

时间:2023-06-07 10:37:11 英语作文 我要投稿




中国英语作文 篇1

  modernization will bring a number of benefits to the chinese people. advances in science and technology will resnlt in better industrial and consumer products. new roads, tracks and trains will improve transportation for both people and goods. with new health care methods people will live happier and longer.

  however, modernization also gives rise to a number of new problems. pollution of the air, land, and water has become a serious problem in many parts of china. an increase in vehicles on the roads has also caused more traffic accidents with more injuries and deaths.

  we can, however, deal with these problems if we are careful. we can train many environmental scientists who can help factories operate cleanly. we can pass new laws to regulate our traffic more safely. finally, we must improve cur education system to prepare better educated people for tomorrow.

中国英语作文 篇2

  What instruments are played?

  When is the music played?

  Who writes the songs?

  What are the songs about?

  Music is an important part of the Chinese people’s life.

  Traditional Chinese music is played with traditional instruments such as the pipa, erhu, suona, guzheng, huqin, etc. The songs are mainly about love, life and news. Some songs tell us legends long long ago. And they are often handed down from generation to generation. In the past, the best chance to hear it was during a festival or at a wedding.

  Modern Chinese music, on the other hand, is played with drums, guitars and keyboard. Some songs also use traditional instruments as well. The young musicians and stars write new songs and people can enjoy them all the time over the radio, on TV or even in the street.

  One thing that hasn’t changed very much is that they both are about love and life. Whether they change or not, our love for music and life never changes.

中国英语作文 篇3

  The Task of the Chinese Youth in the 12st Century第十二世纪中国青年的任务

  In the past hundred years, science and technology have been advancing at an increasing higher speed in history. The trend will keep going on in the 21st century.


  The Chinese youth should prepare themselves to face the challenge of the new century. Those who are still at school should study hard and try to acquire as much knowledge as they can. And those who are already in work should try their best to catch up with the advanced world levels of science and technology in every field and strive for new discoveries and inventions.


  Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and with the support of the people, the Chinese youth will no doubt accomplish a great deal. China will become one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world by their efforts.


中国英语作文 篇4




中国英语作文 篇5

  the twelfth night, house started to warm up. Father will yellow rice, rice, red jujube, and red bean with warm water bubble up, then use sand pot in the fire boil chestnuts. Father said, do it with the five kinds of materials to, suggesting the grain and make it plentiful in the coming year. We several elder brother in the father's side, like a few didn't plunge wings of the bird, mother bird such as feeding. Chestnut cooked, father of the hand of the dry with peel it off the brown scale, will sweet and the pulp, stood in turn into our mouth to, but he also won't a taste. At this time, the mother sat cross-legged on the kang, in bright light cover, for her this several children rushed the clothes of the New Year. Orange cover light column straight with white paste the moon roof, ceiling and there is a small, round the moon. Small moon ?

中国英语作文 篇6

  Dear Sandy, As we all know,China's mainland population grew to 1.339 billion by 20xx,according to census figures released on Thursday,so the government take many action to reduce population.In the most families only have one children,for example me,in my home,my parents only have one children.In fact,I really want to have a brother or sister,because if I have a brother or sister,I will not feel lonely.And if I have some problems,he or she can help me.We can play together and grow up together,when I saw other children play with his brother pr sister in my childhood,I’m admired him very much.Until now,I also want to have a brother,if I have something can’t tell others,I can tell him,and he will protect me.

  So in the future,when I have my own family,I will be a parent,I hope I will have two children,one is a boy,the other is a girl.They can accompany with each other,and the brother can protect sister if she have some problems in the outside,and they can study how to cooperate.When they grow up,we will be old,he and she also have many babies,and we will live together very


  Thanks for your message. I really want to tell you what I think about two-child policy.

