow on our heads and float out of the sea when we exhale. The air sprayed out from the nostrils forms a column of water, like a fountain in a garden. Our baleen whales have thin and high water columns; The water column of toothed whales is tilted, thick and short.


  When we sleep, we always like to gather a few heads together to feel secure, with our heads facing inward and tails facing outward, forming a circle. If you hear any movement, it will scatter in all directions.


  Whales have many characteristics that are very different from fish: generally, fish move their tail fins left and right to move their bodies forward, while we move our tail fins up and down to move forward.


  Our whale has a large body shape, especially our blue whale. The largest weighs about 160000 kilograms, and the smallest also weighs over 2000 kilograms. My mouth is like a one bedroom, one living room house, its so spacious!


  We used to live happily, but in recent years, with human greed, we have hunted and killed a large number of my companions. Therefore, I appeal here: "Humans save us, do not harm the lives of millions of whales because of your own greed!"

  写鲸的初二英语作文 9


  Previously, you might have thought that elephants were the largest animals, but in reality, they are not. Currently, the largest known animal on Earth is the blue whale among whales.


  How big is the blue whale? The largest blue whale weighs 180000 kilograms, equivalent to 180 bison, with a heart size of about two large fat pigs and arteries that allow small dogs to walk in. The longest one is about 33 meters.


  What does the blue whale eat when its so big? He doesnt have teeth, but he can eat 4000-8000 tons of small shrimp and fish in a meal. He usually sucks the small fish, shrimp, and seawater into the filter plate through the black hole like attraction of his big mouth, filters out the seawater, and stuffed the small fish and shrimp into his stomach. Its simply a natural enemy of small fish and shrimp.


  Although the blue whale is currently the largest known creature on Earth, as the saying goes, when encountering water, one thing catches another. So it also has a natural enemy, which is its distant relative, the killer whale. Although the blue whale is incredibly powerful, with about 2000 horsepower, it has once dealt a heavy blow to a medium-sized whaling ship, but it still cannot withstand the bite and attack of the tiger shark. It is eaten by the tiger shark three times, five out of two, and has no ability to resist.


  How can the blue whale breathe when its so big? It should be noted that although blue whales look similar to fish and have the word "fish" in their names, their relationship with fish is nothing more than that. So blue whales cannot absorb oxygen from the water. They breathe through their lungs and are mammals. They can only float to the surface of the water first, and then spray exhaust gas out from the concave part of their head, like a fountain. Then inhale oxygen, dive into the water, and stay in the water for another 60 minutes, while as mammals, we can only hold for an average of 2-4 minutes, which is about 15 times that of us.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 10


  Whales are recognized by humans as underwater giants, a large and gentle animal. Today, I will introduce it to you!


  Fish are marine animals, and whales are no exception. Fish breathe through their gills, while whales breathe through their lungs. The breathing hole of a whale is located above its head. When breathing, the whale first expels the exhaust gas from its lungs. When this strong and powerful airflow rushes out of its nostrils, it makes a loud sound, accompanied by passionate music. A "fountain" gushes out, creating a beautiful scenery on the sea surface!


  Whales also have inventions and creations.


  In the past, ships had pointed bows, but they always couldnt drive fast, while whales with round heads and round heads could often surpass seagoing ships. What is the reason for this? After repeated research, scientists have found that its shape is an extremely ideal "streamline", and the "streamline" has the smallest resistance in water. Later, designers imitated the shape of whales when designing the hull, greatly improving the time and speed of ships sailing on the water surface.


  Military experts observed the lives of whales. Every 20 to 60 minutes, you need to surface and breathe. With their backs arched out of the water and their heads protruding into the fountain, scientists were inspired to enhance the strength and thickness of the submarines raised command deck and upper structures such as the hull, and to mimic the shape of a whales back. As a result, they had a significant impact on whales.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 11


  Many people know about the great white shark and say that it is the "ocean hegemon". In fact, there is another animal that is more ferocious and has a smarter brain than the great white shark, and that is the king of the sea - the killer whale.


