

时间:2023-06-29 18:09:16 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  It's important for everyone to have three meals everyday. Many people miss their breakfast because they do not have enough time -- that's totally bad for bodies. It's easy for you to get hungry if you do not have anyone of these three meals. Breakfast is important, beacuse you have not been eating anything for hours before you get up. You can not miss your lunch because you need to get energy for the rest of the day. Some people do not have dinner in order to lose weight, but they will feel hungry later but food taken at that time is harder to be digested, they will get less nutrition but a lot fat store in their body instead. That's why you need to have three meals on time everyday.



英语作文600字 篇2

  Currently, many problems concerning the safety of food have popped up. As for me, I believe at least three factors account for this issue.

  First, I observe that profits drive many food producers to commit illegal things. They aim to gain more money at the expense of consumers health. Second, the overuse of agricultural pesticide has resulted in the degradation of food quality. The excessive pesticide bears enormous health hazard for people. Furthermore, some food producers inject hormones into domestic animals so as to make them grow more quickly and thus they can turn in more profit. As a result, peoples health has been seriously disturbed.

  All in all, food safety is such a great concern, and we all should do establish laws and implement them effectively to avoid producing toxic foods.

英语作文600字 篇3


  Last night I had a dream. I became an angel. I am in an angel country. There are many angels in the angel country. They have a pair of wings. Their house is made of clouds. It is very soft.


  After a while, many angels passed by me, and I followed them. The angels came to a palace. There were sun god angels, star God angels and moon god angels in the palace. Sun god angels controlled the sun. Needless to say, you must know what star God angels and moon god angels did.


  Later, my mother woke me up and I went to school.

英语作文600字 篇4

  There are two bigger river in China. They are the Changjiang River and the Huanghe River .

  The Huanghe River is a very long river ,but it isn’t longest river of China . The Huanghe River is the second river in China .The Huanghe fish is very famous .I like eat ,too . The Huanghe River is a great river.The Huanghe River is also called “Mother River”,because we all dink the Huanghe River’s water .

  I love you,the Huanghe River !

  The Changjiang River is the longest river in China . In China,It is longer than any others .It is in south of china.It is wide and deep very much . The Changjiang River is a beautiful river .There are many many boats on the Changjiang River every day .

  I love you , the Changjiang River !




  长江是中国最长的河流,它比中国其他的河流都要长。它在中国南部。 它非常深而且宽阔,是一条非常美丽的河流,每天都有很多船只在长江上航行。


英语作文600字 篇5

  1) It’s our duty to save water(节约水是我们每个人的责任)

  As we know , water is very important to man, (我们知道,水对人类来说是非常的重要。)we can’t live without water. (没有水我们就不能生存。)The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. (适合人类喝的水是越来越少了。)But some people don’t care about it .(但是有些人却不关心或不在意。)They waste a lot of water in their daily life. (日常生活中他们浪费很多水,中考英语作文《节约水是我们每个人的`责任作文》。)Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.(更糟糕的是他们排放污水到河流里。) They throw rubbish into rivers , too. (他们还乱扔垃圾到河流理去。)Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.(很多河流湖泊已经受到严重污染。) Something must be done to stop the pollution. (人类必须采取一些措施来制止污染。)Only in this way can we live happily.(只有这样,我们才过得幸福开心。) If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.( 如果我们不节约水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪)

英语作文600字 篇6

  The story happened a year ago. One day, I was walking along the street when an old man walked towards me. He asked me the way in English. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't understand what he said. He repeated again and again. At last I seemed to know what he was saying.

  He was a Japanese. He thought I could speak English. So he asked me the way in English. My goodness! His Japanese English confused me a lot. then he spoke English very slowly.He even wrote the English words on a piece of paper. In the end I managed to help him get the right way. I thought maybe it was necessary for me to learn some Japanese.

  A few months later, I was enrolled to attend a summer course, learning Japanese. I was surprised to find that old man was there, teaching us Japanese.There's no story without coincidence!






中考英语作文范文 童年的记忆-英语作文06-20


中式英语 Chinese English-英语作文06-20


