

时间:2023-05-25 09:00:08 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  Hi. My name isWang Haiyang!

  I am a boy . I come from Yi Ma China . I am nine years old .

  I am a student in ClassFour , GradeFour

  I am tall.I have a big nose ,a wide mouth. My eyes are big .I have

  round face ,two big ears .I have short black hair .

  I am in a black cap andblue shoes .I am black shirt and a blackskirt.

  My pants are black .My favorite color is black .

  I am cool .I like English very much. I can speak some English .

学英语作文 篇2



  This is Beijing .It’s in the north of china .It’s got fourteen million people .It’s very big .There is a very famous wall in Beijing .The Great Wall .

  It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.And there is a famons square in the middle of Beijing it’s beautifui . It’s Tian’anmen square .I like Beijing .I want to go to Beijing one day.




学英语作文 篇3

  it was my first day at school. i walked into the building where i was going to live ,and looked at door after door for my name. at last i found it. in the room there was already a student making his bed.

  after we said"hello"to each other, he continued his work, paying no attention to me."what a stuck-up fellow,"i thought. i examined the room. it was not different in the fittings and furnishings from any other room i had seen. but it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate, no doubt.

  i looked at him. he was thin, short, and dark. his hair was like a bundle of straw. his dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long journey . his clothes were made of cheap cloth. the coat was too short and the trousers were too loose. and he wore a pair of rubber shoes , which were very unfashionable. he did not look like a smart senior student at all . "a yokel ,"i concluded.

学英语作文 篇4

  a number of+复数,谓动用复数;the number of+复数,则用单数。


  more than one+复数名词,谓动为单数。


  a series/species/portion+of+名词,用单数。 many a+单数,谓动用单数。名词+and+名词表示一种概念时,用单数。

  neither of+复数,谓动用单数。


  an average(total)of+复数后用复数,the average(total)of+复数后用单数。

  a body of+复数,谓动用单数。



  我们首先来看20xx年1月的第80题:But perhaps we should look at both sides of the coin before arriving hasty conclusions.本题中所考查的是短语动词。英语中有许多的短语动词,是很难从字面上判断其意义的。其中与介词构成短语的动词是最常见的。例如本题中的arrive,必须与at搭配成为短语动词之后才能与conclusion搭配。我们在分析题目的时候,发现有动宾搭配的时候,应该考虑该动词是否是一个短语动词,并进而分析构成该短语动词的介词有无遗漏。对于短语动词的熟悉是一个长期积累的过程,需要随时总结与记忆。以下是六级考试中常见到的短语动词:

  account for, add up to, back up, break down, break away from, bleak out, break up, break in, break off, bring about, “bring up, bring out, bring down, build up, call off, call for, call on, carry out, check in, clear up, come off, come around, count on, cut down, cut off, do away with, dwell on, fall back on, fall out, get over, get out of, get at, give out, give up, give off, hang on, hold back, keep back from, keep up with, lay off, lay down, live up to, look into , look forward to, look over, make up, make out, pass away, put up with ,role out, run out of, set about, take over, take up, take in, take off, turn up, turn out, work out等。

  还有一种常考的`动词的用法就是语态。如20xx年1月第79题:One is surely justitied in his concern for the money and resources that they are poured into the space exploration.在本题中,由于从句的主语they与pour的关系是主动的,因而不可以用被动语态。在所分析的文字中包含谓语动词,那么应该分析是否是这方面的问题。其中应该重点分析主语与谓语动词的关系是主动还是被动。


  我们首先来看20xx年6月的第73题:However.a second person thougt that this was more a question of civilized behavior as good manners.本题所考查的就是比较连接词的用法。从前文的more我们就可以看出,下文的as是不恰当的,正确的答案应是比较连接词than。一般来说,比较连接词所考查的重点集中在88与than的用法上。句意中是否还有比较意义是很容易辨别的,我们一旦觉察到句子有比较的意思,就应考虑是否是as与than的用法混淆。