  The killer whale is the largest species in the family Dolphinidae, with a slightly round head, an inconspicuous beak, black and white saddle spots, and especially their eyes, resembling ninja masks. At present, the largest known killer whale is about 9.75 meters tall and weighs about 9.5 tons, which is the weight of 3-4 Asian elephants.


  Tiger whales mainly feed on squid and fish, and can even prey on large sea animals such as sperm whales. They have strong teeth, which are mainly used for grasping rather than chewing, so they are not as sharp as sharks. The animals they catch are swallowed whole.


  Tiger whales breathe through their lungs, and each time they breathe, they form a water column fountain, which is tilted, thick, and short. Tiger whales generally sleep near the surface of the water, and they sleep in groups, which is beneficial for raising vigilance and greatly improving safety.


  The killer whale family consists of a male killer whale and more than 20 female killer whales. Female killer whales give birth to only one baby killer whale at a time, and their lifespan is extremely long, reaching over 80-90 years old. But now, killer whales are very rare, only 20000, all because people used to indiscriminately kill killer whales to obtain dragon saliva fragrance.


  Lets take action and protect killer whales together!

  写鲸的初二英语作文 12


  In the vast expanse of the blue sea, several yellow highlights appeared. Get closer, get closer, and you can see clearly that there are a few yellow lights. It turns out that it is a cruise ship speeding at sea.


  How could a ship travel so fast in the pitch black sea? It turns out that people have gained great inspiration from whales.


  Whales live in water, with round heads and large bodies, but they often easily surpass ships sailing in the sea. Why is this?


  After repeated research, proof, modification of the shape of the ship, and experimentation, scientists finally discovered the secret of why whales can easily surpass ships!


  In the past, the speed of ships was very slow. Scientists carefully studied whales and found that their shape was an ideal "streamlined" shape, which suffered the least resistance in water. Later, designers imitated the shape of whales to design the hull, greatly improving the speed of the ships navigation.


  In the world of nature, there are many places worth learning and imitating. The world of nature is wonderful, and we have been inspired by animals to transform or invent many things. For example, we were inspired by dragonflies to make the plane more stable.


  Biology is really a good teacher for humans! Perhaps humans are the most powerful, and nature has also given us a lot of inspiration.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 13


  The largest animal on land is the elephant, while the largest animal in the ocean is the whale. Perhaps because the area of the ocean is much larger than that of land, whales are also many times larger than elephants, perhaps this can be called the scale effect. Therefore, whales are also the largest animals on Earth today.


  There are over 90 species of animals belonging to the order Cetaceae on Earth, making it a beloved family. But the so-called whale is not actually a real fish, but a fish shaped vertebrate belonging to the mammalian class and the order Cetaceae. More than 50 million years ago, the ancestors of modern whales left the land and entered the vast and desolate sea. It took a long time for them to gradually evolve into their current form, spreading throughout the worlds oceans.


  Modern whales have a highly streamlined body, making them easy to swim and reducing water resistance. Therefore, regardless of whether the wind is calm or the waves are roaring, they still maintain a calm demeanor, like strolling in a leisurely courtyard. Whales have a hairless body and smooth skin that forms a smooth surface, which can also reduce the resistance of water when moving forward; The unique feature of this type of marine vertebrate is the degeneration of the forelimbs into flippers, the degeneration of the hind limbs, and the horizontal arrangement of the tail (horizontal caudal fins).


  Another characteristic of whales is that their external nostrils are located on the back of the head, forming a spray hole. On the rippling blue ocean, tall, feather shaped water columns and droplets can often be seen, resembling strands of fountain, which is very spectacular. The inner nostrils of whales open at the throat, allowing them to safely swallow food in water without choking. The lungs have great flexibility and capacity, and can suck in a large amount of air at once, so whales can stay underwater for a long time, and some can dive into deep sea areas.


