

时间:2023-04-26 13:56:09 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  Since childhood, the teacher has taught us that the sea has nurtured our life, and every earth man should contribute his strength to the protection of the marine environment.

  As we all know, the ocean is very important to all of us. It occupies 71% of the earth's surface area, far from the space, the earth is like a crystal clear blue crystal ball, this is the earth is also known as "water polo" reasons. The destruction of the oceans would therefore affect the entire planet.

  During the holidays I most love to the seaside, the light foot on the beach. Soon the water will diffuse to cover a string of footprints, running tired to see the sea, standing on the high rocks overlooking the distant horizon, the sea blue naughty beat the shore, brave bird the shuttle in the surf, hope this moment forever in my mind!

  But the latest marine pollution news more and more, when I see the news, I was worried about the sea, for human selfishness shame, anger is human blind pursuit of economic growth caused by the consequences of marine pollution. I am increasingly worried that small life in the sea will be hurt, worried that seabirds lost their homes to live, and that one day people will be punished by nature.

  The selfless help us, but we in turn destroy it, this is not the teacher taught us the story of ingratitude? Therefore, we must not forget the contribution of the sea, we should take good care of it, and treat it as a mother, care and care. When we hurt it, we should feel guilty and should make more compensation.

  Primary small power is not small, we can start from little things, such as the usual pocket money saved up to protect marine funds, while on holiday to the seaside to pick up trash, can promote the protection of the ocean to the side of the man's knowledge...... Let us take action and dedicate ourselves to the protection of the seas!

英文作文 篇2

  Now, many students can't read clearly the words on the blackboard in class, leading to the decline of learning. In twenty-fourth Century, all the classrooms have been improved and become children's favorite super classrooms. Now let's go and have a look.

  Coming to twenty-fourth Century, you will see many different houses in the sky, that is, the classroom. This classroom can be used for three purposes: air, sea and air.

  If you want to enter the classroom, just take the magnetic card of each student's entry card to the detector at the door of the classroom, and the classroom will suck it in.

  When you enter the classroom, you will find that the classroom is actually transparent. From inside you can see clouds in the sky, as if within reach, just like sitting in the air. But it's safe to see it outside. This is a kind of air environment specially made by scientists.

  There is a huge sunflower on the top of the classroom, a luminescent plant developed by the University of California in the United States, which will emit a light that can protect the eyes and also be bright.

  In class, an electronic screen will appear on each desk. The screen will print the teacher's PPT and blackboard, and there will be a layer of "eye protection film".

  In class, the teacher just put PPT in the main computer, each person's screen will appear. If the teacher wants to write the book, just take a special recorder to write the word to it, and the word will be printed on the student's screen automatically.

  If you have other classes, just press the "classroom" button on the wall, such as physical education, and the classroom will become a stadium, but it can't be seen from the outside.

  The students' lunch was also eaten in the classroom. There is a room full of space vegetables behind the classroom. If the teacher puts some into a machine, the vegetables will be turned into delicious food by sunshine. And the machine keeps some sunshine every day, and can cook on rainy days.

  Is the classroom in the future very good? Let's try our best to create it.











英文作文 篇3

  Among the four seasons, summer is my favorite. When summer comes, it becomes hotter and hotter. We can go swimming with our friends and family. We can also enjoy ice-creams, cold drinks, watermelons and some other delicious food. Some schools usually hold sports meeting. We students can take part in some interesting and exciting events. All of us always have a good time. But the main reason is that a long and happy holiday is waiting for us. During the summer holiday, we can go to visit some places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Lu Shan mountain and West Lake. But I like to go to the beaches. Because there I can enjoy the sun, swim or dive in the sea or play with sand.

  All in all, summer gives me a colorful life. I like it very much!

英文作文 篇4

  Li Hua has improved a lot this term. In the past he didn’t do well in his subjects. He often quarreled with his classmates. Rubbish was spread all over the floor by him. His desk was always in a mess. He has changed a lot since the teacher had communication with him. Now he works hard at his lessons. He gets along well with his classmates. He often sweeps the floor. His parents and teachers are satisfied with him. I hope he will get good grades in the coming exam.


