

时间:2023-06-08 10:27:00 英语作文 我要投稿




春天的英语作文 篇1

  A Busy Spring 忙碌的春天

  As spring comes, everything on earth comes to life. After an overnight s raining, the trees and flowers seem to wear their new clothes. Birds are chanting in trees. Butterflies keep dancing in flowers. All these elements form an elegant spring life.


  As spring comes, everything is in a rush. Swallows are busy with building their nests; frogs are busy with breeding their offspring; little grass is busy with growing up; seeds are busy with sprouting. And the farmers are busy with their farm work. Look, how hard they are working in their field! So there s no doubt that they will reap a good harvest through their hard work.


春天的英语作文 篇2

  It has been deep spring now, but the weather is still comfortable. Today is weekend, three of my friends and I went to the East Lake. We met each other at 8:00 a.m. and then we started. We went there by bike. It took us forty minutes to get there. We went boating first after we got there. It was really interesting. And then we had a picnic. We prepared some meat, vegetables, corns and other food. I like picnic outdoors. It makes me realxed. We went home at about 4:00 p.m.. We had a great day today. We decided that we will go there at the summer. At that time, we can swim in the lake.

春天的英语作文 篇3

  the waterfall behind our house at the lower end of lake edenwold is a thundering cascade of spring runoff from the melting snows of winter. it's been a three-week drum roll leading up to today, when the cymbal will crash and the earth will arrive at that point in its orbit around the sun where it will be light for as many hours as it will be dark.

  today is really the celestial climax to a prelude whose crescendo has been growing now for a month in the forests and lakes all around us. beginning in late february and through the month of march on my saturday morning hikes through the lower highlands, i have watched spring slowly unfold before my eyes.a pair of hooded mergansers suddenly appeared on our lake earlier this month and i heard the unmistakable call of a wood duck. several thousand feet overhead, an enormous, migratory flock of canada geese undulated like strands of limp black thread suspended against a steel gray sky; their wild honking clearly audible in spite of the flock's altitude.

  just a little more than one week ago, as i came to a place in the woods where the forest suddenly yields to what is a wild flower meadow in the late spring and summer, the bare trees were filled with hundreds of red-winged blackbirds, their cacophonous chatter filling the otherwise still morning air. it was an eerie harbinger of spring, reminiscent of the alfred hitchcock movie "the birds." later that same afternoon, a small flock of cedar waxwings, another migratory species of songbirds stopped for a rest in a nearby tree only two blocks from our house.

  man has always been fascinated with the arrival of spring. king solomon weighed in on it when he wrote these words from his "song" in the old testament: "see! the winter is past; the rains are over and gone. flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. the fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance."the arrival of spring has always marked a rebirth of sorts, not just for nature but also for us humans. it is a time of awakening, a time to forget the old and to embrace the new.

  for most kids it's simply a time when they can play outside longer, riding their new bicycles and skateboards or shooting hoops in driveway basketball courts. for some adults it can be a serious time, a release from the seasonal depression caused by the reduced hours of sunlight during the dark months of winter.but for most of us, it is a release from the mundane things that after three months have added up to the point where we are all just ready for a change. you know: things like having to wear layers of heavy clothing, white-knuckle drives to work on icy roads, and leaving home mornings in the dark only to drive back home again in darkness later the same afternoon.

  the crocus and daffodils will soon start peeking their heads above last year's pine bark nuggets and what's left of the winter snow still piled in the beds under the white pines out by the road.they are yet another prelude to the appearance of more flowers and birds: the warblers and the tanagers that will shortly appear in the trees around my home. i can't wait to inhale the aromas of things like the warming earth, new mown grass, and fresh piles of damp cedar mulch. and i am looking forward to that first morning when i can sit outside on my deck with a cup of coffee and feel comfortable without having to don a fleece or a heavy woolen shirt.

  whatever your passion in life, take time like the busy king solomon to pause from it for a moment over the next few weeks and just sit and watch and enjoy the spectacle of spring unfold before your eyes.

  and give thanks.

春天的英语作文 篇4

  Spring, a lively season. Spring is a season for all things to recover.

  In such a full of vigour, rebirth, flowers open up hurriedly, a more than one flower is more beautiful, more beautiful than a flower. A golden trumpet “ ” dance in the gentle breeze. The green grass also drilled out of the land, stretched out a lazy arm, waved his soft arm, cheered for the graceful dance of the spring flower, cheered for spring!

  The little river that slept for a winter was thawing, and the little fish finally got free, hopping and jumping on the water without scruple. It seems to be having a party for the coming of spring.

  Rose does not resigned to playing second fiddle she drew one piece, and a piece of green leaves, so cute. A lovely cat lying under the flower rose looked at the ground in journeying Nenmiao, seemed to think about what my heart.

  I walk in the soft spring breeze, and I see the cherry blossoms on both sides. The white and white petals, with the tender yellow stamens, can just see people drunk.

  The green lawn, flowers flourish, famous, nameless, arrogant, elegant, smiling bloom. Not open, also carried out a bud, ready to bloom, his most beautiful moment. And those who do not have flowers, their leaves dressed water Lingling, let a person look, so full, toughness. The branch is divided into one branch, which divides a branch, showing her charm in the spring breeze.

