

时间:2024-02-26 19:36:29 志华 英语作文 我要投稿




  英文作文 1

  G, I dont even remember the last time I did a book report on this blog, life is so busy!! :D

  But since Im sick and staying home today, I finally have the time to my book "life".

  So, I just finished this book in the morning, all the details are still ringing in my head(which is gooD).

  The name "Tally Youngblood", the main character, was the first thing interested me in this book. The word youngblood reminded me so many things. But the story did more.

  "Tally is about to turn sixteen, and she cant wait. Not for her license--for turning pretty. In Tallys world, your sixteenth birthday brings an operation that turns you from a repellent ugly into a stunningly attractive pretty and catapults you into a high-tech paradise where your only job is to have a really great time. In just a few weeks Tally will be there.

  But Tallys new friend Shay isnt sure she wants to be pretty. Shed rather risk life on the outside. When Shay runs away, Tally learns about a whole new side of the pretty world---- and it isnt very pretty. The authorities offer Tally the worst choice she can imagine: find her friend and turn her in, or never turn pretty at all. The choice Tally makes changes her world forever."

  While reading this book, I kept having a weird phrase in my head:"to be or not to be". Is friendship more important than owning a pretty face? Is it the outside that really matters? Is freedom of having your independent ideas that important? Tally sure struggled through lots of conflicts. Even though this is a science fiction, but I felt as I was Tally, making lots of choices that could change your life forever. 14, such a sensitive age, will I ever betray my friends or lover for something not important at all? That is something to think about.

  英文作文 2

  Spring has come. Its a wonderful and amazing season.

  I love spring. In spring, everything comes back to life. The grass turns green and the flowers begin to bloom. There are some flowers in my house which are beautiful and fragrant. Every time I see them, I feel happy and active.

  In spring, people like playing outside, especially enjoy playing on the grass. Because of the warm weather, people wear less than in winter. They often talk and play with each other. They enloy themselves.

  Spring is a season which is filled with hope. So, lets work hard to make our dream come true!

  英文作文 3

  Being A Brave Petrel

  In about sixty days, we will have the high school entrance examination. It’s very important to us. We’re busy with our lessons every day. To tell you the truth, I sometimes feel I can hardly breathe because of the busy school work.

  Whenever I can’t work out the problems for a long time, I will get angry with myself. Whenever I don’t do well in the exams, I can’t help crying. But I will never give up. I know it’s my duty to work hard. I believe everything will be all right if I can live through all this. Our teacher often tells us that the sunlight always comes after the rain and wind. I think she is right.

  Though our school life is busy, it is very colourful and I will face the exam with a smile. I will be a brave petrel to meet the exam and take my dream to fly higher and higher.





  英文作文 4

  My favourite bookDo you know Harry Potter? It’s one of my favourite sparetime readings and it’s written by J. K. Rowling. She had the idea about Harry Potter when she was on train “Harry just walked into my head.” She said later. She started writing the first edition of Harry Potter the next day. Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents now he is 16 years old. He is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who will not die by devil. At school he has two good friends they are Rone and Henry. When read the book my first time I feel very exciting and interesting. So I read it again and again each time I have different feelings sometimes I even feel as if I’m one of Potter’s partners. Now there are five edition of Harry Potter published and they are very popular with young students. Books about Harry Potter have sold millions of copies all over the world. Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven’t read the book yet read it now and you’ll find a wonderful world.

  英文作文 5

  Class 7. WFLS. Am I too late to say it’s just like a dream come true?

  Quite frankly, military training is tiring. I’ve been told a million times about how exhausted I would be as soon as I finished this grueling training, and I don’t have any objection about that. However, now, I’ve got an Yes and No! I mean, physically,Yes, I have sun-tanned skin right now and for the first time I loathe being under the sun. Not to mention my sore legs and back. But this is just the heads of the coin. Tails, which means mentally, No! My inability to find proper words to express my feelings seems more and more overwhelming. Incredible? Unbelievable? Marvellous? Extremely impeccable maybe? These words are pale in comparison to the big picture of my future life. It’s like unwittingly, you fall in love with a new group of people, you feel for everything, you fall for everything.

