

时间:2023-06-05 08:05:24 英语作文 我要投稿




中国英语作文 篇1

  Foreigners’ Impression On Chinese [外国人对中国人的印象]

  Nowadays, Chinese people are everywhere, on the one hand, they like to travel and on the other hand, the population is very large. But foreigners’ impression on Chinese is not always good. The media have reported the negative incidents that were brought by Chinese tourists, and many foreigners have given their opinion and criticized the tourists’ behavior. It is true that many Chinese people haven’t realized their bad behavior, such as talking loudly in the public occasion. As we have the large population, so not every people has the chance to receive good education. What’s more, the foreign media just reported the bad side while ignoring the good side, so the foreign people always think Chinese people are rude. We admit that we are not doing well enough and we need to behave ourselves. And I believe that a wise man will make his own judgment when he communicate with Chinese.


中国英语作文 篇2

  Different countries have different teaching aims and teaching ways. It’s well-known that Chinese education is exam-oriented education in the past. Obviously, exam-oriented education has some disadvantages, like the disconnection between theory and practice that renders students with high scores have low abilities. So, our country decide to change exam-oriented education to quality education. Quality education is focus on the development in an all-around way. Under this kind of education system, students will study easier and get improvement for all sides.


中国英语作文 篇3

  China debates 'family values'

  Most Chinese agree the family is undergoing tremendous change. But views on what that means run the gamut. Some feel society is headed for serious disorder due to a loss of values like sacrifice, family loyalty, and fidelity. Others see a better China emerging after a period of shakeout, with greater choice and maturity.

  At one level, the fight is between traditionalists and progressives. Many of the former feel that an avaricious new money culture will corrupt China and send it into uncharted waters. They see women becoming sex objects and couples devaluing each other. They see the years from 1950 to 1980 as a stable period of happiness, when moral values were predominant and families found meaning in serving the state.

  "The opening up of the 1980s is only now showing itself in the way wives and husbands are chosen," says Xia Xueluan, a professor at Beijing University. "Now, when a girl meets a boy the first question is, 'Do you have a house? Do you have a car?' This causes great strains in marriages, and on husbands, to produce income. I'm worried."

  Progressives feel that few Chinese want to lose recent gains like choice. Both sexes are more liberated, they feel. In the past, marriage was limited by family background. Divorce was not allowed, often not even in abusive, dead-end situations.

  "In the past, there was no money and people were forced to rely on others. The choice for a better life was simple: struggle for food and shelter," says Dong Zhiying with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. "We all lived together and ate at the same table; we had 'salty or sweet' depending on what was available. Now you can order your own dishes."

  Many in China do feel problems with the money culture are underestimated, but don't want a return to state dictates in their private lives. They feel that an obsession with grades, colleges, and jobs has led parents to ignore a traditional emphasis on good behavior, modesty, and politeness. They are troubled by studies showing rising levels of early teen sex and recent cases of teens involved in homicides. They want a form of new moral education that teaches a humane social contract.

中国英语作文 篇4

  Chinese Traditional Virtue

  Chinese traditional virtue is the excellent moral heritage we inherited from the ancients. We learned many moral characters, such as, thrift, honesty, affection, filial piety, loyalty, humaneness and so on through many old stories and life practice. I summarized it into three aspects: humanity, courtesy and integrity.

  To begin with, Chinese culture advocates humanity. This thought does not only seek for human peace but also for the harmony between human and nature and other creatures. There are many examples that show humanity in the history. The emperors, who gain people’s great supports such as Tang Taizong, Kang Xi, complied with the philosophy that “Cultivate humanity, and then you could cultivate your family, administrate the country, and bring peace all over the world” (The Book of Rites). Additionally, there goes a famous saying, “honor the aged of other people as we honor our own, take care of the young of other people as we take care of our own” (the Analects). This important part of humanity makes great contributions to establishing a harmonious society. All in all, humanity makes us show respect to not only human life but also the environment and all kinds of life around us.

  In addition, China, a nation which has civilization of 5,000 years, puts courtesy at a very important position. From the old to the young, from the important events to the trivial things, it is common for people to use this rule to regulate their behavior. The traditional story of Kong Rong sharing pears is well-known by Chinese people. The behavior of KongRong to choose the smallest pear and leave the bigger ones to his brothers is a good explanation for the courtesy and comity. Courtesy makes us form many good habits in the daily life, for instance, saying hello to teachers, respecting parents, showing courtliness to our friends, giving up our seat on the bus to the people who needs it more. What’s more, courtesy play an important role in the Chinese diplomatic policy which do great help to the success of building steady relationship with other nations.

  Last but not least, Chinese ethics place a great emphasis on integrity. It is the basic

  principle when we get along with others. For this reason, I regard it as the most important rule we should obey to regulate our behavior. Integrity is needed in every field of our life. To be honest and sincere is the fundamental thing to be a human being. Just as the famous saying of Socrates “The dishonest life is not worth living”. Moreover, honesty and integrity is necessary when we are handling the relationship with friends and family members. Keeping secrets among family and friends often harm them deliberately or in deliberately. Still, in a business perspective, integrity is mainly with sincere reception, fair trade, abiding by the contract, pay the liabilities in time, and not cooking the books, etc. As a student, we show our integrity through pursuing the true academic knowledge, obeying the discipline of test, using the true and correct information to compete in all kinds of award selection.

  In summary, I am deeply convinced that all these great virtues had, have and still will have tremendous effect on the field of regulating people’s behaviors. The Chinese traditional virtues are not only the essence of ancient moral civilization, but also the cohesion of Chinese national family. Great efforts are essential for us to make in order to pursue and inherit all these invisible spiritual culture heritages.

中国英语作文 篇5

  Chinese Names

  Chinese people usually have two word or three word names: the family name, a middle name and the last name.

  Family names always come tirst. For example, my full name is Bai Junwei. Bai is my family name. Junwei is my given name. But some Chinese people don't have the middle name. For example, a man called Zhou Jian. Zhou is his family name,and Jian is his given name.

  People often use Mr. , Mrs. , or Miss before their family names, but never before.their given names. So you can say "Mr. Zhou", but you could never say "Mr.Jian".

  Chinese names are different from English names. In England, the last name is the family name. The first and the middle name is tile given name. For example,there is a man called Jim Henry Brown. Brown is his family name. Jim Henry is his given name. Another difference between~ E.nglish and Chinese names is that in China, the younger people's names shouldn't be the same as the elder's in the family.For example, my grandpa's name is Guo Dong, so i can't be called Guo Dong again.This shows that we respect the old people.

  In the family, people usually call me Weiwei for short. This is because it is shorter and easier than Bai Junwei, and it also they love me. In one word, Chinese names are quite different from English names.





  中国人的名字与英国人的名字不同。在英国,最后一个字是姓,第一个和第二个是名字。例如:有个人叫Jim HenryBrown,Brown是他的姓,JimHenry是他的名字。英文和中文名字的另一个不同之处是:在中国,年轻人一般不能取和老人一样的名字。例如:我的外公叫郭冬,而我不能再叫郭冬,这是对老人的尊重。


中国英语作文 篇6

  Trees are very helpful and important for us. We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future. It’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.










