

时间:2023-05-31 13:06:00 英语作文 我要投稿




描写秋天的英语作文 篇1

  Autumn is a mature, harvest season. I like the fall of the orchard, because it brings great joy to the people.

  Into the autumn orchard, you will feel a trace of cool wind, sandwiched with a trace of fruit fragrance blowing, straight Qin your heart and spleen. Come to the world of fruit, you will shine: pomegranate, grapes, dates ... ... is almost dazzling.

  Autumn orchard colorful, friendly fruit dolls put on new clothes, jump dance, welcome guests to come. Apple brother shy face, embarrassed to hide behind the leaves; grape sister put on a purple dress; persimmon like a small lantern, for people to lighting ... ...

  Autumn orchard night, beautiful, beautiful so you can not describe. In the hazy moonlight, the night has added a trace of mystery, you faint can hear the sound of the growth of the fruit, looking at the night sky sleep so much, while the little stars are not restless, blinking blink, I Think of the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver: Once upon a time there was a Cowboy, the weaver took a fancy to him, but the weaver had committed the sky and was taken up by God. The Cowboy took the child riding the leather and flew up to the sky to find the weaver, but the Queen Mother A galaxy, they can only across the bridge across the year on July 7 to meet once.

  I like the fall of the orchard, it can give me countless reverie; also make my mind clear.

描写秋天的英语作文 篇2

  Last night a strong wind "woo, woo" to scrap a whole night, until the early morning to stop. Morning, on the way to school, I found the sky was shaved blue, like the spring as translucent. Sky side of a red day, according to people in the warm, no longer like the summer so roast, giving a kind of feeling. A few snow white clouds dotted in which people look relaxed and happy.

  The wind of the autumn is like a magician, and it blushes the maple leaves in a red, like a stamp, and gives the news of the autumn. It is ginkgo leaves shaved golden yellow, like a small fan, fan fan ah, to the people fan to the fall of the information. It is the cell door of the two rows of persimmon tree persimmon shaved Huang Chengcheng, like a small bowls of light, heavy bending of the branches, to the people sent the sweet autumn. It is the grandfather kind of gourd scraped into a yellowish, shook the wind shake, as if to say: "my treasure gourd hidden in a lot of autumn secrets?" Every time I go through it always want to pick a look Look inside what hidden secret.

  The wind of autumn is warm, and it shines away from the heat of summer. It makes people out of the air-conditioned room, put on bright clothes to embrace nature. It let the grandfather grandmother out of the house, sitting downstairs empty field, basking in the sun, chatting parents in the short thing.

  Autumn wind is refreshing, it makes the grandmother's big flower dog, no longer like the summer spit tongue, breathing heavily, motionless lying on the ground. But jumping in the garden running around.

  This is the wind of autumn, it is not as wild as spring, not as hot as the summer, not as cold as the winter. It is pleasant, it is warm, it is colorful, I like the wind of autumn

描写秋天的英语作文 篇3

  Autumn, cloudless, the autumn wind stroke.

  Migratory birds are eager to fly to the south. Geese for a while in "people" glyph, neatly flew through the air, so, don't listen to the migratory birds that ringing the songs and calls of. The sparrows chirp to busy looking for food, the frog to dig holes, ready to sleep comfortably, such as spring up!

  The orchard, a row of fruitful. Round apple like children face; Pear yellow, like a small bottle gourd; Red hawthorn like a small lantern; A purple grapes, like pearls were shining brilliantly.

  In the field, the sorghum like drunk, nodding; Corn is sleeping in the yellow clothes; Soybean small slope in the belly, also jumped out; Chinese cabbage as soldiers lined up neatly arranged in in the vegetable garden. Farmers are busy reap the fruits of the year, from time to time heard gales in the field...

  Ah, the autumn scenery is beautiful!

描写秋天的英语作文 篇4

  It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season in the year is coming.

  Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of smiles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summers hard work.The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky.

  It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.




描写秋天的英语作文 篇5

  Autumn is coming.

  "Whirring call ... ..." Listen, who is to catch the autumn girl's skirt followed by?

  This autumn is a little rude, it is wrapped in yellow leaves, fluttering, leaves with it in the air, aimlessly rotating, and gradually, it does not care like the leaves will be abandoned in the earth.

  It swept the head of the people. At the end, but also jokingly took advantage of the gap in the clothes drilled into the people, so that people could not help feel through the cool, not help wrap the clothes, it is naughty drilled out to people who made a face, they went The

  It came to the endless field, only love the golden autumn of the most hated glare of the green, and saw it drum up the cheek hard to blow, the crops are all mature, and glowing the joy of gold. Autumn tour of a circle of their own labor results, could not help but shy smile ... ...

  "Wind children, the wind" to listen to, autumn girl in the call of the autumn wind! Can wind doll completely do not know, still wandering between heaven and earth to add that the golden world ... ...