  Whales are warm blooded animals, and their body temperature always remains around 37 ℃, similar to human body temperature. However, the seawater is cool, especially in the Arctic, where the water temperature is often below zero degrees. Moreover, water absorbs heat much faster than air, so whales have a sponge like thick layer of cortex and a thick layer of fat below the cortex as insulation to ensure that the body loses as little heat as possible. In addition, due to the much greater resistance of water compared to air, whales require more energy and physical strength to move. Of course, there are both advantages and disadvantages, as the sea is rich in food and there are few competitors, making it easier to eat enough. Moreover, perhaps more importantly, although seawater has great resistance, it also has great buoyancy. Giant creatures like whales, which are tens of meters long and weigh over 100 tons, cannot survive on land no matter what. It is extremely difficult to forage, even to move, and it is difficult to move even a single step. So, whales provide a way for obese people to live without losing weight, which is to go back to the water and live!

  写鲸的初二英语作文 14


  When I was a child, I was deeply influenced by the "underwater mobilization" and became obsessed with marine creatures. I dont even know the reason for liking it, its an inexplicable liking, especially for the mysterious and massive sperm whale.


  This summer, my whole family went to the beach to watch whales. Finally, I was able to meet my favorite whale and dolphin, hoping to see it as stunning as seeing a huge pufferfish.


  Time passes by minute by second, and there is not even a dolphin at sea, let alone an uncommon sperm whale. Suddenly, the captain brought everyone exciting news. At two oclock, there was a small sperm whale in the direction. Our ship accelerated at full speed and charged to the right, finally arriving before the small sperm whale dived into the water. Its huge body was far larger than I had imagined, and its swimming posture was as light and carefree as a bird. The exposed part of the sea showed baseball sized eyes, and finally its tail, which was even larger than its wings, tilted out of the sea and slowly slid into the sea. That was the last time I saw its figure.


  The captain said, "We are the tourists who saw sperm whales in the first season of this year.". It makes me proud and also makes me love sperm whales more. I hope these whales can survive safely in the sea, and no one will eat their dorsal fins and get injured or die. Sperm whale, looking forward to meeting again!

  写鲸的初二英语作文 15


  Whales are the largest mammals that breathe with their lungs in the ocean. They are divided into two categories. One type is baleen whales, which have no teeth; One type is toothed whales, which have teeth.


  Many people think that whales are fish and call them whales, but this statement is actually incorrect. Because whales breathe through their lungs, while fish do not. The ancestors of whales lived on land like cattle and sheep. Later, the environment changed. Its front feet gradually turned into fins, and its back feet completely degenerated, living in the ocean, resembling a fish. However, it still breathes through its lungs, and water sprays out from its nostrils above its head, forming a huge column of water, like a fountain in a garden. The water column of a baleen whale is straight, thin, and high; The water column of toothed whales is slanted, thick, and slanted. Whales are viviparous and are mammals, while fish, although also viviparous, do not breastfeed.


  The smallest whale is also over one meter long, and the largest whale is over thirty meters long. The young offspring of the zebrafish whale are born over ten meters long and weigh over ten thousand pounds.


  Their lifespan is very long, some can live to over a hundred years old. Whales have no teeth, so they can only eat small fish and shrimp, and water sprays out from the middle of their whiskers. Toothed whales mainly prey on large fish and sea animals. There is a killer whale called the King of the Sea that eats a baleen whale for only half a day.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 16

  鲸类是一种生活在水中的哺乳动物,它具有和陆上哺乳动物相同的生理特征,例 如用肺呼吸、胎生等,更具备了一些为适应水生环境所演化出的特殊生理构造。鲸分为3类,分别是须鲸和齿鲸。这两大类的分群,再学术上主要是依据它们摄食方式之不同而定,须鲸主要的形态特征 是没有牙齿,但是有具大的鲸须,可用来筛选浮游生物,所以为滤食性。齿鲸亚目的主要特征 为有牙齿,掠食性,其牙齿的数目与排列方式受到食性的影向会有不同,全世界现存有13科约 79种。

