

时间:2023-04-19 18:13:23 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  voltaire said, "people are not tired mountains of the original, but the grain of sand in their shoes." life on the road, we need at any time in the shoes that poured out of sand grains.

  life, you will hit the cross that is not always a huge challenge, but quite a number of trivial matters. many people have this experience: when disaster strikes, people often as a result of fear, tension, real estate instincts give birth to a huge resistance forces. however, when you are troubled by some trivial matters, you may do anything, because they are the life of the detail, it is insignificant. it is these seemingly trivial, can never-ending human consumption of energy.

  a man who wants to make great achievements, but also from a piece of pingpingchangchang, the real start small, is the so-called "journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." depending on the kind of small for that to do small good things are "superficial" and "low level" yangaoshoudi, often the kind of light before reaching lazy, sick and elderly do not want to help "in any section" , to the great cause of the achievements are also difficult. a promising young man who must consciously from the side of the "little" to start, so even if a very small thing than as small as a strong person because of "the world will be difficult to make easy, and the world event will be in fine "

英文作文 篇2

  My grandmother is tall and strong. Her hair is black and long. It looks like a black whip. Her skin is black, like a light black coal. In the past, grandma's skin was pale yellow. Later, because of working in the burning sun, the skin gradually darkened.

  Grandma is very hardworking every day, from morning till night, like a top pole that never breaks.

  Every day, grandma is the first one in our family. No matter the cold and summer, the first thing grandma gets up in spring and autumn and winter is to put the chicken out, cut the big Chinese cabbage that you don't eat, and then mix some corn noodles, eat it for the chicken, and then cook it and send me to school.

  Take the laundry for example. Every time you play the water in a small well, you need to put a full bucket of water in it and then take it to the side to wash clothes. Plus rinsing, it's better than a few buckets. Besides, a bucket of water is very heavy, and grandma is very old.

  Every evening, grandma was the last one to go to bed. The end of the busy work was over 11 at night.

  I will study hard and listen well, and I will repay my grandmother in the future.







英文作文 篇3

  The giant panda is a special product of our country. It is a lovely small animal and very pleasing. The giant panda can be described as a perfect vegetarian. Giant pandas like to eat bamboo shoots, but they also eat bamboo, roots and flowers. The cute face, plus a black and white sweater, looks very lovely. Pandas are the most popular animals for girls.

  The giant panda is not active in high places, generally living on land, contrary to squirrels. The giant panda is solitary and likes to live alone and often has no fixed residence because of changing seasons. In the spring, it usually stays in the high mountain bamboo forest of more than 3000 meters. In the summer, we move to the shady slopes of bamboo shoots. Autumn moves to the slopes of xiangyang to prepare for the winter.

  Giant pandas are fat and stout. The head is round, the ear is small, the kiss is short and the tail is short. The white face was black with a black kiss and eye ring, and a black strap stretched from the shoulders to the entire front, like a black and white coat.

  There are fewer and fewer pandas now. I hope people will love it more and protect it.

英文作文 篇4

  American culture, in a sense, is an extension of European culture, because the language of the Americans, demographic composition and her spirit of the foundation are from Europe. On the other hand, American culture with Europe, because European immigrants in the North American continent to drive away after taking the Indians, in a barren wilderness land to create a stunning is the splendid civilization. Therefore, in the United States talk about cultural practices and social propriety, it is necessary to take account of the same culture of Europe and the United States, but also pay attention to both of the opposite sex. Cultural practices is a wide scope and complexity of the topic, people involved in social life and relations In all aspects.

  Of tolerance.

  The United States is a country of immigrants, the ancestors from around the world. People emigrated to the United States, not only in the location to move on, but also in their country and customs of the council to a new place of residence. As miscellaneous, people their differences very obvious because the differences are very common, people do not particularly pay attention to unity. In time, the cultural practices of the Americans formed a higher level of tolerance (tolerance), the different cultures and different appraisals on tolerance, an acceptable attitude. At this point, the U.S. society feasible than the custom of other countries in the world more broadly.

