

时间:2023-04-15 14:18:10 英语作文 我要投稿




英文春节作文 篇1

  我的家乡在绥阳,绥阳是一个比较热闹的小镇。 My hometown in Suiyang, Suiyang is a more lively town. 在民间传统节日中,最热闹的也就是春节了。 In the traditional folk festivals, the most popular is Spring Festival.

  春节也叫做过年。 Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. 一年一度的春节大家都很重视,各家各户都在春节前半月就忙着筹办年货。 We attach great importance to the annual Spring Festival, Spring Festival, each household are busy organizing the first half of the stocking. 卖对联、鞭炮、食品的人都会大赚一笔。 Sell couplets, firecrackers, food, people will make a killing.

  到了除夕中午,各家各户都贴上了红红的对联和各式各样的福字。 By New Year's Eve at noon, each household has a label on red couplets and a wide variety of good fortune characters. 远方的亲人都要赶回来吃团年饭,到了晚上八点,大家都围在一起看联欢晚会。 Distant relatives should be back to eat Nian Fan Mission, to the 20 o'clock, we all sat together to see Festival. 当新年钟声敲响时,大家坐在一起吃饺子,饺子里包上钱,如果有人吃到了钱,就象征着一年财源滚滚。 When the New Year when the bell rang, we sit together to eat dumplings, dumplings inside packets of money, if someone eat the money, it symbolizes the one-year rolling financial resources.

  到大年初一的早晨,家家户户的男女老少都穿上了漂漂亮亮的新衣服。 To the lunar New Year's morning, every household of the young and old, wore new clothes neat. 在震耳欲聋的爆竹声中,拜年开始了。 In the deafening sound of firecrackers, the New Year began. 小孩们给大人恭喜,大人忙着给小孩掏红包。 Congratulations to the adults the children and adults busy for kids dig red envelope. 在这天小孩可发了大财。 In this day a child can be made a fortune. 朋友互相访问,亲戚往来也是春节的主要活动。 Exchange of visits to friends, relatives and contacts of the main activities of the Chinese New Year. 从初二到元宵节的期间,大街小巷男女老少三五成群,拿着礼物去串亲访友,谈谈过去一年的生活或新的.一年的打算。 During the period from two days to the Lantern Festival, the streets of men and women gather in small groups, carrying gifts to the string of pro-and friends, and talk about life over the past year or new year plans.

  这就是我们家乡的民间风俗----春节。 This is our home folk culture ---- Spring Festival. 我喜欢家乡的春节,喜欢它的情趣盎然,更喜欢春节的欢天喜地,因为在春节这一天,大家都可以团团圆圆一起分享快乐。 I like the hometown New Year, like it's fun-filled, more like the Chinese New Year of the rapture, because the Spring Festival this day, everyone can share their happiness with the round and round.

英文春节作文 篇2

  Just after the Spring Festival this year, during the Spring Festival, I saw many families with the word "fu" on their doors, and my family was no exception. Why is that? I asked my mother, but my mother said it was not clear, and later, I read in the book that the word "fu zi" came from.

  Zhu yuanzhang was kill with "f" word memorization preparation, good horse queen to eliminate the disaster, people make the city size must be before dawn in holding with an "f" word, so all the home door posted "f" word, one of the family is illiterate, unexpectedly stick "f" word. The next day, the emperor sent people to the street to check, and found that every family had the word "fu" and a "fu" to his nephew. When the emperor heard of his anger, he ordered the army to cut the house down. The queen said to zhu yuanzhang: "the family knows that you have come to visit today, and have deliberately put down the word. Is it not the meaning of" fu arrive "? The emperor ordered the release of the man as soon as he heard it. From then on, people put up the lucky word, a lucky luck; In memory of queen ma.

  The word "fu" is now interpreted as "happiness", while in the past it was "lucky" and "lucky". The Chinese New Year affixed the word "fu", the people's yearning for a happy life, for the good future.

英文春节作文 篇3

  Back home, my heart is happy, the Spring Festival custom always surprised me is not small, the most common is the following four: eat dinner, watch the evening, midnight fireworks and pay New Year's call.