  Whales are a type of aquatic mammal that share the same physiological characteristics as terrestrial mammals, such as lung respiration and viviparity. They also possess special physiological structures that have evolved to adapt to aquatic environments. Whales are divided into three categories, namely baleen whales and toothed whales. The classification of these two categories is mainly determined academically based on their different feeding habits. The main morphological feature of baleen whales is that they do not have teeth, but they have large whale whiskers that can be used to screen for plankton, so they are filter feeders. The main characteristics of the toothed whale suborder are teeth and predation. The number and arrangement of teeth are influenced by their diet, and there are about 79 species in 13 families worldwide.


  Although whales have the word "fish", they are not actually fish, but mammals. They have many characteristics that are very different from fish. For example, in general, fish move their tail fins left and right to move forward, while whales move their tail fins up and down to move forward. They use their front fin like limbs to maintain body balance and control force direction, and some whales also have fins on the upper back that can keep their bodies vertical!


  Whales are clustered animals that usually live in groups in the sea. However, when whales breathe, they need to swim to the surface of the water. At this time, whales use the spray holes on their heads to breathe, and when they exhale, the moisture in the air condenses to form the familiar fountain shape. Experts can even identify whale species from the height, width, and angle of the water spray! There are many types of whales, roughly divided into two categories: toothed whales and baleen whales.


  Whales have an extremely thick layer of fat beneath their skin, commonly known as whale oil, which can keep their bodies warm and store energy for emergency needs. Due to the many special structures inside the whales body, it can breathe and slow down its heart rate for a long time in the water. Therefore, when it sinks to the bottom of the sea, it always takes a long time before it resurfaces. In addition to having a structure for storing oxygen, when a certain part of the body requires a large amount of blood supply, the body also has a special function of centralized supply

  写鲸的初二英语作文 17


  When I was a child, I knew that whales were the largest animals in the world, and my little heart was filled with curiosity about them. The opportunity has finally arrived. I heard that the whale has come to the Xinglong family as a guest. My father and I went to visit whales with great enthusiasm.


  As soon as we entered the hall, a huge skeleton appeared before our eyes. It turned out to be just a fish bone.


  Although its just a fishbone, my first impression of it is: its really big! This skeleton is over 10 meters long and has a large and short body shape. It covers an area as large as two or three trucks, truly deserving of being the worlds largest animal! I learned from the information that it is called the Black Right Whale. It has a smooth and hairless surface, can reach up to 18 meters, weighs 100 tons, and most of its body is black. There is a special hard skin on its head.


  Although whales are larger in size, they are not clumsy. My second impression of whales is that they are also very fierce. Approaching another smaller whale, my dad told me that this is a killer whale, also known as a killer whale. It has sharp teeth, a fierce temperament, and is a carnivorous animal that is good at attacking prey. It is a natural enemy of animals such as penguins and seals. Sometimes they also attack other whales, even great white sharks. He is known as the "tyrant of whales" and is the king of whales. It eats almost all the food it eats.


  Although whales are cruel to enemies, my third impression of them is that they are human. Although killer whales are fierce, if tamed, they will become both intelligent and obedient, and even perform for people. Once he lives alone from his peers, his courage becomes very small. Once we develop feelings, when you encounter danger, it will do everything to save you.


  Through this visit to the Xinglong family, I learned that whales are larger mammals that grow in the ocean. Although sometimes fierce, once tamed, they are also very human. If possible, in the future world, it may be a friend of humanity!

  写鲸的初二英语作文 18


  Whales, commonly known as whales, are the largest animals in the history of Earth. Although whales have the word "fish" and live in the ocean, they are not fish, but belong to mammals. Because fish are oviparous, whales are viviparous: whales, like mammals on land, feed their young with ejaculated milk: fish breathe through their gills, while whales breathe through their lungs: fish have scales, while whales have no scales: whales, like mammals, have a constant body temperature, while fish have no constant temperature.


