

时间:2023-04-25 18:14:30 英语作文 我要投稿




优秀英文作文 篇1





优秀英文作文 篇2

  Time flies, blink an eye, another semester has passed, we ushered in our long-awaited winter holiday, ushered in our happiness. Of course, this happiness is not the "happiness" of playing computer and watching TV every day. Instead, it is reasonable to arrange the vacation time and enjoy the pleasure of working together. The following is my winter vacation plan, please comment.

  1. Carefully complete each homework assigned by the teacher. During the vacation, we should start with the three aspects of study, practice and play. Of course, study is still the most important. Therefore, we should carefully complete each homework assigned by the teacher, and play and study twice.

  2. Participate in some social practice activities. After studying, we can't watch TV at home every day. We should go out and participate in some meaningful social practice activities.

  Read helpful books. For about two months of winter vacation, we can't just want to play, but also read some good books to broaden our horizons. Be "sensitive and eager to learn".

  Get out of the house and exercise outside. Holiday life, of course, is not without physical strength. We should make full use of our vacation time to strengthen our resistance and make our bodies healthier.

  5. Preview the contents of the next semester. I hope I can get to know the content of the next semester and preview the next semester, as well as the content I learned in the last semester.

  Holiday life is like a colorful pebble, missing a point of tension color, but also a point of easy joy.

优秀英文作文 篇3

  The an in the picture

  L at the picture! There is an ld an in the picture. His head is bald. L at his ees, the are fishlie, (应加上连词and) the are s big. I thin his nse is high-bridged, but it is nt hed. His face is ver flabb. And he has a big uth. It’s nt full. He wears a white T-shirt, (应加上and) he wears cnservative (应用副词cnservativel). His ears l ver sall, because his face is ver lng and big. He wears a clean white T-shirt.

  I thin the an is ver ugl. Hw abut u?

优秀英文作文 篇4

  M best friend

  She is best friend, called Wang Linutng. Her face is thin, and big featured. And she alwas has diple (应为diples) when she siles. Her hair stle is shrt and straight. And she has fringes. Her hair is et-blac. Her ees are water. She has a sall uth. Her teeth are capped. She ls lie (去掉lie) prett. She alwas wears well-dressed (she is alwas well-dressed). She is s beautiful. She is best friend, Wang Linutng.

  D u lie her?

优秀英文作文 篇5

  I've been asked how good my grades are? Every time I don't know how to answer, because the full mark of each exam seems to be natural. The primary school is about to graduate, and I still hold the title of the whole school grade, but I swear I never cared about my score, whether you believe it or not. In order to satisfy your curiosity, I will publish my study plan of this winter vacation:

  First of all, it is my motto: wisdom is because you like to learn, genius is the accumulation of your knowledge.

  My winter vacation study plan is as follows:

  1. Get up at 6:30 in the morning, by the way, I never have a lazy bed, read English and Chinese for at least 30 minutes (reading English, reading English, reading Chinese, and then on Sunday).

  2. Complete the winter vacation homework for each subject one to three pages each day. Alone, my habit is to do their homework will never get to the Internet to check the answer (not sure can read related books, the accumulation of their knowledge, and then do my homework, otherwise it was useless to do much homework).

  3. Take a proper lunch break at noon (I usually take a nap of about 1 hour) to ensure that I have enough energy to study in the afternoon.

  4. After taking a nap, I can play badminton and go up QQ, etc. But the cumulative time is not more than an hour and a half. Generally it is 30 minutes of exercise, 50 minutes of computer, and also the love 4 (haha, 50+50=50, not very good).

  5, there are two tasks in the afternoon, the first task is to read extracurricular books, up to the astronomy, geography, books can increase knowledge or experience in all things I can't let go, time control in 1 to 2 hours. In all probability, I have seen it.

  The second task is to prepare for each course of the next semester. Before the beginning of the semester, I will study the next semester's work from beginning to end, and the time is 1-2 hours.

  6, evening free activities and finish the day after finish art school, didn't finish the task, I always is you can do today until tomorrow), but have to look at the news and newspapers (heard about junior middle school will sometimes class exam content, is from the news. As the saying goes: "the scholar does not go out, can know the matter", how to say za is also a small intellectual, xi xi.

  Last but not least, it is necessary to arrange the time reasonably and carry out the plan strictly, otherwise the good plan will be useless.

  In the upcoming primary school last semester, I will, as always, reasonable arrangement study time, rest, entertainment, put every moment of precious time to (I don't want to idle young, needy old, no one will sympathize with you).






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