  In the year thirty, my uncle, uncle and other relatives gathered together. Grandma's grandfather was happy and busy. Yes, today we are going to eat dinner! "Crackling", a burst of firecrackers sounded, dinner ready! Of course, eat dinner always cannot forget the land to Grandpa, incense sticks, put a few dishes and a bowl of rice, and land bless Grandpa, a bumper harvest in the coming year. Next, it's the. Eat dinner, we all sat in the stove next to chat. Grandpa and grandma can be busy at this time! Eat dinner (also can be said to be a family reunion dinner), is one of the most important custom for the Spring Festival, no matter where you will come back, and family to share this beautiful moment. At dinner, we always have a lot to say, say, say family, etc.. Dinner time is not the same, as long as the family is here, what time to eat.

  In the evening, the rest of your family is left. Before I saw the Spring Festival Gala, it was my best time to look for money. Congratulations on a fortune, a red bag. A big uncle, a little uncle, a grandmother. When everyone was busy, it was time to sit down and rest and rest, so we were together to watch the Spring Festival Gala. Look at the side of the chat, as if the words are not finished. At 12, the midnight fireworks are fast! "The bombardment!" A gun fired, the sky suddenly covered with a colorful coat. With the first cannon, various styles of fireworks were released, and a beautiful hat was hung on the roof of each family. The sound of the fireworks was deafening, and the colorful fireworks dazzled me. My aunt went to the roof and watch the fireworks, I throbbing with excitement: "I this hard to 12 is really not in vain, it was spectacular!" Fireworks at midnight can be a custom everywhere. It may be a custom peculiar to our hometown. But all the same, I have seen and heard of you.

  This day is the first day, just up, he heard the door a voice: "you pay New Year's call to pay New Year's call!" "Oh! Here come, happy New Year! " "Happy New Year!" At this time, the grandmother is busy doing breakfast, the grandfather is busy greeting people. "Take a seat, huh?" "No matter." Such a dialogue will always be heard many times. I hastened to eat breakfast and the little uncle, and they went out. My uncle's twin daughters in purple and purple Qian each carrying a bag, a bag of things will increase a little, but they were happy. The so-called "new year" is to move from door to door, sometimes in which one to sit for a while, to talk about what. And the children put up a bag to worship the sugar. Make a statement, I don't have it!

英文春节作文 篇4

  On the thirty night, we ate the dinner on New Year's Eve, I can't wait to turn on the TV to see the Spring Festival evening party, and finally to eight points, the Spring Festival evening party started, there are a lot of wonderful programs inside! Have a beautiful dance, melodious songs, funny comedy and humor of crosstalk.

  I love the performance of Louis Liu... Magic, magic! Because one of the magic tricks he performed was that he passed a coin straight through a piece of solid glass, and his hands were worn out of the glass.

  It's amazing! I was so stunned that I could hardly believe my eyes. Unwittingly, the party was over. The wonderful show made us have an unforgettable New Year's Eve.

英文春节作文 篇5

  The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses,put red couplets on their gates,and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster “Nian”.


  On the eve of the Spring Festival, families get together and have a big dinner. Dumplings are the most traditional food.


  The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Happy new year”. People enjoy the Spring Festival, during this time they can have a good rest.


  Children like the festival very much, because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their elders. This money is given to children for good luck.



英文春节作文 篇6

  Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christmas cards become popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival.

  This worry is fairly unnecessary. Why?

  One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians,college students and joint-venture workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic festival. By contrast,the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.

  I think,it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year. And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever.

英文春节作文 篇7

  A suichu fireworks, energy-saving — —.

  With the sound of familiar firecrackers in the ear, the taste of the year became thicker and thicker. The eyes see, the ears hear, the nose smells full of jubilation.

