

时间:2023-05-20 12:58:13 英语作文 我要投稿
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学英语作文400字 篇1

  Summer holiday is going on.But the vacation is too short,my new-term will come soon.Oh,I should make a new-term Plan ,because I must get ready to welcome my autumn term.In last term,my marks of the end exams are not good,since I did not study well enough.I was angry with myself.So I will learn harder and harder.I want to be a winner.Also,I will do these:

  First,I will review all the subjects,especially English,maths,history and physics.

  Second,I decide to listen to the English every morning.

  Third,I must hand in my homework to the teachers on time.

  Finally,I will ask my teachers and classmates for help more often.

  My target is to get good marks.I think I can.

学英语作文400字 篇2

  I have a good English teacher. She is Miss Wu. She is my favorite teacher.

  We felt English very difficult when we began to study English. Miss Wu had a good ideato solve the problem. One day, she came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples, bananas and oranges. She said, “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English. ”

  All of us were interested and wanted to win the fruits. We listened to her very carefully. Someone even stood up to answer questions. When the class was over, all the fruits were all eaten.

  From then on, I am more and more interested in English. I think Miss Wu is a good teacher. I really appreciate her help.

学英语作文400字 篇3





学英语作文400字 篇4

  The Bamboo 竹子

  Bammboo grows up straight and thin, with branches at the top. It has long leaves. It looks like a tree, but it is really a kind of grass.

  There are more than five hundred kinds of bamboo in the world. Some grow over ten meters tall. Some are only a few inches tall. Bamboo grows best in warm and wet places.

  The long stem of bamboo is hollow. They are light and strong. People use them to build houses and bridges. Bamboo is also made into paper. People like to eat them.

  Do you like bamboo?






学英语作文400字 篇5

  This is my family. There are four people in my family. My grandmother, my father, my mother and me.

  My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My father has short black hair and small eyes.

  He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”. He works at a factory. My mother works at a L.D.T. My mother has long black hair.

  She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother. On holidays my family often go to travel. I study at Guiyuan Primary School.

  We are very happy.

学英语作文400字 篇6

  we are all flowers , our families are our gardens. it is a place where we can get protected. as gardeners , our parents sacrifice a lot for us . no matter what happens to us, our families will stand in front of us . instead of blaming us , they give us a lot of help.they love us ,no matter what we do . when you fail to do something , your motion will be very low . then family will give us alot of happiness. our families also teach us a lot .

  It tells us how to become a outstanding person , how to do useful things to our homeland , how to live a happy life . in some way , our families are our first teachers in the world , weneed them for ever.

  Also we should do somethings for our families .in the future ,we should be their pride.

学英语作文400字 篇7







学英语作文400字 篇8

  What is the most beautiful city in China? Shanghai.

  Millions of years ago, Shanghai was a small town. Only thousands of people lived there. They were farmers and fisherman.

  Today Shanghai is more beautiful. There are millions of people living there. They are factory workers, teachers, builders, students and so on. There are a lot of tall buildings. There is a lot of traffic. Many people have cars. People are rich. There are many schools, cinemas, shops, parks…

  So I love Shanghai, because Shanghai is changing all the time.

学英语作文400字 篇9


  晚读时间还未响铃时,我就已经坐在班级的自己座位上,等待着铃声的号召。 不一会儿,班里就传出声音洪亮的有气势的读书声,我当然也在其中,并且很认真的大声朗读着,直到铃声再次号召我们。一开始,还没有什么动作,不知道要干什么,忽然就想到自己英语的差劲,还是写英语好,每天都要写一会英语。先的是抄写单词,以是增加记忆力度,等抄完之后已过了半个钟头。接着便是写试卷了,尽管不会写,看不懂内容,却也还是硬着头皮一个一个查单词的来写。在这个过程中,有无数次的'冲动想要中断下来,也有无数次挣扎与叹气在与之对抗。最终赢了,我坚持了下来,一个个的查找单词意思,很是乏味很无奈,又无可奈何花落去。但是,当查到一半意思时,我开始做试卷,那种史无前例的成就感瞬间就涌了上来,第一次理解英语并且写了英语,虽然手法有点不端正,但毕竟也是我自己全部的功劳。在这一刻,我笑了,是内心笑了,很愉悦的那种,虽然耗时几个小时就只才做了这么一点儿题,却也无比兴奋。因为我找到了路,虽然模糊,但很明确。


学英语作文400字 篇10

  It’s spring. It’s time to plant trees.

  I want to plant a tree in our garden. Dad and Mum are very happy. They like green. Dad helps me plant the tree. First, we dig the soil. Then I put a

  little tree into the soil. Next I water it. I am so excited and I wait for the tree to grow. Two weeks later, my tree has some little leaves. I water it every day. Now it has lots of leaves. It grows fast.

  We should plant more trees. They make our world beautiful.

  【要领点评】 小作者写了一次植树的经历,但他并没有单纯拘泥于植树的过程。既有过程,也有感觉,能使文章打动读者,给人以启发。作文的`最后一段就非常好,两句话胜似千言万语。我们可以学习一下这种写法。 既描述过程,又适时提自己的看法或想法的写法,在作文中叫做“夹叙夹议”,描述过程为了提出一种思想服务,提出看法或想法使原本平实的描述有了意义。我们在以后的写作中也可以试一试。










