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  英文计算机作文 1

  In modern sociey, people who is handicaped in using computer and accessing network are classified as "blinds" naturally.

  The advantages of captioned facility is significant, the world move much faster than before because of the information exchange and speedy processing of data. You can guess how much business can grow if a spreadsheet need to be calculated using three days instead of one second nowaday, I should say in majority that computers and networking bring much convenience to human life. But there are still dark side of the world.

  I also observe children that cannot do simple calculation by mind, they have to rely on calculators, a simple form of computer, similar things happen all around us and when time goes by, we are weak in mind manipulation yet also weak in physical because we spent all time around the computer. What a world we are in to say hello to a friend next door by send him email ?

  英文计算机作文 2

  I am XXX, I am a realistic and non boastful person. I like to participate in team work and collective activities. I value my own quality training

  Solid foundation of software development, passion for programming, learning ability and quick knowledge of new technologies

  During the period of school, won at 20xx - 20xx school year outstanding members, 20xx - 20xx school year C scholarship, 20xx September was the director of military training outstanding person. Students will, in cooperation with other officers, mainly on the student dormitory dormitory culture, public health, home etc. supervision and management, evaluation of outstanding dormitory, regularly organize student activities (dormitory basketball, flea cultural market etc.)

  During the internship work in financial business department, the Department of rural credit cooperatives in the core business system involved in the business over a number of provincial, city commercial bank payment system and assistant service system. I have been in Guangdong city of the four rural credit cooperatives to do software development. Has participated in the Guangdong province city of the four bank card system, card the transformation of comprehensive business system, telephone banking system, the development and implementation of self-service terminal system. I believe that your trust and my strength will bring the common success! I hope I can contribute to your own strength!

  英文计算机作文 3

  When I grow up, I want to become a scientist and invent a wireless computer that is both simple and versatile.

  Its display screen is a comical and cute pair of glasses, its mouse is a cartoon ring, and its keyboard is a piece of chocolate like material. Of course, it can be a variety of patterns. As long as you draw the patterns and put them in the small box I invented, an hour later, a convenient and versatile small computer that you really like will be completed. This computer also has a feature: it never needs to be charged because there is a multifunctional solar panel inside the mouse, display screen, and keyboard. Simply place it on the windowsill when you are not using it and let it absorb sunlight or moonlight. By the way, my computer also comes with a thumb sized USB drive. If you have any photos, music, or files you like or need, you can send them to the USB drive at any time, and you will have some new files. Who doesnt like such a computer?

  I hope the computer I invented can bring convenience to people in the future.

  英文计算机作文 4

  A semester has passed in the blink of an eye, during which I have learned a lot about computer knowledge and applications, and also gained a lot.

  Although I had some knowledge about these computers before, I realized through learning that I still have too little knowledge. It is only through learning that I can know my shortcomings. Although there are still many areas that I have not mastered very well, I have learned a lot of knowledge through this semester. For beginners, computer knowledge is relatively weak, and understanding some application operations is difficult. Overall, it is not enough for you to learn more about computers. To learn computer knowledge, you must operate it by yourself. At the beginning, the beginner teacher taught us the basic key positions of typing. This way, during exams, if there is an article that needs to be typed, it can be fast and good. This is a must-have for every beginner studying computer science.

  You need to have a good memory when using a computer. In case a teacher suddenly asks a lot of questions, you need to memorize them all in your mind so that you wont make mistakes. In our computer group, if you score 100 points on an exam, the teacher will praise you in front of everyone. This is our computer life.

  英文计算机作文 5

  Since entering fourth grade, I have taken two more courses, one is computer science and the other is psychology. I prefer computer science because it allows us to learn a lot of extracurricular knowledge and experience the richness of computer science.

