

时间:2023-03-14 08:23:22 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  The men's World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament.

  The women's World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women's sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.

英文作文 篇2

  A Trip

  I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer.

  It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn‘t move any further. Nobody knew what to do.

  One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water, and ate some food. After a while, he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.

英文作文 篇3

  Yesterday afternoon I went to the Yuexiu Park. It happened that I saw a touching event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake. Among them was perhaps a happy family. They were taking photos when suddenly the girl fell off the boat into the water. She was struggling and her parents cried out, "Help!Help !" It was obvious that they could not swim at all. From nearby a young man immediately rushed to the lake. Without taking off his clothes, he jumped into the water and quickly swam towards the girl l who was already tired out. At last he carried her to the lake side. She was saved!

  How happy the parents were! Before they thought of thanking the Young man, he had disappeared!




英文作文 篇4

  初一英语作文:Music Carnival

  From May 1 to May 7, we had a seven-day holiday. During the holiday a special international music carnival was held in the Century Park. Many music groups from the world came to the Park. I like rock music very much. I'm always longing for attending a music festival. And my dream came true. I enjoyed different kinds of music during the carnival. I couldn't forget the moment when we danced and waved our hands to the music.People of all ages enjoyed a lot.

英文作文 篇5

  How influentital the Media on Teens Are

  It has been a hot topic discussed heatedly for the time being that how indeed the media influence our teens. Different peopie come up with different opinions. The following passages are two different comments given by several teenagers ranging from 15 to 20.

  One, Teens are the most influenced and the easiest to be influenced by the media. The media influence the way they dress, talk and conduct themselves. From the latest trends to the coolest celebrities, they imirate what they see, whether it's Katie Holmes's new haircut or the pink shirt that Christina Aguilera wore. So it follows that more serious actions like carrying arms or doing drugs could be copied as well.

  Young people are impressionable. Therefore, some request that the media should take responsibility by changing some of the content of their shows especially those for teens. They are huge consumers of media, so networks should show them respect by promoting positive images. They think some shows confuse the lines between entertainment and life.The producers know their audiences are young, so they should realize that teens watching "reality" shows might not be able

  to tell the difference between fantasy and fiction.

  Opposing voices have also come from others. They think that they use the media--magazines, television and movies--to connect to one another and to the world, so naturally,they're influenced by the images the media present. For example, a boy would be lying if he said he didn't want to be like Brad Pitt. Pitt's flawless style, good looks and moneyXXX talent seem to define what's "cool".

  Nevertheless, those teens hold that the media only provide information, what they as viewers do with that knowledge is up to themselves. They have to learn to make their own choices and accept responsibility for their actions. To blame entertainment figures for certain crimes committed by teens is

  funny. It's not the fault of TV. Media are an expression of our culture--not the cause. It's time we stop XXX the media a scapegoat for our nation's problems. It's not the media's job to make sure kids understand what they're watching; that responsibility belongs to parents. Parents and schools should dedicate more time to establishing clear rules of discipline.The influence of parents and teachers--the teens' true role model--carries more weight with teenagers than what they hear on the radio or see at the movies.


  目前,传媒于青少年的切实影响已经成为热点话题,在 这方面讨论也很热烈,不同的人有不同的观点.下面是几个15到20岁的青少年的两种看法.


  正因为青少年比较容易受影响,所以,有些人呼吁传媒必须对青少年负责,改变其节目的某些内容——尤其是那些针对青少年的节目. 由于青少年是传媒庞大的消费群体,因此传媒网络应该树立正面的形象,以尊重他们.他们认为,一些节目模糊了娱乐表演和现实生活之间的界限.这些制片人知道,他们的观众还是小孩子,所以应该意识到观看“仿真”节目的青少年,也许不能把想象与虚构分辨开来.


  尽管如此,这些青少年坚持认为传媒仅仅是在传递信息,至于作为观众怎样对待这些知识则由他们自己决定.他们应该学会自己做出选择,为自己的行为承担责任. 因为青少年的一些犯罪行为而去谴责娱乐圈内人士,这听来实在荒谬.电视并没有错.传媒也只是在表现文化,而不是造就文化.现在不应该再让传媒去当社会问题的替罪羊了.让孩子们理解所看节目的'内涵并不是传媒的职责,他们的父母才应责无旁贷.孩子的父母和所在学校还应该投入更多的时间去制定明确的纪律规章.父母和老师才是青少年真正的楷模,他们带来的影响远远超过青少年从收音机里听来的或是从电影中所看到的东西.