  Spring and spring, I would like to be one of your members, under the watering of the gardener, add the spring color to the campus, and decorate the motherland more beautiful.

春天的英语作文 篇5

  The recovery of all things, flowers, green grass, willow germination, flower bud is … … oh! This is the spring of spring.

  Ziyan's end finally broke the silence last winter, “ chirp ” call, wake-up sleep in the spring, the wind girl gently stroked the melody, the notes, into &ldquo &rdquo dripping dew;; playfully flying to the earth, oh! This is the first rain in spring.

  Intermittent rain, wake up the sleeping earth, awakened the hibernating animal, at this moment a party to transform heaven and earth, happy!

  Oh Spring, my favorite season.

  She was the beginning of a good time and the end of a snow-white time. She, softly and gracefully, became the queen of the four seasons. The following are the reasons I like her.

  Farmers began planting, the birds begin to sing, the animal began to cheer, without stop rain, the seed moisture, hang up the sun, let the seed of warm, fish from the water looked up the breath of rain, animal in the rain shower, how wonderful!

  I went to the rose buds, with gentle hands, I went to the germination of willow, with its long braids, I walked to the lawn, see grass flowers erect, like each other in greeting!

  Flying over a group of geese in the sky, they have just come back and go to the Carnival Party.

  I love spring, according to the warm sunshine in the body, on the way home, I enjoyed every spring to give!

春天的英语作文 篇6

  Spring has come, and everything has come back. The little grass came out of the soil and dyed the earth green. A variety of flowers competing open, there are camellias, there are winter jasmine, apricot flowers, as well as peach blossoms. They all give off a faint fragrance. The willows by the pond grew buds, too. The swallow flew back from the South and built its new house. The spring rain woke up all the hibernating animals. My kids are wearing a beautiful spring, go to the park to fly kites, very happy.

  Ah! Spring is really beautiful.

春天的英语作文 篇7

  Spring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green and the flowers come out. On the playground in the fields on each side of the road the young grass grows everywhere.

  Spring also arrives in our school. Come and see behind our teaching building there are some small pear trees covered with white flowers; on both sides of it there are some other flowers smiling at you Some are yellow some are red. In our school garden more flowers are there. All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen.

  Look there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Some boys are playing games in the sun Listen a group of girls are singing "Where£s spring?" It sounds like the singing of lark birds. All these make me think that spring is here spring is there and spring is just in our school. Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring.

  What a beautiful season! }tow lovely the children are!





春天的英语作文 篇8

  spring is a wonderful season。it's getting warmer and warmer。people take off their heavy coat。the flowers begin to open 。they are very beautiful and lovey。the trees begin to turn green。

  the birds begin to sing here and there。it's often windy。so many people with their child to go to th park 。they like to fly kites。look th grasses are grow up。the butterflies and the bees are flying。they are very happy too。

  i like spring very much。because it is very interesting and fun。what a beautiful spring!

春天的英语作文 篇9


  The cold winter has passed away, and the warm and beautiful spring has come unconsciously. The gentle spring girl, swinging her lithe hands, walked quietly, and arrived!


  Spring is so very pretty and charming, attractive.


  Look! The blossoming red kapok flowers bloom in the branches. Especially its bud, red, very full, as if suddenly popped up! Countless beautiful kapok, dotted with chastity trunk, looks so elegant!


  Looking round, a large green meadow, like an endless green blanket, is so soft and lively! No wonder the famous ancient poet Lu You said, "the wildfire cannot burn and the spring breeze blows again."!


  Spring is coming! The farmers expectations will be happen unexpectedly! They are busy sowing seeds, working day and night, not just want to have a good harvest? Uncle farmer is really great! But if there is no spring, will there be the expectation of sowing and the hope of harvest? No, And all that was given to them by spring, and ours.


  Ah! Spring! You are the resurrection agent of heaven and earth"! Without you, there would be no beautiful flowers: without you, there would be no hope for farmers to sow seeds. It is you who gave life to the earth and created the soul of all things!


  Ah! My beautiful spring!

春天的英语作文 篇10

  春天到了,小草变绿了,花儿开放了,蝴蝶和小蜜蜂匆匆忙碌着;小河的水变清了,鱼儿在快活地游来游去;东风吹来,风筝飞满了天;阳光里,不知名的小飞虫在跳跃着;小蚂蚁也钻出洞 穴,忙着找食物;大树脱下厚厚的.冬衣,发出嫩芽;小朋友们也脱下那厚厚的棉衣,换上春装,手拉手在暖暖的阳光下蹦呀。跳呀······春天真美!

  When spring comes, the grass turns green, the flowers open, the butterflies and the bees are busy in a hurry; the water in the river becomes clear, the fish are swimming around happily; the east wind blows, the kites fly all over the sky; in the sun, the unknown flying insects are jumping; the ants are also drilling holes Hole, busy looking for food; tree take off the thick winter clothes, send out buds; children also take off the thick cotton clothes, put on the spring clothes, hand in hand in the warm sun jump ah. Jump... Spring is beautiful!










