

时间:2023-05-30 11:40:50 英语作文 我要投稿
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学英语作文600字 篇1


  于是,我跟爸爸说:“爸爸,从今天开始,我就当你的'老师,教你学英语吧!”没想到,爸爸竟然爽快地答应了。我立刻“走马上任”了。“第一节英语课开始!”我清了清嗓子,大声喊道。爸爸马上坐得好好的。我说:“下面我们先来学习一些日常用语。早上好!Good morning!”“咕——猫——拧……”爸爸说。我差点没笑出眼泪来。“是‘good morning’,不是‘咕——猫——拧’!”经过我的一番耐心的“教导”,爸爸终于以标准的读音说出了“good morning”两个词。接着,我还教了“How are you?”等许多英语的日常用语,爸爸学得非常认真。一节英语课很快就过去了。


学英语作文600字 篇2





学英语作文600字 篇3

  living in the concrete jungle, we have to admit that our busy. etravagant lives are corroding our souls little by little. only by being close to nature can we recover our vitality and go back our true selves. breathing in fresh air, smelling the fragrance of flowers and listening to the sounds of birds and streams, we can release our tensions and listening to the sounds of birds and streams, we can our tensions and cleanse our minds of the tiresome things around us. form the journey of water, we can understand the circle of life. also, we can learn to be kind people from the peace of mountains. we can learn a lot as we enjoy the cozy atmosphere of nature. we may consider nature as a great book, and noting in the can delight us as much as it!

学英语作文600字 篇4

  In a forest there are many small animals don't take care of the trees they cut down a tree and not plant trees the trees had been cut out a long time. Animals don't care at all but in winter the chicken and red pandas a lot of animals to cut down a tree for warmth but they don't look around see a tree. Chicks they're worried we how to spend the winter without trees for warmth. Everyone was worried so you go looking for forest managers - to find a way to the great king the king tiger tiger king the king said "because you don't care for the forest to have today's end so everybody to want to take care of the forest and a variety of trees." Small animals hear the word of the king tiger the small animals began to plant trees in spring. Just the people also came here to visit the forest.

  Plant trees people see small animals today is March 12 so each year's Arbor Day March 12 people.

学英语作文600字 篇5

  in a blink of an eye, i am already ten years old.

  when i was in china, i only went to kindergarten and i did not go to elementary school. in the three years in canada, not only have i learned english, but also i have learned how to speak mandarin, because when i was in china, i could only speak cantonese.

  right now, i am already a fifth grade student and i need to work hard to become a good student. i need to learn english, chinese and french well; learn about science and computers well.i really like computers. through computer i have learned a lot of things. i know how to send e-mail to my father who works in china. when i grow up, i want to become a technician, just like bill gates.

  i am ten years old. i think i have improved a lot, for example, i know how to swim and play the piano, and i also know how to ride a bicycle.

  i want to let my mother and father relax, and i will be a good child and a good student.

学英语作文600字 篇6

  I have a busy father and a kind mother.

  My father is a businessman. He is 42 years old. He is short. He likes reading newspapers after meals. He watches TV in the evening. He goes to work by car. He has got a nice black car. He often plays golf with his friends on the weekend. He does not often eat dinner with us.

  My mother is a housewife. She doesn't work. She stays at home. She is beautiful. She has long hair. She does housework in the morning. She often goes shopping in the afternoon. She is kind, but she is strict to my study. She likes reading. She watches TV at night, too.

  I love my parents. And they love me too.