  According to scientific research, whales evolved from terrestrial quadruped mammals approximately 60 million years ago. After millions of years of evolution, their bodies have become larger, their hind legs have degenerated, their front feet have evolved into front fins, and they have grown two narrow tail fins. There are about 80 species of whales that currently exist, mainly divided into two categories: whiskered whales and toothed whales. They are distributed in oceans around the world and feed on aquatic animals.


  Blue whales are the worlds largest mammals, found in various oceans around the world. An adult blue whale can grow up to 30 meters in length and weigh 140 tons (approximately the sum of the weights of 2500 adults). Its heart is the size of a cow, and its tongue is heavier than an elephant. With just one opening of its mouth, it can accommodate up to 10 adults to freely enter and exit. Blue whales are not only huge in size, but also incredibly powerful. A large blue whale can generate a power of up to 1300 kilowatts, which is comparable to a locomotive. It can tow a 588 kilowatt ship, and even when the ship is turned upside down, it can still drag it to run for several hours at a speed of 4 to 7 nautical miles per hour. Blue whales stay in the water for a long time and need to constantly float to the surface for air exchange. At this time, they will spray a water column of about 15 meters high from their nostrils, which looks like a fountain from a distance on the sea surface.


  Nature is truly full of wonders!

  写鲸的初二英语作文 19


  Some people say that tracing the footsteps of history can lead to exploring the sublime, observing ones own insignificance, and purifying the restless soul.


  So he must have never seen the moment when life, regarded as eternal and majestic, returns to ordinary.


  Whale falling, whale falling. Yes, whale landing is the last footprint of whales.


  When a whale dies in the deep sea, its body sinks into the seabed, forming a small island. Biologists have given this tragic process a poetic name - Whale Fall.


  In the depths of the deep sea, it is not as rich as most people imagine. It is a dark and dark world, a quiet and mysterious world, a world without human habitation, and even the sunlight from 15000 miles away has not reached it. Due to the lack of sunlight, organic nutrients are extremely scarce in the deep sea. A whale corpse can form a complete ecosystem that can sustain the survival of hundreds of invertebrates for decades or even centuries. Whales are an oasis in this vast desert, nurturing a vast ocean.


  A quiet life has passed away in the sea, and a noisy island has been born under the sea.


  Suddenly, I thought of a set of shots I had seen before: ocean currents carrying cold or hot seawater moving from one end of the ocean to the other. Whales then follow them in their migration. At that time, it was night, and the sky was filled with starlight and moonlight. A layer of fluorescence appeared on the sea level, and the huge body of the whale cut through the calm water surface, painting freely on this long motionless canvas. They swim below the water surface, and the moonlight not far from them envelops them. The whale seems to be truly swimming in the sea of stars, quiet and peaceful, gentle and sacred. At this moment, the camera gave a close-up of the whales bumpy body. It turned out that its uneven back was also a paradise for microorganisms to inhabit. Wherever whale footprints go, they will nurture a group of creatures, which is probably the gentlest creature I have ever seen.


  Pursuing history can certainly broaden ones horizons, but where is the death of whales more shocking? When a giant whale is born, it travels through the ocean to nurture creatures. After death, it transforms into a whale to guard and protect living beings. Truly, it is the most favored animal by creators, and all beauty lies in the giant whale.


  Whales live, all things exist; The giant whale falls, and all things come to life. The so-called gentleness is probably like this.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 20


  Some people say that elephants are the largest animals in the world, but in fact, there is another animal larger than elephants, which is whales. The size of a whale is several tens of times that of an elephant, and it is as big as a dozen elephants. If you play mahjong in the whales tongue, you can set up mahjong tables with less than ten tables and more than three tables. Not playing mahjong can also exercise the body, and running a few laps on the left and right fins of a whale can also make one pant heavily.


  Whales are also the heaviest animals in the world, with the heaviest weighing 160000 tons and the lightest weighing 50000 tons. The reason why whales are so heavy is because they have a large appetite, and each meal is calculated by tons.