  The Spring Festival is coming. We are very happy. Every family has been linked with couplets, &ldquo, &rdquo, &ldquo, &rdquo and &ldquo. About &ldquo and the origin of Spring Festival &rdquo, there is a kind of legend that there was a kind of animal called &ldquo in ancient times in China; the beast of year &rdquo. “ annual ” head long antennae, ferocious abnormality. “ ” years of hiding the sea, each to a specific day (which is now the new year's Eve) to climb the shore, devouring livestock harm human life. Therefore, every new year's Eve, people help the aged and the young stockaded village fled to the mountains to escape the “ &rdquo damage. One year on New Year's Eve, the old man begged from the village. The villagers rush to a scene of panic, no one cares about him, only village as an old woman gave the old man some food, and urged him to speed up the mountain to escape the “ ”, the old man pulled up to the mustache smiled: “ if her mother let me stay at home one night, I must have &lsquo years; ’. ” the old woman continued to persuade the old man to laugh without saying.

  So there must be fireworks in the Spring Festival

  The fireworks in the sky diversiform dressed in brightly coloured fireworks, “ ” “ &rdquo into the sky, bang; a sound exploded, the sky suddenly become colorful, the faint powder is like colorful flower blooming. It can't be a long play, &ldquo, fireworks, &rdquo, slowly fade from the sky, fade away until it vanish, and there is a shock like silver light attracting my attention, which is sprayed up and sprayed up. Falling back then jumped out of the silver, like pearls falling from the sky to tens of thousands of people, very beautiful feeling; “ snapping, snapping, ” the deafening sound must be firecrackers! The noisy sound is enough to add a lot of joy to the 20xx.

  There is a warm fire, burning, and intensified, the orange flames rolling up and down, as if calling what, like dancing in joy. People, things, China, the Spring Festival is becoming more and more intense, bringing 20xx new weather!

  The Spring Festival rich in the rich years, the rich people.

英文春节作文 篇8

  The Spring Festival! The Spring Festival! Every family is so busy! Hang a lantern and set off firecrackers! The whole nation laughs!

  My hometown is in the northeast, although I am not in my hometown, but the heart is there, my hometown has no special features in the Spring Festival, people celebrate the Spring Festival in the two words: "festival". In the Spring Festival, every family will be busy. The whole family gathered together for dinner and watched the Spring Festival gala. How nice. Every Spring Festival, the relatives who work in the field, will come to the home, to accompany parents happily over the years. This is exactly what people want: "reunion", every New Year, will be full of affection. Chinese New Year summed up two words: "happy" and "reunion".

  On the first day of the first month, the shops are closed, and the adults are taking a rest, sleeping in early in the morning, and then calling to send a message. Old people go to visit friends, men go to visit, women stay at home to welcome guests. The children usually go downstairs and shoot, and they are afraid to leave their guns and watch TV at home.

  Yuanxiao, another climax in the Spring Festival, the fifteenth day of the yuanxiao, on this day, the whole family to reunite together, eat dumplings, the moral is: the pandas, not only that, but also look at lanterns, guess riddles, is write on the paper lantern riddles, let people to guess. On this day, people will also have to put kongming lanterns on the kongming lanterns to write their wishes, to fly it will be realized. The Lantern Festival is over, and the Spring Festival is a happy ending. My Spring Festival is like this. How about you?

英文春节作文 篇9

  In the New Year, a funny thing happened in my family, and I can't forget it!

  That is a big year 30 evening, mother in the kitchen making dumplings, I listen to mom said in one of the dumplings with the steel, mother also said that who eat the dumpling, who will come to "fu". But what a blessing! Wait, wait, hurry up, look at that, and finally get the dumplings ready.

  I began to eat the steaming hot dumplings, but I ate seven or eight. Why not? Then mother said: "don't worry, you can't eat hot bean curd. I'll go out first." I see no one else in the house, I have carried out one of my sleeve: I use chopsticks in each dumplings above had poked a hole hole, want to look at "fu" behold there events and sister suddenly came up and said: "oh! What's going on here? Can't make a dumpling for the mouse to carry?

  I wish my mother a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

英文春节作文 篇10

  New Year Party

  On New Year's Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

  Then, the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted. He shouted our, "The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn." The hall After that, they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there, the other three stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:"The dog stands out among a group of chickens."










