

时间:2023-06-27 15:12:51 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  Dear Editor,

  In the past, my hometown used to be a beautifulplace. It was surrounded by plenty of trees andcovered with green grass everywhere. Later, peopledestroyed many trees to turn for its into farmlandand a lot of water and soil was carried away down thehills. Thus, much farmland has became waste land. What's worst, this waste land is increasingand our village is suffering from storms. I think it's time for us to realize the importance ofprotecting the environment and to do something about it, such as planting trees,growinggrass and so on. I am sure that our hometown will become beautiful again in the fewyears time if we do so.

  Yours sincerely,


英语作文400字 篇2

  My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and help me cheer up. When I began learning to walk, mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to stand up while I fell down. As I finally threw myself into her arms, her eyes Smiled with praise. Aftei I entered the school, mother's eyes still encouraged me. Once I failed my Chinese exam, my mother helped me find out the reasons instead of blaming me. Now I have grown up and become more independent, but whenever I come across setbacks, my mother's eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.

英语作文400字 篇3



  0k ,以后我就是你们的英语老师,很高兴与你们相遇。我们议论了起来她是否严厉,是否温柔,是否有责任心。接着老师说上课我们要认真,你们必须要听我的话,不然我是很严厉的,且不管你小学英语学的是否好,在我这儿只要你想学随时都可以,在我这儿都是从零基础学习,我愿意教你老师说了一大堆。


  老师也是一个严厉的人,就以我来说,我是一个浑身毛病的人,上课睡觉、爱搞事情。 这周五我还被训斥了一顿,放学后望着老师离去的背影,我飞快地跑过去,诚恳地承认了我的错误,老师用手搭在我肩上轻轻地推着我往前走。我们边走边聊:你看人家那么大个,你看你死招惹人家,是不是你的不对?你有没有想起来你在军训时对我说的什么?就像是你把一把刀插入老师,再拨出来说声对不起。老师就是那么傻的人会原谅你。老师对我说的话,让我感触至深,我决心改掉身上的坏毛病。


英语作文400字 篇4


  顷阅今日xx报,得悉贵公司招聘职员,本人符合报载所列条件,拟参加应征。 我于三年前,毕业于某大学外文系,自信能符合贵公司征求精通英文之要求。 本人除在大学主修英文外,并在abc贸易公司担任秘书工作历三年之久。另谋他职的主要原因,是希望从较大的'贸易公司如贵公司工作,能获得更多的工作经验,就以我所受的教育与经验,物来在贵公司工作会有助益。兹随函附履历表、毕业证书及大学校长推荐函各一件,倘蒙阁下接见,将不胜感激。

  dear sir,

  in reply to your advertisement in todays newspaper regarding a vacancy in your office, i wish to apply for the position of senior clerk, which you have specified.in addition to my study of english while in the university, i have worked for three years as secretary in the firm of abc trading co. ltd.very truly yours,

英语作文400字 篇5

  Last Sunday, my mother and I went to a park on foot。 At first, both my mother and I were very happy。 But I became unhappy and angry after I found there was some litter lying on the grass。 At the same time, I saw a man throwing a plastic bag on the road。At once, I told him to pick it up, but the man did nothing after he had heard what I said just now。 It made me even angrier。 I picked it up and threw it into a dustbin。

  After I went home, I thought it for a long time。 I think people mustn’t throw about in public places。 We should do something useful to improve the environment。 Because the environment is one of the factors which can decide how long we can live in the world。 So to protect the environment is just to help ourselves。

英语作文400字 篇6

  There are four seasons in a year. They are spring ,summer ,autumn and winter. I love spring best. Because spring is a beautiful season. When spring comes ,everything begins to grow. The weather is warm and sunny .The trees turn green .The flowers come out .They are very beautiful.

  And people begin to do exercise .Look! In the park , Some old people are warking near the river.Some yong people are running around the road. Some children are playing games under the big trees.They are very happy.

英语作文400字 篇7

  Beijing is the capital city of china .There are many risitors in Beijing every year.Beijing is famous for the Tianan men Square,the Summer Palace and Beijing Duck.

  last year,I went to Beijing with my parents.We went there by plane .We stayed there for eight days I ate Beijing Duck every day.It is very delicious. But it is very expensive .i risited the Summer Palace and the Beijing zoo.The Beijing zoo is very intere sting .The are many monkeys there.

  Beijing is very interesting.I love Berjing,What about you?

英语作文400字 篇8

  It smygrandma sbirthdaytoday.Sheliveswithmyuncle in a village not far from Taiyuan. We decided to visit her.

  At eight o clock in the morning,myparents and I went to a shop and bought a bigbirthdaycake. It took us two hours to go there inmyfather s car.Mygrandma and uncle were very glad to see us. I shook her by the hand and said, Happybirthdayto you!Shesmiled happily. Then we sat down to talk, and we had a wonderful time together. At 5 o clock in the afternoon we said goodbye to them and went home.


  早上八点,我的父母和我去了商店买了一个大生日蛋糕。我们花了两个小时搭乘父亲的`汽车去那儿。我的奶奶和叔叔很高兴看到我们。我向她摇了摇手,说: 祝您生日快乐! 她高兴地笑了。然后我们坐下来聊天,我们一起度过了一段美好时光。下午5点我们对他们说再见,回家去了。

英语作文400字 篇9

My Three Meals

  I’m a primary school student. I go to school every day from Monday to Friday. Every morning I have some milk and toast for a quick breakfast. I like toast with strawberry jam.

  I don’t have lunch at the school canteen. I like to have a sandwich, an apple or a bar of chocolate for lunch.

  Dinner is usually nice with my family together. My mother likes to cook some beef or chicken, vegetables, and some fruit salad. After dinner, I have some ice cream. It’s delicious.











中考英语作文范文 童年的记忆-英语作文06-20


中式英语 Chinese English-英语作文06-20