  How did whales come about? Its ancestors lived in shallow water, and gradually the ancestors of whales adapted to water life, and their limbs also degenerated into fish whales, which later became known as whales.


  Whales are also divided into two categories, one is baleen whales and the other is toothed whales. The toothed whale can also be called a killer whale. The baleen whale likes to act alone and only eats a lot of small fish and shrimp. It can eat a few tons of food with just one inhalation. Why do baleen whales call them baleen whales? Because it only has whiskers but no teeth, killer whales spit out water straight when breathing, which is completely different from killer whales. Tiger whales like to have a few together, and they like to eat larger aquatic animals, so they need a few together. Although killer whales are smaller and lighter than baleen whales, they have more dynamic impact because they have sharp teeth and no whiskers. A few killer whales can wrap around a baleen whale for an hour and eat it without leaving any residue. And killer whales also like to live in groups, and they sleep together. The water sprayed by killer whales sprays like a showerhead. They will emit an ultrasonic wave, so they are not afraid of not being able to find each other. The bite force of killer whales can be said to be comparable to that of lions, killer whales can be said to be tigers in the ocean, and baleen whales are also rabbits in the ocean.


  However, whales have the same feature, that is, they are all viviparous, both baleen whales and killer whales are the same, and whales are also mammals!


  The body shape of baleen whales is several times that of killer whales, while the body shape of long baleen whales is dozens of times that of killer whales, and their weight is dozens of times that of killer whales. It can be imagined how big and heavy whales are in the ocean.


  We cannot destroy the marine ecology, otherwise there wont be so many cute and magical animals.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 21


  When it comes to whales, people must think of those huge and terrifying whales. But do you know that even the cute and well behaved dolphin we saw in the aquarium is one of the species of whales.


  Whales are viviparous mammals, with a pregnancy period typically around twelve months, typically giving birth to only one child at a time. The lactation period for young whales is ten months.


  Whales are mainly divided into two types: baleen whales and toothed whales. Whales include blue whales, humpback whales, and fin whales. Toothed whales include sperm whales, beaked whales, killer whales, etc. Our beloved dolphins also belong to this category!


  There are fewer species of baleen whales, but they are huge in size. The smallest known species currently has a body length of over six meters and is the largest animal in the world. However, there are significant differences in body size among toothed whales, with the smallest known species having a body length of only thirty centimeters.


  The head of a sperm whale is huge, with a smaller jaw and only teeth in the jaw. It is 18 meters long and weighs over 50 tons, making it the largest toothed whale. Its cervical vertebrae, like humans, have seven sections, but their two to six cervical vertebrae are almost completely glued together, giving it the appearance of having no neck.


  Blue whales are marine mammals, with a body length of 33 meters and a weight of 181 tons. They have a bluish gray back, but their color may appear lighter in water.


  Toothed whales mainly feed on squid, squid, crustaceans, and fish.


  Whales use their whalebones to filter plankton from seawater, feeding on krill and cephalopods, as well as small fish and benthic shellfish.


  The lifespan of whales ranges from several decades to one hundred years. When a whale dies in the ocean, its body eventually sinks to the seabed, and biologists give this process a name - Whale Fall. A whale corpse can support a decomposer based circulatory system for up to a hundred years.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 22


  Whales are a type of mammal, with over thirty species in our Chinese waters, including dolphins.


  The pregnancy period of whales is generally around twelve months, which is one year, with one litter, while the lactation period of young whales is ten months. Whales are divided into two types: baleen whales and toothed whales.


  The body size of baleen whales is very huge, and the smallest one has been found to be about six meters long. They like to eat large amounts of small fish and benthic shellfish. Whales include blue whales and fin whales.


  The shortest body length of toothed whales is about thirty centimeters. toothed whales include sperm whales, beaked whales, and whitehead whales


  Sperm whales are a type of marine toothed whale mammal, and they are known as the "diving king" among toothed whales. Why is it diving so badly? Because the head of sperm whales contains a special type of "whale oil", which can provide blood and prevent whale oil from freezing, the volume of the head shrinks, and the body expands. After that, its hemoglobin stores a large amount of oxygen, and its skin is thick, tight, and elastic. The thick fat in the deep sea can warm the back muscles with whale fat. So thats why we can dive so deep from the ocean.