  I like computers, so I joined a computer group. Every day from 7:30 to 8:30 is the training time for computers. Getting up early every day has brought us wisdom. There are exams every day, and as long as we listen carefully, we can achieve ideal results. Learning computers also has many benefits, and learning about the development of technology,. I will also learn some binary numbers, which are numbers used in computers and will be beneficial for mathematics in the future. Typing in computers challenges the speed of typing, and improves eye and hand speed. And programming, I believe everyone enjoys playing games! Do you want to create your own game! As long as you learn programming, there is nothing impossible! Give me a fulcrum, I will be able to pry the earth. There is nothing impossible about computers, and now Japan has "computer homes". Computers are also changing from generation to generation, and with the development of technology, computers may achieve things you never imagined. For example

  Thats right, computers are like this, beyond our imagination.

  英文计算机作文 6

  Electronic computers are essential items in our daily lives. They are electronic devices that can automatically, quickly, and accurately perform numerical calculations, data processing, and other functions.

  Electronic computers are mainly composed of keyboards, mainframes, displays, printers, and so on. The host of a computer is like our brain, the software is like our thoughts and methods, and the monitor, keyboard, and printer are our eyes, mouth, and hands, serving as windows for communication between humans and computers. In life, we can put important things in electronic computers and also store precious photos. He can also be used for a wide range of purposes such as entertainment, conversation, and searching for information. His other uses include information processing, scientific computing, and process computing.

  Electronic computers can replace the human brain to complete complex computational tasks quickly and accurately. They have strong memory storage and logical reasoning functions, which can replace part of human mental labor. But it cannot completely replace mental power. It is simply following the rules, where people incorporate certain knowledge, methods, experiences, etc. that can be expressed in language into programs and computers for solving. But humans are exactly the opposite.

  This is an electronic computer, a multifunctional electronic device that is also a good helper for humans.

  英文计算机作文 7

  Today, as soon as I got home, my parents took turns bombing me. Originally, there were many calculations that I made mistakes on my math exam paper.

  I dont believe it. I took out my portable computer and calculated again, but it was still this one number. Dad even snatched my computer and did the math. Oh, these are these numbers again. "Did I press the wrong button earlier?" Dad said in confusion. "Hahaha, dont you think my calculations are all correct? Maybe the teacher made a mistake," I said happily. Dad picked up the computer and calculated again. We feel even more strange: whats wrong, the calculation result this time is different from the previous two times. At this point, I thought it might be a problem with the computer. I picked up my own computer and calculated all the wrong questions, then I made another mistake. Dad said, "It seems like theres a problem with the computer. This computer has been used for several years and has never had this kind of problem before." I laughed so hard that my stomach was almost hurting, and I said, "It looks like the computer has also grown old and turned into a confused person." Mom and Dad laughed heartily as they listened.

  Alas, not to mention that people will age, it turns out that computers will also age.

  Hey, computer, you should also retire!

  英文计算机作文 8

  My chess skills were originally quite good, but recently I have been playing chess with computers like a toad touching a censer - hitting a nose full of dust and losing miserably in a row. Hmph! Lets ride a donkey and read a play book - lets wait and see.

  Another battle began, and the enemy immediately blasted my horse out of the battlefield with guns. My chariot and horse were stuck tightly, and in no time, I killed one of its chariots, horses, and guns. At this moment, the enemy actually put the horse in front of my car. I smiled and said, "Youre so bold, youre like a moth to the fire - youre looking for your own way. Look at me!" As I was about to drive the enemys horse out of the battlefield, I suddenly thought to myself: the enemy wouldnt foolishly put the horse in front of me. I took a closer look and, my goodness, there is indeed a car next to me. Hmph! Hmph! The praying mantis catches cicadas, while the yellow sparrow follows behind. I used my army to kill the enemys horse, and the enemys chariot did indeed eat my soldiers. Unexpectedly, I killed a revolver and killed its chariot, then immediately launched a full-scale attack, and the enemy was soon completely annihilated.

  I jumped three feet high with joy, showing a bright smile and shouting loudly, "I won!"

  英文计算机作文 9

  Today, the teacher taught us how to use computers to make electronic bulletin boards.

