

时间:2022-06-25 19:59:49 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  Finally, my ninth birthday! I had been talking to my mother about having a birthday party, and my mother said she would give me a surprise. In the evening, when I came home, I found the room filled with colorful balloons and banners with "happy birthday".

  I invited nine students to my birthday party. The first came to know, and I was so excited to take him to the park in the neighborhood. Soon, many children arrived on time. I take them to my room to play, everybody depend on babble, very not lively! "Well, it's dinner! Mom's voice just dropped, we were jumping up and down to the restaurant. "Wow, what a big dinner! I don't know who cried. Everyone ate unceremoniously. Ah, there are so many students eating together. It's delicious!

  After dinner, we sang karaoke. "Campus top ten small singer" pan daichen has a lot of talent, wang and pan daichen have also become the host of the show. We took turns performing, I performed the erhu horse racing, and I sang the tan te. Everyone laughed until they had a stomachache. Mom and dad were laughing too hard.

  At the beginning of the cake, I lit a birthday candle and everyone sang happy birthday. I also painted a lot of people with a big cat. Everyone looks in the mirror, laughing and tears come out!

  Today, I am so happy! This birthday is the happiest I've ever had, a "record-breaking" birthday!

英文作文 篇2

  At noon, grandpa excitedly ran up and told us to go to paradise. I shout of surprise. At noon we eat wonton, even wrapped the wonton to my package so fast so good. I quickly solved the wonton, tidy up the things ready to go.

  I can't help but admire the tiangong estate, wow, what a big ah, how beautiful! Grandpa bought the ticket, I rushed into the door, asked grandpa go to play there. Grandpa said: "first pick mulberry notes." Once again I screamed and ran to the mulberry fruit wood, I one side, while eating, admiring: how sweet! Suddenly, I found a big black mulberry notes, busy picking in the past, but I accidentally to crush it, make it out of the juice, juice flowing really - phase bleeding on the hand! Before I went to the mother call: "mama I 'blood'!" Mother a look, cut, turns out to be of mulberry fruit juice.

  Finished picking mulberry notes, we went to the paradise of the plant world, "I looked at several galleries in a row, a tropical fruit zone, tropical zone, psammophyte area... And so on. There are all kinds of plants, fruit, let I pick up my free time should be no. Introduce several kinds of give you! Such as there is a "heart" you haven't seen! He is a tropical fruit, fruit is round, like the heart, leaves the same as ordinary camphor tree leaves.

  Then we went to the amusement park, play the pedal boat and "space walk". We can play fun! Arrived there after I have a little linger the round-trip!

  Today this manor trip of a day, let I grew many knowledge, you also go to some tourist attractions to play more! I have been to many places!

英文作文 篇3

 It is hit by in the children eye , is is a festival being full of the mysterious color. The veil of night comes , colourful putting on makeup of the children field put on just too impatient to wait is accustomed to , puts on the exceedingly strange mask, mention previous "Jack light " running go out to play. And then "Jack light " appearance is very lovable , method of work is that Spanish gourd is hollowed out, outside engrave be all smiles the eye and big mouths, having ed a candle , it is ignited in melon, people just can see this charmingly naive smiling face in very distant place.

  The portable child "Jack light " punishing the ready queen , disguising self as all sorts of evil-doers group, runs before the neighbour door of a house , intimidates as the field is shouting: "Ask a practical joke to still be to being entertained " ", given money to still being eaten".

英文作文 篇4

  Last year, my friend gave me a little dog。 I was fond of him very much。 I liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever I went。 I was very glad that I had a "body guard"。

  Last winter I was very busy with my lessons and came home very late every day。However, no matter how late I went home, my dog used to stand at a comer near my school waiting for me。 When I passed there, he barked two or three times then ran towards me。 It seemed that he was calling me。

  My dog not only,took good care of me, but also was respoasible at home。 When strangers came to my house, he barked at them but not hurt them。 What a lovely dog he is! (135 words)





英文作文 篇5

  For going on with my further studies, I took the entrance examination in a Senior Middle School last week. I still remember there were more than three hundred candidates taking part in this examination. For the first day, in the morning, Chinese was easy. We were required to write a composition of 250 words on "My Home Life", and give definitions and illustrations to twenty phrases. In the afterno on, we took an English examination. There were dictation, sentence formation, and analysis for oral English. In the oral examination, I was questioned about my home life, my experience in the junior middle school and my future prospects.

  On the second day, we were examined on history and geography in the morning and physics and chemistry in the afternoon.