  From a political perspective, this tolerance of performance in the pursuit of freedom and the right to freedom of maintenance. From the religious that it reflected in the harmonious coexistence of different faiths. From the viewpoint of life, and it appeared in different communities, different ethnic communities live in peace. In a nutshell, in the United States, each person can basically arbitrary choice of different ideas, beliefs, traditions and customs and way of life; people can also keep a considerable extent, their customs and instrument. For example, Jews can celebrate their religious festivals, and Christians are to their Christmas and Easter. For example, again, the United States by Chinese in Chinatown Chinese live and work; the same token, the Vietnamese immigrants in their "little Saigon" according to Vietnam's way of doing business and engaged in various activities.

  Americans of tolerance, in addition to the above United States is a country that factors other than immigration, and the frequent movement of the Americans. As everyone knows, the history of the United States in the development of an important part of her history of the development of the western region. At that time, the United States Blazers or hiking, horseback or car, from east to west, from north to south, wherever there are opportunities, there Jiuwang resettlement. The frequent migration and continuous replacement of the Habitat so that people will always be in the "mobile", and the occasional different facing the phenomenon of tolerance and more easily accepted. Moreover, the current migration also can help people expand the field of vision, known more widely know, the different practices with sympathy, understanding, and gradually formed diversity rather than uniformity of the openness of the concept.

  As the Americans tolerant of stronger, so very few Americans to impose its will on other people, with China Confucius "by the others do not want to, not to impose on" the very Guxun like. For example, a husband may be a Republican, but he must not support the Democratic Party forced his wife to change political stance. Similarly, perhaps the mother is a Catholic, but she must not have forced her into a Muslim convert son to change religion. In their daily lives and habits of business in normal times, this spirit of tolerance is a common occurrence, commonplace.

英文作文 篇5

  what would happen if there were no power

  ever since early the last century,electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.our industrial and agricultural production depends on it to run various kinds of machines.the modern wonder computers work on electricity too.it provides light,heat and power for us.if we want to watch tv or films or to listen to the radios we also need it.nobody can deny that the development of our civilization depends on electricity.

  if there were no electric power,our modern world would be in trouble.for one thing all the wheels would stop because the motors that power the machines would fail.for another,many,if not all,of our industries would cease production.all the world transport system,in addition,would be felt on the world’s communication systems.thus our modern world would be impossible without electricity.

英文作文 篇6



  I. 常见的开头形式

  1. 记叙文类


  20xx年北京卷的第一节情景作文是要求介绍你班两位同学竞选班长的过程。Last Monday, our class held a monitor election. 就把时间和事件交代得非常清楚,使人一看就知道文章的大致内容。

  2. 议论文类


  20xx年辽宁卷高考英语书面表达主题是“健康成长”,其开头是: We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for the goal we must do several things.

  3. 图画类

  看图作文所提供的材料是一幅或几幅图画,对于看图作文,主要是看清楚题目要求,读懂画面内容,再进行写作很重要。如要求对图画发表议论,那么开头就要先对图画进行描述。如要求写一篇日记或故事,直接以叙述故事的形式开头,比如One day, ... 等。

  II. 常见的'结尾形式

  1. 记叙文


  We were tired but happy. 或Though tired, we had a wonderful time that day. 语句虽短,但却表达出大家虽劳累却高兴的心情。

  2. 议论文


  (a) Finally, therefore, in a word, in short, in the end, as a result, in all ...

  (b) Generally speaking; As has been stated ...; As we (you) all know ...

  以20xx年上海卷为例,班长希望大家积极参与学校组织的集体舞比赛,对此谈谈你的看法。其结尾是For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition.

  3. 图画类


  20xx年辽宁卷的图画作文要求描述李明和爷爷从养鸟到放鸟的一段经历,其结尾是:The bird was set free. Grandpa and the children were very happy to see the bird flying away into the sky. 以此结尾使全文更具有积极意义。

英文作文 篇7

  There s a monster.

  Oh on!

  Theres a monster.

  Oh on!

  Were scared,scared,scared.

  Were scared.

  The TVs broken.

  The TVs broken.

  Were angry,angry,angry.

  Were angry.

  Our cats ill.

  Our cats ill.

  Were sad,sad,sad.

  Were sad.

  Its ten oclock.

  Good night.

  Its ten oclock.

  Good night.

  Were tired,tired,tired.

  Were tired.