  I put on my shoe covers and excitedly came to the computer classroom. There are many computers inside, and my good friend and I use one. The teacher explained the steps to us and personally demonstrated them. Its time for us to do it ourselves, and Im so excited.

  First, open the Word document and click Edit. At this time, WordArt will appear. It has many styles. We choose the purple three-dimensional WordArt. Our theme is Mid-Autumn Festival. First, type the title. Next, we need to a picture. Open the browser and click the picture. There are many categories on the picture. Search for pictures of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there will be many pictures about the Mid Autumn Festival. We chose a moon and pressed the right button, but why didnt we save the image? My friend and I spent a long time here, and finally with the help of our classmates, we saved the image to the desktop and selected the image from the desktop. Haha, the image is ready.

  We have ed pictures of the Jade Rabbit and Mooncake again, but its difficult to control. We make the pictures smaller, sometimes invert the titles, and sometimes enlarge them, which is particularly interesting. After practice, I gradually became proficient in the operation.

  Class is over, I am reluctant to part ways, looking forward to the next computer class.

  英文计算机作文 10

  Having a god like brain and a computing speed faster than the speed of light... You guessed it right, I am a famous computer, but I dont know where I got the name of a computer. Dont be fooled by my small and delicate figure, there are countless mysteries in this small body. Lets take a look together.

  Although our history is relatively short, our family has developed rapidly. From a 30 ton electronic tube in 1946 to us today, who only weigh 2.5 kilograms, in just 69 years, we have undergone earth shattering changes.

  After talking for so long, are you eager to know what I look like? Dont worry, listen to me carefully.

  To be honest, although we produce precision, making a companion requires hundreds of chemical raw materials, most of which are harmful to humans. The rich and colorful online world is full of fun and can also make people dizzy. If people cannot use the internet correctly and healthily, they will fall into the trap of the internet, unable to extricate themselves, and even lead to tragedy. We also gave birth to a monster: radiation. If you use us for a long time, my child will harm your vision and body.

  英文计算机作文 11

  What will the future world be like? What will future computers look like? Let me tell you!

  In the near future, a computer will emerge. Its function is peculiar, with seven main characteristics. What are these characteristics? Let me tell you! Its first characteristic is that it doesnt need to be operated by hand, just say it; The second characteristic is that it does not have a bulky body. Its appearance is just a pair of headphones, with computer glasses attached to it, making it very comfortable to wear; The third characteristic is that it can be folded, and if not in use, it can be folded and packed, only requiring a one cubic centimeter box; The fourth characteristic is that it can make both phone calls and unlimited internet access; The fifth characteristic is that it can act as a radar, detecting what is approaching you, and is launched by satellite; The sixth characteristic is that when it is adjusted to the in car state, it can detect all police officers and cameras within nearly one kilometer. If you find that it is on, you can drive slowly to prevent being fined for speeding by the police or captured by the camera, which is also launched by satellite; The seventh characteristic is that it can watch various channels around the world infinitely.

  With this kind of computer, life will be so colorful! It can bring many conveniences to people. However, it requires people to invent. Whether its ten years, twenty years, thirty years... no matter how many years, I believe it will definitely be invented.

  Everything in the future must be wonderful, and perhaps more advanced and perfect computers will soon be invented by people.

  英文计算机作文 12

  In todays society, the replacement speed of internet computers is astonishingly fast. As the masters of future society, should we imagine what changes will happen to computers in the future?

  The computers of the future are very different from those of the present,. It not only has the functions of modern computers, but also adds thousands of functions that are not available in modern computers, such as the "real mirror" that allows for traveling everywhere, the "simulated qin" that can play the staff notation, the "Marang pen" that can turn pictures into objects, and the "transformation program" that can turn computers into robots

  By the way, let me tell you about the program "Real Mirror"! Turn on the computer and you can see an icon for a mirror on the desktop. Double click on this icon to see a full screen large mirror with text reminding you: "Enter the name of the country or city you want to go to into the mirror." Simply enter the name of the place you want to go to, and click the "OK" button next to it. At this point, you will feel your body floating lightly, your feet off the ground, and quickly fly to the place you want to go.