  The killer whale is also a toothed whale mammal, with a body length of about 8 to 10 meters and a weight of about 9 tons. Its head is round and its skin is black and white. The body shape is round and fat, overall its really cute, why? Everyone thinks killer whales are very fierce, how can they be called cute? Because I think its body shape is like a black and white balloon! Of course, what Im talking about is body size, but in reality, killer whales have a strong attack power. That means: if I see someone I can fight against, it must be my food. If I cant fight, I pretend not to know. So, this is the personality of killer whales!


  Blue whale is a species of baleen whale, with a body length of about 30 meters and a weight of 181 tons. Its body is thin and long, and its back is blue gray. The blue whale drinks a lot of water every day. It takes a big sip and sucks it in, but it also needs to filter it, so that the water and food are separated. So, the blue whale that people often see spraying water is because of this!


  Finally, the death of a whale is called "whale fall". After the whale dies, its body eventually sinks to the seabed, and a whales body can support a circulatory system mainly composed of decomposers for a hundred years.

  写鲸的初二英语作文 23


  Whales are distributed in various oceans around the world. It is a aquatic mammal that breathes through its lungs. Its species can be divided into two categories: baleen whales, toothless, with whale whiskers and two nostrils, such as fin whales, blue whales, humpback whales, gray whales, etc; Toothed whales, with teeth but no whale whiskers, have one nostril, such as sperm whales, unicorn whales, killer whales, etc. The vast majority of oxygen in the ocean and 60% of oxygen in the atmosphere are produced by phytoplankton. Whales, on the other hand, can eliminate the powerful enemy of phytoplankton - planktonic animals. In addition, toothed whales also help maintain the ecological balance of fish. The food of toothed whales is large mollusks that feed on fish. Therefore, if there were no whales in the world, humanity would be extinct.


  Whales are singers


  The outstanding "singer" in the water should be the "humpback whale". In 1971, American biologists analyzed the vocalizations of humpback whales found at sea and discovered extremely unique sound signals. Originally, these "humpback whales" emitted a series of beautiful and melodious melodies. These sounds lasted for 30 minutes, and then sang from the beginning, judging from the degree of intonation, lightness, and sweetness, they were comparable to the singing of birds. French biologists once recorded a "chorus" of hundreds of humpback whales in the Bermuda Islands at night. The thousands of sounds emitted by whale herds include gentle tremolo, sharp and ugly mouthparts, roaring, buzzing, and squeaking, much like a group of elementary school students reciting loudly while reviewing their lessons. "Choral singing" is a comparison of songs sung by a whale over the years, and it is also found that whales sing the same song every year within the same year, and it is not until the following year that a new song is sung. Every year when whales return to their place of departure, they first sing the song they sang here last year, and then change to a new song. Furthermore, even if they are far apart, the songs sung by whales in the Bermuda Islands of the Atlantic and the Hawaiian Islands of the Pacific may sound different at first glance, but upon closer analysis, the structure and patterns of change of the songs are the same. All songs have 6 themes and identical segments. The whales in these two places will definitely not come into contact, but the melody they sing is so similar, indicating that they have an equivalent set of rules within.


  Whales navigate the sea without getting lost


  Whales never lose their direction when swimming in the ocean because they have a special ability. They have over 100 million tiny cells in their minds that can emit ultrasound and receive it to guide themselves. They can also use this ultrasound to promptly notify other whale groups to seek help or escape together in times of danger. This type of ultrasound can help them navigate the sea without getting lost and seek help in a timely manner.


  The various uses of whales are very beneficial to humans. Now that whales are dying in large numbers, humans are also heading towards extinction. We need to protect whales and let them continue to live and reproduce. Let people create more advanced instruments based on their benefits, and whales are human friends.









