

时间:2023-05-07 19:40:43 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  As we know,many great people could succeed just because they did everything big or small earnestly.


  Preserving Natural Resources

  However,natural resources are not inexhaustible.Some reserves are already on the brink of exhaustion and there is no hope of replacing them.



  As you know,there's no enough clean water for people.So many of them lose their lives because of water.It's time that we must do something useful to protect our environment.We can plant trees and take good care of them.

  We can save the water and ask our parents to do so.We can't throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.

  If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow




英文作文 篇2

  If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to profit by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking.

  Confuse defeat with failure, and you are doomed indeed to failure. For it isn‘t defeat that makes you fail: it is your own refusal to see in defeat the guide and encouragement to success.

  Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. They are routine incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without humiliation, analyze it and learn why you failed. Defeat, in other words, can help to cure its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success, but nothing can arouse within us such a compelling desire to succeed. If you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away, he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended. It is this same reaction which should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated.

  If you exploit the power which defeat gives, you can accomplish with it far more than you are capable of.

英文作文 篇3

  several years ago, while attending a communications course, i experienced a most unusual process. the instructor asked us to list anything in our past that we felt ashamed of, guilty about, regretted, or incomplete about. the next week he invited participants to read their lists aloud. this seemed like a very private process, but there/‘s always some brave soul in the crowd who will volunteer. as people read their lists, mine grew longer. after three weeks, i had 101 items on my list. the instructor then suggested that we find ways to make amends, apologize to people, or take some action to right any wrongdoing. i was seriously wondering how this could ever improve my communications, having visions of alienating just about everyone from my life.

  the next week, the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story:"while making my list, i remembered an incident from high school. i grew up in a small town in iowa. there was a sheriff in town that none of us kids liked. one night, my two buddies and i decided to play a trick on sheriff brown. after drinking a few beers, we found a can of red paint, climbed the tall water tank in the middle of town, and wrote, on the tank, in bright red letters: sheriff brown is an s.o.b. the next day, the town arose to see our glorious sign. within two hours, sheriff brown had my two pals and me in his office. my friends confessed and i lied, denying the truth. no one ever found out."nearly 20 years later, sheriff brown/‘s name appears on my list. i didn/‘t even know if he was still alive. last weekend, i dialed information in my hometown back in iowa. sure enough, there was a roger brown still listed. i dialed his number. after a few rings, i heard: `hello?/‘ i said: `sheriff brown?’ pause. `yup.’ `well, this is jimmy calkins. and i want you to know that i did it.’ pause. `i knew it!’ he yelled back. we had a good laugh and a lively discussion. his closing words were: `jimmy, i always felt badly for you because your buddies got it off their chest, and i knew you were carrying it around all these years. i want to thank you for calling me...for your sake.’"

  jimmy inspired me to clear up all 101 items on my list. it took me almost two years, but became the springboard and true inspiration for my career as a conflict mediator. no matter how difficult the conflict, crisis or situation, i always remember that it/‘s never too late to clear up the past and begin resolution.

英文作文 篇4

  This cherry tree grows in my house downstairs.

  Cherry blossoms, that rare cherry tree. Once upon a time, I have forgotten it again and again in my mind. Now, with that beautiful flower, it proved to me its existence, and proved its glorious moment in life

  You see, the clouds are as bright as the flowers, swaying on the branches, as if to see people shy. The sunlight in the petals, fell under light, just like seeing my beloved husband, red with pink with white, beautiful face seems like good old Diao Chan biyuexiuhua beauty, it was very beautiful.

  Although cherry blossoms do not have the fragrance of roses, the elegance of jasmine, and the beauty of the daffodils. However, it has a temperament that others can not possess - humility, no matter how people praise it, it still silently dedicated a beautiful scene, no return dedication, only willing to live out of self.

  At present, the cherry blossoms filled with trees slowly swayed in the sunlight, carrying the pink and pink, and offering a dazzling light in the beautiful spring!

  It does not expect anything, only for survival and open, and this is the cherry blossoms

英文作文 篇5

  Nowadays, there is a common phenomenon that the micro blog is more and more popular. Many people use micro blog to do a lot of things, including expressing their hearts, exchanging each other’s ideas, delivering information and so on. Micro blog is playing an important role in our society life.


  As it’s known to all, there are many reasons for micro blog’s popularity. Firstly, with the development of the Internet, more and more people have their own computers and cell phones which are advanced. As a result, traditional communicating ways are getting changed. Micro blog is one of the new styles. The next, micro blogs are as convenient as short messages, but much cheaper. What’s more, not only does it send word messages, but also it can carry pictures and sounds.