  Through computers, you can figure out the 50000 year history that has already passed, but you may not necessarily know what will happen in the next fifty years. But one thing is certain: computers will become more and more "divine".

  英文计算机作文 13

  Either square and straight, or as thin as a book... you must have guessed, this is a computer. I have a deep connection with computers. It is the third respected "mentor" in my life, teaching me a lot and enriching my extracurricular life.

  Take the story that happened when I made the PPT about Mount Huangshan last time.

  That time, the teacher asked me to complete a PPT to introduce the scenery of Mount Huangshan Mountain. However, I have never been to Mount Huangshan and have no relevant information. So, I went online and asked my mentor - the computer. Soon, I found the introduction of Mount Huangshan scenery. When I feel satisfied, I encounter a problem: how to get those colorful pictures? I used the search function of the computer to find the Mount Huangshan landscape map and download it on the desktop. The speed and amount of information of computers are unmatched by any tool in todays world. In this way, with the help of my computer "teacher" time and time again, I solved many difficulties, and the PPT was successfully completed under my mothers guidance.

  The next day, when I introduced the "Four Wonders of Mount Huangshan" to my classmates, many students opened their mouths wide. How proud I am standing on the podium! Of course, I will not forget the selfless help of the computer "teacher" to me. Thank you for helping me successfully complete the teachers tasks, and thank you for making peoples learning more convenient!

  英文计算机作文 14

  When it comes to mobile phones and computers, you will definitely think of watching TV, playing games, and so on. In our class, computers dont play games or watch TV, but we are extremely happy. Do you know whats going on? Then let me tell you this happy story!

  "Dingdong, Dingdong", the sound of class rang out. This is a computer class, and we stood quietly in our seats. After entering the classroom, the teacher asked us to sit down in rows. Next, we opened the computer, and the teacher taught us how to download Meitu Xiuxiu. After the teacher finished demonstrating, I started downloading it, but I couldnt open the download page no matter what. So I asked Tianhao for advice. Tianhao looked at it and said, "Hey, double click to open it." I immediately realized it when I heard it. After downloading it, the teacher asked us to use the software we downloaded to fix the picture. After listening to it, I opened the software and started to frantically fix it. I found a photo of a little baby, which was originally innocent and cute, but was pinched by Tianhao and me into an alien with a long face, a long chin, and eyes like small black holes.

  At this moment, the teacher began to demonstrate again. At the beginning, the teacher used a babys face to make a very cute shaking head doll. Then, Teacher Wu surprisingly found a picture of our teacher Zhou and made a shaking head doll. The class also laughed heartily. At this moment, I thought of a word: a baby is called a shaking head doll, and Teacher Zhou can call it a shaking head doll. Thinking of this, I couldnt help but laugh.

  You probably laughed when you saw this. It was the most interesting and enjoyable class.

  英文计算机作文 15

  We have taken many different classes, and the most unforgettable one for me was the computer class.

  I remember when we were in third grade, we hardly knew what computer class was for. Over time, we forgot about this class. One day, the teacher suddenly asked the class monitor to lead us to the computer classroom. When we went downstairs, we were all chattering and talking.

  As soon as they entered the classroom, the students spoke in unison and said, "Wow, the computers are one by one, so many! There are headphones, thats too advanced!" Our computer teacher is Li Caiqin, and we call her Teacher Li. Teacher Li first asked us to each sit down, and then she clicked on a text on the big screen. Then, the computer could only display what was displayed on the big screen. Afterwards, we will explain the main keyboard area, numeric keypad area, functional keypad area, status indicator area, and control keypad area.

  After the teacher finished teaching us about this area, he also taught us where to place the left hand finger. The teacher taught us which finger of the left hand controls which keys.

  The teacher finished class at this point, and we had no choice but to return to class. We took this computer class and I understood what a computer is, what its functions are, and which keys are controlled by our left hand.

  This is the most unforgettable computer class for me.


计算机英文 简历10-02








