

时间:2023-08-04 17:16:35 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  There are 3 people in my family.My father,mother and me.We enjoy having dinner together.My mother always cooks dilicious meal for us,and my father always tells me historical events in human history.They both care about my personal development.Besides taking care of me,they also treat their works like their own kid.They both devote themselves to the work.I am proud of my family.


英语作文400字 篇2

  Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey. Monkey is a kind of lovely animal. Many people like monkeys very much. Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur. Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail. I can see them on TV or the zoo. Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them. Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them. They are so lively and favorable. When they are happy, they will act for visitors. It’s very funny.


英语作文400字 篇3

  I would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester.

  You were alway so patient when I asked you questions.You listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly.You showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage.I felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking English.

  You made the excercise so interesting that I was always very eager to participate and practice.My English has improved so much.How could I thank you enough?!I cannot wait to take your class next semester and keep working on my English.

  Sincerely yours,

英语作文400字 篇4

  All the people often say:"mother's love is the greatestin the world!"Yes,mother's love is very great.We mother give us very too much love.But a big number of us. don't know our mother give us too much love.Mothers are very tired .We don't know make her to rest.Mothers are thirsty.We don't know give they a cup of tea.When we beacome to father or mother.We know our parents give us much love .So,at this moment.We mut reture a good grades to our parents.

英语作文400字 篇5

  Easter is the most important religious feast in the Christian liturgical year. Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead two days after his crucifixion, and celebrate this resurrection on Easter Sunday, two days after Good Friday. The year of this resurrection is variously estimated between the years 26 and 36 AD (see also Chronology of Jesus). Many non-sectarian cultural elements, such as the Easter Bunny, have become part of the holiday‘s modern celebrations, and those aspects are often celebrated by many Christians and non-Christians alike.

英语作文400字 篇6


  记得上个学期、我们上英语课、因为英语老师要去听课、所以安排了作业给我们做、但是她又怕太吵、所以叫英语课代表管纪律、谁违反了纪律、谁就将这次的作业做30遍、我们都乖乖的做了起来、但是、英语老师刚刚走、我们班上那几个调皮的男生就吵了起来、课代表就记了他们的名字、还让他们别吵、不然就把名单拿给老师看、可是那几个人那里会听啊........继续吵 、课代表就发火了、说:“如果你们静下来、我就把你们的名字都画掉”其中有一个男生说:“你以为你是谁啊、再说了、老师也只是说说而已、又不是真的.。”说完就继续吵了起来、到快要下课的时候、老师就回来了、拿起名单看了看、就对我们说、:“班上一个人犯错、全班一起罚”老师刚说完、我们就在那里讨论了“怎么可以这样、又不是我们的错”“就是啊、我们可没有吵啊、为什么要罚我们、这不公平”听他们这么说、我也很生气、心里一直在想、老师怎么这么不诚实啊、不是说好只罚违反纪律的人吗??怎么又罚我们全班的人啊、这不公平........











中考英语作文范文 童年的记忆-英语作文06-20
