

时间:2023-02-21 10:28:58 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1


  One morning before class, when I was running into the classroom, I knocked over the ink bottle on the teacher's desk, and the red ink spilt on the desk. I was sure I would be scolded by the teacher. Just at that moment the bell rang and I went to my seat.


  "Stand up!" our monitor said loudly. I stood up and my legs were trembling.


  "Who knocked over the ink bottle?" Miss Ye, the teacher, asked. I kept silent. Many eyes were fixed upon me. Miss Ye walked to me and asked in a low voice,“Did you do it?”


  "No, no, I didn't, " I said hurriedly. My face turned red at once. I didn't know why I had told a lie.


  "OK, I believe you." She patted me on the head and then began teaching.


  I felt very sorry. I knew I was wrong. So I went to see Miss Ye in the afternoon.


  "I'm sorry, Miss Ye,"I said. “This morning I told a lie.”


  "I saw the whole thing through the window when I was outside the classroom, "she said. “But I didn't scold you. I knew you would come to tell me the truth because I believe you are an honest girl.”


  I dropped my head without saying a word.


  "I'm happy that you have come," she continued. "You haven't made me disappointed."


  When I heard these words, tears filled my eyes.



英文作文 篇2

  Do Pop Stars DeserveHigh Rewards?

  It seems that pop stars today enjoy a privileged style of living. Wherever they go, thousands of people turn out to greet them. The crowds go wild trying to catch a brief glimpse of their smiling, colourfully-dressed idols. Stars are surrounded by their managers, press-agents, and often by their bodyguards. Photographs of them appear regularly in the press and all their comings and goings are reported, as stars are news.They must constantly avoid meeting crazy fans, particularly teenagers who idolise them. Some people say that stars are no longer private individuals, but public property. The financial rewards they receive for this sacrifice is incalculable.

  Is it right that the stars should be paid in this way? It's all very well for people engaged in many other professions to envy the successes and rewards of these stars.

  However,those who make envious remarks should remember that the most famous stars represent only the tip of an iceberg. For every famous star, there are hundreds of others struggling to earn a living. A man who attempts to become a star is taking enormous risks. He knows at the outset that only a handful of competitors ever get to the very top. He knows that years of concentrated efforts may be rewarded with complete failure.But he knows that the rewards for successes are very high indeed, and if he achieves tile goal, he certainly earns them.


  看来今日明星享受特权的生活方式. 无论走到那里,几千人出迎接. 人群疯狂追过短暂的一瞥微笑,有声有色衣偶像. 恒星周围由经营者、新闻机构,他们往往以保镖. 这些照片经常出现在报刊上,所有往来据报道,偶像News.they步上不断歌迷疯狂,尤其是青少年,他们idolise. 有人说星星不再个人,而是公共财产. 他们获得的奖金为这个牺牲是难以估量的`.

  这是正确的,应当支付星星呢? 这一切进行得很好,很多人羡慕的职业,这些明星成绩和奖励. 不过,羡慕那些做出评论应该记得最有名的明星,只是冰山一角. 每一个著名的明星,还有许许多多其他谋生挣扎. 一名男子正试图成为明星巨大风险. 首先,他知道,只有极少数最优秀的选手有机会. 他知道年的潜心努力,完全可以得到failure.but他知道成功的报酬确实很高,如果他能瓦的目标,他肯定赚钱.

英文作文 篇3






英文作文 篇4

  Ha一ve you ever heard a song on the radio that just touched your heart, your soul, your very being and it became one of your fa一vorites just because of the message and feeling it brought into your life? What made this song so special to you? What was the inspiration the songwriter had for writing your new fa一vorite tune? Now you may find out. Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song is filled with one-hundred-and-one personal stories by the songwriters of some of the greatest and most beloved songs ever.

  Entertainment industry executive Jo-Ann Geffen had an idea. A big idea. As she attended meetings in Las Vegas and listened to the succestory behind the Chicken Soup for the Soul franchise, this big idea popped into her head. When she had the opportunity, she presented it to Bob Jacobs, president of the publishing company; he said “I love it. Let’s do it.” From there started the ma-ki-ngs of a great book with so many wonderful and powerful stories. Sure some are funny, some are sad, but all of them seem to ha一ve a magical tale about the birth of a song.

  Songwriters and artists like Christina Aguilera and Kanye West ha一ve stories to tell. For songwriters, the best way for them to tell a story is through their music. Some of the songwriters ha一ve chart topping hits, but those are not the stories they chose to tell. They tell stories about the first song they ever wrote, the song that tells someone else they are being missed, the song that helped someone through a rough time, or the song that told the world they are survivors. There is a song for every occasion and season of life.

英文作文 篇5





英文作文 篇6

  我们班来了个“大家伙 “耳听为虚,眼见为实!”瞧,那不就是我们班新来的“大家伙”——等离子多媒体吗?它可是我们老师上课的好帮手哦! 一个银灰色的多功能讲台,里面竟然安装着一台电脑,真是神奇,一个正方形的中央控制器嵌在桌面中间,拉开多功能讲台左面的拉手,里面竟然藏着一个白色的实物展示台,别提多奇怪了!这套多媒体的显示器是一个高50厘米,宽45厘米的49寸的等离子电视,一个黑得发亮的外壳外面还套着一个水晶似的履膜框,真是气派! 它不但外观精致,内部构造新颖,还挺实用,大大提高了我们上课的效率。记得有一次学一篇课文《圆明园的`毁灭》,我无论如何也想象不出圆明园被毁灭之前是怎么样的,所以觉得这篇课文也没什么意思。谁知上课时裘老师神秘地打开了它,不一会儿,大屏幕上竟然出现了一幅幅美丽的画面:有金碧辉煌的殿堂、玲珑剔透的亭台楼阁、富丽堂皇的宫廷、仙境般的蓬莱瑶台同学们看得一次又一次地张大了嘴巴!当然学课文也变得津津有味,甚至到了下课还意犹未尽呢!本来

  不喜欢上语文课的同学,现在也天天盼望上语文课,期待着这个“大家伙”的精彩亮相。 当然那个实物展示台也能发挥不小的功能。在欣赏同学写的优秀作文的时候,老师会用到它;在展示班上同学的书法作品的时候会用到它;数学老师也经常会用它跟我们讲解一些关于图形的数学问题我们班的“大家伙”犹如一位“大神仙”让我们感到神奇。

英文作文 篇7

  The strains of cheering on the campus are slowly drifting away.

  The school will be officially opened. A young man is A fighting spirit soars aloft. strode to the stadium......

  Bursts of applause brought us into the 4 * 100 meter relay race. The relay race is not really easy, because it requires unity to challenge it

  "Bang", each players race each other, what flowers not resigned to playing second fiddle, who is really difficult to guess., wow, a "super boy" at an alarming rate to all the players left. Well, grab a Cheng Yaojin -- "no boy", he made a trick "no legs", "speed up" speed boy boy ". With" speed also not resigned to playing second fiddle, leg ", once again put off. But the player, who would have thought that a team will speed the kid do not unite, a" heart to heart "are not, no cooperation. In the baton, one of their players to stick out, and behind a lot. Alas, alone a person and how can obtain the relay race, the last" speed boy "or" the champion helplessly gave no boy ", is really dumb to eat in silence, there are bitter herbs.

  The cheers came to an end at the school games, and all that was left was a medal and a happy smile.