英文作文 篇5

  Do chinese have any morals?That's a good question.Many people insist that ideas about right and wrong are merely personal opinions.Some voicesthoughare calling chinese back to traditional moral values.some people suggests that great moral stories can build character.Many chinese still believe in moral values.But what are they?

  To begin withmoral values in chinese are like those in any culture.In factmany aspects of morality are universal.But the stories and traditions that teach them are unique to each culture.Not only thatbut culture influences how people show these virtues.

  One of the most basic moral values for us is honesty.People still believe that "honesty is the best policy."

  In no way can this brief description cover all the moral values .Courageresponsibilityloyaltygratitude and many others could be discussed.But no matter how long or short the listmoral values are invaluable.They are the foundation of any culture.中国人有道德吗?这是个好问题。许多人坚持对与错乃是个人的意见。一些声音,但呼吁中国回到传统的道德values.some人认为伟大的道德故事可以塑造性格。许多中国人仍然相信道德的价值。但他们是什么?




英文作文 篇6

  Enters the twelfth month, the festival atmosphere is ubiquitous, it is like a breath, the breath of a is different from usual, ecstatic, aftertaste making a person is, it let a person sweet like honey in my heart, make me crazy, with no regrets.

  The year is in the blessing of the New Year. Around New Year early in the morning, then rang with firecrackers, people wear new clothes after "open whip", had "open platform" (high), after washing a face, with a smile, take wish to happy New Year, bye, bye bye parents elder, offered a greeting, a peace, a "New Year's day good" let a person more warmth. On the road in the countryside, teams and rows of people come and go, greeting each other with a blessing, a smile and a lot of fun. Listen to the local accent, the local sentiment, the taste, the feeling of happiness, like a spring breeze moistens the heart, makes me happy and intoxicated.

  The smell of the year is in the joy of harvest. In the thick of the years, the people who buy clothes, like their smiles on the face of the blooming, the flower clothes to make the year colorful; Nowadays, the salt field of abundant food and clothing is specially prepared for seafood products such as prawns, clams, hanging clams, swimming crab, sand and fish, etc. In addition to the family and friends who are invited to visit them, they are also presented as gifts. They will also buy some advertisements for their parents to make hot health care products, buy fashionable new clothes for the children of brothers and sisters, and fashionable new clothes. The New Year is filled with every nook and cranny of the salt field.

  The snow was covered with incense and the Spring Festival couplets were full of auspiciousness and a bumper harvest. The thick and thick annual taste of the heart and heart, the colorful and colorful, she is the hope of people's life, spiritual sustenance, the symbol of ankang.

英文作文 篇7

  Monday is the 38 women's day. I'm going to surprise my mother and make my mother happy. As for the surprise, I can't tell you now.

  Because I want to go to school on Monday, so I'm going to set Sunday as a woman's day. In the morning, I got up at seven o'clock. I first cut two hearts, painted red, glued the two hearts together, and wrote blessing words. Without me, you knew what I was doing -- greeting cards. When my mother got up, I had done it. When my mother cooked, I put the card in my mother's bag secretly. It was the first surprise. Second plans to help your mother do the housework all day. When mom went to work, and dad went out, I started to work. First, sweep the floor, then mop the floor, and wash clothes. I thought, mom, it's really hard. Third plan to help mom massage in the evening. I carried out my plan. Mother boasted that I was a good child. I had a bottle of honey in my heart and laughed happily.

  Today is the 38 women's day, and I made my mother happy.

英文作文 篇8

  The Low carbon Economic Nowadays,withmoreandmore seriou sproblem ssuchas the increasingglobaltemperture,the melting ice and ther ising sea evering,people are recognizing the importan to fdevel oping thelow-car bone conomic now.There are many way swec an do toreach the loe-carbon conomic. Fristly,disc over in go ther sfuels which is more clean and more greent oin stea do f the using of car bon .Secondly,wes hould have the saveener gycon scious and do

  something which we can make,forinst ance,using the busr anther than car when yougoou tré use the thing that can berecy cleused,reducing theus eofp lastic bags.Last but not least,we shouldplant more trees oro ther green plants,in which way we can not only improve the en viron ment,but also can make our home more beauty.

  In my opnion,the most important thing toreach the low-carbon econo mici severy one must try the ir best dowh at they can do for it.Once every one have the senceof

  Low-car bone conom i can'd have the action by themselves,it will beear lier toreachit.










