

时间:2023-02-16 10:38:15 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  Said first mechanism,the two countries have attached great importance to the entertainment industry,and a sound mechanism to encourage and support the government,for example,a lot of talented kids in this area will provide some of these art school,there are many things about pop music study,there are many businesses are improving,for example,they will recruit trainees in the open,after N rounds of non-public examinations,first look at the talent,and then open look,assuming 10 people selected to train or stick a few years down to be able to debut,and their people a combination of Western music and the trend of the characteristics of their own country,without chaos there is singing and music are the characteristics of their own country.And our nation's intelligence copy others and do not pay attention to intellectual property rights,but as long as people are able to sing background on it and works,the state does not support the popular music,so I do not oppose nor support!

英文作文 篇2

  1、A country full of illiterates would suffer from poverty, ignorance and backwardness, and would have no escape from humiliation, as is the case with old China.一个充满文盲的国家将会承受贫穷、愚昧种落后,蒙受耻辱,就像旧中国一样。

  2、Although there are some disadvantages to going abroad, the advantages seem to me outweigh the disadvantages.虽然出国有一些缺点,但在我看来似乎优点多于缺点。

  3、As far as I am concerned, I am fond of living at college. 就我而言,我喜欢住校。

  4、By contrast, those who are against keeping pets believe pets can not only pollute the human environment but also threaten people’s health.相反,那些反对养宠物的人相信宠物不仅污染人类的环境而且威胁人类的'健康。

  5、Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages.和汽车相比,自行车有很多优点。

  6、Deciding all the things for the children will only make them a passive listener and dependent doer, which will do them no good in the long run. 事事替孩子做主,只会使孩子被动的顺从,不能自立,从长远观点来看,这对孩子并无好处。

  7、Despite the popularity of a newer source of information ---television, reading a newspaper is still our most convenient way to find out about the world around us. 尽管一种更新的信息来源——电视一分受欢迎,读报纸仍然是我们了解周围的世界最方便的一种方式。

  8、For the sake of public health it is time to take actions to eliminate this cause of death.为了公众的健康,是采取行动消除这种引起死亡原因的时候了。

  9、I think one of the main problems with today’s education is that too much emphasis is placed on test scores..我认为当今教育的主要问题之一是过于强调考试的分数了。

  10、In choosing a hobby that will suit our individual needs we have to take account of several factors.要选择一个适合自己需要的业余爱好,我们得考虑几个因素。

  11、It is evident that traffic accidents may not only cause a lot of deaths but also produce economic losses.很明显,交通事故不仅能引起众多死亡,而且会造成经济损失。

英文作文 篇3

May 15th

Dear Alice,

  Would you please lend me your Chinese-English dictionary? I will give it back three days later。 Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English。 In the article I often find Chinese words which I cannot translate into English, so I often need a Chinese-English dictionary' But I

  myself have no one。 I will cherish your dictionary very much and promise not to damage it。 Thanks a lot!




英文作文 篇4

  We should not hesitate too much during the first half of our lives, while we should not regret at what we’ve done during the other half. We should seize every opportunity to find a way out in our lives, for it goes off swiftly. We should say something urgent slowly, something serious clearly, something small humorously and something unsure cautiously. We should never say something that did not happen, something that you cannot do, something that does harm to others, and something that is disgusting. We should tell others our happiness in specific occasions and should not tell anyone our unhappiness. Do not easily say something about others. We should follow our own heart and interest, and fulfill what we should do instead of merely paying lip service and looking forward to the future.


  Everyone is craving for a happy life, but owning wealth does not necessarily mean owning happiness. To truly reach happiness, we need to know how to get on with others. So we need to understand the core of happiness and achieve what we desire.


  Without happiness, one will feel terribly miserable, for he always insists that he has done the right thing all the time and that others often do wrong to him. He attributes every mistake to others or the environment instead of reflecting on himself, which renders him farther and farther away from happiness. A celebrity once said, “Nobody intends to make mistake. One makes mistake because of his igorance.” Therefore, if someone makes mistake, we need to care about him, forgive him and enlighten him by setting a good example for him instead of losing temper, hatred to him. Othewise, we are also ingorant like him, for we also make a stupid mistake that leads us farther from happiness.


  We need to know and understand happiness before we finally get it. A smart man must know to do something good even though it may be small, and not to do something wicked even though it may be tiny in the course of socializing. As long as we keep a kind heart and do everything morally and legally, we can live a placid life. But if we keep an evil heart and do whatever we want, we are indeed digging a tomb for ourselves. A smart man knows to learn a lesson from his falls for he knows that every setback is a precious experience leading to happiness in the future. He will not waste his time in critizing others. Instead, he tends to spend more time seeking his own happiness. He knows to keep a heart of conscience and not to spread others’ mistakes. He also knows to think before he leaps so that he will not feel regretful afterwards. Moreover, he knows to tolerate others, so he can naturally lead a happy life.


  In order to possess a happy life, we need to know more about others, about the society, about our culture and history. We should be patriotic, abide by the law and realize our own responsibility, then we are doomed to have a happy life.


英文作文 篇5

  Although I grew up a little bit, my strength was still smaller than I thought. So I'm going to exercise.

  So dad bought me a sandbag. Dad became my martial arts coach. Dad hit a punch, I went with a punch, dad kicked a foot, I followed with a kick. It looks like I'm the shadow of dad. With a period of effort, my strength is much bigger than before. I think I've been exercising and I can be stronger than I think. Every night, I exercise in the moonlight. The sandbags hang on the branches, and as soon as I hit him, he will be like an unbatted man.

  I really want to thank my dad, because it was my father who taught me how to make great efforts.

  It was dad who gave me the exercise. I love daddy.

英文作文 篇6

  Stop Eating 不要吃了

  Last Sunday at noon father took me to have lunch in a big restaurant.

  Walking through the splendid hall, we entered No. 2 Private Room. Several uncles were already there. What a rich feast! On the round table were placed many dishes which I couldn't name. In front of everyone there was a small bowl of soup with a small piece of meat inside. Later I learned that was turtle soup, each bowl was worth 18 yuan and all the dishes cost 600 yuan. Although the food was very delicious, I felt heavy in my heart.

  This Sunday the same thing happened. All the dishes were paid by public money just as last week. Then in my mind appeared the scene that several classmates left school be carse of poverty. If a table of dishes cost 600 yuan, how many 600 yuan will be used up a day? And how many children can return to school with so much money? For our country's prosperity and future, please stop "eating" with public money!



  这个周日发生了相同的事情,像上周一样也是公款消费,我的脑海里浮现出几位同学因贫穷而辍学的情景。如果一桌宴席 六百元,一天会挥霍掉多少个六百元呢?用这些钱多少个孩子又可以重新回到学校呢?为了祖国的繁荣,为了祖国的未来,请不要再用公款吃喝了!










