

时间:2023-07-09 10:00:14 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1


  Coal is so commonly used in life that we seldom notice it. We burn coal everyday to heat food and water. The first locomative was driven by burning coal. In winter we feel a special need for coal. The coal gives us fire, light, heat and warmth. Industry cannot operate withoutcml, therefore,mai i9 called the food lot industry.

  Coal is not so treasured as gold. Gold is made into shining ornaments for the necks of heroes and heroines. Coal is shining in its own way. It burns silently for the benefit of all. In a sense it is black gold.

  Coal underwent great changes before it became the bright, brittle, black substance which we now use. During ancient times, when the earth enjoyed a very warm and moist climate, the land was covered with large forests and big plants. As time went on, the ground changed and began to sink. These enormous quantities oftrees and vegetable matter were covered by a deposit of sand and clay. This layer of sand and clay pressed upon the layer beneath and prevented the contact with air. These trees and plants succummed to the pressure and changed their appearance.

  Generation after generation, as the ground kept gradually sinking, another layer of sand and clay was deposited above the layers already formed. A great pressure was thus exerted and the peat was changed into the black and brittle substance which is known as coal.

  From the formation of coal, I see that the coal bas the same character as the pine trees in winter. The pines remain green when they are covered with snow. The coal remains of service to mankind after being burted underground for years and years.







英语作文 篇2

  有些人以为某些数字,比如 6 、 8 、 9 等会带来好运。他们在选择车牌号、电话号码时不惜花费“择号费”要这些数字。而你本人却不相信这些。你认为成功和财富与所谓的吉详数字无关,要靠自己艰辛的劳动和努力。

  请你根据以上内容写一篇文章,题目是 do “ lucky numbers ” really bring good luck?

  some people think certain numbers may bring good luck. these numbers include “6”, “8”, “9” and so on. therefore, when they want to choose a car number or a phone number, they buy the number which ends with these lucky numbers at a higher price.

  in my opinion, there are no relations between the so-called lucky numbers and luck. the only key to success on wealth lies in hard work. if we are too dependent on it, we may become lazy or easily discouraged when these numbers proved to be useless. we should believe in our own efforts to struggle for the success.

英语作文 篇3

  Aesop and the Traveler

  In ancient Greece there once lived a clever man.His name was Aesop.

  One day,when Aesop was taking a walk in the country,a traveler stopped him and said,"Kind sir,can you tell me how soon I can get to town?"

  "Go."Aesop answered.

  "I know I must go,"said the traveler,"But I want to know how soon I can get to town."

  "Go."Aesop shouted to him.

  The traveler was very angry."This man must be mad,"he thought.And he walked away.

  Suddenly he heard Aesop shouting to him,"You will get to town in two hours."

  The traveler was greatly surprised.He turned back and ask-ed,"Why didn't you tell me that before?”

  "How could I have told you that before?"answered Aesop,"I didn't know how fast you could walk."













英语作文 篇4


  Mr. Lee is my English teacher, and is thirty. He likes sports very much, so he looks strong and young. He is fond of singing too. When we feel tired in the class, he will teach us some English songs. Sometimes he tells us some funny stories. He often encourages us to speak and write in English. Although we may make mistakes now and then, he always corrects them patiently and tells us how to write properly. He is really a good teacher. We all love him and his class.

英语作文 篇5

  A big effort to make it a happy birthday


  I like birthdays. I like fuss, a grand gesture. X can't understand the fuss. It's about upbringing, I think: his parents unceremoniously hand him something – not even wrapped – at some point within a few months of the date. I'm fairly sure they don't know when it is. For me, birthdays mean surprises, parties, over-excited children blowing out candles on sponge cakes. Like pencil marks on the wall, they are the backbone around which you hang family rituals. Birthdays are also a way to make up for the failings – perceived or real – of the past 12 months.

  We didn't have the stomach for the last round. Absorbed in our own misery, X and I lumped the boys' birthday parties together, a swiftly expedited afternoon in a soft-play centre, a swiss roll with candles. It's hardly the stuff of misery memoirs, but it made me sad.