  I don’t know if I am being sensitive here. I remember us sprint out the door to assemble because we are running late. I remember us complaining about the miserable food when it’s time for lunch. I remember us sitting weirdly comfortable in a cool dark place when other classes were sweating. I remember us sharing jaw-dropping details about our lives and feel connected to others. I remember all those moments of rapture and ecstasy, all those senses of déjà vu, all those smiles of genuine happiness.

  It’s like suddenly, I am no longer a prosaic girl living a plain life. It’s been a long time since the last time I didn’t regard myself as a catastrophe. As a lonely highway.The strong hope for the future made me the girl on fire. As I spoke with some friends of my pastimes and passions, words of such silky texture poured out from my soul with unparalleled candor and cadence. The voice that issued from my lips was at once richer, deeper, stronger than I had ever produced. It was as though an inner self, a core essence, had broken free and taken control. I broke out of my niche!

  Anyway, I shouldn’t be too excited because it’s just five days. Even though I have already found some friends with extraordinarily similar interests as I do. Even though this is breaking news for me because I enjoyed be in this together finally. Even though the words of encouragements faded, I still recall them from time to time to taste it all over again. I swear I’m not severed from reality. Momentarily, it’s just impossible to describe all the details that happened during 5 days. I just need to speak all these things about how delighted I am to be in this class and try to be in tranquility…

  I am a relatively total stranger to my new school. But it’s such a sensory bombardment for me even to think about it. I wanna be a part of something I don’t know. A fledging dragonfly is ready. I believe that the monarch will be crowned. May the best man win! You are gonna hear Class 7 ROAR!

  英文作文 6

  We can’t ignore the fact that the the total amount and depth of knowledge of human society can shock anyone who comes from the ancient society: we explore petroleum, fly to the moon and even study the atom. But we can’t have a philosopher better than Socrates, Plato,or Aristotle. It because that knowledge can be accumulated, if human have a foundation, we can accumulate knowledge through experiments and observations. Wisdom is not. It can’t develop with the development of the data confirmed. In short, wisdom is not science.

  The function of wisdom is to lead and control knowledge. Without wisdom, science will control us not be controlled by human. We will be mad for the power of knowledge. We may study arms or drug to satisfy our own desires. This kind of knowledge will destroy us. Thanks to the wisdom that God gives us as a gift, our affection can be controlled. At the same time, we can see what our knowledge systems are actually look like.

  Having the wisdom , we can use knowledge more accurately,safer and enjoy the knowledge what we have accumulated. Until today, we still need study wisdom from ancient Greek philosopher or Renaissance philosopher to keep our society developing.

  英文作文 7


  在一片灰暗神秘的等待中,突然,千变万化的光芒开始闪耀起来,然后是一列整齐划一、万紫千红的队伍从布幕后走出。音乐一开始,只见大家挥舞着双手,五彩缤 纷的彩带同时在空中飘舞着,彷彿在向我们打招呼,更让我看的.眼花撩乱,聆听着他们美妙的歌声不绝于耳,犹如枝头上的鸟儿们快乐的欢唱着春天的到来。



  英文作文 8

  What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life.

  Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help. We admire the great friendship between Marx and Engel, which firmly combined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling Communism.

  Friendship isnt almighty, but no one can live happily without it.

  英文作文 9

  On Sunday afternoon, in a Chinese activity class, Mr. Li took his classmates to the playground and prepared to play a game.

  To the playground, the students heart pounding, want to start to play. Miss Li took out a stack of newspapers and said solemnly, "the name of the game is --- to help each other.". The rule is this: a group of eight people, around the "boat" (newspaper) around; after hearing my password, each member of the team to quickly stand in the "boat"; if there is a classmate of the foot from the newspaper, even failure, the longest standing collective group for the winner. Do you understand?" Yes, I do!" The students said unanimously. However, there are also individual students shouted: "so difficult, it is impossible."!"