  此外定语从句的连接词也是要特别注意的。我们看 20xx年6月的第74题:Instead,this other person told us a story,it he said was quite well known.在这里,句子的后半段很明显是一个非限制性的定语从句,所以应将it改为which。非限制性的定语从句的连接词在近几年的考试中反复出现,应该引起我们的重视。解决此类问题的方法是。凡是发现有复合句的分析对象,首先就要考虑从句的连接词。首先看是否有连接词,其次看连接词是否正确,尤其是which与 that的不同应用。 F.语言环境类错误的发现与解决


  的。这类错误一般是一行中的关键词与上下文所体现出来的意思完全相反。例如20xx年6月第72题:A well—man. nered person…walks down a street he or she is constantly un-aware of others.本句的文意是一个有礼貌的人在街上走的时候是不会旁若无人的。而句中的unaware明显与句意是不符的。此类题的解决也较简单,那就是将不符合文意的词改为它的反义词即可。


学英语作文 篇5

  Days ago when I was doing my listening practice, I found my idea was quite different from the author’s. He insisted that family should be the first while I hold the opposite idea. Let me explain my opinion step by step.


  Drawing a conclusion to which one should be the first, career or family, we should depend on the following two aspects: Which one will do more to your life-long dreams and value; And which one promotes the development of society. It’s normal that there always be a conflict between career and family. However we should have an objective comment. That is which one gives more contribution. I wonder how can a family be permanent without the guarantee of career.


  Talking about achieving our value, we ought to combine it with our needs. What we need includes three sides: The need of existance, the need of enjoying and the need of development. At this time, we must have a clear mind that career or family which one has more ability to satisfy these, which one is related to these from the beginning to the end. There is no doubt that the answer is career. Referring to the value of society, we automatically think of work and creation. I do agree that family have something to do with these sometimes, but the productivity it brings to us is far less than what the career gives. What is the resource of the develpoping society? Of course, productivity. And through which the improvement of productivity can be shown. The answer is career as well.



  When asked what is the final destination for our career, you may said because you want to support a big family. I think maybe this answer belongs to one of our destination, but not the final one. We pay more attention to our career mainly because we desire to do something to meet the need of our society.


  If a country wants to be more powerful, it needs creative thought and continuous work, which obviously comes from career. As our country becoming stronger, we become stronger, too. In the contrary, if we never put career first, how can a family exist without the support of the society.


  A person who really has a deep understanding of his value, he/she should fight for his career first!


  Actually, the spirit of pursuing higher career is also the spirit we indicate in present day. No matter which period of age we are at, we should keep our passion for reaching the higher level. Only in this way can we really get self value.


  Compared the truth and value, yourself and the society, with a overall mind. You will come to a conclusion that career is rather significant!


  Above is my statement for my opinion. Different people have different viewpoint. Some people, especially ladies, always think it’s their duty to do the housework and they are fated to be the housewives. Never will I agree. Doing more housework is OK for ladies but ladis should have independence. As a lady in 21th. Century, we ought to spare no effort to gain our position in the society. Therefore, I won’t get married until I have an achievement in my career!!


学英语作文 篇6

  he Golden Week holidays in China has considerably promoted the development of the nations economy and touring industry and enriched peoples life. People around the country have spent more time and money traveling and relaxing themselves.

  As every coin has two sides, the Golden Week holidays have also brought about piles of problems. For one thing, due to the fact that people across the country are spending their vacations during the same period of time, it is terribly crowded almost everywhere: trains, buses, hotels, scenic spots, etc., which have ruined peoples mood for vacations. For another, some businessmen take advantage of the weeklong holidays and raise the priced of commodities and services.

  Personally, I believe that it is necessary for people to have long vacations, but there is no need for them to have the vacations during the same period of time. Instead, they should be allowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations. Only in this way can they really relax and refresh themselves for a new round of work.