  Now a year has passed and birthday season is upon us, for the first time as a separated family. The boys' birthdays are close together and it feels like a milestone; I want to do it right. On top of my normal birthday fixation, I know the last weeks have been very hard for the children. I am scarcely mother of the year at the moment: I have made no headway in trying to find a new job, which scares me stupid, and am still bruised and shocked from the accident. My temper is short and I cry a lot. I've seen a naked look of worry in the eldest's eyes and felt powerless to make it go away.

  It's the youngest's birthday first. He takes after his father in this: he's not really bothered. He likes presents, of course, but doesn't have my – or his brother's –need to turn the day into a Busby Berkeley musical with a firework finale. Even so, I am determined to do it properly, to crank out the old family rituals and create new ones. He'll be at X's on the morning of his birthday, mine in the evening. We've said we'll have dinner together, agreed who should get him which present.

  In preparation for the big day, I bring out the stalwart Women's Weekly cake book and canvass his opinion. "So which cake would you like? A robot? A train? A spider? I don't think I'd be very good at the castle but I'll give it a try."

  He deflates my ambitions. "I just want a plain square one."

  "Are you sure? That's easy. With sweets on it?"

  He purses his lips in thought. "Ok." I think he's humouring me. I prod him further, and he chooses something for his birthday dinner, something he has every week. I rather admire how matter of fact he is. He's one of those children that asks for a calculator and a toothbrush for Christmas.

  While he's at his father's, I make a square cake. I sneak his age on to the top in Smarties, then make another for school, with chocolate fudge icing. I wrap his presents and write his card. It's very quiet in the empty house and I don't have to hide the cake in a cupboard, or issue dire "Don't come into my bedroom!" warnings. There's no sense of anticipation, and I don't like it. It's even worse in the morning, the first time in years I haven't been woken at five on a birthday morning by an over-excited child. I don't want to do this again, I think, as I take the foil wrapped cake up the road to school.

  The evening is better. I collect the boys from school and he opens his presents. Later, X comes round and builds some Lego while I make the requested boring dinner. We eat and then we light the candles, blow them out, take the obligatory pictures. The youngest is smiling his small, careful smile in them. It feels like a birthday, at last. We both need to be there, it turns out: after all, we both made him.

  We'll know for next time.

英语作文 篇6

  The Dragon Boat Festival can be regarded as a grand festival in the Chinese folk festival, and zongzi, tea eggs and artemisia are all featured in the Dragon Boat Festival.

  When I was a child before the Dragon Boat Festival I can fully excitement ahead of last week, because you can eat delicious dumplings, then life is monotonous, also very bitter, not a holiday everyday is what also can't eat. Speaking of zongzi, it is not only delicious, but also in the process of making zongzi, which embodies the fun. Every year Dragon Boat Festival arrived, mother on the first night run a bowl of glutinous rice, package, together with my mother in the morning is in the green leaves with glutinous rice and jujube, into three form of rice dumplings, wrapped on the pot for cooking after 3 or 4 hours, after the mother put the dumplings in the prepared within two buckets, cold after carefully through bamboo leaves, bite on white glutinous rice, purplish red jujube is, dip in the sugar to eat, then eat is so sweet and delicious, resistant finish.

  On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, the family put the mugwort in the mountain on the door, saying that to ward off evil spirits, our children just imitated and did not understand the meaning of it.

  On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, after getting up, the mother wrapped a colorful silk thread on our wrists and ankles, and carried it all the time. It is said that we can get rid of evil spirits. Actually in my heart, these colorful silk threads in my heart is the replacement of those exquisite bracelets. Some people will spend some money to buy perfume pouch with their children, and my mother is made of small head, myself with some cotton and put some vanilla, even so we also very happy.

  Memories of childhood holidays are happy, the festive atmosphere is also stronger than now.

英语作文 篇7

  I heard that Shanghai is a famous metropolis, I am ready to go there for three days.

  We started at half past seven, a full ride of the morning car, and finally came to Shanghai, the first stop of tourism is Shanghai chocolate happy paradise. Into the door, the door is a large square, the central square has a huge three meters high cream flavor plus chocolate flavor ice cream model, big hot dog model, there is a flower bed. Tour guide for everyone to buy tickets, let us free to play.