  Miss Li began to group, and 8 girls were in a group. 16 boys were divided into two groups, and all the students were divided into three groups. After a good while, Song Haitao, a girl in our group, was crying back to the classroom because our hands were hurt. There were only 7 people left in our group. "There are only 7 people in your group. Its not fair at all."!" Shouted the boys. Finally, under the teachers education, they had to agree with the gentleman. We all began to practice. The second groups started first, and they played for the first time. They just stood up and fell for a while. The third group is worse than the first group, and there are only 7 people in our group, so we should stick to it longer! In fact, it is not optimistic!

  Its time for the official game! The students were dancing, smiling. After deciding, in accordance with the order of third groups, two groups, a group of competitions. The third group first started, they only lasted ten seconds; the second group adhere to the most for a long time, some of their teeth, his eyes tightly closed; some other students hold tightly; and shrink the head below the hands of others. Because they were so united, at last they stood for 2 minutes and 19 seconds. To our group, many girls afraid dirty, did not take off shoes. So only a few seconds, and got the last. Everyone hung their heads and regretted death.

  This game, because we do not work, got the penultimate, so all the achievements are on their own efforts. How can you achieve good results without hard work?

  英文作文 10

  It snowed. It snowed. It snowed today. Im very happy. There was a vast expanse of white, and the branches of the big tree were much better than the snow. Students like wearing a jacket, wearing a scarf, some of them have some skiing, snowball fights, snowmen, they play very happy. The road became white, the tree was covered with snow white and white robe, the roof became fat, and the babys nose turned red.

  英文作文 11

  The skiing originated the much colder snow district at the earliest stage.In order to adapt the environment and beg to living to avoid the insurance,the residents invented snow up the pileup ― ― skiing plank,sledge and the skiing shoe etc.s." Ski" a the phrase idea begins from the language skith in ancient Norway,is an idea of" snow shoes",point the form,such as the skiing plank of the narrow wood boat,.13 centuries,the skiing becomes the country skill of Norway;14-16 centuries,various country in North Europe Finland,Norway,Sweden and Russiases all once make use of the skiing battle;In 1780,Norway the nu er ha wood made use of the soft to make into two curved skiing planks inside the sides,formation the modern tournament skiing the knothole embryo,drew back the tournament skiing prologue.In 1877,established in the Oslo in the world the first skiing department.The e lun spring person,wise man of He of the our country northeast,the person of Kazakhstan of the northwest all excels the skiing,with skiing technique hunt,conveyance.Keep go to the beginning of this 30s in century,modern skiing sport just at our country launch.


  英文作文 12

  Good morning,my dear teachers and friends!My name is LiBingke,from class four O five.Today,I am very happy to be here.My topic is Our School.

  My dear friends,welcome to our school!My school is very beautiful!I thas a big playground. We can play and do some sports there.

  Near the playground,there is a garden.Many trees and flowers are there.So theair is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the tees.It is so wonderful.

  Our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachersarms to welcome us.We can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on these condfloor.My class room is on the third floor.It is clean and bright.We like to study in it.

  The computer room is on the fifth floor.We can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor.What a lot of fun!We can have lunch in the canteen near Defang Teaching Building.

  英文作文 13

  In recent years, drought has prevailed in northern parts of our country. There is no or only little rain in spring and summer in the noth and northeast of China. The same is true of snow in winter.

  Consequently, big cities such as Beijing and Tianjin are short of water every year, which affects the life of the urban people and the production of factories. And the drought is most felt by crops in rural areas, of course. It is said the drought has much to do with the "green house effect" and the "greenhouse effect" is caused by the pollution of the atmosphere. In the final analysis, it is brought about by ourselves.

  Faced with the terrible drought, we should stop polluting the air right away. We should try all means to decrease the amount of poisonous gases which our factories and cars give off. Besides, we should take measures to protect the forests and plant as many trees as possible.