  Best wishes,

  Li Lei






中国英语作文 篇7


  老龄化社会(an aging society)是指老年人口占总人口达到或超过一定的比例的人口结构模型。按照联合国的传统标准是一个地区60岁以上老人达到总人口的10%,新标准是65岁老人占总人口的7%,即该地区视为进入老龄化社会。老龄化的加速对经济社会都将产生巨大的`压力。20xx年10月26日,中国传统节日重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)到来之际,中国正式启动了一项应对人口老龄化战略研究,以积极应对持续加剧的人口老龄化危机。


  An aging society refers to a population structure model in which aging population reaches or exceeds a certain proportion. The region is regarded as entering an aging society according to the UN’s traditional standard that an area’s old people over 60 years old takes up 10% of the total population, while the new standard is old people over 65 years old takes up 7% of the total population. The acceleration of aging will bring enormous pressure to both economy and society. On October 26, 20xx when the Double Ninth Festival, the traditional Chinese festival, came, China formally launched a strategic research on coping with aging of population to deal with increasingly intensifying population aging crisis.

中国英语作文 篇8

  Day by day, the New Year has come and people are busy. The small stand that sells fireworks and firecrackers is out to do business, the street is a scene of boiling.

  This evening, from time to time, several families lit the fireworks and put them away. Sometimes a few mischievous young children also come to be lively, in the hand inside take "dump gun", throw to the ground, the ground pain of the ground is peered to be stripped to bark. Families turn on the lights and others watch TV. Some people are eating family reunion dinner. Others have a family concert at home. In the sky is the color of a rainbow of sparks, the ground is a thousand thousands of lights red.

  I Shared a joke with some of my old classmates and told the story of >, and my heart immediately remembered a poem.

  In the sound of firecrackers,

  The spring breeze is warm to the butcher.

  Thousands of door pupil day,

  Always replace the new peach with the old one.

  Yes, in the noise of firecrackers, send away the unforgettable old year; The warm spring breeze brought New Year to the smiling people. We are one year older, and every family has opened its doors and Windows, allowing the bright sunlight to come into the room.

  In this burst of bamboo noise, he will not be mixed with the gong drum, cheerful instrumental music, he will not be filled with the laughter of chien long?

  I am one year older, I should be more sensible, my mother and father have done so much work on me, I want to study well, grow up to be the motherland for the motherland, for the motherland. A decade of trees, a century of trees. I will live up to my parents and teachers.

中国英语作文 篇9

  Many countries will experience aging populations in the next century because of declining birth and mortality rates. China will soon join their ranks. According to statistics, the aging of China's population will approach its peak by the middle of the next century,with the percentage of the people aged beyond 60 making up 27.4 percent of the total. That means one out of every four people will be elderly.

  As for the issue of aging, its situation has been growing increasingly severe in spite of the fact most people are still ignorant of the problems it brings about. Firstly, with families becoming smaller and living , it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately. Secondly, aging causes a relative decline in working force in that fewer people have to support the increasing aged people. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society is affected to some extent. Thirdly and most importantly,the aging of population in China resulted from the successful implementation of family planning has not been synchronized with national economic progress.

  The rapidity of the population's aging has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. No doubt they key is to build a solid economic foundation. Meanwhile, importance shall be attached to overall changing the backward situation in social security,welfare and service.

  What's more, family care and community services shall also be encouraged.

中国英语作文 篇10

  The fifth day of may is the traditional festival of the Chinese people - Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival also weighed five, May Day, afternoon festival, and the festival.

  The main customs of the Dragon Boat Festival are: eating zongzi, racing dragon boat RACES, daughters returning to the family, birthing, batting, swinging and eating salted eggs.

  The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the great patriotic poet qu yuan.

  When making zongzi, they can wrap different shapes such as triangles, circles, squares and rectangles. Zongzi is salty, sweet and peanut.

  The dragon boat race is because the ship can save the great patriotic poet qu yuan, the other is because of the fear that jiaolong harm qu yuan's body, people can drive a boat to beat the gong, to drive away the flood dragon. Every year in May, there are dragon boat RACES.

  This is the traditional Chinese festival, Dragon Boat Festival. I love Dragon Boat Festival!