英文作文 篇6

  People do not work without interest, people do not learn every progress. In today's society, we have to read, only in this way can we acquire knowledge in order to achieve progress in order to keep up with the pace of the times. Otherwise, it will be eliminated by the society, the so-called "were actually selection, survival of the fittest", since the choice of survival, to constantly improve themselves, let oneself become the master of life.

  Reading is one of the main ways to acquire knowledge, so we should advocate more reading and good books. As Gerd said, "reading a good book is talking to a noble man." If "two ears do not hear out of the window" can only be forever as well, can only see the head of one day, with only narrow overflow eyes, foolish thoughts, in the course of time, will be eliminated by the society. And books can open people's horizons and increase people's knowledge, like Helen. Keller said, "a good book is like a ship, leading us from a narrow overflow to an infinite ocean."

  Books have recorded the course of human growth and spread the civilization of human beings for a long time. So a person to be very learned and knowledge, it must read.

  The city is a difficult thing, we must study hard and strive hard. The city is to use the eyes to see, use the mouth to read, heart to remember, with the brain to think, can the book read, know, read. Reading must not be memorized by rote. It must be efficient and read by way. It will be much easier to understand and remember the contents of the book.

  Sweat harvest, hard to get knowledge. No pay no gain, want to learn something, be careful reading. The book is our good friend, let us go all the way to roam in the ocean!

英文作文 篇7

  Do you know Thanksgiving Day? Do you know why human thank God?

  Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. The President must proclaim that date as the official celebration. Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. On most tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional. What should we thank? The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with we existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for. The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life!

  The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us. The thankful classmate and friend grows up road of, let I no longer standing alone in the itinerary of life; The with gratitude is frustrated and let us become in a time the failure stronger.

英文作文 篇8

  我的家乡在绥阳,绥阳是一个比较热闹的小镇。 My hometown in Suiyang, Suiyang is a more lively town. 在民间传统节日中,最热闹的也就是春节了。 In the traditional folk festivals, the most popular is Spring Festival.

  春节也叫做过年。 Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. 一年一度的春节大家都很重视,各家各户都在春节前半月就忙着筹办年货。 We attach great importance to the annual Spring Festival, Spring Festival, each household are busy organizing the first half of the stocking. 卖对联、鞭炮、食品的人都会大赚一笔。 Sell couplets, firecrackers, food, people will make a killing.

  到了除夕中午,各家各户都贴上了红红的对联和各式各样的福字。 By New Year's Eve at noon, each household has a label on red couplets and a wide variety of good fortune characters. 远方的亲人都要赶回来吃团年饭,到了晚上八点,大家都围在一起看联欢晚会。 Distant relatives should be back to eat Nian Fan Mission, to the 20 o'clock, we all sat together to see Festival. 当新年钟声敲响时,大家坐在一起吃饺子,饺子里包上钱,如果有人吃到了钱,就象征着一年财源滚滚。 When the New Year when the bell rang, we sit together to eat dumplings, dumplings inside packets of money, if someone eat the money, it symbolizes the one-year rolling financial resources.

  到大年初一的早晨,家家户户的男女老少都穿上了漂漂亮亮的新衣服。 To the lunar New Year's morning, every household of the young and old, wore new clothes neat. 在震耳欲聋的爆竹声中,拜年开始了。 In the deafening sound of firecrackers, the New Year began. 小孩们给大人恭喜,大人忙着给小孩掏红包。 Congratulations to the adults the children and adults busy for kids dig red envelope. 在这天小孩可发了大财。 In this day a child can be made a fortune. 朋友互相访问,亲戚往来也是春节的主要活动。 Exchange of visits to friends, relatives and contacts of the main activities of the Chinese New Year. 从初二到元宵节的`期间,大街小巷男女老少三五成群,拿着礼物去串亲访友,谈谈过去一年的生活或新的一年的打算。 During the period from two days to the Lantern Festival, the streets of men and women gather in small groups, carrying gifts to the string of pro-and friends, and talk about life over the past year or new year plans.

  这就是我们家乡的民间风俗----春节。 This is our home folk culture ---- Spring Festival. 我喜欢家乡的春节,喜欢它的情趣盎然,更喜欢春节的欢天喜地,因为在春节这一天,大家都可以团团圆圆一起分享快乐。 I like the hometown New Year, like it's fun-filled, more like the Chinese New Year of the rapture, because the Spring Festival this day, everyone can share their happiness with the round and round.