  Just like coins have two sides, the micro blog also has its disadvantages. We should know that micro blog is merely a way of relaxing ourselves. Too much time spent on micro blog is not wise. What we should do is bridging the balance between play and study or work. In addition, micro blog perhaps show up our individual secrets, which maybe a tool for some bad men.


英文作文 篇6

  As well as the Tiger Mother’s opinion there are truthfully a number of differences between the education of Chinese parents and Western parents.

  In the first place I think the biggest one is that Chinese parents held the view that their children should follow their orders absolutely while Western parents pay attention to build up the children's sense of self-determination and the ability of self-thinking. Secondly the Chinese parents think that they know better about their children's needs. What's exactly differs form this the Western parents hope their kids to select their own habits and personalities. Thirdly the Chinese parents set a high standard to their kids and expect their kids would perform better. On the contrary the Western parents are only too care for their kids' feelings and emotions.

  Anyway in my opinion I think there's no best way to teach our children we should pick up the good sorts of the Chinese parents' views and the Western parents' opinions of education. Only in this way can we develop a better and smarter next-generation.

英文作文 篇7

  Why Spend Your Days in Fear?

  Why do you spend your time in sadness? Know that you are the source of all happiness。

  Why do you spend your days in fear? Know that your mere sight can make difficulties disappear。 Why do you cry and ask for help?

  Know that you are the best man for your own help。 Why do you feel so weak and helpless? Know that you are, in all sides, matchless。 Why do you feel so depressed?

  Know that you are the blessed。 Why do you feel so stressed? Know that you can have anything at your orders。 Why don’t you act on opportunities? Know that you can go through all disasters。 Why don’t you live life to the full? Know that there is no point in being dull。 Why do you doubt your talent and skill? Know that you can achieve anything with your incredible will。 Why do you spend life feeling so miserable4?Know that no matter what, your soul is indestructible。






英文作文 篇8

  Experts are not single-minded

  Doctor: Well, then tell me your symptoms and I will judge your illness. Patient: But I don’t need your diagnosis. Just give me the pills I want.

  Doctor: Hey, who do you think is the expertAs a medical expert, I am quite

  familiar with almost all the diseases. You’d better follow my order!

  Patient: You have to learn about thousands of diseases, but I only have to focus

  on fixing what’s wrong with ME! Now which one of us do you think is the expert

  The patient regards herself as an “expert”, taking it for granted that expert only means specialized. Apparently, she is wrong about not only the definition of an expert but also herself. Unfortunately, she jumps into the narrow well and become a frog that is conceited and ignorant. But is the doctor an expertWhat on earth is a real expert

  From my own perspective, it is extensive knowledge that an expert should basically have. After all, all the things in the universe are connected and so is knowledge. Just as an old saying goes, you’ll never know where your hometown is unless you go out of it. Being learned is the way to go out of hometown and only that will make a person be clear-headed in his subject and be superior to others as an expert.

  Of course, professional knowledge is another necessary quality. For instance, my aunt got ill the other day. She thought she caught a cold so she

  drank some hot water to get over it. But that didn’t take any effect and she felt even worse. So she went to the hospital. With the doctor’s treatment, she made a prompt recovery. Her wrong judgment prolongs her pain and that teaches me the significance of professional knowledge.

  However, all the theories must be applied to practice. So an expert should also be acquainted with sufficient concrete cases. Experts who don’t have experience can’t help us to solve problems in our daily life so that they are not useful to our society. That’s why most experts aren’t at a very young age. Time is needed for them to accumulate a wealth of experience and be proficient in solving common problems.

  Finally, the most indispensable quality of an expert is noble moral. An ordinary person is only concerned about every aspects of himself. But an

  expert has to be concerned about a single aspect of other people. That requires the expert to have the equal heart to love and care others and give his shoulder to others’ climbing. So an expert doesn’t simply mean professionalism but also means sacrifice.

  In brief, an expert must have extensive and professional knowledge, abundant experience and noble moral. I think Yuan Long ping has all the

  qualities. He devotes his entire life to hybrid rice and solves the grain issues of over six billion people. He has an unselfish heart to make sacrifice. His

  achievements tell us how to write the word “expert”! As for the doctor in the picture, we can’t judge whether he is an expert or not because there is no safe

  evidence of whether he has all of the qualities. Virtually, it is not easy to be an expert. Some self-appointed “experts” should take off their conceited coats and be engrossed in studying and accumulating.