英文作文 篇6

  One day, my mother was washing the radishes, and the water in the faucet was very large.

  So xiao qiang came over and said to his mother, "when my mother washes the radishes, the water needs to be opened a little bit." Mother heard, and immediately turned off the water in the faucet, and mother praised xiaoqiang is a water saving little friend.



英文作文 篇7

  For many people Christmas is a very special time of year. It is a time filled with magic - this is especially true for Children. The gifts and toys, of course, are a big part of it ......

  but it is much more than that. Christmas means many different things to different people but in its essence Christmas is about sharing joy and love with those who are dear to you, and then reaching out with that love to the world. May you and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas!.




  Is willing your Christmas to fill warmly, auspicious, reunites the joywith the family member, wishes the Christmas happy , new year ishappy infinite.

  In the happy season, is bringing the illusion, brims with the warmChristmas day. You might once hear the distant place song unceasingly, resembled must tell you in December love all sorts, wasthick the attachment with a section.

英文作文 篇8

  Do you know who my deskmate is? Let me introduce it to you.

  My deskmate is thin and not tall. There is a pair of round eyes like white oval face, shining like two black stones. Long black hair always likes to be on top of the head. She is as happy as a fairy every day. She is very lovely.

  My deskmate likes telling jokes very much. After class she told me, every time we will finish two with laughter. My deskmate will play the guzheng, and play very well, this summer she will take the six class. My deskmate is also ready to help others. She always offered to lend me the loan when I didn't bring her tools.

  This is my deskmate - Xu Boyi, who is also my good friend.

英文作文 篇9

  The Spring Festival is coming. I know that you must be very fond of the Spring Festival. Because everyone can stick to the spring festival couplet, see the Spring Festival Gala, visit friends and friends … …

  I remember when the Spring Festival approached last year, I learned to write couplets at home. I stood aside and looked at the couplets written by adults. I saw that they dipped in a pen with ink, and then wrote several big words on the red paper. I can't remember the specific content. The couplet was very neat, and I said to my uncle, &ldquo, can you teach me to write a couplet? ” I remember clearly the uncle asked, "“ do you use a brush?" Do you know how to write a couplet? ” I shook my head and said, “ no. ” so he said, "“ you have grown up for one year again, and you can't even use a brush. I'll teach you a few tricks at this opportunity." ” after hearing the uncle's words, I jumped up happily.

  The uncle told me to sit straight while writing, not on the table. And then tell me in detail how to use the brush. After listening to my uncle's words, I finally learned some of the most basic ways to use the brush. Then the uncle asked me to write a few words to show him. I wrote five words: “ I love Chinese &rdquo most; Written askew, probably just use a brush! The uncle saw a smile: “ the word was written well, but the pen was not straight. ”

  So my uncle taught me: “ when writing every word, it is not to use the same strength to write every word, but the power should be changed with weight. The written words will be more varied and look more beautiful. The uncle finished the demonstration and wrote several words to imitate me. It is comfortable to look at the words written by the uncle. I tried to write a few words on my uncle's look, and I really made progress. I was much happier than I had just written.

  The uncle also told me that writing should be often trained to imitate the name. The more it is written, the more writing it is, the better it is.

  In this Spring Festival, I have learned a little bit of writing brush writing skills, is really more happy than to get the money, but also more affordable.

英文作文 篇10

  I am not supportive of the idea that either takes priority. It is necessary and absolutely possible that economic development and environmental protection co-exist,in the sense that both of them are indispensable factors for the prosperity of society.

  Economic development is seemingly more important, due to the fact that it creates enormous job opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenues. Yet, the above goals can only really be reached on condition that the environment is well. protected. And, interestingly, it is the economic development per se that provides the money and personnel resources required for the protection of the environment. A well-preserved environment is the groundwork for the economy and in a way promotes economic growth. A fast-developing and well-functioning economy calls for a good environment, which offers essential resources, e.g. wood, coal, water, etc. for production. Once the environment deteriorates, the production process is likely to be disturbed or even halted. What is worse, natural disasters that come with the worsening environmental conditions might even paralyses the whole economy mid pose a severe threat to human life, The pursuit of short-term economic profit is the destruction of our home and that of our posterity.

  So, economic development and environmental protection are equally important. In this sense, we are actually working on an environment-friendly economy. Given the status quod, it is possible to realize the co-existence of the two as long as we are conscious and determined enough.