描写秋天的英语作文 篇6

  Some people like the spring blooming, thriving spring, some people like the summer sunny, some people like autumn snow, cold bitter winter, and I like the rain, the wind to send cool autumn. Autumn, like a shy little girl gently floated. Although the autumn scenery so beautiful, but the autumn orchard more colorful.

  Into the orchard, greeted the scene is a bumper harvest. You see, there is a persimmon tree over there, red like a fire, like a lantern hanging in the branches, attracted many small butterflies in these "lanterns" next to singing and dancing, as if together with the farmers to share the joy of harvest. Look at this side, a grape crystal translucent, purple with bright, round and lovely, like a piece of agate, but also like a purple pearl.

  Look, the left side of a row of golden orange trees, one by one like a small star in the orchard of a corner of the shine. On the right side of the orchard, rows of yellow pear trees stood there. Pear varieties are many, pear, pear, rocky pear. Do not taste, a look to know the taste must be sweet and delicious.

  In the middle of the orchard, there are pomegranate trees and jujube trees. Jujube is full of many dates, one by one like a red pearl. The pomegranate tree is full of many red pomegranates and there are many pomegranates laughing and revealing the rosy teeth.

  Autumn orchard is really colorful, beautiful ah! I hope you have the opportunity to go to a detailed tour.

描写秋天的英语作文 篇7

  The wind of autumn is a key. It is cool and gentle, slowly, slowly, while you did not pay attention to the door of the border to open the border. As soon as you enter the autumn world, you will soon see the harvest orchard. Pear fragrant, pineapple sour, apple sweet. Uncle aunt is busy putting these delicious fruits in the basket.

  You see, orange, persimmon seems to wait, you squeeze me touch, scrambling to people to pick it. The west side of the orchard is a large garden of Guan Li. The garden is open all year round. What is the twill of this season? Oh, it was beautiful chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemums are purple, yellow, golden, white, pink ... ... really colorful, very beautiful off!

  Guan Li's chrysanthemum nodded slightly in the autumn wind, like a little girl of Guan Li. There is a wide field in the southeast of the garden, and the fields grow millet and corn. Golden grain is wrapped in the valley, like a baby in the burden, had to be quietly crowded together. Corn cob in the corn grain like a golden little teeth, it is truly cute. Corn and millet are bowed, modestly invited the master to harvest.

  Field east is a woods. The woods planted with white birch, trees, pine and cypress, ginkgo tree, dragon claw Huai, Ching Chung, Guan Lai extremely. Every fall, the leaves fall from the tree down, leaves like a yellow butterfly in the forest dagger dance, pine and pine and cypress is more green.

  Autumn is really beautiful, I love autumn!

描写秋天的英语作文 篇8

  Autumn really beautiful autumn girl wearing a golden dress, sitting uncle breeze of the car came to the Xia Gonggong side, it said: "Xia Gonggong you tired, I'll take your class!"

  At this time, there is a row of geese in the sky is about to fly to the south of the winter! Dayan leader led his team members for a while arranged in a "person" word, while arranged in a "one" word, while lined up a "big". They fly and say, "Dear Southern friends, we come back to see you!"

  In the field, the red sorghum is like a burning torch. A piece of field covered with mature rice, a tree of rice together to become a golden "ocean". The wind blowing, as if in front of rolling the golden waves.

  Orchard, Apple smiled red face; Huang Chengcheng pear, like a yellow bells; ripe persimmon in the tree you squeeze me touch, scrambling to let people pick it!

  Maple forest, maple leaves are more beautiful than those who dance, the wind blowing them began to dancing, jump out of the joy of autumn!

  Autumn is really beautiful, I like this golden, lovely season!

描写秋天的英语作文 篇9

  Autumn to the days of high clouds, cool breeze, orchard fruitful, faction of the harvest scene.

  Look in the orchard that only a huge apple covered with branches, bending the branches, like hide and seek children exposed smile. I eat one, sweet and fragrant, really delicious. I looked at the scene, eating this apple, can not help but "poem" a: "tree apple orchard and large, red color like a child face; gently smell the smell of spicy, eat mouth sweet Jinjin!

  The north of the apple forest is the vineyard. "Crystal" grape crystal translucent, like a crystal carved out like. "Red Earth" grape red with purple, like a string of red pearls hanging in the tree. And that "beauty refers to" grapes, the skin is very thin, like a touch on the broken like.

  There is a large pomegranate tree on the west side of the vineyard. This is just a pomegranate like a "smiling" small doll, as if to say: "My belly big and big, which filled with small baby; everyone together to taste, teeth sweet out light. I could not stand the temptation of it, picked a, cut open the skin, took out into the mouth of a bite, red juice has been sweet to the heart, refreshing.

  After tasting the pomegranate, we came to the persimmon garden. Persimmon flat, orange, like a small lantern.

  The fruitful dressing up the beautiful orchard, it is indulge in pleasures without stop. This charming school of autumn, even look at a glance, also called you enchanted.