  英文作文 14

  com A life without a friend is a life without a sun。 Friendship is one of the most important things in everyones life。

  Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it。

  When you’re down, friends lift you up。 When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on。

  So cherish your friend,Do not save your loving speeches, for your friends till they are dead

  Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now insteadfriendship

  英文作文 15

  I hope world peace, although Chinese children live without war, but a lot of areas are still pervaded with brutal wars. I hope to be able to peace. By that time, everyone has a hand of friendship, and everyone is equal and free. There were no invaders, no roar of the rebels, no pistols, and the bombing of the war. I hope that the laughter of children is full of laughter, the sweet smile of the people, the ambitious invaders, and the warmth of kindness, no ambition and greed. In Afghanistan, after the war, peoples lives are threatened, because in the whole of Afghanistan underground, buried 1 million mines. Its common to kill or blow up by landmines. Even in the center of the city, many people were killed and wounded. What is not believed is that a 10 year old boy was wounded by a mine at the side of the school. Love, people love, respect people, are respected. If everyone understands that all of them live in harmony and mutual humility, we can avoid war. I want the world to be peace forever, to make peace in other regions, and to live a happy life with us.

  英文作文 16

  Recently,CCTV has conducted a survey on "Do you feel happy?".For happiness,everyone has his own definition.In my opinion,it is easy to get.

  Happiness is about knowing what you want and keep in mind what youve got.Therefore,no matter where youre born or how much your parents have;no matter what you look like or what you believe in,just to rise to become whatever you want and to go on to achieve great things,you will be happiness.Although you may be failed,the most important things are you know what you want and believe it. Although the furture is unknown.We will miss the road of life at sometime.We always look forward to achieving more,we keep working but nothing happened,and the hole in our heart became larger and larger.We have no reason to be happy.But,do you know what you still have got?Please look back,it is the family that stand behind you from beginning to all.You will feel warm,and this is happiness.

  When knowing all of these, you will know how to do in the future.It is easy to be happy,isnt it?

  英文作文 17

  In fact,happiness lies everwhere,but not all the people know how to find it,as to me,I have my own secret.

  Firstly,happiness means running through every day with relaxed attitude.Never be much too serious on everthing,just face it with a pleasant state of mind.Secondly,happiness means seeing other people happy.When you are with your friends,you can tell some jokes to them to let them cheer up,meanwhile,you feel happy as well.Thirdly,happiness lies in giving help to others.When someone is in difficult situation,you show your help without any reward,however,you get the happiness and your heart of gold is growing up.

  Of course,the secret of happiness is not only these,and there are much waiting for your searching.


  首先,幸福 意味着以轻松的态度度过每一天.不要遇事太过较真,而是从容豁达.其次,幸福意味着看到别人的'快乐.当与朋友们在一起时,你可以讲几个小笑话来让大家开心,同时,你自己也会开心.最后,幸福在于给人以帮助.但他人遇到困难时,你不求回报的帮助他,会使自己开心,因为你的善良之心正在滋长.


  英文作文 18

  In my freshman year, many high school graduates mistakenly believe that college life is completely free from worries. After a period of serious and serious study in senior three, these hardworking beavers hope to have a rest and form some habits. Many people may later find that the situation may be beyond their expectation.

  I try to persuade the s around me that they think my college students Life is a free and unrestrained life. What misunderstanding does this have in reality? School life is so busy, I sometimes wonder whether my energy is enough in my freshman year. My life is mainly composed of learning and practice.

  The main task is to learn to get a high GPA. I must adapt to the life style of University and start a new learning pursuit. This is the learning method To show most of the differences between high school study and college study, there is a roommate who goes out to class in the morning and studies in the evening and comes back after the classroom is closed.

  The behavior of my peers made me feel pressure in University. A complete outlook on life was formed and strengthened. I began to plan my future plans and realized that learning itself was a thing for me.

  The more I memorize the course, the more mature my college education will be to ensure that students have better jobs. I usually think that it is worthwhile to take time to study, because it bears the important events of occupation, occupation and responsibility, learning and practice to some extent. They are intertwined.

  From the beginning of freshman year, the student union has been almost completely recognized. Here, people can exercise their abilities, use their abilities, and make many friends with the same interests. But sometimes, social activities and practice are very time-consuming.

  Whats more, the sense of responsibility also requires you to work hard to complete a task that no one starts from where he or she is now. Sometimes this is what he or she wants to do, and only when you are ready, the opportunity will be It will lead you to some unforeseen paths. My first year of college was not relaxed, but I was full of curiosity and satiaction.

  Time consumed you. This is my reason.