  Making the food need to understand the food, so I first went to the chocolate showroom. Wow, there are many chocolate works inside. Talk about the most realistic it! That is - the chocolate Garfield, the author of the white cream outside the color with a delicious orange cream coated, coupled with other butter, looks very smooth, lifelike, but also made a lot of appearance: , Become superman, and female cat friends together ... ... all kinds of beautiful very beautiful. The next one is the fun.

  This time, we have to do donuts. To start the waiter gave me an ordinary donut and a bottle of strawberry cream bottle, I moved to a table, took out the ordinary donuts, and opened the lid of the cream bottle, squeeze the cream, painted To the donuts, and finally, the table out of the chocolate slag bottle, open, sprinkled with colorful chocolate slag, a delicious donut played, watching the delicious chocolate donuts, I am very happy The

  Let's talk about the biscuits, we have three people into the door, looking for a location, the waiter gave us two sticky dough, there is a pole stick. We first grabbed the dough, hard to rub, so that the dough is no longer sticky hand, and then pressure on the stick above the dough, push forward, this has been done, the dough down on the flat. Then, with the side of the plastic bowl model: a butterfly type, bear type, there are five-pointed star, there are Mickey Mouse head and ear type, there are hexagonal type, there are small fish type ... ... All the way, I grabbed a sock-type model pressed on the flat bread, and grabbed the bear, six sides, small fish, five-pointed star, rabbit, Mickey Mouse's head and ears, and so the shape of the model, Pressed up. Finally, the extra bread carefully torn off, kneading into a group, began in accordance with the second step to the last step of the method to do it one after another, until the dough did not.

  I have done a lot of works, there are cotton candy, pizza and colorful chocolate.

英语作文 篇8

  My grandma is over seventy now. These days she doesn't feel well, and her legs hurt. This afternoon my father and I took her to the hospital. The doctor looked her over carefully. He said that she was in good health, but people get all kinds of illness as they got older. He also said that she would get well in the coming spring.

  I know my grandma has done much for our family. Now she is getting old, and it's time for me to look after her. I'll try my best to make her live happy.




英语作文 篇9

  In recent years, we can clearly feel the environment around us is more and moreobvious pollution, environmental safety problems have been very serious. Because of our previous policy is heavy economic development, light environmental protection,resulting in environmental pollution, ecological damage is very serious, mainly manifested in the following aspects:In the atmosphere of security, since the middle of the twentieth Century, industry andthe rapid development of transportation, causing air pollution is increasing. Air pollutionis harmful to human health, but also affect the growth of plants and animals,destruction of building materials, serious when can alter the earth's climate. According to the survey, China each year from air pollution and economic losses amounted to about 100000000000 yuan.

  In the water security, water pollution in China is very serious, widespread around thedrinking water safety problems, a direct threat to human and animal survival. In recent years, although the investment fund management a lot of Huaihe and other waters, but the effect is not obvious, the overall situation is still deteriorating.

  In a biological safety, the invasion of alien species mass, a serious threat to thebiological diversity of china. In fact, the blind introduction of foreign species, damage the environment balance, serious and even lead to disastrous consequences. At the same time, because of the destruction of the ecological environment and wildlifehunting, biological extinction rate is rapidly increasing.

  In the security of land, the land desertification and soil erosion is very serious. In addition, the cultivated land quality in China decreased very rapidly, at the same time,because of the serious land pollution phenomenon caused by excessive use ofpesticides, is directly related to food safety problem of residents in our country. China is a developing country, in the face of environmental pollution pressure not only fromChina itself, and applied pressure from some developed countries abroad. Therefore the development of economy and environment is a need for us to issue long face, and it also need to rely on the participation of each and every one of us.

英语作文 篇10

  I was in primary school through the fifth primary school, happy time for less homework, the teacher always tells stories. The first grade when I do not love learning, but after the third grade I began to love learning, because the teacher says learning fun for us, and we often have sports activities.

  I will forever remember my elementary school schoolmate, elementary schoolteacher, also will forever remember my unforgettable elementary school life.








中考英语作文范文 童年的记忆-英语作文06-20


中式英语 Chinese English-英语作文06-20


