

时间:2023-06-11 14:13:21 英语作文 我要投稿
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学英语作文400字 篇1

my day

  This is my day. I'm very busy but very happy.

  I got up at 6:45. I had breakfast at 7:10 with my parents. I said "Good morning!" to my parents. My parents smiled. I went to school at 7:30. I said "Hello! Good morning!" to my friends. I had English class at 8:40.At noon I had lunch. In the evening I had dinner at 6:30. I did my homework at 7:00.

  I went to bed at 10:00.This is my day!




学英语作文400字 篇2






学英语作文400字 篇3

  I always wanted to raise a pet, but my mother refused because I even couldn’t look after myself well. But recently, my mother changed her attitude, she bought me a lovely cat as my birthday gift. I was very happy and promised to keep it well. Since raising this lovely creature, I became patient. When I bathed her, she struggled and tried to run away, then I had to grab it back. The most important thing was to feed food on time and clean the place that the cat lived. Sometimes I felt so dirty to do it, but I had made my promise and couldn’t break my words. I learned a lot from raising a pet. I started to consider my mother’s feelings when I became naughty. I needed to make some changes and be a better girl.

学英语作文400字 篇4


  开始我对这个班一点都不感兴趣,一个原因是我不喜欢学英语,另一个原因是上这个课就占用了我星期天玩的时间。所以,每次上课我都是嘴噘脸掉,极不情愿地被妈妈拽去。可是最近我对英语越来越感兴趣了,我发现上阶梯英语课是件快乐的事情。每次上课都是老师Ruhy带着我们做游戏,只不过全部说英语,不能说中文。 有一次我们学到husband 与wife这两个单词时,Ruhy 扮演wife,她选了我们小朋友里最高的'男孩子当husband,可是还是比Ruhy低很多。然后,Ruhy对她的husband说:“You are very low !”斗得我们小朋友都哈哈大笑。我们在课堂上不仅玩分角色读课文,还玩击鼓传球,猫捉老鼠……总之,在这里学英语变成了做游戏,我对英语也从讨厌变成了喜欢。


学英语作文400字 篇5

  Hello, everyone. I'm a little rabbit. My name is Jenny.


  Look! I'm very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrotsvery much.


  I have a good friend. She's my little master. Her name is Shirley. We always play games together. I like her very much.


  I spend every day happily. I will grow up gradually.


学英语作文400字 篇6

  I once saw sunrise. I was very amazing and beautiful. The night before, we lived in the top of mountain. About 4 p.m., we went out of the tent. It was so dark outside that we could not see anything. I was very quiet and seemed that everything was sleeping. About twenty minutes, the sky turned to white slowly. And we can see the outline of mountains. Suddenly, the clouds turned to brighten and slowly, the sun rised slowly. It was red, but after it appeared totally, it became golden. Its light irradiated to everywhere. The sky was totally golden and it was really beautiful.

学英语作文400字 篇7

  almost everyone has seen bamboo。 bamboo grows up straight and thin, with branches at the top。 it has long leaves。it looks like a tree, but it is really a kind of grass。

  there are more than five hundred kinds of bamboo。 some grow over ten meters tall, and some are only a few inehes tall。 bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and it rains often。

  the long stem of bamboo is hollow, which makes them light and strong。people use it to build houses and bridges over rivers。 it can be used to make tables,chairs, baskets and many other things。 bamboo is also made into paper。 the tender young shoots of bamboo are tasty。 people like to eat them。

  do you like bamboo?










